magic eye doctor

Chapter 1058

Chapter 1058

On September 18, 9, the Mid-Autumn Festival was also a Monday. Work units and schools were on holiday, and the weekend was a three-day holiday. For office workers or students, the three-day holiday was not enough, and many people could not go back to the holidays. Only at work or school.

This year, the youths of the Guxiu Guwu family in Beijing have been staying in their hometown after returning home for the summer vacation. They spend the Mid-Autumn Festival at home, and then they will go directly to the Chongyang Festival with their family members.

The beautiful boy really wanted to go to the countryside with Xiaotuanzi for the festival, but the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday was too short, so he stayed with the elders in Beijing. So, that night, Le, who had enough food and drink, packed a bunch of things and got into the car of Handsome Yan to go to the garrison. The luggage was mostly crab and lobster.

Shrimp and crabs are often found in the seafood market in Kyoto. The young and old Chao family firmly refused to let Xiao Tuanzi give her a piece of seafood as a gift or cook it for food, but to help her raise it and let her take it home.

Yan Xing drove the car into the camp of his own team in the garrison, and carried little Lolita's luggage onto the plane with his brothers, played for another two hours, and returned to E North with Lan San accompanied little Lolita in the early hours of the morning.

The Wolf King wanted to go to Little Lolita's hometown, but if he went, it would be tantamount to exposing his face, and in the end he would take advantage of Lan San.

Classmate Le didn't want to take Little Tail home, but all the handsome guys in the barracks objected unanimously. The reason was: Huang Zhazha disappeared. At this time, in order to prevent the Huang family's scumbags from suspecting Little Lolita, bodyguards must follow.

The cockpit of the EC225 helicopter can accommodate three mechanics. Lan San didn’t want to be alone in the cockpit, so he also joined the cockpit. The helicopter flew at night for several hours, landed at an airport in southern H, refueled, and continued to fly to Shishijia in northern E. It flew to Jiudao when it was full of fuel, and the timing was just right, and it arrived at the top of Meicun at dawn.

With the experience of taking off and landing several times, Yan Xing effortlessly landed the plane on the ground in front of the village committee building. There was no need for little loli to go to Zhou Bapi's house to borrow a car. Zhou Bapi and Aunt Papi saw the helicopter when they heard the sound , I drove the tricycle to the ground to load things by myself.

The little girl who looked like a snow dumpling caught a big lobster and a big crab for Aunt Gak, and got a basket of peanuts from Aunt Gak, and drove home with two handsome guys, and gave Village Chief Zhou a lobster on the way. only crab.

Before they arrived at Le's house, Le's father, Zhou Qiufeng, received a call from Zhou Papi first, and asked Le Shan to play with his grandmother. The couple made breakfast, and heard the car arrive at the door to talk to the girl and two handsome men who had rushed back from the journey. After a few words, I was busy again.

Xiao Lele hugged her younger brother and sat in the main room to accompany him to morning reading. Handsome Yan and handsome Lan often went to ask where to put things when they moved their luggage. Grandma Zhou was so happy to see that. Xiao Lele is becoming more and more like a boss. .

The two handsome men arranged the items properly, and Le Dad Zhou Qiufeng also prepared delicious lean meat noodles and boiled eggs. The noodle soup was served with homemade hot and sour soybean sauce, which was even more delicious than the breakfast in the restaurant.

Last year, we met during the Mid-Autumn Festival and the National Day. There are a lot of handsome guys at home, and Le Yun is a cook. This time, there are not many handsome guys at home. I don’t have to worry about food all day long. I just play happily. Naturally, Heilong and the two handsome men followed closely.

It's not a fair day today, but tomorrow is the Mid-Autumn Festival. There are also many people on the street selling fresh goods in time, such as crocodile fish, snails, mushrooms, grapefruits, oranges, etc.

Three bodyguards composed of a dog and two dutifully followed the little loli. The dog was only a guard, and the two handsome men were also responsible for porters. Each carried a basket, and they helped the little loli carry whatever she bought. They also start with whatever they fancy and throw it into the basket.

The two handsome guys are amazingly handsome, but their demeanor is very down-to-earth. Whenever they go, the sellers look at them happily.

Two handsome guys: "..." I feel like a monkey in a zoo!However, the two still smiled, as if someone else was greeting them.

Classmate Le wanted to buy wild bee pupae, but there were none on the street. Fortunately, someone sold sweet-scented osmanthus, which was a windfall.

Young Master Yan and Handsome Lan happily bought mushrooms, swept the wild mushrooms on the street, bought ten catties of snails and twenty catties of flower fish, as well as plantain, citrus, pumpkin seeds, and wild hazelnuts. Tan chili sauce, a small basket of jelly fruit, and when I got back, I offered treasures to the Le family couple and Grandma Zhou.

Grandma Zhou is very face-saving and praises her good eyesight and ability to buy things. Dad Le has a simple and thick face.

After wandering around outside and returning home, Le Yun felt that the Zhou family was still quiet, which was very strange, so she found an opportunity to secretly ask the new mother: "Aunt Feng, is Uncle Zhou not coming back for the Mid-Autumn Festival?"

"Ask Uncle Leshan and them," Zhou Qiufeng smiled, "My brother is at the construction site, and Tianming is going to accompany grandma this year. My sister-in-law and Zhou Chunmei are angry because my mother came to our house, so they ran to grandma yesterday. It’s time to go home, I’ll help my mother’s family feed the pigs for the past two days.”

"Aunt Feng has worked hard, and I will ask Uncle Zhou to cut off a big elbow to thank you during the Chinese New Year." Le Yun quickly understood that Aunt Zhou did it on purpose, she ran back to her natal home to make things difficult for Uncle Zhou, and forced Grandma Zhou to go home and take care of the housework.

