magic eye doctor

Chapter 1019 Gu

Chapter 1019 Gu

Yan Xing's red fourteenth and blue three's reaction ability is first-class, and when the little loli is about to leave, he also turns around to follow her. When Professor Kang rushed over, he squeezed away the red fourteenth who was next to the little loli.

Chi Shisi: "!" I really want to hypnotize that professor. If you hypnotize someone, you won't compete with me for the position, right?
Professor Kang squeezed the handsome red guy away. He was too focused on talking to the little girl. Hearing what the little girl said was nothing out of the ordinary. It is too cruel to be unable to dig out the mystery.

In less than three seconds, his eyes lit up: "Little girl, you mean that if you join your teacher, you will have the opportunity to learn, right?"

"In theory, yes, but, I don't accept disciples before the age of 36, and anyone who wants to enter my school will have to wait at least 20 years. The same is true of the rules of my family's ancestral medical skills, unless the child's aptitude is too good, and the medical talent is too high for me I can't bear to see him wasting his time to make an exception." Hey, she's still a child, okay?Wanting her to take an apprentice so early on, it's simply impossible to have fun.

The little girl spoke indifferently, and Professor Kang's heart lit up, and the whole chest was illuminated by the sun in an instant. The little girl has just turned 16 years old, and it is indeed too early to accept apprentices now. The Kang family and the master Sun's children have a wave Young people are in their youth, and the wave of children 20 years from now will almost be teenagers. They are starting to prepare now. When the children of that generation are born, they will be able to accumulate a certain medical foundation and then send them to the little girls for review and selection. It is also very suitable.

With an idea in mind, Professor Kang's heart suddenly brightened, and he didn't mention the matter of accepting apprentices, and accompanied the little girl to the operation floor.

The little girl and Professor Kang ran away, and the medical staff who were studying and observing followed suit, surrounded by Professor Kang, the little girl, and three handsome men to find the patient in the operating room. Because the professor didn't leave a doctor's order, he was in charge of intensive care in the ward. Caring for the patient as usual.

The handsome soldier with an injured leg has already been assigned to the operating room. Because Professor Kang and the little girl did not come, the nurse in charge prepared all the surgical tools and sat outside the operating room to wait.

The nurse waited eagerly, and when she saw a group of people approaching, she jumped up excitedly and opened the door of the operating room to welcome everyone.

Youdao is a master who is a teacher. The little girl's medical skills are amazing. Professor Kang thinks that he can only look up to him in his life. He treats him with the same attitude as his predecessors, using "you" instead of "you", although the little girl said Don't be polite, he also insisted that doctors, especially those who have undergone rejuvenation surgery, should not be desecrated.

So, when he arrived at the door of the operating room, he turned sideways and walked in half a step, blocking the door to prevent it from being closed, and politely invited the little girl: "Little girl, please come in, the smell of disinfectant is a bit strong, but I was negligent. I didn't do it before." A mask is prepared for you, and a full set of sterile clothing is prepared inside."

"It's not that troublesome, it's just a small operation, it can be done in a few minutes, and you don't need to wear a sterile gown." Le Yun walked into the operation area with a smile, and went straight to the operation area.

Don't need to wear sterile clothes?

Although the medical staff were surprised, no one asked why, and filed in.

Minor surgery?Young Master Yan, who is so handsome that he has no friends, is also a little confused. He only needs a minor operation, and the army doesn't need to transfer people to the capital.

Red Fourteen and Blue Three are used to being ignored by the medical staff, and they are silent as tails. Anyway, they understand a truth: In a place like a hospital, only little lolis are there, and the eyes of professors and doctors only look at Seeing little loli, the captain and them are all empty.

The three handsome men who had been in the air quietly followed into the operating room, and saw the handsome soldier brother sitting on the operating bed with a dazed look on his face, and he snickered unkindly.

The handsome soldier heard what the doctors said when they came in, and his heart was...complicated. A little doctor said it was just a minor operation?Did he hear it wrong, if a minor operation can solve it, his legs and hands and body will be judged to be gradually and completely unconscious?

Professor Kang accompanied the little girl into the operating room, and saw the handsome young man sitting on the operating bed suspiciously looking at himself and the others, smiling happily. This young man is so lucky that he doesn't have to undergo a major operation. Maybe tomorrow You can leave the hospital and continue to fight for your country.

Seeing the bewildered eyes of the handsome little brother, Le Yun felt quite heroic like a savior, cheerfully instructing others: "Handsome and heroic little brother, you quickly take off your pants and lie down on your body, if you don't obey me or cooperate, I will call you handsome They are rough people, and their actions are very rude, so you can't blame me for scaring you."

