magic eye doctor

Chapter 1027 Discussion

Chapter 1027 Discussion
The people who ran out of the house to watch the helicopter didn't know what was going on, so they didn't dare to approach it rashly. When a group of people dragged their things away, they all rushed up to watch the plane, and asked Zhou Pai Who were those just now.

Zhou Papi's frightened heart calmed down after time, and because the plane was right in front of him, he slowly accepted the fact that when he heard everyone asking, he replied proudly: "You didn't see who it was, is it?" Little Lele, the plane belongs to Lele, and the person who followed Lele came here once last year."


The people who flocked to the plane to watch the excitement were taken aback. They saw someone who looked like a girl from Lejia in the distance. The backs of a few people looked familiar, and the voices were also familiar, but because they were curious about the plane, they didn't think about it carefully. Who are those people.

Suddenly realized, he asked Zhou Papi the truth again and again, to verify whether the plane really belonged to the Lejia girl, but they were all dumbfounded when they got the confirmation. The young people in the village and the younger generations who wanted to buy a car were working hard. When people buy a car, a car worth 10,000+ makes them feel very rich. A girl from Lejia has her own plane while she is still studying.

The villagers who were hit badly wandered around the plane with complicated emotions, and returned home after satisfying their curiosity. Naturally, they couldn't help being envious and jealous of Zhou Qiufeng. Zhou Qiufeng must have burned countless incense in her previous life, so she married Yueqing. Follow Yueqing to enjoy the wealth earned by his girl.

In order to report to Le's family, Auntie Pa ran very fast, rushed to Le's house and saw Zhou Qiufeng washing the baby's clothes, and hurriedly shouted: "Qiufeng, Lele is back, and a group of people who came to your house last year are also here. I didn't eat breakfast, so I quickly left my work to make food."

"Lele is back? Oops, I'm going to order some noodles." Zhou Qiufeng threw away the laundry in his hand, stood up and ran into the house, calling for Yueqing to help light the fire.

Aunt Pa also trotted into the house with Zhou Qiufeng, helping to get meat from the refrigerator, eggs, and vegetables.

Father Le took his son to feed the chicks in the backyard. He heard his wife yell and threw a handful of rice on the ground. Go cook something for your sister."

"Sister, sister, I want sister!" Le Shan grinned happily, walked out of the main room with one hand on the big dog's neck, walked along the eaves to the side of the road, and looked around.

There is a big wolf dog to protect the children, so Dad Le is relieved, and goes into the kitchen to get busy cooking.

Mr. Chao took the students to do practical inspections last summer, but failed to eat the full moon banquet of Leshan. This year, he specially pushed the work of taking students to do summer practice and went to the countryside for vacation.

Professor Wan Teng visited the elementary school students' home last year, and he revisited his old place, and he was in a good mood. If his wife hadn't pulled him, he would have gone ahead alone.

Cai’s classmate, Chen, didn’t have the chance to play at Little Lolita’s house last year. This year, he finally managed to visit Little Lolita’s house with his friends. He was very excited.

Li Shaoluo, Xiao Shao, Liu Shaoyan, and Shao have all been here before, and they are familiar with the way. The young people carry luggage, walk with wind on their feet, and their smiles are brighter than the sun in the sky.

The handsome guys scrambled to help her with her carry-on luggage, Le Yun hung her small backpack with her belongings on her shoulders, and ran first. When passing by Grandma Zhou Man's house, she saw that the door was closed and did not go to say hello, and rushed all the way to the vicinity of the house , From a distance, I saw the big wolf dog accompanying his younger brother on the road, leaving everyone behind, and running wildly.

The big wolf dog smelled the familiar scent, and happily wagged its tail and ran to greet it. Le Shan ran after him, shouting as he ran, "Sister, sister—"

Hearing her younger brother calling her in a childlike voice, Le Yun's heart warmed up, and she ran to a place two or three meters away from her younger brother and squatted down, hugged the big wolf dog that came, and became intimate Rubbing against the black dragon head to head, touching its big ears: "Thanks for your hard work, black dragon, you and Le Shan are good boys."

"Wow -" Heilong barked happily, the young lady is the most beautiful, the young lady is the most gentle and understands Wang Xingren the most.

The younger brother walked steadily, Le Yun was not in a hurry to hug her, she put her arms around Hei Long and waited for her younger brother to run close before hugging her: "Le Shan, do you miss your sister?"

Throwing into her sister's arms, Le Shan hugged her sister's neck, and leaned over to kiss her face: "I think, I miss my sister, I miss my sister, both parents miss my sister."

