magic eye doctor

Chapter 104 It's All Food

Chapter 104 It's All Food

During the annual freshmen reporting period, there are freshmen and their parents or relatives who escort the freshmen to school, as well as some visiting groups. The whole campus is full of people, and sometimes outside the campus during peak hours is like a venue for large-scale events. , at a glance, you can only see the head of Wuhuan Wuhuan.

This year is no exception. On the morning of the 28th, on the first day of the freshman report, there were hundreds of freshmen reporting. No matter which door you go, you can see groups of men, women and children with large and small bags.

When classmate Le Xiao and the two handsome guys returned to the academy before eleven o'clock, they encountered a dozen men and women who were either reporting or carrying luggage to the dormitory.

When he came back, classmate Chao was known to be weak in the past, so of course he couldn't not take advantage of his weakness and handed over to Master Li at the helm.

Li Yubo, who took over the steering wheel, had the feeling that he was someone else's dedicated driver. Really, look, look back from the rearview mirror, and behind him was a beautiful young man and a cute little loli sitting intimately, often saying, " Whispering", the beautiful young man's white and jade-like face smiled like flowers, and occasionally touched the top of the little loli's head, the little loli was probably annoyed at times and stared at people with a beard.

To tell the truth, if he didn't know Chao Shao very well, if he didn't know Chao Shao, he would also misunderstand Chao Shao and Xiao Luoli as a couple and deliberately spread dog food to abuse him.

Even if the two are not lovers, the dog food sprinkled down can still torture people to the death. Sometimes Li Dashao really wants to find cotton to plug his ears. Hearing Shao Shao and Little Loli's unscrupulous whispering incessantly, he secretly grinded his teeth back and forth, what's the matter, Shao Shao was bullying him for not having a sister, right?No, he has a younger sister, a clan younger sister. It should be said that Shao Shao knew that he had a normal relationship with his clan younger sister, so he deliberately showed himself to be close to him, right?

He is blood-related with his clan sister, but not close. Chao Shao and Xiao Loli are not blood-related. They are as close as one's own, which is really enviable. In the end, he also wants a little sister like Little Loli. Little Loli looks cute and cute, and if you take it for a spin, there must be a lot of people who are willing to call him "Big Uncle".

It's a pity that he doesn't have such a close sister.

After grinding his teeth countless times, Li Yubo almost rubbed his back tooth socket, and finally drove the car back to the Zhuangyuan Building. He decided to slam on the brakes deliberately when he decided to stop.

The sudden braking made the two people in the back seat startled, leaning forward sharply, and a groan and ouch broke out in front and back.

Successfully made a beautiful young man stunned, Da Shao Li laughed like a cat that stole fishy, ​​humming, showing intimacy, he was stunned by the sight!

The little man in his heart was triumphant, he would not show it clearly, he neatly pushed open the door of the cab, and quickly ran to the rear compartment to get the items.

Chao Yubo was dazed by the sudden braking, and he didn't have time to ask if something happened. When the driver, Li Shao, got out of the car, he didn't say anything and unbuckled his seat belt.

Classmate Le was miserable. She was bumped forward and hit the back of the front passenger seat. Her cute and delicate little Qiong nose kissed the back of the seat intimately. Although it didn't hurt very much, but, Her little nose was almost smashed.

Le Yun touched her squeezing nose and felt extremely depressed. When she saw the second-generation senior brother in the front seat getting out of the car, she quickly untied the buckle, pushed the door, and went to the back to pick up things.

The delicate young man was left behind, he twisted his laptop bag and got out of the car, and Mr. Li, who took out the items from the back compartment, shoved a food bag into Classmate Chao: "Master Chao, it's hard for you to bring your luggage first, and I and Mr. Lele will be here in a while."

"Hmph, did you bully me for being weak? Did you bully me to climb the stairs slowly?" Chao Yubo's beautiful phoenix eyes flashed a trace of resentment, and complained extremely sadly about Li Shao's behavior.

"It's not bullying, it's caring, caring so I take extra care of you." Li Yubo smiled and couldn't contain a cheerful tone.

"Brother Li, Brother Chao is a quiet and beautiful young man. He doesn't need to carry heavy things." Le Yun said to protect the beautiful young brother Chao as she moved out large and small bags.

"Little Lele, your elder brother Chao is a beautiful boy, not a little princess. He still has to do the work he can. Besides, if he is a quiet and beautiful boy by the side now, if he will fall behind, he must move forward bravely. Desperately beautiful boy."

