magic eye doctor

Chapter 1082

Chapter 1082

The old man Lu's mouth was crooked, his face was slanted, he couldn't speak, he trembled from time to time as if he was being shocked by an electric shock, he couldn't speak or stand, but his mind was still clear and he would blink his eyes to express his gratitude.

Yan Xing arranged for the old man, and went to work as his own cook.

Le Yun took out the needles from the backpack she was carrying and pierced the old man's face with seven needles, leaving him alone, and went to the small plane to find the tools to mix some ointments and juices that needed to be used, and put some tools in the tent for future use .

The news of the meeting place spread quickly, and the news that Miss Le left behind an old man in the Lu family who was insane quickly spread secretly. Many people wandered around the big kitchen when they had nothing to do, almost making the chefs think that everyone was there. I'm hungry and want to eat early.

After the last group of people arrived, the Qingcheng side also counted the number of people who attended the party. There were more than 30 people in total, which was the largest number in the past 600 years. The last party had more than [-] people.

There are more than 900 people, and eating is a big problem. Two more tents have been added to the big kitchen, and the pickers have moved back four tanks of gas and rice buckets. The chefs are even more busy.

Twenty minutes before the meal, the staff went to the tent in the big kitchen to take their seats one after another. There was a scent that was so enticing that everyone wanted to get closer.

The members of Tantai's family also followed the trend, but Tantai Xunyue did not show up, she was devoted to cultivation and seemed to be ignorant of everything outside.

Professor Wan Teng took his great-nephew and great-grandson to the small kitchen of the primary school students. When he saw that no food was cooked, he was impatient: "Xiao Le, you haven't cooked any food yet. What are we going to eat?"

"The soup is ready. After you drink the soup, it will not be too late for me to cook." Le Yun showed an extremely innocent smile: "Professor, you are ready. After drinking the soup, take my little nephew and talented senior Chen with you." Seniors and three top students, let's go for a few laps."

"Why did you run?" Professor Wan Teng strode up to the pupil, reached out and touched the pupil's head, with a curious expression on his face, why did he run after drinking the soup?
"You'll find out later." Le Yun resolutely refused to say the reason, and directed the three Xueba and handsome Yan to prepare bowls and spoons.

Master Ayu brought his apprentice and Feng Yi, the grandson of the Feng family, to sit in the small kitchen and waited for the big meal. After sitting down, Yi Man laughed like a flower.

Jade Island Lord Qian Zongzhu floated into his seat with a smile on his face; Wu Si, who was invited to accompany Jade Island Master, took his young disciple Wu Yu to meet everyone first, and sat beside Yu Island Master.

Student Le Xiao arranged Fengyi and Wanqijixiang to the side where he was going to sit, moved the medicine stove that had been turned off and cooled for a while, opened the lid, and a burst of fragrant fragrance rushed out in all directions.

The strong aroma will make the greedy in the heart ready to move.

Professor Wan Teng secretly swallowed his saliva, and secretly thought about whether he would be thick-skinned later and ask the elementary school students to give him an extra bowl of soup to make him enjoy himself.

The Xueba who had been guarding for a long time was already drooling. Hearing the little loli yelling for something to get, he immediately approached the medicine stove with the plate on which the bowl was placed, and looked at the medicine stove. The white soup is almost jelly-like, and the sheep's stomach containing the medicinal soup has become smaller.

Everything is ready, student Le Xiao lifted the sheep's stomach with one end facing upwards, then untied the thread tied to the pocket of the sheep's stomach, opened the opening, and the more intense aroma escaped, and the medicinal soup in the sheep's stomach was like making A good white jelly is crystal clear.

Three Xueba laughed silly.

Le Yun took a spoon to scoop the soup from the sheep's stomach, and first filled five bowls, two bowls were ninety percent full, and three bowls were only seventy percent full, and asked Wang Ershao to give Yudaozhu, Qianzongzhu and Wuzhangmen, Yilao, Ayu The master sent it.

Afterwards, soup was spooned from the stomach of the sheep, and each bowl was only filled with a three-point amount, and the medicinal soup in the stomach of the medicine furnace was added to neutralize it in twos. Cai Xuechang and Wang Erxiao, Feng Shao and Wu Shao.

Master Yudao, Master Qian, Master Ayufang, Yiman, and Head Master Wu got the soup, first blew it a little, tried to see if the temperature was right, took it up and drank it all in one gulp.

The entrance of the soup is intoxicating, when it goes down the throat, it feels refreshing, but when it enters the stomach, it feels like a fire is burning up, and a wave of heat is soaring up to the sky, almost wanting to break through Nine days on the skull.

Sweat dripped from the faces of all the elders, they quickly put down their bowls, and sat cross-legged to exercise their skills.

Chen Xue, who was secretly watching the expression of the five elders who drank the soup first, was secretly taken aback. Feng Shao and Wu Shao even widened their eyes with anticipation.

The Xuebas gave the soup to Feng Shaowushao, each of them took a bowl and gulped it down like cows drinking water. The next moment, the faces of the three Xuebas turned red like fire, and they threw away the bowls , jumped up and rushed out.

"Little Lolita, I... I'm going to do some exercise."

The three Xueba ran and shouted.

"You can run dozens of kilometers, but you are not allowed to jump into the river to take a bath. Whoever dares to jump into the river to cool down, I will break his dog legs." I was thinking about asking her to cook soup and see if they still want to drink soup later.

Feng Shaowu looked at the three school masters who flew out, stared at his own soup in shock, and finally poured it down with his neck up, whatever it is, he won't die anyway, let's talk about it after drinking.

