magic eye doctor

Chapter 1025

Chapter 1025
The young master of the Tantai family works as an auditor at the middle school affiliated to Qingda University. Because the school is not a full boarding school, the Tantai family rents a two-bedroom house in Qingda University Park, and the youths of the Tantai family in Beijing come to Qingda University in turn. The driver or nanny, Tantai and his younger brother usually live in the dormitory, and rent a room to live with his younger brother on weekends.

After Le Xiaomei returned to school, Young Master Tantai received a notice saying that he would see his younger brother for the weekend. He immediately notified his family. The old butler of the Tantai family, Shoubo, rushed to Qingda University from his family on Friday. On Saturday morning, Uncle Shou and the two young masters are waiting for the little girl of the fairy doctor.

The rented house of Tantai’s family is not far from the living quarters of the school’s teachers. Professor Wan Qi and his wife heard that their elementary school students were going to help Tantai’s boy with acupuncture treatment, so the couple slipped to the rented house of Tantai’s house to play lively.

Wan Teng, his wife and Shou Bo were chatting with melon seeds, and within 10 minutes, the young man of Tantai's family who was guarding in front of the balcony saw the little girl's brother's car driving downstairs, and immediately reported it to the old housekeeper, Tantai was looking for joy. If someone stepped on its tail, it would jump up, open the door and rush downstairs.

The little handsome guy was well-dressed, but he didn't act like a gentleman at all. He rushed downstairs and rushed to the first floor. When he saw the beautiful young man and the beautiful little girl picking up things, he rushed over happily: "Little Fairy, Little Fairy's beautiful brother, I'm coming, let me come while I'm here."

Tantai Xunyang chased down the stairs with two guards, only a little behind, when he heard those words, he expressed that his brain hurts, although he wanted to be like a stupid younger brother who didn't know him, but he couldn't neglect the guests, he was in a hurry Go downstairs and catch up with the silly little brother.

Young Master Chao used to be the president of the Youth University Student Union, but it was not for nothing. He knew every street, every alley, and every district in the entire academy. Knowing where it is, as soon as I find a spot, I will help my little cutie move the things she brought when I get to the ground.

When he heard Tantai's handsome boy shout, he turned his head and saw the people from Tantai's family coming, and smiled slightly: "Don't worry, the things are naturally left for you to carry, no one will snatch them from you."

"President Chao, the truth is always very frustrating." Tantai Xunyang felt embarrassed when his younger brother rushed towards the little beauty. Little Ahuan seemed to like to cling to the little beauty. Ah Huan might become someone else's imaginary rival in love.

"Tantai Meishao, honest words are hard to hear, and hey, I have graduated, and I am no longer the president of the student union." Chao Yubo smiled and watched Tantai brothers come over. Tantai Meishao's name is really not bragging. Later, his popularity rose like a rocket, and he is the most well-known among the Junshao of the special family.

"For young college students, President Chao will always be the fairest and most beautiful president."

"Don't flatter me, I still want to study with my sister."

The two beautiful teenagers looked at each other and smiled, and looked at their younger sister/brother at the same time. They saw a cute little loli holding the collar of a boy who was taller than her in one hand. The two beautiful teenagers: "..."

Tantai Xunhuan rushed in front of the beautiful and lovely little loli, and found that he was as tall as the little fairy. He wanted to yell for fun, but the little fairy stretched out her hand and grabbed his collar. Not good, what speed is this little fairy?

"I'm taller than me, I feel very heartbroken when I look at him, how can I be cool?" Le Yun grabbed Tantai's handsome boy by the collar, looked at the handsome boy and pushed him aside, feeling resentful in his heart It's not fair, the handsome little Tantai who has been poisoned has grown up, but she doesn't grow up, it's almost impossible to live.

"..." Tantai Xunhuan, who was disliked, looked at the sky and the earth sadly. He has grown taller, and the little fairy doesn't like him anymore. This, is it better to grow taller or not to grow taller forever?

Following the two young masters to the Chao brothers and sisters car, the guards of Tantai's house held back their smiles silently, and bowed to the Chao brothers and sisters in salute. One picked up a large glass bottle and carried two bottles that were originally filled with orange sweat, but now they were filled with sweat. A bottle of black concoction; a helper picked up the foam box and a cardboard box, and the two went upstairs first.

Tantai Xunyang accompanied the Chao brothers and sisters upstairs.

The rented house of Tantai's family is on the third floor, an old house in the [-]s, with two households on the first floor, it is relatively quiet, the house is older, the interior decoration is new, tidy and tidy.

