Chapter 109

The sentence "eunuch" hit Yan Xing's sore spot. That sentence was more unbearable than poking his heart. The disease of inaction is the greatest shame of a man. But the little loli didn't hide his mouth, and he exposed his shortcomings. He was angry. There was smoke in my heart, silent, and without warning.

Little Loli's mouth is poisonous, then teach her a lesson, let her understand what to say and what not to say, let her understand that he is not easy to step on.

He was so angry that he deliberately wanted to beat up the little loli, and naturally he had no reservations about the shot. He shot at full speed, fast and fast, and his moves were fierce and sharp.

That grab was like a goshawk hunting, a lion showing its claws, ruthless and ruthless.

That grab, carrying the man's anger, grabbed the little girl's shoulder.

With the wind in the hand, the force is like a blade breaking through the sky. With that kind of strength, if you grab the target, it is estimated that if you don't smash the person's shoulder, it will also break the person's bones.

With his back to the door, Young Master Yan and Young Master Liu walked out of the dormitory to the stair landing and turned around. The two sides were about an arm's distance away. When Young Master Yan took a step forward, they were already close at hand.

At such a close distance, Yan Shao made a surprise attack. Just as he raised his hand, the big hand was about to fall on Classmate Le's shoulder. At the same time, he was like a wall in front of her, and the other hand was raised and stretched out diagonally. The right foot flew to hook her foot, blocking all her ways in an instant.

When the tall body was bullied, a sense of oppression was under the hood, and an arm flew past her eyes. Le Yun instinctively felt the danger, her pupils shrank, her back suddenly froze, her nerves responded faster than her brain, He tilted his head, avoided the grabbing hand, and quickly lowered his body to a lower body. At the same time, he spun against the wall. With a sensitive jump, he jumped out of the man's block.

Her jump was almost close to the man's kick, and when she jumped up, she shot like lightning and flew with her fingers, hitting the long legs that the man kicked.

The little girl was small and light, her body was as light as fluff, her hands were as slender as jade, and at the moment when she brushed past the man's leg, her spring onion jade pointed to the man's calf, and the two touched each other. , she has jumped away from the man's blockade.

Jumping out of the dangerous place, the person reached the eunuch's right side, which is also the side facing the wall of the stairs. She just stood up straight, instead of anger, she smiled, and she went out with her hands and feet, kicking the eunuch with both hands and one hand. Make a fist and grab the eunuch's arm with one hand.

Someone Yan started without saying a word, which shocked Liu Xiangyang, and was about to rush up to hold Yan Xing when he saw the little girl avoid Yan Xing's eagle claws at the same time, and she was sensitive at the same time. It took less than three seconds to escape from Yanxing's frontal attack.

"!" Liu Xiangyang opened his eyes and stared blankly, the little beauty's reaction was stunned!
Yan Xing made a sudden move, determined to suppress Little Lolita in his attack zone. Seeing that she was about to succeed, the petite body was out of his control as soon as she was short and rotated, and immediately changed her moves and grabbed again. At that moment, she bent over. He bowed his head and swept past his feet, his hand almost rubbing her neck to miss.

Little Lolita swiftly swept away from his best attack zone completely. At the same moment, before he could retract his outstretched foot, his calf suddenly hurt, and his whole leg began to numb.

He quickly retracted his legs, his feet just landed, he sensed the crisis, and instinctively dodged, he wanted to avoid the stairs, but who knew that the left leg was stepping out, but the right leg was stiff and unable to move, and even stumbled.

The one who stumbled and took three or two steps away also avoided a heavy punch from Little Loli. However, he only avoided that punch, and Classmate Le's hand and foot attacked again with lightning speed. to.

When the eunuch staggered away, Le Yun didn't give up, she made a triple jump, jumped one step on one foot, followed closely, and vowed not to give up until the goal was achieved.

"Little..." Yan Xing stumbled and was about to fall over, Liu Xiangyang subconsciously wanted to help him, but just as his hand was stretched out, a white piece flashed in front of him, making him shut up.

The white light that flashed in front of his eyes was the little girl's white clothes and her arm. Her hand seemed to be weightless, floated to Yan Xing's side, grabbed his right arm, and her other hand printed on his The lower back, the flying kick went forward bravely, straight to the front of the man.

Yan Xing felt the coldness coming, and was about to jump away, when suddenly a delicate warmth felt on his arm, and his arm felt like it was being constrained by an iron hoop, and it was no longer difficult to move, and at the same time, his back "snapped". "He took a slap, and at that moment, his lower back felt numb, the numbness hit like an electric current, and his entire upper body was numb.