Knowing that she is the vulgar Yan Dashao Hong Si Lan San: "..." Little Loli slandered them and wanted to cry!

The handsome little soldier stared, his ears turned red.

Seeing that the handsome young soldier didn't respond, Lan San strode forward without saying a word, jumped to the bedside, grabbed the handsome young man down with one hand, and involuntarily grabbed the young soldier's hospital gown and trousers, Pull it off.

As a result, the handsome little brother's buttocks were half exposed, he was wearing white panties, and his legs were thicker. The original handsome little brother became a thick-legged little brother.

Lan San casually tossed the trousers off Brother Xiaobing's body to the bedside of the operation, glanced at a certain place of the man, and stood aside slowly, "Well, that guy is very rich, no wonder the young nurses in the hospital I always like to run to Brother Xiaobing's ward when I have nothing to do.

The handsome little brother whose trousers were ripped off blushed, ahhh, how could it be like this?Sure enough, he is a rough person!
The handsome blue guy stood aside, Le Yun also saw the handsome little brother's legs, his small mouth opened into an O shape, and burst out with shocking emotion: "Ah, this is the legendary thick thigh?"

Lan San almost lost his footing.

Young Master Yan, Chi Shishi stared, completely dumbfounded.

What?The medical staff was dumbfounded at first, then turned to look at the patient, seeing his thick hairy legs, not supporting him, and laughing "poof".

I can't blame them for their lack of concentration, it's really... so appropriate.

The little girl's description was too close to reality, it was hard for them not to laugh.

Professor Kang didn't hold back either, and his eyes were almost narrowed with a smile: "Little girl, little girl, your really apt, this is the legendary thick thigh." Hahaha, let me introduce him to laugh for a while!
The handsome little brother closed his eyes in despair, what can he do, he is also very desperate!

The doctors couldn't stop laughing, and Le Yun couldn't stop laughing from ear to ear. He stretched out his hand to rub his face, which was about to become stiff. Let others hug it.

She didn't forget about the business, trotted over the surgical tool trolley to the operating bed, checked it again, asked the nurse to notify the surgical supplies needed for sample delivery, and selected a few needed tools to pick out and put them in a surgical instrument. In the tool tray, adjust the position of the surgical tool trolley, take out the jade box from the backpack, take a piece of leather to put on the shoulder, hold the needle in your hand, and stab it in the blink of an eye.

There are seven needles on the waist of the handsome little brother, three needles on the left, right and above his knees, two needles near the root of the thigh, and one needle on the upper middle of the thigh , The location of the needle stick is not the acupuncture point of the human body.

Sealing the blood with a needle, Le Yun slowly picked up a few pills, three small porcelain bottles, an empty jade cup and a piece of jade, and a small empty glass bottle, which was taken from jade. He took out a bottle of medicine juice from the dark compartment in the box, and poured two drops of medicine sweat into the empty glass bottle.

Then mix the medicine, take the appropriate pills, crush them, put them in the jade cup, then scrape the plaster from the porcelain bottle, put it in the jade cup, and mix well.

She mixed the ointment and the necessary supplies were delivered.

The preparations are done, move the backpack to an angle that does not get in the way, pick up the disinfectant to disinfect the area of ​​the silver needle nailed on the upper middle of the thigh of the handsome little brother, use a scalpel to scrape off the hair around the silver needle, and then disinfect, three times , with a scalpel in hand, he cut down decisively, cutting a three-inch-deep surgical window.

The first operation window was opened, and the meat on both sides was clamped with forceps and opened to both sides. Then, a few centimeters above the silver needle was opened, and a hand window more than three inches long was drawn, and the flesh layer was clamped with forceps. Let it close in the middle, and then lightly cut a few times to peel off an aorta tied with a silver needle, and use the forceps to clamp the end of the main blood vessel about six centimeters away from the silver needle.

The artery was clamped to prevent blood flow, and then the knife was cut close to the silver needle, and the aorta was cut open. The two ends of the blood vessel were clamped, and there was blood in the middle.

Le Yun was completely unmoved by the gushing blood. She held the silver needle in one hand and lifted it up. There was a thread-like blood line coming out from the tip of the silver needle. She raised her hand and moved the silver needle to the top of the empty glass bottle. Scrape the thin thread into the bottle with a knife, cover the bottle cap, and tighten it to prevent something from escaping, then use blood-absorbing cotton to absorb the blood in the surgical window wound, apply ointment, and then take a needle with suet thread to suture the main body Arterial blood vessels.

