magic eye doctor

Chapter 1085 Lottery

Chapter 1085 Lottery
A gathering in the ancient repair world does not mean that it is really just getting together to chat and hang out, and there is the most important thing - cut it!
All the troubles, all the troubles of the younger generation.

On the 15th, that is, the new day is coming, which is the official first day of the gathering in the ancient repair world, and Qiechao will also kick off. Therefore, many young people were a little excited on the first night, as if they were scrambling to get up early in the morning in order to grab auspicious luck , and even less than five o'clock, the camp was full of people.

Yan Xing was not interested in researching whether others slept well. He slept well. He woke up naturally. He ran to the kitchen with a very attentive attitude and followed the little girl's buttocks. When he saw other people getting up early and running around, he It's contemptuous, why do you get up so early when you have nothing to do?

He thinks, since he doesn't help with the work, then don't get up too early, it's better to sleep until it's time to get up, or get up early, let the chefs think that everyone is hungry, and put them under pressure.

Like him, he wants to do chores for his future girlfriend, as a follower, and to help share housework, so he has to get up early and work hard.

Yan Xing, who was choosing green vegetables, despised others in his heart, and gave himself several likes, with happiness hidden in his lowered eyes, secretly thinking about his own happiness, let others be jealous.

The day's plan is in the morning, the young people in the ancient repair world get up too early, the old and knowledgeable generation want to yell, careless brat, what kind of hut are you grabbing, don't know how to let the old people go first .

When all the old people were busy robbing the latrines, Master Lu waited eagerly for the elders. When it was daylight, the old man who had been lying on the acupuncture points for a whole night unraveled himself. state.

Master Lu: "..." Ancestor, can you just say a few words and practice again?It hurts so much.

Patriarch Lu, who felt hurt, sighed silently, and resigned himself to guarding the dharma by the side. After a minute and a second, after waiting for about half an hour, the old man with his eyes closed opened his eyes again, jumped up and rushed out in ecstasy. Tent: "Hahaha, that's how it feels like a freshman!"

Master Lu was stunned, could the old man be out of his mind?But it's not like, he jumped up and chased out of the tent, found the old man rushing towards the kitchen, and chased him as fast as he could.

No matter how hard he tried to catch up with the elders, he couldn't catch up with the elders. He was far behind. Before he arrived, Mr. Lu had already flew to Miss Zhile's private kitchen, and expressed his gratitude to the little girl generously: "Thank you, little girl, little girl!" The rejuvenation of my hands has given my old bones a new life, and I deserve to be called a miracle doctor."

The old man rushed towards him, but Yan Xing didn't see it clearly, he stood still, and found that it was the old man of the Lu family from last night, with a shirt hanging casually on his body, his face was full of red, and his eyes were as bright as stars.

Le Yun glanced at the old man who came to him, her eyebrows trembled, and she boasted bluntly: "That's right, I said that my medical skills are not blown out, and people who have not broken their meridians can still be rescued. The old man I have received your wishes, you should go for a walk happily, and then walk around in front of my eyes, I may not be able to control you from greeting you with needles."

"My old man doesn't want to be tied into a hornet's nest, and I'll drink tea with the little girl some other day." The little girl wanted to stab herself with a needle, but Mr. Lu didn't want to be knocked down to the ground early in the morning, so he jumped away and flew towards the latrine.

Master Lu chased after Miss Le's tent, but the old man ran away again, so he didn't chase at all, straightened his clothes, approached Shi Shiran, and bowed deeply to the little girl: "The little girl came into the world with amazing medical skills, it belongs to me." It is a great fortune for the ancient cultivation world. The little girl has solved the danger of my elders, the Lu family is very grateful, and when there is time in the afternoon, the Lu family will visit the little girl again."

"I've never understood what modesty is. If Master Lu praises me again, I might float to the top of the tent. There are too many things in the morning, and Master Lu please let me know beforehand." For other people's compliments, Le Yun always accepts them as she pleases. Accept all of them, and naturally decline with a well-deserved one.

"Little girl and Young Master Yan, please be busy, and someone Lu will not accompany you." The little girl Le is easy-going and easy-going, and the head of the Lu family is not polite. After saying hello, she went back to the tent to get things to wash by the river. Come back, don't need him to worry anymore.

As soon as Mr. Lu was able to move, he ran to Miss Le's side in a high-profile way. It was hard for others not to know. Therefore, most of the people in the camp knew about the old man of the Lu family's rebirth in the blink of an eye.

Ant Man was very displeased with the behavior of an old man, and ran to the little girl to give some eye drops, but in the end, he didn't say anything when he saw the grandparents of Wanqi's family sitting aside.

