magic eye doctor

Chapter 1056

Chapter 1056

There is no need to go to the hospital anymore, little loli has nothing to do, just stay at her second uncle's house to make moon cakes, make dumplings, buns, and occasionally go to the old man and old lady to act coquettishly and play cute, which is very enjoyable.

Comrade Xiaoou kept his word. The reward he promised was delivered to Chao Erye's house on the 20th before the Mid-Autumn Festival. There were 20 big lobsters and 50 hairy crabs.

Mid-Autumn Festival is the season to eat hairy crabs. There is no seasonal limit for lobsters. Comrade Xiao Ou will send the crabs to the students at one time in the season when the crabs are the fattest. If there are too many shrimps, they will not be easy to preserve. Let the seafood shop send 20 first. Give her a mid-autumn meal.

After receiving the prize from Comrade Xiao Ou, student Le accepted it with a smile, raised it with water, and made fresh shrimp dumplings and spicy prawns at night.

The 21st is Mrs. He Jiatai’s birthday. The He family does not hold banquets or treat guests, but the young and old members of the Chao family have already made preparations. Chao Er and his wife only went to work for half a day, and arranged for the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday. Immediately set off to the hilltop villa where the He family is located.

A group of five people, Chao Er and his wife, the old couple of the Chao family and Xiao Tuanzi, filled the car. They tossed about three minutes and climbed up the hill to the outside of the He family villa. People from the Ming family of the He family were introduced to the villa area, and people from the family of He Jiaqi were introduced to the villa area. The brothers also came out after hearing the news, and went outside to welcome the young and old Chao family to the living room.

A few handsome guys from the Ming generation of the He family accepted the gifts brought by the Chao family, laughing so hard that they couldn't find the north. The young and old of the Chao family were so cute, they brought two big boxes of mooncakes. This birthday gift was really sent to their hearts. La.

He Er couple and He San couple stood in the hall door, with smiles all over their faces, they all saw each other, they greeted the young and old Chao family, and accompanied them to the small hall to meet their ancestors.

Ancestor He first came to the He family among the relatives and friends in the small hall to chat with each other. There were in-laws of sons and daughters, in-laws of grandchildren, old Liu and his wife, and those who shared the same compound as He San. Mrs. Zhang and his wife, as well as relatives such as Mrs. Zhang, the grandmother of Miss Chao's family, and Dawa, the grandmother of He Xiaosan and He Xiaoshifive, and Xie Yiyuan, the adopted son of the He family.

The old people don't have to go to work, some arrive the day before, some arrive on the same day, they are all in-laws, and they don't need to care about image issues, they can talk about whatever they want, and chat with anyone who has common topics.

When everyone heard that the old couple of the Chao family had come with their children and grandchildren, they were all very pleasantly surprised. When He Er and He San accompanied them into the small hall, the old ancestor He smiled and called Mr. Chao "a good nephew and a good nephew and daughter-in-law", and immediately ordered: "Xiao Shiwu, quickly invite the little doctor to sit down."

The old Chao couple and their son and daughter-in-law celebrated the birthday of the old birthday star, and asked the He family to greet other guests, and they walked to the side and sat by themselves.

He Xiaoshiwu and Yan Xing accompanied the old ancestor, and when they saw the little loli sending blessings to the old ancestor, they hurriedly opened a chair next to the old ancestor and invited her to sit.

To be too modest is to be hypocritical. Le classmate is not hypocritical. He sat down generously, put the handbag in front of him, opened it and took out a small box to give to the old birthday man.

He Shiwu's gang opened it and saw a bag of scented tea and a bag of pills, and happily handed it to Grandma: "Old Ancestor, the birthday gift from the doctor's little beauty, you are really blessed."

Ancestor He smiled from ear to ear, thanked him repeatedly, asked his great-grandson to put the gift away properly, and took the little doctor's little hand by himself, caring about her family's health and life.

The old ancestor of the He family didn't invite guests for his birthday, but he still waited until all the He family workers returned to start the banquet, so after seven o'clock, everyone moved to another hall, even if there were no treats, there were still eighteen tables.

The ancestor of the He family took the little doctor to sit at the main table, and all the relatives and friends of the He family thought it should be like this. The guests of honor at the dinner were all happy, and the guests also went back after nine o'clock.

Yan Xing personally saw off little Lolita, and when she got into the car, he didn't stop, rubbing her little head: "Thank you, my grandma is very happy."

After being wiped out, Xiao Le hugged his head angrily: "I really want to kick you to the moat! Show me as far as you go."

Little Lolita moved her mouth but didn't move her hands, Yan Xing was delighted, rubbed his hands secretly and smiled, but Little Lolita didn't beat him, which meant that she couldn't do it very well.

Second Lord Chao didn't bother to talk to Senior Colonel Yan, so he started the car and walked away. Hmph, he patted their Xiaotuanzi's head again to grab Xiaotuanzi's attention, you bad boy!

The old and the young of the Chao family returned to Chao Er's house to rest and recharge their spirits so that they could eat the full moon banquet of Ms. Wei's daughter.

Ms. Wei gave birth on the 22th day of July, and the [-]th day of August corresponds to January. Mr. Xu discussed with his father-in-law’s family and decided to set the full moon banquet on the [-]th. Delay the work of invited guests.

Especially next Monday is the Mid-Autumn Festival, and there are three days of rest between the two days of the weekend, and the relatives and friends of the Xu family and Wei family who are out of town can also make it in time.

Mr. Xu was so happy with his daughter that he booked a full moon banquet at the Nongjiale Mountain Hotel early on. The two principals went to the hotel two days ago to discuss every detail with the hotel. Mr. Xu and Ms. Wei were afraid that the baby would take the bed. Arrived at the hotel in the morning.

