magic eye doctor

Chapter 1063 Meeting

Chapter 1063 Meeting
Jiang Shao and others ran fast, and instantly grabbed ahead of Wang Ershao and others. Duan Shaofeng and others were a little later, and fell behind Wang Ershao. Stand first.

Yan Xing really wanted to go straight up and leave, a group of bastards all ran to snatch the little loli, shameless!
Angrily, he rolled countless eyes in secret, and let the small plane land. The grass was flat, but the fuselage still trembled slightly. He waited for the propeller blades to stop before taking off his earphones, pushing the door and jumping out of the cabin, and circled the nose of the plane like a whirlwind. Help the little loli open the door, and prevent other handsome young men from taking the opportunity.

Classmate Le Xiao felt too sensitive, and his heart trembled when the fuselage trembled, so he waited for Yan Shuai to help open the cabin door, got out of the cabin, looked down, and saw a group of handsome guys swarming over , the whole face has changed, the little handsome guy from Tantai's family grows up so fast!

"You brat from the Tantai family, you can't do it because you ate pig feed specially designed to promote growth. How can you let others live if you grow more than ten centimeters in one summer vacation? The handsome guy from the Tantai family will take your brother away quickly, don't let him It dazzles me, I feel sad when I see him, and senior Chen, you also hide it for me, you crazy tall people are crazy bad guys, you make my heart feel so full that I have a myocardial infarction .”

The little girl of the Immortal Doctor Sect was worried about her height, and Master Yu and a group of old monks couldn't help smiling. No one is perfect, and the little girl is indeed a little short.

Xuan Shao and Jiang Shao had a group of people having fun, telling that brat to run fast, he must have been disgusted by it.

Tantai Xunyang carried his younger brother to his side, smiled and bowed down to thank him: "Thanks to the little beauty for her wonderful hand and rejuvenation, my family's A Huan was able to grow rapidly after recovering from illness, and his height has finally grown to a normal level."

"He's at a normal level, but I'm not at a normal level. Now I'm even more heartbroken. I'll have to let the handsome Tantai carry all the heaviest things later, to see if I can hold him down." Le Yun's heart was filled quickly. She can't live anymore, and she can understand that Chen Xuechang has grown two centimeters taller, but that brat is so fierce, isn't this hitting her to death?
"Well, I'll carry the heaviest one later. It's fine for me to carry all the luggage by myself." Tantai Xunhuan smiled happily by staying beside his brother. He is finally not a little dwarf who is not tall. I feel so happy.

"You are so beautiful, you want to be a porter, and then claim credit in front of the little beauty."

"You want to deliberately crush your body and find a little beauty to heal you with delicious pills, don't you?"

"I won't let you succeed..."

Xuan Shaoji and Ba Shao waited for everyone to say a word to each other, and did not give Tantai young master a chance to claim credit.

Wang Ershao squeezed to the front, eagerly waiting to be a handyman. Student Chen was not annoyed at all, and smiled extraordinarily brightly. He was no longer a third-class disabled. He grew taller and he was proud.

"Wait a minute, Handsome Yan and I will go to meet the seniors, then choose the direction to pitch the tent, and then move the luggage." Jun Shao and others came to help, Le Yun happily jumped down on the ground without wiping their faces. On the ground, move the backpack in front of you to the back.

"Okay, we'll wait for you." Young Master Xuan and the others were not in a hurry, and they weren't going to act as a middleman for Little Lolita to introduce anyone, as their elders were there.

Yan walked on the right side of little loli, and she walked to the camping area where the ancient repair world met.

This Double Ninth Festival gathering, almost everyone in China who couldn't attend due to special important matters, including the Wandao Mazu Taoist sect, etc., didn't miss it.

The ancient repair world of the Great China Kingdom gathers every few years, and sometimes many old families or sects send representatives to attend, and every time the level is raised by one level, and the team is led by a town house-level figure.

There are both large sects and small sects in ancient repair and ancient martial arts, as well as casual cultivators from Jianghu. The major sects or families with deep background basically arrived three or two days in advance. So far, more than [-] people have attended the meeting, and some People are free to move around, and they are not at the meeting place.

