magic eye doctor

Chapter 1053 Wake Up

Chapter 1053 Wake Up
Little Mr. Ferrari lay on the operating bed and became a lamb waiting to be slaughtered. Classmate Le put on the surgical gown, took out four pills for the young man to swallow, and hung the leather of the medical needle on his shoulder to help Mr. Ferrari get the needle first.

Little Mr. Ferrari was pierced with more than 100 needles. He was fine at first, but he was sweating slightly after ten minutes.

A group of doctors ignored him and were studying the little girl's medicine. The little girl opened more than thirty bottles, feeling that each medicine was extremely precious, and they were secretly jealous.

Little Lolita didn't know what the professors were thinking, and prepared anti-inflammatory potions and various ointments needed for the operation in an orderly manner. After working for half an hour, she took back the needle on little Mr. Ferrari, and asked the senior brother to take the young man Turn over, let him lie face down, and then help him get the needle.

The second time I used hundreds of gold and silver needles in one breath, and then took a gold-alloy flat-headed macaroni needle. into the human bone.

Surrounded by doctors, Amedeo simply closed his eyes and felt no pain when the needle was inserted. Later, he noticed a itchy feeling on his back. Anyway, he couldn't see his back, so he still pretended to be dead.

Professor Lu and the others were busy memorizing the acupuncture point where the little girl inserted the needle, noting how deep the needle penetrated into the body, memorizing the way she used the needle, and guessing how much strength was appropriate. Pricking the needle, twisting the needle carefully, it takes at least 3 minutes for each needle to complete.

The little girl pierced the young man with fifteen flat-headed needles in a row, which were distributed in the head and limbs of the young man. A total of five flat-headed needles were pierced in the spine alone. Among the needles, they found that she only fed the needle on the Yuzhen point on the young man's head and the five needles on the spine.

The little girl poured medicine three times in a row, and it took another half an hour. When she poured medicine into the Tongxin needle for the fourth time, the remaining nine needles that were not filled with medicine slowly heated up and turned red when they met the human skin. After a few minutes, the nine flat-tipped needles trembled slightly.

For the fifth time, the little girl poured a kind of medicinal juice into the flat-headed needles, and the nine red-hot flat-headed needles turned red, and suddenly a ray of flame spewed out from the needle holes, and came out of nowhere. The flame is thinner than the flame of a match head, and the flame still smells like blood poured on a hot iron plate.

The three professors of the Military General Academy have seen a little girl use the Jiuyang Fiery Needle. Expert Luo, Professor Duan and others have never seen it before. When they saw the needle bursting into flames, they subconsciously stretched their heads forward, and couldn't help but feel the fire with their hands. Is it real fire? Feeling the scorching temperature of the flame, he quickly retracted his hand, his eyes were full of shock.

Realizing the miraculous medical skills of the little girl again, Expert Luo and the others were afraid that the little girl would be frightened by the movement made by breathing hard. They breathed lightly, reluctant to blink their eyes, and watched the little girl give the needle attentively.

Under the unblinking eyes of the professors, the upper flames of the nine needles burned for about 1 minute, and then went out suddenly. As the little girl dripped the medicine juice into several needles, the nine needles sprang out again. The flame, then extinguished, and then flared up again, a total of five times.

When the fifth flame came out, the little girl pierced one on each side of the young man's neck and waist, and the flames of the nine needles instantly burned from top to bottom, turning into flame needles. When the flames were extinguished, the nine needles The golden needles turned black.

"Hiss—" The flames disappeared without a trace, and several professors secretly gasped. What kind of trick is this?
They haven't figured it out yet, so Little Lori collects the needles, first pulls out the blackened gold needles and throws them into a bottle for disinfection, then collects the other needles, takes them all back and throws them into the sterile water to soak.

Putting the bottle for disinfection into the box containing the items, Le Yun put on gloves, took out a bag of pills from the jade box, and distributed them to the professors: "There is an operation going on soon, and the professors are going to work, one pill per person. "

"No problem." The professors cheered up, took the pills and swallowed them in their mouths, wiped the disinfectant on their hands, put on gloves, and pushed the tool cart into place.

Several professors divided into groups, the first group went to work, disinfected the young man's legs, and then opened the operation window at the position designated by the little girl to find out the necrotic tendons and muscles, and amputate them.

The next step was taken over by the little girl. She took the spare tendon out of the medicine bottle, applied the ointment, and continued to do the work. After the surgery was completed, the medicine was applied again. After 10 minutes, the medicine was applied again. After 10 minutes, the medicine was applied again. The medicine was applied three times, and the professors performed the suturing operation.

