magic eye doctor

Chapter 1078

Chapter 1078

Mrs. Zhen wandered around the camp for a long time, inquired about some news, and she would know who it was when the helicopter arrived, and she was ready to visit, but the Jiang family and the Tantai family were too fast and took the opportunity, and the Tantai family There is still one left at the little girl's place, and it is not convenient for her to visit.

After finally waiting for Miss Le to finish her work, Young Master Yan carried her back for a walk. Mrs. Zhen was so depressed. Why is Young Master Yan so ignorant of the world? Does anyone know who is waiting to visit the little girl?You can't walk around the camp with people on your back, why do you have to go to the river?

No matter how depressed he was, he could only watch the handsome young man walk out of the tent circle with the little girl on his back, and wait for his own time. Fortunately, her family was not the only one who hadn't visited the little girl, and none of the people who came after him had ever greeted the little girl.

Yan Xing walked with the little loli on his back, and the little loli lay on his back, as if his whole body was enveloped in her unique fragrance. His heart was as soft as spring water, and the sweet smell of Xingbao permeated the air. The whole chamber of the heart.

There were people sitting and chatting, meditating, or comprehending everywhere in the meadow. Every time they saw Young Master Yan carrying the little girl on his back, they would inevitably show shocked expressions.

Yan Xing turned a blind eye to other people's attention, and happily walked to the bank of the river with his future girlfriend on his back, and then walked upstream along the bank, observing the fish in the river.

There are fish in the river, however, the fish are few and small.

After staring for a while, Le Yun gave up on the plan of catching fish. There were too few fish, even if he caught a few, he couldn’t transfer the fish in the space to exchange them.

There was no fish to catch, so there was nothing to go for a walk. Yan Xing turned back to the tent with little loli on his back. In the cabin, he turned and hurried to her tent.

The curtain of the tent was lowered, Young Master Yan raised the curtain for ventilation, went in to look at things, found the goat milk bucket that little loli had mentioned, carried the goat milk bucket to the small kitchen, and waited for little loli to cook.

The talented classmate Chen and Wang Ershao helped Yan Shao as handymen for a while, and sat on the lawn to meditate. When they knew that Yan Shao was carrying little loli for a walk, the whole person was not well, Xiao Chao, Chao Shao, Young Master Yan robbed little Lolita, come and beat him to death!

The hearts of the two students were extremely resentful. Little Lolita was always running outside, and she had so few days at school that they and those like Li Shao didn't have a chance to show their faces. By her side, she seemed to be the number one celebrity in front of little Lolita.

At the Double Ninth Festival gathering, they also took on the heavy responsibility of working as handymen for Little Lolita, but in the end they were always robbed of their jobs by Young Master Yan, and even the work of taking care of Little Lolita was snatched away by Yan.

Watching Young Master Yan walking with Little Lolita on his back, the two classmates secretly grind their teeth, almost wearing out the back of the tooth socket, Young Master Yan returned with Little Lolita on his back, the two school masters instantly calmed down all their emotions, and became quiet aesthetic masters .

Seeing little Lolita get into the helicopter cabin, the quiet and aesthetic masters guessed that she must have something to do, so they paid full attention to it, and no one cared what Yan Shao was busy with.

Xiao Le, who climbed into the cabin, happily laid out some tools, took out some plants to tinker with, made a few bottles of medicinal juice, found some dried medicinal materials, pulled out a large box from the pile of items on the small plane, and carried out a bunch of He picked up a copper alloy medicine stove and got off the small plane with the items.

Before they even reached the private kitchen, Erxueba and Wang Erxiao rushed over to snatch the Yaolu Gang to hold her. She was happy to relax and casually asked, "Wang Erxiao, what is your brother doing? I didn't see him coming to give him a hug." Young Master Uncle, I will work as an errand worker."

"My brother is making progress together with the older brothers and younger brothers in the family, and basically doesn't go out for activities. My grandfather and the seniors of Zhai's Fu family sent me and my talented brother, Brother Chen, to run errands for you. If you have anything to do, just ask the three of us." Xiaoluo Wang Ruichen was flattered when Li finally remembered his brother's character. He thought that if he and his brothers didn't show up for three to five days, little Lolita wouldn't even notice.

"Oh, those who practice hard are good boys, and you guys should practice more. It doesn't matter if you are a little bit different from others, you can't make a difference."

"...We understand." The three brothers nodded sadly. They didn't actually take the road of ancient repairs. They were children of the road of Wen. Ming said, follow the little girl first, or she asks the bottom line and teaches them how to answer.

The three brothers moved the medicine stove and the bottle of medicine juice under the tent, waiting excitedly to be handymen.

Little Loli moved a gas stove to the ground and placed the medicine stove on top of the gas stove. Because the feet of the medicine stove were not high enough and it was too close to the gas stove, she couldn't find a stone to use as a foothold, so she touched three big potatoes Cut it flat as a stepping stone for a medicine furnace.