Hit again!

His heart froze, he remembered that in Shennong Mountain, when the strange little loli punched, he was half numb at the time, so he suffered a loss and was knocked to the ground by her.

A sense of crisis welled up in his heart, and he used all his strength to go up the stairs towards the fifth floor. At that moment, his feet were pulled by a force as soon as he left the ground, and his body that wanted to fly out was pulled abruptly. .

His evasion plan failed.

When the eunuch wanted to run, there was a force to pull him forward. Le Yun grabbed the eunuch's arm and pulled him down, pulling him back with force, and her flying kick quickly kicked towards him. he.


That kick hit the man's crotch again.

That kick was pretty solid.

Liu Xiangyang could clearly see the flying momentum of that kick and where it landed. His eyes twitched, and he sucked in a breath of cold air, and sweat broke out from his forehead.

"Hi--" Yan Xing groaned in pain as he was hit with a kick in the heart, and his body couldn't help curling up.

As soon as he bent over, Le Yun sneered, and withdrew the hand that was on the man's back, jabbed hard on his back a few times, stepped back, and yanked the man again. Rotating in a circle, he flew out again and kicked out.

Bang, that kick kicked the man's stomach, the young man stepped back and slammed against the wall. Before he could analyze the situation, a slender leg was raised, is stepping on his private parts again.

"Humph!" A huge pain hit his heart, Yan Xing's muscles spasmed, and he curled up in pain again, the pain, the man's key part was injured twice, and the pain was like a cone.

He could feel the pain, but suddenly he couldn't move, as if he was in the ice and snow, the person was frozen, his limbs were numb, and he couldn't even lift a finger.

"..." Liu Xiangyang saw that the little girl made a series of moves and succeeded easily, her mouth opened into an O shape, this is not true, is it?This must not be true!

He thinks it must be dazzling. That guy Yan Xing is a ferocious representative. He once tore up a lion with his bare hands, and even killed a leopard when he was exhausted. The tactics of terrorists are simply chilling. To mention him, it is full of fear,
However, such a murderous character was actually kicked by a girl, and he was counterattacked when he made the first move. This...

What, this must be his dream, right?
Liu Xiangyang blinked and blinked again, looking at someone Yan who was so distorted in pain, and then looked at the little girl, the little girl stepped on the young man and pressed him firmly against the wall, her pink and white oval face There is a smile like Chunyang, that smile... that smile, it feels colder than the winter wind!

Glancing at the little girl's smiling face, Liu Shao's back is cold, his heart is cold, such a violent little beauty, I'm afraid!
The pain hit wave after wave, Yan Xing twitched in pain, and refused to show weakness, pursed his lips and glared angrily, how can you be so agile, darn strange little loli?

Planted in her hands again, he has nothing to say, she'd better pray never to break his hands, otherwise...

He clenched his teeth fiercely, one day she committed his hand, he must have her taste what it means to be divided and what is meant by nine deaths.

She stomped the man against the wall with her feet, Le Yun rubbed her wrist briskly, and looked at the eunuch with a smile: "Eunuch, how does it taste?"

From the moment they met in the morning, the eunuch had a smile on his face, and his appearance was really beautiful and romantic, handsome and elegant, as gentle as jade, as clean as the moon, as beautiful as the early sun, noble and beautiful, ashamed to kill the spring flowers;

Now, there is no smile on his face anymore, his face is as green as ink, his eyes are fierce, like a ferocious wolf, intending to kill with others.

That look was fierce.

That expression, clearly hate to want to eat people.

Is she afraid?

That kind of expression, you can scare others, but she is too tender.

Back then, she was unarmed, trapped in prison, and was not afraid of facing a group of vicious villains. Now that she has the power to protect herself, she is still afraid of someone's eyes?
If you want to scare her, please repair for another ten years.

However, that kind of eyes was very annoying, Le Yun's eyes moved down lightly, the soles of her feet were hard, and she stomped on them fiercely.

She stepped on it hard, and the piercing pain came to her body and mind again, Yan Xing's whole face was shaking with pain, and he gritted his teeth, unwilling to show weakness.

The pain was like a fire burning a heart, and a layer of fine sweat oozes out on his face, and the dense sweat beads covered his face in the blink of an eye.