Everyone stood outside the tent, or stood by the lawn in the middle, looked towards the direction where the helicopter was staying, and saw a man and a woman approaching, many of the old-fashioned people were secretly shocked, the disciple of the old man Shanweng has superb internal strength!
Based on what we can see now, the disciple of the old man Shanweng and the genius Xuanyuan Chenbei of the Xuanyuan family are the strongest. If there is a real fight, it is hard to predict who will win and who will lose.

Many old men couldn't help but glance at Zhongli's family out of the corner of their eyes. The old Shanweng is a descendant of Zhongli's family, and Young Master Yan is also a descendant of Zhongli's family. It's really cheap for old Zhongli.

Just like Xuanyuan's family, Ji's Si's family and other families, Zhongli Yunling also drove to the Chongyang Festival in person. When he saw Yan Xing accompanied the little girl to arrive, he was very satisfied. When he saw someone coming, he smiled like Amitabha Buddha-like.

A large group of people stared at themselves, Le Yun was in... a cold sweat, what did she do?Isn't she just a little shorter, her skin is a little tender, and she looks very tender?
The feeling of being looked at like a monkey is quite unpleasant.

However, you still have to be calm, walked outside the area where the tents were about to be pitched, cupped your fists and bowed your hands: "Seniors, dear brothers, please!"

"The little girl invited!"

All the old and the young answered the salute with a smile, the old-fashioned ones stood and clasped their fists, and the younger ones or those who belonged to the junior ranks in the sect all clasped their fists together and bent slightly.

Even those who are old and antique don't dare to take it too seriously, after all, the little girl is willing to treat each other with the courtesy of the younger generation, it is to save face, whoever really washes his face with his own footbath will be secretly ridiculed by many people behind his back.

Little Lolita greeted everyone, and Yan Xing bowed slightly with cupped fists, saluting the seniors and young people present.

The people of the old antique class nodded and smiled in response, and the men and women of the younger generation politely greeted Young Master Yan with fists.

After saying hello, the two walked along the aisle in the middle of the tent. Le Yun observed while walking, looking at people's faces and scanned body images, and seated the old antiques of the Ji family, Xuan family and other families. Some people saw each other for the first time. , because I haven't seen their blood relatives or martial arts moves, etc., I can't tell which sects or families are heroes.

There are more than a dozen old antiques present whose cultivation base is close to the point of returning to basics, and their breath can be sent and received freely. If they walk on the street, no one would have guessed that they are actually hidden masters in the Jianghu.

Si Yujiang, the patriarch of the Si family, and Ji Xingye, the patriarch of the Ji family, are both in good health, without the slightest sign of stagnation, and their cultivation level has improved a level from when she first met them.

The ancestor-level old man of the Xuan family has a face very similar to Xuan Shao's, half of his hair is like ink, and the other half is like snow, which is quite interesting.

There are a few who should be the treasures of a certain sect, with extraordinary bearing, and the occasional flashes of light in their eyes are astonishing.

She saw the real person on Shengwu Mountain, Li Ziwang who once went to Lejia twice, a certain town treasure of Shengwu Mountain sect was a very inconspicuous person, with a middle-aged face, round face, not even Standing in the main position, deliberately acting as the second and third most important person in the team.

The big figures of some sects may not have arrived yet, or they may have gone out, and they did not see the powerful characters of the town house level. It seems that they belong to casual cultivators, and there are also several top advanced cultivators among them.

The gathering of the ancient repairing world can be said to gather the top masters of the rivers and lakes together, which makes people feel a lot of pressure.

For a moment, Le Yun thought to herself, how can I bring down these old antiques at the party with a snap of my fingers?
There is a way to bring down a group of old antiques, but it is more difficult to solve them instantly, because those people are extremely fast, and anyone who wants to play tricks may be choked before they succeed.

The more she thinks about it, the more the music becomes... It's not a taste. How many years does it take for her to practice without medicine and just use force to destroy those old antiques in seconds. I feel that the road to cultivation is very long, and she will still search up and down.

Little Lolita was not in a hurry, and Yan Xing was also calm and composed. He had participated in the ancient cultivation gathering with his master, and he was mentally prepared, and his heart was naturally calm.

Seeing the little girl and Young Master Yan coming, Master Xuan walked quickly towards the direction the little girl came from. It is impossible for Young Master Yan to know every family and faction, so it is better to let him be the introducer. It is worthy of the owner.