I haven't seen him for a few months. My younger brother can not only run and walk, but also speak in an orderly manner. Le Yun happily raised his younger brother: "Le Shan is so smart!"

Le Shan, who was held high, grinned and "giggled".

He raised his younger brother to play for a while, Le Yun held his lovely younger brother in his arms again, touched the black dragon, stood up and rushed home, like a gust of wind rushed to the main room of the house, and then ran to the kitchen, seeing his family shouting happily: "Dad , Aunt Feng, the little cotton-padded jacket is back! Hey, Auntie Pao came to our house first, where did she go?"

The girl came back and acted like a baby. Zhou Qiufeng, the father of Lele who was busy cooking noodles and eggs, felt very hot in his heart. Ripples appeared on his face: "Aunt Pa went upstairs to help move the tables and chairs."

Aunt Pa moved tables and chairs downstairs from the second floor. On the stairs, she heard Xiao Lele asking herself with concern as soon as she entered the house. As if she had eaten honey, she went downstairs with a table in her arms, put it in the living room, and went downstairs again. Run up: "Lele, I'm here, you sit, it's enough to pick up aunt and grandma and move a few chairs down."

Le Yun naturally wouldn't really sit down, so she threw her backpack back into the bedroom, let her younger brother sit in the main room, picked up the kettle, squeezed out cold water from the water press, and brought it back, then went to fetch the teacup and put it on the table.

As soon as she set up the cups, Professor Wan brought a group of old and young men outside Lejiatang. Everyone was acquaintances. They entered the room by themselves and put the items they were carrying in a corner of the hall first.

When the guests arrived, Zhou Qiufeng Le's father hurried out of the kitchen to say hello, the most important thing was to say hello to Mr. Chao who was here for the first time.

Cai's classmate, Chen, also took the opportunity to show his face and say hello to the host and his wife.

Mrs. Chao smiled so old that her old face turned into a flower: "Fourth, daughter-in-law, don't worry about us, we can find a place to sit."

Happy father Zhou Qiufeng greeted the old man first, and then said hello to Professor Wan Qi and Mrs. Wang one by one, let the handsome guys sit by themselves, and hurried back to the kitchen for breakfast.

Mr. Chao never cared about politeness, and he became an elder with peace of mind after meeting each other. Xiao Lele poured cold water and immediately picked him up to drink. The well water was so cool, it was better than drinking ice water.

Cai’s classmate, Chen, is the first time to come to Lejia, and he is not restrained. He sits at the same table with his friends.

Mrs. Chao and Mrs. Wang didn't care about other things, they snatched Xiao Leshan and hugged and played. Enough to make old people cute.

Young Master Liu sat down and stared at Heilong. Heilong just followed the little loli and ignored him. He only got a cold look after calling him a few times. He was injured, and he yelled: "Heilong, You white-eyed wolf, I treat you so well, yet you don't give me a straight look."

The black dragon ignored the chattering of human beings, and continued to maintain the high-cold behavior of sticking to Miss Sister.

"Young Master Liu, you are the legendary Goubuli."

The young people leaned forward and backward with laughter.

"Heilong, I can understand that you ignore me. Didn't you see your captain Yan?" Liu Xiangyang didn't care that he became a joke, and drew people's attention to Fa Xiaoxingxing. The black dragon was Yan. The military dogs in the team used to listen to Xiao Xingxing's words, and would wag their tails when they saw Xiao Xingxing, but this time they ignored Xiao Xingxing, feeling that the sun was about to come out from the west.

Heilong didn't even look at human beings, and was surrounded by a young lady. Who cares about those rough people, whoever loves woof, let him woof. Like a guy.

Yan Xing glanced at the black dragon who regarded himself as air, and slowly declared his existence: "Little Lolita, there is also a black-backed wolfhound in our team that is more powerful and majestic than the black dragon. Come and help you take care of the nursing home."

Heilong rubbed his head against Miss Sister's leg, Miss Sister, that guy is going to send me away, hurry up and clean him up!
"Change you first and then talk about other things." Le Yun really wanted to kill Yan, he didn't like dogs, so he wanted to change Heilong?Hmph, she healed the dark wound of the black dragon, and now she can beat anyone who wants to change it.

"I didn't say anything." Yan Xing confessed, and little Lolita brought up the matter of changing bodyguards again. Isn't this self-inflicted?In order not to be replaced, it is better not to mention changing the dog.