"Actually, I don't mind being a little princess, so Da Li, Xiao Lele's heavy work has you, a gentleman, send these up first, and then we'll help Xiao Lele manage the daily necessities. Are you here? Behind, my stupid bird flew first."

The weak boy showed an elegant and frosty smile, holding a grocery bag in one hand and a laptop in the other, climbing the stairs in a fluttering manner.

"I... um, I seem to have been fooled?" Li Yubo blinked, he was taken by Chao Shaokeng as a porter if he was not careful, that guy is still so black-hearted, no matter what time he will not let him use it. waste of resources.

Brother Chao is mighty!Le Yun showed her good teeth happily. After she reported that she was going to pick up daily necessities, she was afraid of going out late and the street would be in serious traffic jams, so she returned the bicycle and materials, went out shopping first, and waited for the afternoon or when she was free. Then go to the dormitory management office to pick up her share of supplies. Anyway, her share is separate, so you can pick it up whenever you want.

Li Dashao originally wanted to take advantage of Chaoshao's absence, but think about it, no, we can't be violent now. Little Loli and the little sister with the surname Chao are in the same group. Is he sowing discord?

Forget it, just wait.

After thinking for a second, Li Shao gave up the action of revealing the bottom line and prepared to distribute the items. After calculating how many times it would take to move upstairs, in a blink of an eye, he saw Little Loli stuffing the vegetables and fruits she bought into the small bag. In the freezer, he had a surprised look on his face. Little Lolita's brain is really smart. She stuffed everything into the freezer, and then the two of them worked together to carry the freezer up, saving trouble and hands.

Classmate Le Xiao stuffed a lot of odds and ends into the freezer, then picked up the freezer and took a bold step: "Brother Li, I'll hold the freezer, and the rest is your job."


Seeing the little loli holding up the small freezer effortlessly, a flash of lightning flashed in Li Yubo's brain, and the whole person was stunned, that... is the girl really a girl?

The mini freezer is very light, but it doesn’t mean it’s weightless. It also weighs more than 50 kilograms. With that weight, it’s no problem for an adult boy to carry it. If a girl is to carry it, it’s probably a member of the women’s basketball team of the sports department. Not all of them will be successful.

Little Loli stuffed a lot of things into the freezer, and the total weight was at least [-] pounds, because he remembered that the pineapple in the fruit was more than [-] pounds, and there was a bag of bananas, corn, pumpkin, Vegetables, meat, add up to no less than six kilograms, and several other items, no matter how light it is, it will not be less than three or two kilograms, and the total weight of the freezer and items exceeds seventy kilograms.

But the little loli was fine, so she picked up the freezer and walked away...

His eyes stared at the figure of Little Loli. She was holding the freezer, and she felt like holding a box of instant noodles. She walked to the stairs in three steps, and went upstairs gracefully. The steps were light and light. such as feathers.

It feels like hell!

Li Yubo gave a jerk, blinked, and looked again, the little Loli walked clangingly, and had already climbed to the corner of the stairs, he silently retracted his gaze, looked at the ground again, the corners of his eyes jumped, and the little Loli swept away, leaving only a stack of Plastic stool, a plastic crisper.

Li Shao silently picked up the box and held it under his arm with one hand. The other hand carried a stool, and he also stepped upstairs. The plastic fresh-keeping box contained a few dishes and a few daily necessities. It was not heavy. He could walk. Easy.

Chao Yubo flew first, and climbed to the fourth floor first. He didn't feel tired. He had a spare key in his hand. He opened the door and went in first. The computer was placed on the desk in the living room. , found that Lele climbed up holding the refrigerator, and cold sweat dripped from his forehead.

Tough girl!

Xiao Lele is a female man.

The boy quietly wiped his forehead and wanted to help lift it up. The little girl hugging the freezer smiled sweetly and said "no", and returned to the room briskly with the object in her arms. That posture was so handsome.

Going to the living room to put down the freezer, Classmate Le opened the door and took out something with a smile. She had a good time, and the beautiful boy was shocked: "Lele, don't tell me you are Hercules."

"I'm a female man." Le Yunchong squatted down and stuck out her tongue to help the beautiful teenager sorting things out.

Chao Yubo was in a cold sweat again, if all the girls were female men like Lele, then he was not afraid to say something out of the public's anger: All the young men in the world can die!

