magic eye doctor

Chapter 1029 Past Events

Chapter 1029 Past Events
The letters left by her grandfather were laid flat on the small table, and Le Yun did not open them immediately. Some things are like Pandora's box, which cannot be closed once opened. The same is true for letters. If they are opened, many things will be revealed. Bai Yushi.

She is not afraid of taking responsibility, but she is worried that she is not strong enough to take on the heavy responsibility. She is afraid that if she reads the letter and learns some secrets, it will bring a series of irreversible consequences if it is accidentally revealed.

But, letter, must see.

Take a deep breath, take another deep breath, and take a few deep breaths in a row to calm down the rippling heart, gather your breath, hold up the letter, and open it.

Open the first layer, and there is a self-folding envelope inside, with the words "my grandson, Le Yun, kissing you", open the second layer of envelope cover, and the inner layer is letter paper folded in half from the middle, which is relatively thick, and there are more than a dozen sheets in total. tissue.

Le Yun gently flattened the paper, and the characters on the tissue paper appeared vividly in his eyes. The characters were arranged vertically from right to left, and the small brush characters in regular script were as neat as printed characters, and the ink was still fragrant.

Qi Xing is "good grandson Le Le is happy to see the words like faces", only saw the beginning, the sourness in Le Yun's eyes rushed out, the eye sockets were hot, and tears flowed down.

She misses grandpa, misses her very much!
As far back as I can remember, my grandfather taught her to read and write, taught her to know herbs, taught her what it means to be a human being, what is benevolence, righteousness and filial piety, taught her how to look at the world, the joys and sorrows in life, life and death, sickness and death, and how to behave in the world.

She didn't learn 100% of her grandfather's teachings, at least she knew the bottom line of being a human being, she knew the difference between good and evil, fair and straight, she knew that people respect me a foot, and I respect others, that when an eye should be retaliated, an eye must be retaliated, and that she should endure When you have to swallow your voice.

Grandpa and grandma are encyclopedias, they taught her too many things, she has hatred in her heart, and she can't repay some people with kindness, at least she knows not to generalize, and can't deny all the goodness in the world because of the evil of some people.

With tears in his eyes, he looked at the second line again, and the words were neatly arranged: "When I wrote this letter, my grandson Lele went to the mountain for three months and experienced an accident. Grandpa watched my grandson recover from his frail body after going missing for seven days in the mountain. The pulse diagnosis is like Reborn, guessing that the day my grandson disappears, there will be a good fortune, whether it is good or bad, my heart is at ease.

However, my Le family is living a difficult life now. I am afraid that there will be an accident in the future and it will be too late to say something and miss my grandchildren. I will leave a message here to show my good grandson. I hope my good grandson will not be sad when he sees it.

Before your grandson Lele was born, your grandmother and I had dreams one after another. We dreamed that the moon fell into our arms, and we saw a phoenix perched in front of the house. Even though our grandson was born with many dangers, your grandma and I always believed that our grandson was a dragon and a phoenix among human beings. The sun will surely soar into the sky, and it will be able to solve the difficulties of my happy family.

My Le family was originally a family of medical practitioners. Since your great-grandfather settled in Plum Village to me, although it has been passed down for two generations, your great-grandfather had family resources to support him when he came here. He can be regarded as a rich and noble gentry. The current embarrassment is all because of me The grievance between worshiping Shengwu Mountain and a brother of the Huang family, the origin of the grievance is described elsewhere.

Someone from the Huang family robbed the heritage of my Le family in the Shengwu Mountain Master's Gate, and used it to open up the joints of all parties, so as to make progress in the sky. He was afraid that the Le family would retaliate against the Huang family one day, and has been secretly monitoring and suppressing the Le family for many years. Have any future with Roca.

The ancestors of the Huang family lived in the local area, and the Le family lived here from far away. The foundation is not stable, and there are not many descendants. , can only live with it.

All the sufferings today are due to the fact that the Le family is not prosperous and there are no capable people to support the lintel. Now I tell my good grandsons, not for revenge, but just to let the children and grandchildren know the ins and outs of all grievances, and the truth of the matter.

My son is too stubborn and doesn't know how to be flexible. It is not appropriate to tell him about the origin of the family and the grievances and grievances. Quan Dang is ignorant of the grievances and grievances of his predecessors, and must put his own safety first, and refrain from fighting between emotions.

Because of the grievances with the Huang family, it is difficult for me to travel far. The origin of the Le family and the unfulfilled wish of your great-grandfather are all entrusted to my good grandson. Grandpa, I went to pay homage to Shengwu Mountain, and I expelled myself from the sect. My good grandpa reported to the sect and asked the sect to remove the name of grandpa from the register of registered disciples of the sect to fulfill my wish. As for why the elders of the sect could not It is clear that the debate is not fair, so there is no need for the good grandson to ask any more questions. Quan should repay the kindness of his grandfather's master's teaching, and there will be no ties between the two from then on.

Your grandmother's family has little relationship with your great-grandmother's family and the relatives of the Le family. Your grandmother told me to signal to my good grandson that his young grandson Ruo Qingyun is going straight up, and there are people from the same clan of the two clans to vote, and the good grandson can do whatever he wants, so don't be embarrassed.

It is difficult to tell thousands of things with a ruler and paper, and it is difficult to say many things one by one. My good grandson only remembers one thing. Everything is about oneself. Remember not to be brave, one day if Mei Village is difficult to settle down, you can move to another place, with people, surnames, and Le's inheritance, you don't have to stick to your original place of residence.