Shocked by little lolita's operation, the three elementary school tyrants and handsome Yan stared at each other with one meaning: Can it still be like this? !
Little Loli puts the medicine stove, puts on clean disposable gloves that can be used many times, lifts the sheep's stomach out of the marinade, tightens the opening at one end, stuffs the medicine into the sheep's stomach, and pours the medicine juice , pour some goat's milk again, tie the opening on the other end tightly, put it into the medicine stove, pour some goat's milk and water into it, and throw a few handfuls of medicinal materials.

Prepare the ingredients, cover the lid of the medicine stove, and turn on the fire to stew the soup. It turns out that the potatoes have a good load-bearing capacity. The medicine stove is as heavy as goat milk and water, and the three potatoes on the feet of the medicine stove are supported by a medicine stove. The feet did not appear to be broken into slag.

At the other end of the stew, the little loli cleaned the onion, sliced ​​it, then found some medicinal materials and chopped them into pieces, mixed them with the soaked glutinous rice, brought out a lamb, stuffed the materials into the sheep's belly, and put it in a pottery jar. After closing the lid, stick it with flour paste on the edge, and turn on the stove to simmer.

After finishing her work, the little Lolita sat on the lawn and acted as a hands-off shopkeeper, letting the handsome guys manage the fire, clean and handle the side dishes.

The little loli is busy in the small private kitchen, and the chefs in the big kitchen are also busy. Now the total number of party members has reached more than 800. The rice for each meal is a big problem. The kitchen has to start cooking rice in a large pot a few hours in advance of each meal. Every time the rice is stewed, it is scooped out and put in a bucket before stewing. Reheat the first stewed rice before eating.

Mrs. Zhen sent someone to wander around the camp for a few times, and when she learned that the little girl was done with her work, she took two middle-aged and old people and two young people with them, and went straight to the little girl's private kitchen with gifts.

Even though classmate Chen is not a direct descendant of the Xiuwu Xiugu family, he is also a direct disciple, not to mention that they met Miss Le the earliest and were very close. Wandering around when there was no time in the sky, collected a lot of information, and naturally recognized the person "Madame Zhen".

Mrs. Zhen and her party were still far away, and the talented man happily acted as a messenger: "Little Lolita, Mrs. Zhen is here."

"I'm also looking forward to it." Le Yun had long kept the character "Madam Zhen" in her heart. Hearing that Madam Zhen came to visit her, she looked meaningfully at the direction Madam Zhen came from, and moved to sit on the lawn under the sun. , After sitting for less than two minutes, I met Mrs. Zhen, who was well-received in the ancient repair world.

It was an old woman who looked younger. She was over a hundred years old but still had a charm. It was not difficult to see the beauty of her youth from the outline of her face. It was no wonder that Miss Ji Jiajiu ranked Mrs. Zhen second in the list of beauties.

The beauty of the old lady is different from the noble and sacred beauty of Master Yudao. Her beauty is not only that of a royal sister, but also full of charm and sexiness because of a mole of tears and winking eyes of a fox.

Looking at the middle-aged and young men brought by the old woman, the four of them have round faces, and their faces are somewhat similar to hers. Le Yun instantly understood the deep meaning of the old woman, this is the real mess Familiar!When others show their faces, they may not be remembered. People with the same face shape as her are naturally impressive.

Mrs. Zhen led the younger generation to the small private kitchen along the aisle between the tents, and saw the little girl sitting on the floor looking up at the sky with a smile on her face: "Miss Le's medical skills are superb, and the Le family in Xishi City in the south of the Yangtze River admires her." For a long time, I have no chance to visit, this time at the Shipeng gathering, Li Zhenniang, the widow of Le Shuisheng, brought her younger generation to visit, hoping that the little girl's work and life will not be disturbed."

When the guests came, Le Yun sat upright, and heard Mrs. Zhen claiming to be "the survivor of Le Shuisheng", she smiled and answered the words: "There was a famous Mrs. Zhen in the ancient repair world. It is rumored that she was loyal to her deceased husband." Mrs. Jie Lie is even a strong woman among women, seeing her today is indeed as famous as meeting her. I have nothing to hide here, the sky is the roof, and the earth is the bench. I am wronged by Mrs. Zhen, please sit down—”

Yan Xing couldn't help but look at the members of the Le family. Little Lolita usually doesn't praise others. There are two situations when she praises someone. One is to annoy her, and she will give a bunch of good adjectives, which is not a real compliment. The second is courtesy compliments, for example, if someone praises her for being extremely smart, she will praise her back.

Little Lolita has nothing to do with the Le family in Xishi, Jiangnan, and it's the first time they've met. She specifically praised Mrs. Jie Lie as Mrs. Jie Lie, either because she admired women who are loyal to their feelings, or...