Just imagine, a girl can carry [-] to [-] kilograms of things by herself, a coal cylinder, and a bag of [-] to [-] kilograms of rice. It is not a problem at all, let alone other things. The girls even take care of those jobs. Now, young men are useless at all, and it is a waste of food to live.

The teenager touched his face, um, if there is such a day, he shouldn't have to die. He is Xiaolele's brother and wants to play with Xiaolele.

With Brother Chao helping to sort out the things in the freezer, Le Yun didn't have to work first, washed rice and cooked rice, and then took two cucumbers to wash.

Li Shao climbed to the fourth floor with some things, and entered the open room. When he saw Chao Shaochong smiling elegantly at himself, he couldn't help blushing slightly. It was a shame. He was a proud member of the sports department. In the hands of the little loli, it was spread out that there was no face to see Jiang Dong's father.

He didn't say a word, put down his belongings, and when he looked at it, he couldn't help but feel jealous. President Chao was so treacherous that he even allowed his sister to monopolize an apartment. It was simply... it made people want to beat him up.

He was about to express his feelings, when he smelled a nice fragrance, he immediately stretched his neck to look at the kitchen, and when he saw the little loli came out with a plate, he gulped hopelessly.

Le Yun smiled at Mimi's greeting, and the two handsome guys sat down and rested first. Chao Yubo didn't need to call her. Seeing her leaving the kitchen, he ran to take a seat.

The action of the weak boy also made Li Yubo Li Dashao do not say a word, and hurriedly sat down and waited.

The three sat down and quenched their thirst by eating cucumbers.

The cucumber brought by Lele is a good thing. Based on the idea that the fat and water will not flow to outsiders, Chao Yubo starts the express. If he is not happy, when Li Shao tastes it, he will eat a lot less.

Li Shao ate a piece, his eyes lit up, disregarding the speed of his image, as soon as he was fast, classmate Chao did not lose the battle. The two of you came and went, fighting for forks of melon slices like a war.

Le Yun: "..." What about the image?

Chao Yubo and Li Yubo, a pair of friends with the same name, robbed a plate of green films by three, five and two. When they found Xiao Lele's stunned face, their handsome faces became hot.

"Lele, let me warn you first, our dormitory is almost full of foodies. If you come to our dormitory as a guest in the future, as long as there is delicious food, it must be fast, like what we did just now, or what will happen to you in the end? Can't get it."

Gentleman Chao Yubo wiped his mouth and taught by example and example in advance, lest Xiao Lele visit their dormitory one day and be frightened by certain scenes.

Li Shao nodded frequently: "Xiao Lele, I prove that what he said is true. The four people in their dormitory are polite and talented, and when they encounter food, they are more cruel than anything else."

"Yeah, I remember." Le Yun nodded her head, the world is one family of foodies, and sure enough, there are foodies everywhere.

After eating and eating, and resting enough, Chao Yu said he would do what he said.

Li Shao took a few steps and asked eagerly, "Little Lele, can I have a plate of cucumber again when I come back? I don't want to drink milk, red bull, white bull or something. I'll just eat cucumber as a drink."

"Only after dinner."

"Okay, Lele, we're going to move things." Li Yubo smiled, his face full of peach blossoms, he was full of expectations for today's fruit after lunch.

Chao Yubo has some regrets. Maybe he shouldn't have given Li Shao a chance so early. Li Shao is a standard foodie.

But it was too late to regret it. He introduced Lele to Shao Li. When he bought a computer, Shao Li also took a big discount on his face. Shao Li also indirectly expressed his willingness to make Lele, as long as Lele did not lose in medicine. Several families, if Lele encounters difficulties one day, Li Shao will take care of one or two.

Although he has the feeling of shooting himself in the foot, he is not too entangled. There are many friends and multiple paths. Being able to make more friends is equivalent to expanding a network of contacts for himself. Networks are very important, especially those who are hard-working in the background. The line is more important. Li Shaozhen relies on Lele's words to prove that Lele is worth it. It is a beneficial and harmless thing.

After he figured it out in his heart, the dark worry hidden between Chao Yubo's brows disappeared.

"Brother Chao, let me ask you, how is Lele's cooking skills?" The two walked out of the apartment and closed the door. Li Shao climbed on Brother Chao's shoulder and eagerly inquired about the news.

The young man pulled people away without any respect, and walked his own way calmly: "What are you doing with so much nonsense, if you want to know if the taste is right or not, you will know when you eat it at noon."

(End of this chapter)

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