magic eye doctor

Chapter 1021 It's Him

Chapter 1021 It's Him

Yan Xing lured little Lolita to the passenger cab with some scumbag news, and helped her fasten her seat belt and start the car. Hearing that little Lolita took the initiative to ask questions, he secretly rejoiced. Sure enough, he guessed right, little Lolita still cared very much The life and death of some scumbags.

"A certain old woman among the scumbags of the Huang family who bullied you turned 70 years old last month. The important members of the Huang family took the opportunity to get together. Huang Shishi also returned to China. She must have some secret plans. Huang Shishi also went to Burma. State-owned short trip."

Ok?Hearing the mention of the Huang family, Le Yun straightened her ears. When she heard the word "Huang Shishi", she couldn't help but forcefully hold the bag, the smile on her face condensed, and that vicious bitch of the Huang family appeared again. Coming to dance?
Some things are hidden deep in the bottom of my heart, like a thorn in the flesh, it doesn’t hurt if you don’t touch it, it hurts when you touch it, no one mentioned Huang Shishi that bitch, I don’t feel pain, when I hear that name, hate, involuntarily rushes to my heart .

With pain in her heart, Le Yun tried her best to relax: "Have the scumbags of the Huang family made any strange moves recently?"

"It's normal at the moment." Yan Xing turned his head to look at the little loli, saw her look sad, and broke the news: "Also, we have also targeted a suspect nicknamed 'Weighing Tuo', if there is no accident, It should be the slag you're looking for."

Le Yun sat up straight, turned her head to look at Yan Ren, her face tensed: "Really?"

"Well, the scouts in our team searched the villages and towns at the junction of Jiudao and Zhu County, as well as the gangsters in the entire Shishi City, and found three guys nicknamed 'Weighing Tuo'. , there are two gangsters from the late 2000s and early [-]s. According to the time, they were not in Shishi during that time, and the two were ruled out. At present, there is only one gangster from Zhu County who is the biggest suspect, and he is in East G. , We have started monitoring, I will save the photos in the computer, and I will show them to you at school."

"...Okay." Le Yun's back was stiff, and her fingers were also a little stiff. She answered a word heavily and then pursed her lips. If that person really weighs the weight, then, through him, she can find the person named 'Three Dogs' It's just a matter of time.

Li Wenwen, Weighing Tuo, San Gouzi, Huang Minglei, four scum that are not as good as beasts! .

Le Yun took a deep breath slowly, relaxed the tense nerves and muscles, leaned back on the back of the chair, lowered her eyebrows and lowered her eyes, quietly thinking about whether to pull the skin and tendons of the scum called a mound, or to divide the body into five horses.

Little Lolita was in a bad mood by the scumbag news, Yan Xing didn't have anything to say, and drove quietly.

Because it was already past ten o'clock when we set off from Chao Erye's house, he was afraid that he would be stuck on the road during the rush hour, so Yan Shao didn't dawdle on the road, he took the expressway in the city, and changed to the city road when he was not far from Qingda University. It was not far from the expressway and it was time to get off work, and the traffic volume increased sharply.

Fortunately, it was not far from Qingda University. Young Master Yan and other people squeezed a short distance to the west gate of Qingda University. He took a shortcut to the student dormitory area, and groups of students could be seen everywhere on the road.

Because of the hot weather, fewer students go back to the dormitory. Most students are afraid of trouble, so they go to the library or classroom with air conditioning, or go to the restaurant to enjoy the free air conditioning.

Major Yan drove the car to Xueba Building and only saw seven or eight kittens. As for the students who have returned to the dormitory, the natural cats are comforted by the air conditioner in the dormitory, and they will no longer look around.

Little Lolita was not in a good mood, Yan Xing backed up the car, and got out of the car lightly to help carry the luggage first; Le Yun's mood was affected by the scum, but she didn't lose control. Car, carrying luggage upstairs, when I open the dormitory door, the room is clean, but it is a bit stuffy, so I quickly turn on the air conditioner, don’t close the windows, and change the air first.

There was a lot of luggage, Yan Xing carried three boxes of things upstairs, and then went downstairs to carry the rest, not letting little Lori go, he alone was enough.

There was a handsome Yan Yan who was the porter, and Le Yun was the shopkeeper with a sense of peace of mind. He slipped to the bedroom first, glanced at it twice, and then cried "嘤咕咱" to others. There were a lot of couriers piled up in the bedroom.

He didn't have time to pack the courier, so he put down his backpack, and then moved the toast box he brought back from Chao Erbo's house to the kitchen table, and then boiled water to wash the dishes.

Yan Xing went downstairs for the second time and took his own backpack, holding two boxes, which contained the medical tools carved by his sixth uncle gang, and several copper alloy bottles, pots, pots, pots and bowls made by the military factory gang.

Climbing back to the girls' dormitory on the fourth floor with things in hand, seeing the little Lolita busy in the kitchen, the young and handsome senior colonel suddenly felt a little apprehensive, took his backpack to the place where the little Lolita often sat, and took out his computer Put it aside, grab a book, and be a quiet and handsome man pretending to read a book.