Liu Xiangyang saw Yan Xing's body twitching, and his body and mind were cold. He looked at the closed door, at the little girl who was stepping on someone, and swallowed hard: "Little beauty, keep someone under your feet. Ah, Xiao Xingxing was seriously injured and lay for more than a month a few days ago, and now the serious injury has not healed, if Xiao Xingxing has offended, please ask the little beauty to spare him once."

He wanted to say, "It's really not good. Please wait until he is healed before you start!" However, he never said that sentence. He felt that if he really said that, when Xiaoxing was healed, he would Gotta be peeled off.

Xiaoxingxing is ruthless, he has learned it, so he doesn't want to be unlucky.

"I want to spare him, but he's shameless when I give him a face, my old grudge with him has not been resolved, I didn't do anything today, and I didn't throw him out for the sake of brother Chao, he ate a bear heart leopard Courage, to attack me unexpectedly, this kind of person, if he doesn't teach him a lesson, he will not know how great the sky is."

Le Yun's languid slanted eyes, someone named Liu, looked at the eunuch in a relaxed manner: "Eunuch, as I said last time, bullying your auntie has to pay a price, even if you are a eunuch, if you dare to do something to your grandma, your aunt will definitely pay the price. Let you know why the flowers are so red. Are you convinced?"

Yan Xing gritted his teeth and looked back gloomily. The last time he was careless and planted in her hands, this time he missed and planted in her hands again. The loser is the thief. He has no right to speak, so he has no right to speak. He refuted it, but it didn't mean he would bow his head.

"Xiao Xingxing, what did you do to make the little beauty angry?" Liu Xiangyang looked at the brother and the little girl, and found one with a sullen face and a bright smile, and suddenly felt that one head and two big, What did Xiaoxingxing do to cause the little beauty to act?
The little beauty is agile, and she doesn't know which ancient martial arts descendant she is.

It's not good for Xiao Xingxing to provoke someone, why did he provoke a female disciple who seemed to be an ancient martial arts sect?
It stands to reason that Yan Xing is also a martial artist. When he meets an ancient martial artist, he should be able to see the origin of the other party, and he will not easily break the taboo.
It is definitely not a wise thing to have a grudge with the ancient martial arts people. You must know that there are very few ancient martial arts in the Huaxia Kingdom today, but it is not easy for any ancient martial arts family or sect that has descendants.

He observed that the little beauty made a move, and she made a quick move. There was no move at all, so there was no clue to be found, and he could not guess which sect was connected with.

This is a nerve-wracking question.

What to do now?Liu Xiangyang rubbed his temples and had a headache. Regarding the matter of the little beauty, should he report to his uncle and ask his uncle to decide?
Yan Xing gave Liu Xiangyang a cold look, and then glared at Little Loli. He didn't admit defeat, and he didn't believe that the strange little Loli dared to kill him.

"Don't stare at me, it's useless to stare at me. My aunt has beaten me so little that I don't know how many people have stared at me, so I can't scare me." Although you are not capable of inheriting the lineage, you can't give up on yourself and send it up to be beaten, right? If you really think that you are not good, I will be generous and give you a free knife, and then there will be another sister in the world. You can choose a street and stop at will, to ensure that customers come like clouds and people like a tide, so that you can be overwhelmed every day, and you will be busy day and night."

This? !

Liu Xiangyang was stunned. What does the little beauty mean to let Xiao Xingxing become a street girl?I... oh my god!Let someone screw him away, he he he... he wants to die!

"You..." Yan Xing was so angry that he almost exploded his lungs. He could not wait to tear up Little Loli's mouth. He wanted to move, but his body was numb, and he couldn't move at all. .

He was so angry that he almost clenched his steel teeth, stared at her, and felt ruthless in his heart. When he was healed, and when he found a chance, he would let her experience what she said about standing on the street!
She is underage, she can't move on the bright side, he doesn't mind playing vagina.

He doesn't believe in a dignified man, and he can't treat a little yellow-haired girl.

Yan Xing was so angry that his chest was about to explode, he swallowed the bad breath, staring gloomily at Little Loli, shooting flying knives over and over again in his heart, using her to practice targets.

Successfully turned the eunuch into a face, Le Yun was in a good mood, she happily stretched out her finger and poked at the eunuch, poked four or five places on his chest in a row, retracted her foot generously, and snapped her fingers: "Uncle Liu, you Now I can pack and take away this beautiful, but unimportant, embroidered pillow."

(End of this chapter)

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