The mountain behind the meeting place is the main mountain range facing west, the camp is set up on the sunny side, and a four-corner sun umbrella tent is set up in the north-east corner, which is used for kitchen and dining hall, and there are more than a dozen tents in the north Those are the private camps of the first few sects or the Guxiu family. There are also several tents in the east, and the others are basically relatively small tents.

In front of several tents stood some old people of antique level. The Yudao master was connected with the tents of Xuanyuan's family, Ji's family, Jiang's family, Zhou Shao's family, and Feng's family, and the crowd was also next to each other.

Young Master Yan and Little Loli walked towards the center from the east aisle of the kitchen tent. They were close to the private tents of the Huajia and Huashan School on the east. Master Xuan waited for the beautiful young man and the little girl to come, greeted them with a smile, and recommended himself: "My family Chenbei and those boys have all run away, and I will be the introducer for the little girl. This family here is the owner of Wuyue Huashan, and all the fellow Taoists of Huashan."

"Immeasurable Buddha, the poor are polite." Everyone in Huashan sang a promise.

Le Yun returned the salute: "Infinite Buddha, Le Yun is polite."

Yan Xing accompanied Little Loli every step of the way, and also greeted the Lord of Huashan.

There are many families present, so it is impossible to exchange too many pleasantries, just say hello, just meet each other, Master Xuan walks in a clockwise direction, and then introduces a group of people next to him: "This is the Mountain Master of the Hengshan Sect... this is the Hua Family Friends..."

Master Xuan introduced whoever he was, and Le Yun clasped his fists to all the family members one by one.

Master Xuan didn't accompany anyone to the tents, he just walked clockwise around the lawn in the center of the tent, and the people in charge of each family took the initiative to greet the little girl on the lawn.

Go around in a circle, and finally go to the row of Master Yudao and others, and meet each other. The organizer of the party is the master of Qingcheng Mountain, and the tent is also set up in the front row of the nearest kitchen tent in the north. The elders of the Sect and the faction sit in town, and they have the largest number of people, with a total of more than 50 people. The other families have the largest number of 30 people. The Xuanyuan family is in charge, and there are about [-] people to the meeting place. Some young people are sent to help clear the city. All the friends organized the party, and Jiang from Glong Province, which is near N Province, also gave great help due to the principle of proximity.

The gatherings in the ancient repairing world are presided over by various sects and ancient martial arts families with deep backgrounds in turn, or several alliances participate in the drawing as a whole. The venue for the gathering is also selected by the collegiate. There are several alternative places , where each lottery is decided.

When choosing a location, you can ask the nearest family or sect to assist you, communicate with some local departments or local residents, and open up some joints in advance, or if the family or sect in charge of hosting has a lot of money and you are too busy, You can give the planned plan to the Guxiu Guwu family who are willing to organize the party on their behalf. They only need to pay the money, and the agent will contribute their efforts.

It took nearly half an hour to complete a circle, and the crowd still hadn't dispersed, so Le Yun could only look around and clasped his fists again: "All seniors and colleagues show love, and Le Yun is afraid. The coming day will be long, and Le Yun will visit you again when he has free time."

"Little girl, you are welcome." The little girl thanked the four directions again, and everyone in the family dispersed.

Yu Hui and his fellow sect also went back to the tent, feeling more and more melancholy, no matter how you look at it, the granddaughter of the junior brother is a dragon and phoenix, but unfortunately, she refuses to return to the sect.

He could even feel that the little girl from the Le family was more willing to get close to the Wanqi family. When she met the Wanqi family, she had a big smile. Their attitudes are the same, they are both self-denial and etiquette.

Some things were inconvenient for him to talk to his fellow disciples and seniors, so he followed his brothers and seniors into the tent without saying a word.

After thanking Sifang, Le Yun greeted Master Yudao and others again, and was about to move the luggage and set up the private kitchenette.

Master Yudao pulled the little girl over and pointed to a tent with a smile: "You don't need to pitch any more tents, this tent is reserved for you, it's not good for you as a little girl to live among men, I decide to let you stay next to me live, next to Xuanjia."

The tent that Master Yudao was referring to was a tent, and a row of curtains in front was raised, revealing that half of the tent was covered with carpets and the other half was lawn.

Looking up, Le Yun's eyes widened: "Senior Yu, how can I get such a big tent by myself, this is more suitable for a family with a lot of people, I just sleep on a small plane."

"It's really not necessary to just sleep, but what if there are guests? So Xiaochenbei and I will reserve a bigger tent for you." The smile in Yudao Master's eyes was meaningful.