Boil water to wash and disinfect the unused bowls and chopsticks, Le Yun took the bowl to the bedroom to get sauerkraut, took out a handful of green vegetables and two tomatoes from the space, and went back to the kitchen to make fried sauerkraut and boil vegetarian noodles.

At noon, eat vegetables and tomato noodles, a sauerkraut with toast.

The handsome young man Yan Shao didn’t need to shout. When he smelled the fragrance, he stood by the door of the small kitchen. He waited for the little loli to cook the noodles, and helped him to carry the chopsticks. Like a lit torch, the whole person blooms like a flower, gorgeous and bright.

Sauerkraut served with noodles, it whets the appetite. Colonel Yan devoured a bowl of noodles, then ate bread in small bites, tore one piece of toast, and then tore another toast. After eating, the little loli also ate well Yes, sweep up the last bit of sauerkraut in the sauerkraut dish, and happily be a dishwasher.

I am full and in a good mood, and there is a free dishwasher to help clean up the kitchen. Le Yun doesn't have to work, so she climbs to sit next to her pile of books, touches a book to read, and waits for handsome Yan to come out after tidying up. Look at a picture of a scumbag for yourself.

Yan Xing pretended to be casual and moved to the little loli and sat next to her, hugged his laptop and turned it on, and after turning it on, he found the folder where he hid things, found a small folder, clicked on it, and then moved the computer In front of the little loli.

"Look, is it him?"

The computer moved over, Le Yun looked over, there were several photos on the laptop screen, there were ID photos, and life photos. This kind of hairstyle, medium and standard, with dyed hair, no matter how the shape changes, the outline of the face remains the same, with a long Chinese character face, almond eyes and a bulbous nose.

That kind of face shape is very common and common, just a passer-by who can't be pulled out of the ashes.

However, with just one glance, Le Yun recognized him, it was him!
The person in the photo is one of the four animals that are inferior to animals!That scumbag, the scumbag in front of me, and the three dogs Li Wenwen and Huang Minglei pulled down their pants, showing their ugly things and rubbing against her face...

She couldn't tell who was Sangouzi and who was weighing the mound, but the face of the scumbag had already been etched in her mind, unforgettable.

Le Yun's muscles tightened little by little, and she clenched her hands into fists, staring at the photo on the computer, gritting her teeth: "Scum, scum! Chopped him up, he must be chopped up!"

Those inhuman scumbags can't be exaggerated.

Dead scum, one day it will fall into her hands, first chop off his third leg, then cut off his fingers one by one, goug out his eyes, shred his mouth, cut off his tongue, Cut out his heart to see if it's black.

Hate, Le Yun hates scum, those beasts who killed thousands of knives, and inhumanely wretched a ten-year-old girl, caused her a trauma that was difficult to heal, left a psychological shadow, and made her suffer. Let her lose her grandma prematurely.

Yan Xing couldn't be [-]% sure whether the suspect was a certain person. He observed the expression of the little loli, and saw that her rosy face turned pale in a second when she saw the photo, and her eyes were fixed on the computer screen, so she knew it was a scum Right on the number.

After hearing the scolding of "human scum", she saw the muscles on her face tightened, her pupils dilated, and her eyes were fierce. Fearing that she would lose control and run away, she threw the computer away, wrapped the petite person in her arms with one hand, and Gently rubbed her head with his hand: "Don't be angry, it's not worth being angry for scum, when you want to kill scum, tell us, we will lick the scum and cut you into pieces, cut your body into pieces, and cut your body into ten thousand pieces."

Because seeing the scumbags think of the harm they have done to her, Le Yun's whole body is tense, her flesh and bones are stiff, and she gritted her teeth. When the computer is moved away from her eyes, she still feels hatred. Enmity, how can you easily control your emotions.

Little Lolita was emotionally unstable, Yan Xing comforted her softly: "Hey, little Lolita is not angry, relax..."

Her head was gently stroked, and there was a safe atmosphere around her. In the soothing words, her rising hatred slowly subsided, and her tense muscles relaxed little by little.

The tense nerves relaxed, and the hatred in his eyes couldn't be dispelled: "Is the Huang family still in touch with the scum?"

"From the existing communication tools of some people in the Huang family, there is no contact. It is not certain whether they used other numbers or whether they have contacted in private. Now that it is confirmed to be him, we will go to in-depth reconnaissance and follow-up to find out. You want revenge , I will arrange for people to tie him up, and I promise to deliver him to you within a week."

The little Lolita relaxed her body, and still had a ferocious look on her face, but in Yan Xing's eyes, she was weak and vulnerable. He gently rubbed her little head to calm her emotions. As for the scum, she just Don't get his pity, he and his brothers didn't shred that scum in private because the little loli wanted to avenge it with his own hands, otherwise that guy wouldn't know where his body was.

"I can't touch him for the time being. I understand the principle of beating grass and scaring snakes." She really wanted to chop up the scumbags immediately, but there was still a third dog who couldn't be found, and Li Wenwen was not released from prison. The son will definitely run away upon hearing the news. If the dog jumps over the wall and secretly kills his father, aunt Feng and younger brother, the family will be in danger.

Le Yun clenched her fists, waiting for San Gouzi to be found and Li Wenwen to be released from prison, then it would be time for revenge.

(End of this chapter)

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