Uncle Shou stood guard at the door when the young guard returned with his things in his arms. When he saw the little girl and the gentle and elegant boy coming, he respectfully invited the guests into the hall and made tea himself.

When Mrs. Wang saw her cute little padded jacket, she snatched it into her arms and hugged her dearly. Professor Wan Teng couldn't grab her wife, and wept silently. The wife's heart empathized with her, so sad!
Le Yun was ravaged by her teacher, and after drinking tea with a red face, she went to check whether the items prepared by Tantai's house were complete.

Tantai's family is receiving the list made by the little girl, and preparing what they need. In the morning, the young master's bedroom is cleaned up and used as an acupuncture site. , There is a square shelf welded with stainless steel on the stove, a stainless steel basin is placed on it, and a bathtub is placed in the basin.

The tub and basin are full of water, the stove is on fire, and the water in the basin is boiling water. There are several thermos bottles a few meters away from the stove, a bucket with cold water, an empty bath tub, and an empty bucket. The items brought back by the guards were placed far away from the fire.

The room is about thirteen or four square meters, with a wardrobe and a desk, without too many cumbersome things.

Followed Tantai's old housekeeper to the acupuncture place, Le Yun was very satisfied. The acupuncture method like throwing the pot directly on the microwave oven is a bad idea. For example, the method prepared by Tantai's family is a good way to boil acupuncture in a bath. The bucket is placed in boiling water, the water can conduct heat, and the water in the bathtub can also maintain the temperature, and the change will not be too large.

Everything is ready, what are you waiting for?

"Except for the handsome boy Tantai, let everyone go out." Le Yun walked towards her medical medicine department with short legs, and calmly gave the order to evict customers.

"Ah, we can't be the people who eat melons?" The beautiful boy asked immediately, Xiao Lele wanted to cook the handsome boy of the Tantai family, why didn't he let him appreciate it?
"Little darling, don't drive away the teacher's wife, the teacher's wife loves the little padded jacket the most."

"Xiao Le, the teacher asked to watch, I promise to be an air, it will definitely not affect you."

Professor Wan Teng and Mrs. Wang also wanted to watch the elementary school students cook the little kids from Tantai's family. Naturally, Uncle Shou wanted to stay even more. I'm sorry to say, but stood still.

"This acupuncture process is a bit spicy, so it's not suitable to be on the sidelines. If someone is watching, it will inevitably distract people and affect the treatment effect." It is really not suitable for people to watch the acupuncture process.

"Okay, let's stop watching."

In order not to affect her darling's work, Mrs. Wang not only turned around and left, but also took the Chao family boy's collar with one hand, and the Tantai family boy's back collar with the other, and dragged the two boys away politely.

Professor Wan Teng and the young and old of the Tantai family followed silently, closed the door, went to the living room to eat melon seeds and drink tea, and waited patiently for the result.

Everyone left, Tantai Xunhuan slipped to the little girl's side, watching her play with the bottles and jars.

Unpacking the foam box and the contents of the cardboard box she brought, Le Yun mixed the ointment again, made several ointments, and made several bowls of medicine juice, and then poured the medicine juice in the large glass bottle into tub.

After testing the water temperature, turn the heat down and let the handsome boy take off his clothes. She put the leather in the jade box on her shoulders and prepared to give the handsome boy an injection.

Tantai Xunhuan will take off the coat that hinders acupuncture, and lowers her eyes shyly, umm, wearing so little, how embarrassing!

"Just do it." Le Yun glanced at the handsome young man, said something very calmly, and continued to take the needle.

"Ah? Still... want to take it off?" Tantai Xunhuan was so shocked that he almost didn't jump up.

"It's necessary, otherwise I wouldn't need people to avoid me."

"I..." Tantai Xunhuan had nothing to say, he turned his back slowly, and took off the extra restraints. He didn't have the courage to face the cute and beautiful little fairy, so he just stood like a log .

Le Yun adjusted the position of the medical needle, swallowed four pills for the handsome boy, took a bowl of ointment to wipe the handsome boy's body, wiped the back part, and then wiped the chest and front body, as for the naked man Little handsome guy, she didn't blush at all. In her eyes, the little handsome guy is just a brat, so what's there to be shy about?

She is not shy, the handsome Tantai blushes like a boiled shrimp, he has no face to face others, he simply closes his eyes as if deceiving himself, and mutters silently: "I can't see, I can't see..."

Classmate Le helped the handsome boy apply the medicine once, and then changed to another ointment when the medicine cooled down.