..." At the end of the letter, the few lines are all earnest instructions, nothing more than must protect oneself first, and then talk about other things, between the lines are worried about the young grandson's whim, taking a moment to take advantage of his own safety.

Knowing that the Le family has grievances with the Huang family, Le Yun is relieved. No wonder the Huang family has sent some descendants of the Huang family or their own cronies to work in Jiudao for many years. The purpose is to monitor the Le family. A chess piece.

The letter grandpa left her was not long, and behind it was a statement of the origin of the grievances with the Huang family. Le Yun read it carefully, reading every word.

Grandpa Le Hong joined Shengwu Mountain, and he was a brother of the same generation as Huang Zhichang of the Huang family. The Guxiu Guwu family thought that "first come, first served" was used to judge size, not age. Huang Zhichang entered the school first for about half a year. Le Hong is the younger brother.

Although they are not the same master, the masters of the two are brothers from the same school who have a good relationship, and the two get very close when they come and go, and the two are talented in martial arts, and they often talk to each other and improve each other, becoming very close Friends make up fellow apprentices.

However, no matter how good a friend is, he is vulnerable in the face of interests. When Huang Zhichang accidentally saw the ancestral medical tools and books carried by Le Hong, he became dissatisfied. A certain person from the door turned to bite back and framed Le Hong for stealing his belongings.

Le Hong argued hard and cleared himself of the stigma, but the things were not recovered. Huang Zhichang failed, and secretly colluded with someone from the same family to sneak into Le Hong's residence and secretly murdered him, which almost killed Le Hong. As a result, he was seriously injured, and his martial arts foundation was damaged. Because he was disappointed with the sect, he voluntarily bid farewell to the sect and left the mountain to go home. Since then, he has never stepped into Shengwu Mountain.

Huang Zhichang forced Le Hong away, fearing that Le Hong would retaliate, so he also returned to his hometown. He used the looted things to establish relationships and open up joints. The things were sent to the right person, and he received secret care. His official career has been smooth, and he has accumulated contacts for decades. Now he has a high position and power, and he has become the leader of one of the "Four Great Families" in the province.

Regarding the shameless behavior of a certain member of the Huang family, Le Yun was so angry that his heart was burning with pain, very good, Huang Zhichang, the Huang family, seized the ancestral property of the Le family, and tried to kill his grandfather several times In addition to quickly, he secretly seriously injured his grandfather, ruined the foundation of his martial arts practice, and also monitored the Le family everywhere, trying to make the Le family disappear.

Keep all the letters from grandpa in mind, and then flip through another stack of letters, which are left by grandpa. It records where grandpa came from, how far away he came from, and the origin of Lejia's surname.

The Le family's surname is not Le, but Yue. In the era when the warlords of the Qing Dynasty were self-reliant, the family was divided and internal changes occurred. One of the grandfathers was murdered and died. The grandfather escaped and changed his name and surname. He went to another country to avoid disaster, and because he thought of the kindness of his parents, he couldn't bear to change his face beyond recognition. He only changed his surname to Le's surname, and changed the pronunciation without changing the characters.

Grandfather felt the pain of the family's misfortune. In order to fear that the younger generation would be burdened by the family again, in order to prevent possible disasters from the original family, he created a family tree of the Le family after changing his surname, and established himself as the ancestor of the Le family.

Knowing where the family comes from, Le Yun just wants to "hehe", so what if Yue's surname is a famous family?She disdains the family business of that family, but sooner or later the vengeance of murdering grandpa will be settled with others. As for recognizing the ancestors and returning to the clan, she will be exempted. Whoever wants to recognize that kind of family will recognize the ancestors, and she will not recognize the ancestors even if she is killed. Don't say that grandpa created a new surname, even if she didn't, she would make her own surname and respect grandpa as the ancestor.

Yue's surname is not from a medical family. Grandpa's medical skills all came from an accidental encounter. He obtained a few medical books and taught himself well. Even without the guidance of a famous teacher, it is more than enough to be a barefoot doctor.

Grandpa drew a map of the place of adventure, which is now a place of interest, that is, a certain corner of the Tianzi Mountain Scenic Area in today's Shonan Province.

After memorizing the topographical map, Le Yun folded the letter paper left by her grandfather into a bundle, and the letter paper from her grandfather into a bundle, wrapped it in cotton paper and wrapped it in silk cloth, found a jade box, and put it in a bundle. The letter paper is stored in the jade box, together with the branded jade pendant, jade slip and jade hairpin left by the grandfather, are also stored in the jade box, and then packed in a box.

Medical books, letters and family trees were also wrapped one by one and placed in another jade box.

At first, Master Ayu was asked to make a jade box, which was originally intended to be used to hold precious medicinal materials. This time it came in handy. Three jade boxes were used at one time, and there were three empty jade boxes. Handsome Yan only sent six jade boxes. There are also a few jade boxes that are still missing the process of wrapping gold and inlaying silver.

After tidying up the things left by her ancestors, Le Yun put away Ye Mingzhu, sat silently in the dark to calm her mind, got up and left the space, and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. The Huang family had to clean up, but they were not in a hurry. First of all, it is necessary to find out where the ancestral objects are now, and then consider how to destroy the scum.

(End of this chapter)

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