"Hahaha—" Mr. Chao stroked the table and laughed, the face of the Yan family boy is not as good as a dog, so happy!
Mrs. Chao, Mrs. Wang, is also very happy to see the boy from the Yan family suffer. The stinky boy is always clinging to Xiao Lele, and he deserves to be pissed off by Xiao Lele.

Little Liu Shaoyan was disliked by dogs, and the young people cheered secretly, telling them to grab attention, this is counterproductive, it deserves it.

Heilong has found the biggest backer, and he even dislikes chattering youths and bad guys pretending to be handsome guys. He doesn't even look at them, and just follows the young lady, and follows the young lady wherever she goes.

Aunt Gak was in charge of doing chores, and Hele Zhou Qiuyueqing made noodles and served them out. Green vegetables and lean meat noodles were served with a little sauerkraut. Each person got a bowl of noodles and two boiled eggs.

Breakfast was served, and the young and old ate it happily. The water in the country is good, the water is good, and everything cooked is delicious. What makes them most happy is that there are many vegetables in the noodles, and the sauerkraut is even more special.

After eating breakfast and resting for a while, the handsome guys carried their luggage upstairs. Li Shaoxiao, Luo Shaowang, Er Shaocai's classmate Chen and the beautiful boy shared a room. Living in the guest room on the north side of the first floor, Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Chao occupy the bedroom of Xiaofentuanzi.

After settling down, the young people drove their small tricycles to the helicopter in front of the village committee building to move things. When they arrived, many villagers who heard the news and ran to the village committee building to watch the plane sat in front of Zhou Papi and the village committee building to watch the excitement. Seeing the little handsome guys open the plane door to carry things, they also enthusiastically helped, and by the way, appreciate the interior of the plane.

The handsome guys went to move their luggage, and Le Yun took her younger brother to the backyard to look at her pigs, chickens and ducks. After walking around, seeing her father hesitant to talk, she took her away to the place where the mill was kept to ask about the situation.

"Lele, it's nothing serious, I just have a small matter I want to discuss with you." Father Le touched the back of his head, a little embarrassed: "That's right, your grandpa Zhou Man is getting old, and raising cattle is a matter of time." It's tiring work, and he can't stand it anymore, because the cow belongs to our family, so I don't sell it, I want to go to your grandpa Zhouman's house to bring Heizi back to raise."

"Dad, did you mean to bring Hei Zai back?" Le Yun's eyes sparkled. Hei Zai used to belong to the Le family, and was three years younger than her. She was the one who watched the birth and growth of a cow and raised it all the time. As a breeding cow, because of the death of her grandmother, the family was short of staff. Grandpa Zhou Man knew her family's situation and bought it to raise.

The cow is a breed of cattle passed down by Lejia from Grandpa Le. It is a native yellow cattle. The size of the cattle is larger than that of ordinary cattle. It used to be very popular in the cattle farming era. Whenever a calf was born, it was booked. Many descendants have also been passed down, and there are several villages in this township that have their sisters or their descendants.

Hei Zai is named after Le Yun. Hei Zai is the last child of its mother. The cow is too old to give birth to a calf after giving birth to Hei Zai. After two years of raising it, it will naturally die of old age, because it gives birth to a calf every year. He earned a lot of money for Lejia, and Lejia remembered its kindness. Even though life was difficult, the cattle died and were not sold to people for meat, and they dug a pit to bury it.

Hei Zai was also very proud of being taken by Village Chief Zhou's family, and earned a lot of extra money for Village Chief Zhou. Village Chief Zhou knew that Xiao Lele liked Hei Zai, and he said that he wanted to provide for Hei Zai. He kept his promise and did not sell the cattle.

"Well, I discussed with your Aunt Feng that I want to bring back the cows to raise them, and I'll ask you what you mean." Father Le looked happy when he saw his caring little padded jacket, and he was also a little bit ashamed when he was happy; Your Aunt Feng can’t take care of it alone, and I probably won’t be able to go to distant places to work anymore. Your Aunt Feng and I grow food at home by ourselves, grow and sell vegetables, and go to the orchard to do odd jobs in autumn and winter to earn some living expenses for the family. , I can't make a lot of money, and I won't have much money left for you and Leshan in the future."

"Dad, leave it to me to make money. You and Aunt Feng are farming at home. I like to eat rice at home and vegetables grown by myself. Dad, let's go and bring Hei Zi home tomorrow. I am very happy." Miss Hei Zi."

Le Yun happily hugged her father's arm with one hand. She missed Hei Zai and wanted to bring Hei Zai back. Because the family didn't have many people, she never mentioned it. It would be great if Dad and Aunt Feng wanted to raise cattle.