The little girl does not need helpers for a minor operation. Professor Kang led the medical staff as a crowd, and was shocked to see the little girl pick out something from the aorta of a young man. What did the little girl find?Why do I not get any shadows when I scan?
The helpless medical staff watched the little girl suture the arteries with a crochet needle, her eyes turned into copper bells, she sewed the stitches so finely, and sewed up the cut blood vessels properly, as if using machine embroidery The stitches that come out are neat and consistent.

They stared at the little girl intently. After the little girl finished suturing the blood vessels, she applied ointment to the wound, and let the ointment dry for 10 minutes, then applied it again, and then dried it again. The next time, the wound was smeared with ointment, and then a thin amniotic film was applied, and the medicine was applied, and the outside was wrapped with a section of absorbable amniotic membrane.

The most important part is to get it right. Slowly place the pliers to allow the blood to circulate. After the blood has successfully merged and circulated normally, observe that there is no sign of bleeding from the wound. Pull out the needles on the thigh and knee of the handsome little brother in an orderly manner. of stitched meat layers.

The fleshy layer was stitched many times better than the blood vessel wall membrane, and it didn't take a moment for it to be stitched neatly, the medicine was applied, the surface was pasted with bamboo film, and then wrapped with gauze to protect it.

Done, recovered the medical needle, glanced at the handsome little brother who was pretending to be dead, Le Yun smiled brightly: "Handsome little brother, I don't want to stay in the hospital for too long, you just lie down quietly, want to go to the toilet with crutches, right leg Absolutely don't use force, and you will be alive and kicking after three days."

The handsome little brother, who felt so humiliated, closed his eyes and pretended to be dead, humming like a mosquito: "Yeah. I see, thank you little doctor."

What if brother Yingwu doesn't open his eyes?Le Yun blinked and decided not to argue with the shy little brother. She stuffed her tools into her backpack, twisted her neck, and rushed out cheerfully: "I'm going home to stew Cordyceps."

The little girl turned around and ran away. Professor Kang yelled, "Little girl, little girl, wait a minute."

"What else is there for the professor to call me?" The little loli, who jumped a few meters away, turned around, tilted her head cutely, and looked at people with big watery eyes.

"Little girl, can you clarify for us, what did you take out of this little brother's blood vessel?" Professor Kang asked humbly what he hadn't figured out.

"Oh, you guys want to know about that stuff," Le Yun frowned, looking at Yanren and the handsome red and blue guys, seeing that the three didn't intend to stop them, they blinked their big watery eyes and smiled. Li De Lao Kuan: "You haven't seen that thing, you must have heard of it, it's a kind of Gu, have you heard of Miaojiang Gu?"


"Gu worm?"

Yan Shao, his teammates, and the medical staff all looked shocked, and the handsome little brother also opened his eyes, who gave him the Gu?
"That's right, it's a Gu worm. Don't try to ask me to take it out. If it's in my pocket, it's mine. I want to take it back and study it." Isn't it just a Gu worm? Why look at her?
Fearing that the group of guys would snatch the Gu worms that she took from the handsome little brother, Le Yun held the backpack and stared vigilantly at a group of spectators. No one is allowed to rob, and no one will be given to anyone who robs.

"Uh, we won't snatch yours." Yan Xing glanced at the little Lolita holding her small backpack tightly, and couldn't help smiling: "We don't like that kind of disgusting bugs, we just wonder why there are no bugs during the scan. It was found that the patient had parasites in his body."

"That kind of Gu is called Blood Thread Gu. It's like frozen blood. It's hidden in the blood vessels and can't be scanned. The Gu sucks blood for a living and has certain toxicity. It has no effect on the human body when it is a larva. It grows bigger and bigger. The food intake is getting bigger and bigger, which will numb the human tissue where it hides."

Seeing everyone's curious eyes, Le Yun had no choice but to explain in more detail: "The Gu in the handsome little brother is a mother Gu, a seed Gu carefully cultivated by a Gu master. When the seed Gu grows to a certain level, it will produce countless small Gu. The target of the voodoo becomes the food of the voodoo, and will soon be sucked dry of blood."

The medical staff wiped their sweat with lingering fear, Gu or something, it was scary!
Yan Xinglan Sanhongsi didn't ask any more questions, and left with little Lolita. Professor Kang personally sent him downstairs to watch Young Master Yan's car go away before going back to rest.

(End of this chapter)

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