Also because they chose a suitable date, the people who received the invitation had enough time for the banquet, and basically all the people invited were present, so I could not send family members or company representatives to attend.

Therefore, around ten o'clock, the guests arrived at the hotel site one after another.

He San has friendship with Ms. Wei's father. He and his old wife led the representatives of the He family, He Qili, He Qishu, and He Qiying. we go together.

Outside the hotel, Senior Colonel Yan and Senior Colonel Liu didn't go with the elders. They waited outside, waiting and waiting, and they waited until nearly eleven o'clock before Xiao Luoli and Chao's family arrived. The car enters the hotel.

The old man and the old lady of Chao's family were not present, Sanjun and his wife were all there, and Chao San brought a pair of children, a family of six, almost able to make a table.

After parking the car, Yan Xing and Liu Xiangyang were extremely clever, and ran to Little Lolita's side to be her little follower.

The personable, gentle and beautiful young man is not surprised, Le Yun grinds his teeth: "Why are you following me?"

"I'll be your bodyguard. There are many people at this banquet. For your safety, we have to follow you closely." Yan Xing gave a very convincing reason as a matter of course.

Looking at the sky, looking at the ground, Le Yun sighed, not reasoning with the two handsome guys, anyway, if they are not allowed to follow, they will be the tail, why bother to waste saliva.

Little Lolita is holding his brother's arm, Yan Xing Liu Xiangyang walks to her right, her eyes often peek at Little Lolita, she is wearing a beautiful purple dress, small high heels, a white handbag, simple ladylike makeup , but she is definitely a noble little princess.

There are tables and chairs on the lawn of the Shanzhuang Hotel, and there are melon and fruit snacks. Some guests do not want to stay in the hotel, so they sit on the tables and chairs on the lawn in twos and threes. The archway, the hotel hostess greets the guests.

There are seating tables posted on both sides of the door. Guests only need to remember their seat number to find the corresponding seat. The hall inside the door is a banquet hall, where the banquet is neatly arranged. There is a red carpet in the middle, and the host seat is at the end of the red carpet.

Some guests are already present, mostly middle-aged and elderly people.

When the Chao family's Sanjun arrived, the waiter at the door accepted the invitation, and they called out unprecedentedly: "Mr. Chao Shengguo and his wife, Mr. Chao Sheng'an and his wife, Mr. Chao Shenghui and his wife, Mr. Chao Yubo and Miss Leyun are here for the first time. Come, please move inside—"

The waiter saw the other two handsome men, and instantly became clever again: "The distinguished guest of the Wei family, Mr. Yan Xing, Mr. Liu Xiangyang, is here, please-"

Yan Xing and Liu Xiangyang curled their lips in secret, the Chao family are distinguished guests of the Xu and Wei families, why are they the distinguished guests of the Wei family?
Chao Jia Sanjun and his wife had just stepped into the hotel, and they were called by the waiter, and they were not in a good mood. What do you mean?Looking at the audience again, it was even worse. Those who knew each other and didn't know each other had strange eyes.

Can you stop looking at them?
They don't understand what's going on, okay?

Being watched like a monkey, the three Juns of the Chao family each took their wives and nodded at everyone, Shi Shiran walked in, um, don't be afraid, there is a small group behind them.

Hearing the waiter's roll call, Mr. Xu, Xu's family, and Wei's family, who had been greeting several guests, immediately apologized and hurried to greet the distinguished guests.

Ms. Wei's father and her elder brother Wei Da and her sister-in-law were also present. The girl from the Wei family married the Wang family and had no children, and now she has a daughter. Consummation, the Wei family naturally cannot be absent.

Mr. Wei is getting old, and he is the old man. Mr. and Mrs. Wei greeted the guests on behalf of his sister. When they heard that the Chao family had arrived, Mr. Wei stood up excitedly to greet them in person.

The Wei family was engaged in politics, and Ms. Wei was very happy. Some of the invitations she sent were friends in business, some were people familiar with the Wei family, and most of the relatives and friends of the Wei family were high-ranking cadres.

Xu is always a businessman, and he also invites celebrities in the business world. The guests invited by Xu and Wei are either rich or noble, and Mr. Liu of the State Council is also invited. It is not convenient for him to attend, so his granddaughter will act on his behalf.

Liu Shuhua was sitting in the hall, watching the guests secretly. When Heren and Liu's family came one after another, they didn't see Yan Xing and Liu Xiangyang. According to reliable sources, Liu Xiangyang and Yan Xing would be there, why didn't they see them?
When he suddenly heard that Yan Xing and Liu Xiangyang were with the Chao family, he turned his gaze to the door, wanting to see who the little righteous grandson of the Chao family was, who was shunned by all the noble circles in Beijing. The handsome couple, after a while, saw a young man as beautiful as jade carrying a short girl.

Really short!

People in the aristocratic circle of the capital describe the Chao family's grandsons as petite and exquisite. Judging by their height, they are really not much taller than a three-inch Ding, but their bodies are well developed, so the word "Linglong" is more appropriate.

Regarding the medical skills of Xiao Yisun of the Chao family, Liu Shuhua reserved her opinion, and turned her eyes back again, and saw Yan Xing. His appearance with a slight smile today was the same as when he appeared in public before.

Only Liu San's face couldn't contain the smile, and I don't know why he smiled so brightly.

Taking a few glances from a distance, Liu Shuhua withdrew her direct gaze, quietly acting like a lady, secretly paying attention to Yan Xing and Liu Xiangyang's every move.

(End of this chapter)

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