Zhou Qiufeng smiled and poked the naughty man on the head: "You are always like a ghost, by the way, Zhou Chunmei and my sister-in-law are gossiping behind their backs again, saying that you have such a wide range of opportunities, but you never bothered to help Zhou Chunmei find a job , Said that if you fly out of the mountain nest, you will not recognize people. If you hear anything, just treat them as fart. In some current affairs, you can’t read relatives’ affection. I really want to open this door. Anyone in the village who is not going well will come to your door to find you, and you are not enough to deal with it."

Le Yun, holding her head in her arms, thought... to kill people, of course Zhou Chunmei and Uncle Zhou's wife, for the sake of Uncle Zhou and Grandma Zhou, to give them some face and call Aunt Zhou and Sister Chunmei, they kicked their noses upside down On the face, ah bah!Relatives, she has a relationship with their ghostly relatives.

"Aunt Feng, don't worry, it's not popular for me to go through the back door here, and if I get angry, I'll tear my face apart, but I might be a little sorry for Grandma Zhou and Uncle Zhou. Grandma Zhou and Uncle Zhou are so good, I will always remember it."

"It's okay. If you think it's right, go according to your own ideas. Don't worry about my mother and brother. They are not confused, and neither is Tianming."

"Yeah." Le Yun nodded like a chicken pecking at rice. She has a reasonable new mother, and there are no pig teammates who are slowing down at home.

Remind Xiao Lele, Zhou Qiufeng is relieved, don't blame her for turning her arms around, whoever kisses her will get her share, brother is a real brother, but in the eyes of sister-in-law, she is an outsider, so, sister-in-law and niece get along well Okay, that's their business, old lady, at worst, she will take him over to raise her. Her brother is the pillar of her natal family, and my sister-in-law dare not really quarrel with her brother.

Classmate Le didn't affect his mood because of that little incident. He took his younger brother and Heilong for a stroll. Yan Shao and Lan San had endless energy. They soaked beans in the morning, and cooked some of them to make hot and sour bean sauce after shopping. , and some ground tofu, the two of them ground the tofu and asked the little loli to order some brine, made two boxes of old tofu, and made a bucket of bean brains.

The two handsome guys were thinking about the spicy tofu made by the little loli. The little loli refused to go to the kitchen. It was too stuffed, and their depressed mood disappeared on the day of the Mid-Autumn Festival, and the little loli ate it all by herself!
The little loli didn't touch the pot on the first day when she came home. On the second day, she rolled up her sleeves and dried it. She marinated shrimp, crab, and fish, steamed shrimp and crab in a pot, made soup, fried snails, fried fish, and wrapped fresh shrimp. dumpling.

After making a batch of shrimp and crabs, Le Dad is responsible for giving gifts from house to house, giving each of Cheng Wu's family, Liu Lu's family, Zhang Poluo's family, Chen Dalian's family, Zhou Village Chang's family, and Zhou Bapi's family a mooncake and a bowl The prawns and crabs with the soup are ready, and then sent to Boss Wu's house.

He ran around, and when he came back, the car was filled with agricultural products such as peanuts, melons, soybeans, red beans, pumpkin seeds, etc., which were produced by each family.

Therefore, Lejia does not need to go to the field to pull peanuts, there are ready-made ones, which can be eaten after cooking.

During the Mid-Autumn Festival, all families are reunited.

The old and the young of Chao's family gathered at Chao'er's house for the festival, and Mrs. Li and his wife also celebrated the festival with their son-in-law and grandson. Mr. Yang and Mr. Zhou couldn't go to his son-in-law's house every year because he had a son.

The children of Guxiu’s family in Qingda received Mid-Autumn moon cakes from home early, and they were having fun on their own. Only Feng He was the happiest. He went to the little brother’s house to spend the Mid-Autumn Festival with his master and ate moon cakes made by little loli.

Feng Shao’s little brother, he stayed at the little loli’s house to eat delicious food and drink spicy food, soaked in the honey water of happiness, even the brows looked happy, so that when he called back to He’s house, he was unanimously disgusted by his brothers and sisters .

How happy he is, how deserted Yan Lao is. Fortunately, having a call from his grandson can at least comfort his lonely heart.

After the Mid-Autumn Festival, everyone can do whatever they want, and life is as colorful as before the festival.

Little Lolita went into the mountain early in the morning of the [-]th National Congress, leaving behind a pot of brine, because her captain sent little Lolita to the mountain, and Lan San went to the street to bring back a piece of pork to blanch, and took it after nine o'clock. Went to the police station with Father Le and Village Chief Zhou with a copy of the document, and helped little Lolita go through the formalities of transferring her household registration back.

Classmate Le's household registration was temporarily moved to Qingda University because of his study relationship, and moving back was a matter of procedure. Dad Le took the opportunity to demolish the household registration, and demolished his and Zhou Qiufeng's Leshan households, and put them in the new building in the south. , The property rights of the new building were recorded in his name, but the demolition procedures were not done at that time.

He demolished the household and moved his account to a new building. In this way, his girl will truly inherit the family property such as the Lejia base and the land. Even if some people want to deliberately use the family property to sow discord There is no reason for the relationship between the family, and it is untenable to say that after giving birth to a son, you want to violate the parents' last words and occupy the family property and not give the daughter to gossip.

Of course, the demolition does not separate the families, and they still live in the old house in the north.

After going through the demolition procedures, Dad Le's heart fell to the ground. When he returned to the village, he stopped by to buy native eggs, native duck eggs, chicken, duck and pork, and made stewed vegetables with the handsome guy when he returned home.

(End of this chapter)

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