After applying the two kinds of ointments, the needles were inserted, first one by one, and then the flying needles were sent out like a goddess. After a little cold light flew like a shooting star, the handsome Tantai boy was tied into a hedgehog.

In the end, she inserted a few needles by hand, and when she inserted a flat-tipped needle into the Baihui point on the top of the handsome boy's head, the handsome Tantai had dozens of flat-tipped needles on his body, and immediately "chucked" a wisp of white smoke.

The smoke was as thin as mist, dissipating all of a sudden, leaving behind a faint smell.

The little Lolita pricked a flat-tipped needle into the handsome boy's back again, and when the needle was inserted, dark drops of blood gushed out from the hole of the flat-headed needle on the handsome young man Tantai's body, and the blood squeezed out from the hole into a The tiny beads dripped drop by drop, staining many areas of the handsome boy's body with blood.

The handsome guy pretended to be the corpse with his eyes closed, and Xiao Le kept his eyes open to observe until the blood in the pinholes turned bright red. He quickly retracted a few needles and lifted the handsome guy into the bathtub.

"I can open my eyes, sit by myself, and enjoy the wonderful experience of boiling a frog in warm water."

"En." Tantai Xunhuan replied shyly, slowly opened his eyes, and found that the little fairy was not in front of him, he quickly probed the tub with his feet, sat down by himself, the water was relatively shallow, and did not reach his bowels.

Soaking in the water, he dared to look around when the water covered him, and saw the little fairy coming over with a bottle of medicine, he closed his eyes in a panic, pretending that he was air.

The shy handsome guy looks cute, Xiao Le smiled and added the medicine juice, and then put silver needles on the jade pillow point on the back of his head, and then helped him do a head massage, and then added a bottle of medicine, and then did the head massage. Massage.

Push the handsome guy's blood through the palace, then feed him two pills, turn up the heat on the stove, and start cooking the handsome guy's soup. She slipped aside by herself, took out the book from her backpack and turned on the scanning function to absorb knowledge.

The bedroom is very quiet, only the sound of rolling water, breathing, and flipping books.

After listening to the clattering sound of pages for a long time, Tantai Xunhuan opened his eyes and took a peek, and found that the little fairy was seriously reading a book. He was dumbfounded. It was so hot in the room, how could she still read like no one else?
After staring at the white and flower-like little fairy for a long time, he closed his eyes and practiced. The little fairy is so good and works so hard, so he can't waste time and has to work hard to become stronger.

There is hot water and a gas stove in the room, and the air is scalding hot. Because the air conditioner is not turned on, even if the windows are open, the heat cannot be dissipated. Being in it is like being exposed to the sun at noon.

And the little girl who was scanning the book was not affected by foreign objects at all, and didn't even see a drop of sweat. She read the book like ten lines at a glance, and the pages of the book were turned quickly.

She can also focus on two things while reading, adjusting the size of the stove every once in a while, adding concoction every half an hour, sometimes helping the little handsome guy massage, or pulling out one or two needles, or putting a needle on his shoulder or chest. Pricking medical needles.

Shoubo sat with the guests in the living room and waited until 10:30 to go to the kitchen to arrange lunch. He made the lunch and ate it with the guests before continuing to wait.

The people outside waited and waited, and the little handsome Tantai guy in the bedroom meditated for two minutes and woke up once, every time he found himself still soaked in the water and closed his eyes to practice.

The little handsome guy practiced the exercises repeatedly, and the water level in the bathtub slowly rose, and the water became more and more turbid.

Boil the handsome guy until four o'clock in the afternoon, Le Xiaoluoli put away the books, poured hot water and cold water into the empty bucket, then poured the concoction, and took the handsome guy out of the tub until his skin turned red. I took a bath in my basin, showered him with warm medicinal soup, showered him from head to toe a few times, quickly tapped acupuncture points, then lifted the little handsome guy out of the basin and stood on the ground, picked up one of his feet and poured springs under his feet The bit stuck a flat-tipped needle and poked the bend of his knee with one finger.

With that finger poked, a stream of water sprayed out from the flat-headed needle piercing the Yongquan acupoint on the sole of the foot, and fell into the water basin, dyeing the water black and purple. Pick up his other foot and prick the acupuncture points on the soles of his knees to let the poison out from the soles of the feet.

To force the poison out of the handsome boy, Le Yun took back the medical needle and put it into a bottle of disinfectant, took the bath towel and tied it around the handsome boy's waist, fed him two pills, tapped his sleeping point and released him. Lie on the ground, tidy up his medical tools, and carry his backpack to the living room.

(End of this chapter)

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