"Okay, we'll pick Hei Zai back tomorrow." Le's father felt sour in his heart. Hei Zai is a cow, yes, but it has extraordinary meaning. The inheritance given to him was not a last resort for the village head Zhou to raise. Of course it would be the best to take it back and raise it by himself.

It was agreed to bring back the cows, Le Yun went back to the livestock house, and saw that the cattle pens had already been cleaned up, so there was no need to prepare anything, so she took her younger brother to the vegetable garden for a walk, then returned to the main room to put her younger brother down, and took the black dragon to the pool to help It takes a bath.

Yan Xing and the young people moved back their belongings and saw that little Lolita was bathing Heilong. He was in a bad mood. Heilong is a male dog. Little Lolita would touch the shameful position of the dog when he bathed the dog!

Without further ado, he rushed over to grab the work: "Little Lolita, go and play with your brother, I will do this kind of work."

The black dragon glared, and yelled "Wow, woof" at the villain who pretended to be an exiled immortal. The villain who has no winks actually caused sabotage, just bite him to death!
"Go, don't do any damage, I'm washing the black dragon with a medicinal bath to sterilize and prevent insects." Le Yun dislikes Handsome Yan very much, that guy wants to meddle in everything, what exactly does he mean?
"I'm not trying to sabotage, I'm worried about dirtying your hands in Heilong's piss basin, I used to bathe him, his excited piss basin, it has a criminal record." Yan Xing very rudely blamed the big wolf dog.

"Woof, woof, woof!" the black dragon yelled fiercely at the fake banished fairy, the bastard human being ruined his reputation, can he kill that bastard?

"It's because you didn't work well. Before bathing the dog, you should let it go to the toilet. I let it go to the toilet before bathing the black dragon, so it won't pee. Go while you go, don't disturb me. Black Dragon sleeps and takes a bath."

When Heilong heard that he was going to take a bath, he obediently lay down and let himself soak in the water.

Yan Xingkuang lost his eyes on the knife, this dog is... so mad!Heilong is very serious when performing tasks, but he is also very individual in life. He hates taking baths, especially tub baths. How come he becomes a cute baby when he arrives at Xiao Luoli's house?

Student Le doesn't mind that Handsome Yan watched the process of bathing the dog. He rubbed Heilong's head, poured water, rubbed it several times, and then rubbed its back. Let it soak for more than ten minutes before letting it stand up and rub its legs, feet and belly , help it wash it again and let it lie down to soak, soak it for a while and then rinse it. After washing it, let it go to the road to shake off the water stains, and then use a towel to help it wipe its head and back.

Heilong doesn't like blowing a hair dryer, so he went to bask in the sun by himself, dried his hair before running home and following the young lady.

Young Master Yan didn't get a job. After watching Heilong's bathing process, he was so jealous that he wanted to jump into the river. If he was treated as well as Heilong, he would rather live less for a year. Really, if little loli rubbed him back so gently Bath, he would rather have a short life for one year.

Student Le Xiao didn't know what Handsome Yan was thinking. If she knew, Yan would have to be handed over to the big man for eight yuan. A big man wants a girl to help him take a bath. It would be embarrassing to be alive, and it would be better to die clean.

Mr. Chao and the others don’t need company at Le’s house, they go for a walk together, roaming around, enjoying themselves; the handsome guys are planning to go fishing for fish and shrimp tomorrow, looking for net bags and making tools by themselves.

The old man and the handsome guys didn't eat anything in the capital, they didn't like big fish and meat, and Lejia didn't prepare big wine and big meat to entertain them. At noon, they killed two local chickens with vegetables to eat hot pot.

Grandma Zhou dried beans at home in the morning, and went to Le’s house to talk with Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Chao in the afternoon; Village Chief Zhou went to herd cattle in the morning, and Grandma Zhou Man went to the garden. I'm home, and I didn't go to Le's house until the afternoon.

Happy father Zhou Qiufeng told Village Chief Zhou that he wanted to take Hei Zai home a few months ago. In the afternoon, he brought up the old story with Village Chief Zhou again. Raising him is naturally happy, the two sides hit it off, and everyone is happy.

Grandma Zhou Man, the head of the village, went home after having dinner at Le’s house. Because last night, Mr. Chao and the others didn’t sleep much because they took a small plane last night. Play to recharge your batteries.

When everyone was asleep, Le Yun quietly lit a stick of incense and put it in the main room, and meditated in a room with a refrigerator. At one o'clock in the morning, she went into the kitchen to find the relics left by her grandfather.

(End of this chapter)

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