Less than ten seconds after drinking the soup, the two young masters' faces were also flushed, and they put down the bowl by throwing it down and sat cross-legged to practice.

Professor Wan Teng looked around and discussed in a low voice: "Xiao Le, good boy, good little padded jacket, can you dilute the soup for the teacher?"

"No, this is already the weakest combination, and adding more ingredients will have no special effect, professor, don't be cowardly, just drink it and run a few laps."

"...Well, a man can't be cowardly, I'll do it." Professor Wan Cheng felt that as an elder, he couldn't lose face in front of the juniors. He raised his head, drank the soup, put down the bowl, and ran away when the heat was just rising. .

It was getting late, and the kitchen tent was already lit. Senior Chen and Wang Ershao, who rushed to the open area of ​​the lawn, ran for tens of meters, and ran wildly around the tent camp in the wind.

It's impossible not to run wildly, the heat in the stomach is about to steam people, and it's very refreshing to run wildly.

Professor Wan Teng also ran wildly after the three young men.

Many people who didn't understand what happened to Miss Le were confused when they saw a few people running wildly.

Shouting an old school bully to run around, little classmate Le smiled and filled the soup from the sheep's stomach and the soup from the medicine stove, and made a whole bowl for Handsome Yan.

Yan Xing poured down the soup without hesitation, flushed the bowl with water and drank the water. He originally thought that with his strong physique, he would definitely not be like the three Xueba, but he only persisted for less than 1 Minutes, the face sweat like beans.

The other hotness is nothing, the most difficult thing to say is that the private part seems to be about to let go of himself, and the feeling of mania surged in his heart, making him wish he could immediately hug the little Lolita and punish her on the spot.

Yan Xing finally understood why Professor Wan Teng and the three academic masters rushed out without hesitation. In this situation, if they don't run away, they will die if they can't control it.

"Little Lolita, I'm going to get some air." In an instant, he put down the bowl decisively, and rushed towards the empty lawn at the speed of the wind.

After rushing wildly for more than fifty meters, he rushed to the side of the helicopter in one breath, Yan Xing sat on the ground with his five hearts facing upwards, practicing exercises to digest the power of the medicine.

Everyone ran away, Le Yun set up a pergola to watch for a while, happily filled a bowl with a little soup, washed it with goat's milk and diluted it several times before giving Fengyi and Wanqi auspiciousness.

"Little Master Uncle, why are all the uncles running away?" Wan Qijixiang asked his question curiously.

"They are not physically strong enough, and they don't like to exercise. My uncle told them to go for a run. Xiao Jixiang and Xiao Fengyi should develop a good habit of exercising from an early age, and they can't learn from the bad habits of their uncles."

"Okay, I understand." The two children nodded obediently, holding the bowls to drink the soup, first took small sips, drank half of it, and finished it in a few sips.

"You are too young to drink more soup. Play for a while to digest the soup, and eat more later. Play by yourself, don't quarrel with uncle and elders." The two children looked at themselves eagerly, happily Yun was determined not to soften her heart, she patted the heads of the two little ones, and went to cook by herself.

Wan Qixiang and Fengyi nodded obediently, not wanting to run around, ran to the back of the little master uncle/little sister, watching her cooking curiously.

Miss Le turned on the cooking mode, okay, the square garden is full of aromas, sauerkraut fried lamb lung, fried lamb liver and so on, the smell will whet the appetite.

Professor Wan Teng and the three academic masters who were running wildly smelled the scent and ran faster. They ran around the camp four times, sweating a lot, and finally dissipated the heat almost, and ran back to the tent in a line. Sitting on the ground, panting "ouch".

Wan Teng auspiciously ran to beat his uncle's back, and Feng Yi also graciously helped him beat his legs. The behavior of the two little ones instantly warmed up Professor Wan Teng, and he patted the heads of the two children and said "good job" full of praise .

Even if his legs are so tired that they seem to be broken, the three Xuebas are still happy. It feels so good to run to their heart's content, and the feeling of flying against the wind is so refreshing.

"Xiao Lele, is there still soup tomorrow?"

"Little Lolita, come back tomorrow night."

"Aren't you tired from running? You don't know how to chew too much? A bowl of soup can keep you from getting a cold stomach all winter. Why do you want to go to heaven if you are not satisfied?" Le Yun wanted to reveal the table, wouldn't this exhaust them to death?

"Don't, don't, don't be angry, let's just talk."

The three school masters are very cowardly, they are very contented, they just want to talk to little Lolita.

Professor Wan Teng didn't express his opinion, and sat quietly waiting for the meal.

When dinner was served in the big kitchen, Master Qian of Yudao, Elder Hao, Elder Yi, and Master Wu also finished their meditation successively, with surprise hidden in everyone's eyes.

Yan Xing practiced for a little week, absorbed the power of the medicine, and ran back to the little Lolita, couldn't help but touch the little head of the little Lolita, then went to wash his hands, took the sheep out of the jar, and took out the sheep first. Chop the glutinous rice in the belly and put it on a plate.

Xueba, who was resting for a while, helped to set the dishes and chopsticks, all the dishes were served, Feng Shaowu Shao finally finished his training, and he washed his hands quickly to help serve the rice.

After drinking a bowl of tonic soup and eating stewed mutton with a different taste from yesterday, the old men were all elated. When the young people packed the tableware, they ran to the tent where the old man Lu was lying and sat down, waiting to see The little girl gives acupuncture.

(End of this chapter)

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