The second group of people sterilized the position of the young man's tailbone while the first group was suturing, opened the operation window, and stripped out the necrotic tailbone.

When the professors sutured Ferrari's leg, little Lori applied ointment to the suture, applied several layers of medicine, and then handed it over to the professors for a plaster cast.

After completing one procedure, she went to take over the operation of the second group of people. The necrotic tailbone of Mr. Ferrari was removed and replaced with a willow bone. She was responsible for bone setting, applying medicine, and suturing to the assistants.

After the suture operation is completed, apply the ointment. Because of the location of the tailbone, it is not possible to apply a plaster cast. Student Le first applied the ointment to the wound, covered a piece of leather with ointment, and put the leather on the surface of the operation window. Warm light grilling heat, until the adhesion is firm, remove the lamp.

After the coccyx replacement surgery, followed by bone reduction and plastic surgery, Mr. Ferrari Jr. needs plastic surgery in several places, which are not coherent, and the surgery is carried out in sections. After each operation, a section of leather is applied on the surface.

The professors took the pills, they were very strong, they didn't feel tired, they kept excited all the time, and no one checked the time. When the last bone cutting and plastic surgery was completed, they looked at their watch, oh my god, it was the early morning of the 12th. Twenty past four!
"Why so fast?"

The professors who threw away the gloves rubbed their necks and expressed their feelings with a smile. It seems that the operation has not been done for a long time, how time flies so fast.

Classmate Le rubbed her sore eyes and looked at the sky silently: "You workaholics are too scary, I dare not play with you anymore."

Wan Teng Hongli rubbed the little sister's little brain: "Junior sister, it's not yet dawn, you go to the brother's office to sleep for a while, and the professors and I will go to other places for a while."

"Send him to the ward first, and I'll take a nap for a while. We'll have breakfast together tomorrow morning, and we have to give little Mr. Ferrari an acupuncture treatment in the morning." Le Yun didn't refuse. The master brother is the son of the teacher's wife, and he is from his own family.

The little girl took the initiative to invite herself to have breakfast. Professor Duan beamed with joy, poured water to wash his hands quickly, and then helped the little girl pack her supplies, covered the young man with a quilt, and arranged the surgical knives.

Everyone worked together and tidied things up quickly. The used surgical tools were cleaned up by the nurses at dawn, and they only needed to tidy up some medicines.

After tidying up, the two helped the little girl carry her backpack and box, they pushed the operating bed, and they left the operating room together.

After dinner, the youths of the Ferrari family went back to rest according to regulations, and some of them waited outside the operating room with their husband. Everyone was excited and nervous.

Waiting and waiting, hour after hour passed, from the day before to the early morning of the next day, the lights in the operating room kept the words "in operation", no one walked around, and all kept sitting. Whenever a doctor walked by, The Ferrari family nodded and smiled politely.

When the light in the operating room was turned off and the door squeaked open, the young and old members of the Ferrari family sitting at the door stood up and lined up in two rows, looking at the door of the operating room with great excitement, and saw the doctors pushing out of the operating table.

"Thank you, doctor, for your hard work." No one asked how the patient was, and they bowed down unanimously, thanking the doctors.

"You're welcome, this is our duty as doctors." Wan Teng Hongli responded with a smile: "The operation went very smoothly. Mr. Ferrari Jr. is still not awake yet. Let him be transferred to the ward to rest first."

"Thank you, Doctor. Let's push the operating bed." The young man of the Ferrari family quickly took the operating bed and pushed it away. They also knew that only doctors entered the operating room, and there were no nurses. Hard work, now that the operation is over, how can the doctors push their young master to the ward.

Alejandro was concerned about his child, and wished he could check how the child was doing as soon as possible. However, he suppressed his emotions, thanked the doctor for his hard work again modestly, stood aside, and followed the doctors Go behind the operating table.

A group of people took the elevator to the ward floor and entered the ward. Two young men from the Ferrari family were guarding the door, and everyone else entered the ward, waiting for the doctors to order.

The patient's compartment is a bit small and cannot accommodate too many people. The doctors will naturally go in, and the old Ferrari will also go in, while the young people will stay outside.

The two young men pushed the young master into the cubicle and stood aside. Wan Teng Hongli helped the patient uncover the quilt and prepared to move the patient to the patient in the ward. His assistant assisted in carrying the urine bag.