Tantai Xunyue completed one big week after another when she was practicing, until the mysterious feeling disappeared naturally. She recovered from the state of cultivation, hurriedly went out to watch, and found that it was already morning, and immediately went to see the patriarch's grandfather and elders.

The others had already gone to the big kitchen in twos and threes, the older generation of Tantai's family didn't move, when they saw Tantai Xunyue coming, they were all very happy, they all asked Tantai Xunyue to check the results of their cultivation, after the inspection, they all got together Surprised, Tantai Xunyue only cultivated a very strong internal force overnight, and that internal force was only slightly shallower than Tantai Mixue's.

Such a speed of progress can be called a rocket!
The elders of Tantai's family looked at each other, they all had a tacit understanding that they didn't explain Tantai Xunyue's deep internal strength, Tantai's patriarch happily smiled and praised, let's continue to work hard, and went to the kitchen with everyone.

Tantai Xunyang Tantai Xunhuan accompanied the elders, one step behind, the brothers secretly shook the hand of the fourth sister, she encouraged and blessed.

Tantai Xunyue was grateful to her cousin for being kind to her, her eyes turned red all of a sudden, she tried not to cry, and patted her little cousin's head: "It really grows too fast, almost surpassing Fourth Sister."

Tantai Xunhuan smiled triumphantly, his mouth crooked, his eyes full of pride.

Everyone in the Tantai family entered the tent, and the town house-level ancestors of the Zhou family, the Xuan family, the Ji family, and several other families were astonished when they sensed the change of the girl from the Tantai family. The girl had undergone earth-shaking changes overnight. The disciple is really a rare genius, as the rumors say, there is no disease that cannot be cured except those who are unwilling to be healed by the disciples of immortal doctors.

When the people from the Tantai family arrived, the owner of Yudao Island, Qian Zongzhu, also looked sideways at the direction of the big kitchen, and felt sorry for the lucky girl of the Tantai family. She was able to win the pity of the little fairy of the fairy doctor family because of her cultivation. good fortune.

Wu Changfeng and his fellow apprentices arrived at the big kitchen seven or eight minutes before dinner. They sensed the delicate atmosphere in the tent. They were surprised and didn't know what happened. They sat down and listened carefully. As before, the strength has returned, even if the result has been expected, it is still a little unbelievable.

Huang Zhichang also heard the gossip. He heard that the meridians of the person last night were restored to their original state after being healed by the little short-lived ghost. She must not be confessed.

Because of the matter of the old man of the Lu family, the affairs of the girl from the Tantai family were unintentionally ignored, and everyone in the Tantai family was happy to be at ease, never revealing the news that the girl from the Tantai family was made into a genius by the little girl.

People in the ancient repair world are full of thoughts, and Chen, Cai, and others have no time to pay attention. All their attention is on breakfast. For breakfast, the little loli made lamb bone soup noodles, with lamb blood sausage and sauerkraut and green peppers as side dishes .

All the children who went to the little girl's private kitchen to have breakfast yesterday were not left behind, and there was even one more member, a 13 and a half year old boy, who was said to be from Tanglang Boxing.

There were three new teenagers added to the party yesterday, but two of them turned fourteen and they were no longer children, so they missed out on special care.

The children sat in a row with uncle Feng Shao and Wan Qijixiang, without making any noise.

Similarly, the children who received special treatment were once again envied by the Gu Xius. Countless people cried out inwardly, why did they come decades earlier?There is no need to do anything a few decades later, because you can get extra care from the little girl because you are still a child.

Young people in the age group like Ren Shaoduan are even more sad. They were born a few years earlier and have no chance to have children. It hurts to think about it!

The young man who was extremely jealous of the children, turned his grief into food, and worked hard to eat more; the few children who received countless envy secretly, ate a delicious nutritious breakfast, and their hearts were as happy as flowers.

The many young heroes who were jealous of the little girl's extra care of the young man rushed to prepare after a full meal, and secretly made up their minds that if they met someone among those few at any time, they must beat him up to vent their anger.

After the breakfast on the official first day of the Ancient Cultivation Gathering, the Qingcheng Mountain Masters began to work in a leisurely manner. First, they removed the stones from the pit dug earlier in the middle of the tent, and carried out a nine-point-high stone. Hang a flag on the bamboo, put the bamboo in the hole and fill it with concrete to make it stable.

Set up the flagpole, draw a circle with the flagpole as the center, and draw two circles. The diameter of the central circle is 20 meters, and the diameter of the outer circle is 22 meters.

The paint used to draw the circle is a white paint mixed with sap, which is non-toxic and will not corrode the grass blades, and will melt into powder after a while.