"..." Le Yun looked up to the sky and was speechless, this is a party, no one would come to her to chat about life, right?Swallowing silently and sighing, he thanked the old island owner: "Thank you, senior, so I would be more respectful than obedient."

"That's right, after you settle down, let's visit each other and talk to each other. You still have something to do at the moment, so you go first." Island Master Yu patted the little girl's head lovingly, as if teasing his juniors, and nodded. She touched her pink little Qiong's nose, making the little guy wrinkle his nose and protest, and then she happily entered her tent.

Master Yu Island and the Xuan family left a tent for the little girl. Yan Xing was calm on the surface, but there were millions of angry birds roaring in his heart. Little Lori lived in the tent that someone else left for her. Where does he live?Where does he live?where to live where to live...

If the uncle in charge is there, there is still a chance to snatch little Lolita and live in the tent of the Zhongli family. If the uncle is not there, the owner of Penglai Island has the highest seniority and level. Who would dare to rob someone from Island Lord Yu? what.

In an instant, Yan Xing was overwhelmed, and the little Lolita walked out, and followed suit.

Walking to the kitchen, Le Xiao greeted the chefs one by one. The chefs were responsible for three meals a day, which was the hardest work.

All the chefs returned the gift politely.

The etiquette is complete, and Le can leave. When greeting the chefs, he can also see the situation in the kitchen. There are ten tanks of natural gas in the kitchen. Rice is cooked in a large pot and a steaming barrel for steaming rice. There is a large plastic bucket for water. Tanks and tableware are made of stainless steel.

The cooking tents are in the outer row. There are two tents dedicated to storing ingredients. The stoves for cooking are arranged in rows with foldable tables. One stove is far away from the others, and it specializes in non-meat vegetarian dishes.

Looking at the situation, all kinds of things are placed neatly and neatly. It can be seen that the most careful detailed arrangements and planning have been made in advance, and the command and dispatch personnel are also extremely careful. Based on this, it can be speculated that holding a party will cost at least a hundred thousand .

To tell the truth, if she had to handle it, she would rather die.

Classmate Le, who was full of thoughts, crossed the kitchen tent and looked at the handsome guys waiting for him beside the small plane. He rushed to the handsome guys and glared at Xuan Shao: "Xuan Shao, let's talk about life first."

"Oh, what kind of life are you talking about? It's important to move your luggage first. If you really want to chat, it's best to talk about cooking." Xuan Shao instantly understood why the little beauty wanted to talk about life with him.

"Well, let's talk about cooking first." Le Yun asked someone to settle the score angrily: "You said that the food at each gathering is relatively simple, basically eating meat like dried fish, spicy chicken, and duck, and sometimes it only takes three or two days to eat. Qingcai made me believe it was true, so I drove a small plane here, but take a look, what's in the kitchen?"

Jiang Shaohua, Shaohua and the others looked at the bearded and staring little beauty, An Le. In fact, Young Master Xuan was not lying. Because the gatherings were in relatively remote places, sometimes the supplies could not be followed up in time. The meals were really simple, meat It is not convenient to store, and most of the ingredients are air-dried chicken, duck, fish, air-dried beef and mutton, etc.

"What I said is true," Xuan Shao blinked his clear eyes, and a cute smile appeared on his delicate face: "I didn't cheat anyone, the reason you see that there are plenty of items in the kitchen is because this time it is closer to the place of residence, So now there are fresh mutton and vegetables, and in a few days, the supplies may not arrive in time, so we have to tighten our belts."

"Little beauty, what Xuan Shao said is true."

Ji Shao and Zhou Shao helped testify, and Hua Shao also testified unanimously.

"Okay, I'll believe it for now." Le Yun puffed her cheeks and puffed out, not clinging to the bad things.

Yan Xing opened the cabin of the plane and went up to direct. A group of handsome young men were curious about what little loli had brought. The young handsome men climbed into the plane because of their young age. The older ones were looking outside. Surprised, good guy, the cabin is full of supplies, vegetables, etc. are all in baskets!
Wang Ershao, Ren Shao, and Tantai Xiaoshao helped deliver things, such as fruits and vegetables, pork, lamb, tents, gas tanks, gas stoves, foldable tables, tablecloths, seasonings, buckets...

(End of this chapter)

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