If it's a polite reply, it doesn't quite look like it. If it's an appreciation, it doesn't quite look like it. It feels a little weird, but Yan Xing can't tell where it's weird. Anyway, he intuitively feels that she doesn't really praise Madam Zhen sincerely.

"The sky is the roof and the ground is the bench. The little girl is so bold. The old man is here to bother you." Mrs. Zhen led the younger generation around the kitchen tent and sat down in front of the exquisite little girl with short hair. .

Mrs. Zhen brought her family to visit, and Wang Ershao was in charge of serving as a tea boy. He moved the table that had been placed on the stove and placed it in the open space in front of little Lolita, and placed disposable plastic cups. When Mrs. Zhen sat down, he quickly He lifts the teapot and pours tea quickly.

The four members of the Le family also sat on the ground on the left and right sides of the old lady, and unwrapped the parcels they brought. Because the grandson of Wanqi's family poured tea, they each took the tea and sipped it first.

After taking a few sips of tea, the four of the Le family opened the package and handed it to the old lady.

Mrs. Zhen took the packages and opened them one by one for the little girl to have a look at: "I heard that the little girl cooks a good medicinal meal, and I brought three or two ingredients with me. The gifts are mere gifts. I hope the little girl will not be disgusted."

Lejia carried a total of four packages, wrapped in blue cloth, inside a box containing four famous fish: Kanglang fish, small white fish, Songjiang perch and Mengjin carp
Kanglang fish is a famous product in Fuxian Lake in South Y Province. Small white fish only live in two river systems in Province M and Province X. It is a regional specialty fish; Songjiang perch and Mengjin carp are also famous regional fish.

Le Yun had eaten four kinds of famous fish. The Duan family and Dian Cang gave her Kanglang fish, Bian Yuan gave her a small dried white fish, a special product from his hometown, He family, Tantai family, Ji family and Xuan Shao’s family. There are small dried fishes that gave her Songjiang perch and Mengjin carp.

I know how to cook and match them well. The dishes made from the four kinds of dried fish are very delicious. If the cooking skills are average, it tastes no different from ordinary dried fish.

Seeing the famous dried fish ingredients from Lejia, Le Yun was not at all surprised, she smiled faintly and refused: "You will not be rewarded for no merit, I just appreciate Madam Zhen's wishes, please bring the generous gift back to Madam Zhen."

The faces of the four middle-aged and young people in the Le family suddenly became extremely embarrassed, and Mrs. Zhen's smile froze, and then recovered immediately, and she went down the steps mockingly: "The little girl is young, and the seat in the Le family is low, so there is no chance to meet her." Hey, this is the first time I came to visit and I only brought a small gift, it's too shabby and tacky, it's normal for a little girl to look down on you."

"Since ancient times, etiquette has been light on affection and affection. I don't accept gifts not because of the gift itself, but because of the principle I said, 'no merit without reward'." Le Yun was not affected by Mrs. Zhen's words, and her smile remained unchanged. Plain explanation: "The old man said that he was short-handed, and I didn't want to be honest. I would not accept any gifts. Jiang Shao's family and Mr. Ant are my patients. I have a doctor-patient relationship with them. The patient's family gave me a gift, and I will accept it. well deserved;

Like Duan, Ren, Feng's family, and quite a few handsome Tantai guys who lived opposite my dormitory at Qingda University, and often visited my place. They brought me specialties from their hometown after returning from vacation, and we ate them all at that time. It is natural for students to bring their hometown specialties to school to share with their classmates.

This is the first time Mrs. Zhen and I have met. I am not related to the Le family. If I accept a gift from Mrs. Zhen, it will be against my principles. We don't accept gifts, so naturally we can't make an exception to accept gifts from Mrs. Zhen's family. Please forgive me, Mrs. Zhen. "

Yan Xing and Caitong Chen murmured to themselves that if little loli doesn’t accept gifts, it means that they don’t accept expensive gifts. In fact, small gifts are not the exception. For example, giving home-grown tea, dried fruit, etc., she usually laughs. Mimi accepted it, presumably because Le Jia gave the gift in the name of the Guxiu family, and she didn't intend to have a close relationship with Le Jia, so she didn't accept the gift.

"It turns out that I'm too superficial. The little girl has a high foresight and is admired by the old man." The little girl explained the principle of not accepting gifts, and she didn't mean to discredit the Le family. Madam Zhen's face was not damaged by this, so she happily sent The box was taken back and handed to the family members for safekeeping.

It is not advisable for the two parties to talk for a long time when they meet for the first time. Mrs. Zhen also consciously exchanged pleasantries for a while, chatted with some ordinary words, and then led them back to Lejia's tent to make room for other visitors.

(End of this chapter)

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