After drawing the circle, Qingcheng Xiaodao set up two small foldable plastic tables in the circle, and then took out three boxes and placed them in the middle of the lawn. After that, the head of Qingcheng sat on the scene and called the young people to draw lots.

There are round beating and free beating.A round of competition is a knockout match. A group of people will be eliminated first, and the winning group will take turns to fight, wave after wave of elimination, until the last ten people will compete against each other; in free competition, whoever wants to fight with anyone can challenge whoever they want .

The elimination will be decided by lottery. All young people who want to end can draw lots. The person who draws the same number is the opponent. If only one person is drawn for a certain number, he will have a bye, and he will be ranked in the next round. For the sake of fairness, there is an age limit, 20 There is one group under the age of 20, one group between the age of 36 and 36, and one group between the age of 50 and [-], depending on the age.

Generally, people over the age of [-] seldom end up in the game, unless they have been losing in the past, are unwilling, and have worked hard for several years to find their way back.

The young people who were about to show their skills in the ring walked into the circle, no one was going to draw lots, they looked straight at the direction where Miss Le was standing, and waited for her to draw the first lottery.

N Duo cast his eyes, stood outside the circle watching the lively Le Yun, and asked Xuan Shao who was standing next to him in a daze: "Xuan Shao, why are they standing still, are they waiting for you?"

"It's not waiting for me, it's waiting for you to draw the first lottery." Xuan Shao showed an incomparably beautiful smile: "Everyone wants to know which lottery you draw, and who will be your opponent due to unlucky luck."

"I'm not going to end." Le Yun took a step back and stood next to Master Yudao: "Everyone is free, don't look at me, let's draw lots, and wish everyone what they want will come true."

"Little beauty, don't you want to end the game?" Xuan Shao was stunned. They were still waiting to see the little beauty hit the audience for no reason, kicking north and south, punching things, creating an unprecedented ancient repair party first Grand event.

"I only fight desperately with people, and I won't fight with people." Le Yun had an expression of "I'm stupid", she would only fight with people desperately when threatened, and would not fight like that.

Hearing that Miss Le won't end the match, N people secretly heaved a sigh of relief. They are still struggling with what to do if they are drawn to fight against the little girl. Do you want her to win or draw with her? it is good?
"Okay, you won. Yan Shao, shall we go together?" Xuan Shao shrugged, greeted Yan Shao, and walked off the stage with his head held high.

Yan Xing nodded slightly, walked out from behind Xiao Luomeng, walked into the circle, and walked to the lottery place with Young Master Xuan, because no one wanted to draw the first lottery, so Yan Xing drew a lottery in the box of the youth group, He hid it well by himself, and resolutely refused to show it to others.

Everyone: "..." You're so stingy, what's the point of showing me?

Young Master Yan drew a lot and retreated, Young Master Xuan also drew a lot, and also covered himself well, and left the venue gracefully; Shao Hua, Young Master Jiang and others also drew lots in an orderly manner.

The sign is a six-inch-long bamboo stick with numbers on both sides.

Because Miss Le would not leave the stage, the young people in the ancient repair world were relieved and participated enthusiastically. They drew lots one after another. A total of more than 400 people participated in the competition.

The people who got the lottery all covered and hid first, looking for opportunities to peek, and at the same time, they also went to change into clothes and shoes suitable for sports.

Yan Xing took the lottery and hid in the little lolita's tent to take a look, NO.17?Looking at the reverse side, yes, it is No.17. The lottery drawn at the Guwu party last time was also No.17. This time it is still No.17. I have to say that this is really a coincidence.

He would not suspect that someone had tampered with it, because when he drew lots, he flipped the sticks in the box lightly, and then picked one.

Suddenly thinking that little Lolita is 17 years old, he suddenly felt hot and felt very happy. He must beat his opponent to the ground and resolutely prevent the other guy who got the NO.17 lottery from winning.

The lottery number is very high. If the youth group is the first to start the competition, it will be his turn soon. Yan Xing turns around and puts down the curtain, quickly changes into clothes and sports shoes suitable for sports, then opens the curtain and goes out, standing in the small Behind Loli, she is conscientiously working as a bodyguard.

In fact, there is no need for him to be so "dedicated" to his duties, because the master of Yudao is standing beside Le, and everyone in the Xuanyuan family is on the other side. There are so many people, no one dares to be unfavorable to little Lori, even if there is one who is not afraid of death He wanted to attack little Lolita, and without waiting for anyone else to do it, Master Yudao could send the short-sighted guy to Hades as his son-in-law with a single slap.

(End of this chapter)

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