Alejandro saw the ointment patches on the child's back, and the patches of ointment were like patches on clothes. His heart was throbbing. With so many cuts on his body, Amedeo should have done more. It hurts!

Fearing that the senior brother could not control the strength well, Le Yun personally bent forward and carefully picked up the little Mr. Larry, and moved him to the top of the bed in the ward to prevent the young man from being implanted, and asked the professors to work together to turn the young man over , and then laid it flat on the bed, adjusted the position of his hands and feet a little, and covered him with a thin quilt.

Dr. Wan Teng was very clever. He was afraid that the junior sister would see the young man's bird. When the junior sister took over the young man, he held a towel to help cover the young man's private parts, so as not to let the boy's happiness leak out.

"Mr. Ferrari, Amedeo is fine. You don't have to worry. Let him wake up naturally. After he wakes up, you can't give him food, but you are only allowed to drink water. I will give you a bottle of nutrient water soaked in medicine later. , I can’t let him get up, just let him lie like this, you can use warm water to moisten the towel to wipe his face and sweat, and I will come over to observe after a few hours.”

Mr. Ferrari's eyes were full of distress and worry for his son. Le Yun gave him a dose of chicken soup for the soul and explained some precautions.

"I must listen to Miss Doctor, thank you Miss, thank you Doctor." Alejandro bent down again to express his gratitude. His child has suffered for many years, and finally he can stand up soon. As a father, there is no better This is more fun.

The little girl is the attending doctor, and Professor Lu and others recommended themselves as assistants purely for gaining knowledge. They don't have to do anything, they follow the little girl out of the cubicle, and when the little girl takes out a bottle of water from the backpack to the patient's family, They and the little girl didn't stay any longer, and went out of the ward of the inpatient department to rest.

Alejandro sent the doctors away in person before turning back to the ward to stay by the child's side, reluctant to leave for half a step.

The youths of the Ferrari family stood guard outside, secretly paying attention to the sound of footsteps coming and going.

Leaving the ward where Ferrari lived, Wan Cheng Hongli sent the junior sister to his office, put her belongings in his office, and then went to the conference room with Professor Lu and others to sit and rest. In fact, their spirits were very good. Be a good and caring professor when you make noise to others.

In the early autumn, it was bright as soon as it was bright, and it was dawn before 05:30. The doctors and nurses on duty in the hospital were also busy making rounds, and the family members of the patients were also busy cleaning up.

Professors Lu waited excitedly to wash their faces and ran to sit in the conference room. After six o'clock, Dr. Wan Teng went to the office to pick up the junior sister, and went downstairs with the professors to the breakfast shop outside the hospital to have breakfast. while chatting.

Return to the hospital after breakfast, and sit in the meeting room to exchange ideas. After the doctors in the hospital hand over their shifts and the doctors on the day shift finish their rounds, they follow the little girl to see Mr. Ferrari.

Little Mr. Ferrari didn't wake up until after seven o'clock. When he first woke up, he opened his eyes and couldn't figure out the situation for a while. After a while, he regained consciousness and sorted out the cause and effect. Thinking of his naked appearance, his face suddenly became hot.

While he was shy, the old Ferrari who had gone to have breakfast also came back.

Alessandro was persuaded by the family's bodyguards to have breakfast. When he returned to the ward's cubicle and saw the child woke up, he rushed to the bed excitedly: "Amedio, baby, are you feeling alright?"

The young people heard the master's words and knew that the young master had woken up, so they rushed to the door of the cubicle excitedly. Sure enough, seeing the young master smiling with his eyes open, they all shouted excitedly, "Morning, young master".

"Good morning, Daddy, gentlemen." Amedeo smiled shyly, "I'm fine, but I've been stripped off. The doctor seems to see me naked."

"It's okay, Amedeo is very beautiful, and he looks very handsome without clothes." Alejandro touched the child's face excitedly, and the blue pupils shone with water.

"Young master is shy!" The young people were overjoyed, and the young master blushed so cutely.

Amedeo was so ashamed that he hid it with a smile. In fact, it was nothing to be seen by the doctor without clothes, but it was embarrassing to be seen by the lady doctor.

Alejandro subconsciously avoided asking about the pain of the operation, watched the child smile happily, and allowed the young people in the family to joke with the child.

The young people laughed for a while, and gave the young master water. They would never ask the young master if he was hungry. The lady doctor said that the young master cannot eat food, so they can't mention food.

(End of this chapter)

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