magic eye doctor

Chapter 1096 Enlightenment is good

Chapter 1096 Enlightenment is good (2 more)

Le Yun cruelly refused to give Senior Yu any face and sent her away, sitting sullenly, her grandfather said in her last words that if Senior Yu had a bad day in Shengwu Mountain, she must help if there is anything she can do.

Visually, Senior Yu is not doing well in Shengwu Mountain, but she can't help at all.

It is said that Senior Yu was originally an orphan, and she found out that Senior Yu has not taken in apprentices so far, so he is a lonely family and is squeezed out by someone. It is conceivable that he must be marginalized.

Senior Yu is a disciple of Shengwu Mountain, and if he doesn't leave Shengwu Mountain, she can't go to see him on the mountain. If he leaves Shengwu Mountain to find another place to practice, she can take care of him, so that he doesn't have to worry about trivial matters in life, and just focus on his heart. road.

Classmate Le Xiao was caught in a tangle, and her two thin eyebrows became twisted.

The idlers left, and Mr. Yi was about to show his merits when he noticed that the little girl's small face was wrinkled into a wrinkled old lady's face, so he leaned over and pressed her head: "Why is the little girl unhappy? Is that what happened just now?" Three people disturbed your mood and made you feel bad, do you want me to catch them back and give you a drug test?"

There was a big face in front of me, Le Yun turned her head away, pushed away the claws on the top of her head, and stared angrily: "Can you please stop touching my head all the time, my hair is almost plucked out by you guys .”

"Who plucked your hair? Your head is not a sheep's head. Who would pluck your hair?" Mr. Ant poked the top of the little girl's head angrily before quickly withdrawing his hand, with a spring breeze on his face : "Little girl, what are you thinking about so much that your face wrinkles like a fan book, I always listen to you when you talk about it."

"I haven't become a fan. I'm just thinking about how to retaliate to those despicable people who snatched the ancestral things from my grandfather and splashed dirty water."

The little girl blew her beard and stared at her protesting that she didn't like what she said, Yi Chang smiled and let her stare, touched her chin and thought for a second, her eyes lit up: "What's so difficult about it, you just poison it."

"I can figure it out. The question is whether I will poison all the people with one poison, or just find the culprit and the backers who protect him from the officials. There are many people involved in my grandfather's matter. I don't want to harm them. family members or disciples, if innocent and unknowing people are also sent to the west to see the Buddha, it will harm the peace of heaven."

"It's up to you, anyway, no one can stop you from doing whatever you want, as long as you don't get caught in the pigtails."

"Don't worry, if I don't use poison, people will not find any traces if I use poison. If someone's family is completely wiped out, others will not be able to find the cause of death."

The little girl's family affairs should not be discussed in depth, so Mr. Yi changed the subject: "Little girl, what we were talking about just now, my old man can't even remember, little girl, what did we talk about before, let me think about it, oh, I remembered, It seems to say that the island is full of coconut trees, right?..."

The old man changed the subject in a timely manner, and Le Yun looked at the old man with crooked smiles. Sometimes the old man is unreliable, and sometimes he is quite reliable. I just hope that my brother will not be taught astray.

Ant Lao blah blah blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

There was a listener, Ant Lao, chatting happily about the scenery.

Before the helicopter came back after three o'clock, Le Xiao didn't wait any longer, took a ball of the dried hump meat sent by Jiang Shao's family, took it to the kitchen to wash it, washed it, and prepared a medicinal soup made of foamed hump meat.

Mr. Yi played a thick-skinned style, and followed the little girl's buttocks, talking about something and nothing to make the little girl happy.

At four o'clock, the helicopter returned, and after the small plane came to a complete stop, the handsome guys who came back from the play divided the work. Some of them moved things off the plane, some people moved things into the kitchen, and the young people who were in charge of doing chores in the big kitchen also went to carry the ingredients.

During the Double Ninth Festival, extra dishes must be added. The big kitchen pre-orders several famous dishes at the hotel, packs and ships them all, and then heats them up at night before serving them.

After the handsome guys moved the ingredients in the big kitchen, they helped the little loli move the ingredients. Handsome Yan was afraid that others would not know that he had a lot of money, so he spent a lot of money buying, buying, and buying. The ingredients were all in baskets, and there were several baskets of fruit.

Finally, they brought out mutton and fish. Colonel Yan was holding a box of fish, and excitedly ran to Xiao Loli to brush his face: "Little Loli, I bought fish, fish from the original ecological river."

"How do you know it's from the original ecological river?" Le Yunbai glanced at a certain wolf with a big tail. That guy had a good eye, and what he bought was really a fish grown in a wild environment.

"I went to a place near the reservoir to buy it. I bought seven or eight big fish, put them alive in a fishing net bag and put them in the river, and brought them out to be slaughtered when I was eating." Little Loli rolled her eyes so cutely, Yan Xing moved the foam box to the little loli as if offering a treasure: "Look, this fish is fat and thin, suitable for making fish head soup."

"You butcher fish, I don't want to smell like fish."

"No problem, I'll butcher the fish, I'll chop the fish and chop the mutton. I'm not bad, right?" In a word, he will do the dirty work!

"You eat the most, can you not be conscious?"

"Actually, I don't eat a lot, it's just one or two times more than you."

"One or two times more is not too much, how much is too much?"

"Then, I'll eat less tonight."

"Eat less at night. If you lose tomorrow, you will definitely say that you didn't eat enough last night and have no energy."

"I'd better eat more." Yan Xing smiled openly, the little loli has a sharp mouth and a tofu heart, and she always hits him with her mouth, but she really doesn't want him to starve.

Remembering what happened, I ran to the private kitchenette with the suitcase in my arms, put it down, and then flew back to the cabin of the small plane, rummaged through a pile of personal belongings, took out the bag, and then ran back to the kitchenette as if flying, stuffing the bag into the cabin. Little Lolita: "The little fruit I bought for you, the fruit grown in the desert is pretty good."

Le Yun opened the bag, there were small melons, sand dates, red dates, wolfberry, each of which was a small bag, and a handful of licorice. The whole person was stunned: "When did licorice become a fruit?" Said the wolfberry is Fruits are barely acceptable, and licorice becomes fruit. Is this the rhythm of a great change in species?
"Oh, I made a mistake." Yan Xing scratched his head in embarrassment: "When I was buying fruit, I saw that the licorice was very good, so I bought some."

"Life without stress will wear down people's fighting spirit. You seem to be the same way. You always feel that your mind is getting weaker and weaker."

Say he's out of his mind?Yan Xing rubbed his head and looked at the sky, his brain was not short-circuited, it was because of the little loli that he was unresponsive.

Seeing that little loli took out a small melon and handed one to Mr. An, he secretly threw a certain old eye knife. It was the fruit he bought for little loli, who would be willing to eat it?

Respect for the Aged Day or something is the most annoying!
Yan Xing, who really wanted to snatch the melon back, held back after all, it was the little loli who gave it away, if a certain old man snatched it himself, he had to reason with the old man and tell the old man to love the young.

Old Ant was stuffed with a small melon in his hand, thousands of flowers bloomed in his heart, and he smiled so hard that his teeth could not see his eyes. It is good to follow the little girl. The three meals a day are not the same, and there are fruits to eat. Give me a dozen of such little girls Not too much.

After moving things, the handsome guys went to wash their hands and faces and went to the private kitchen. They saw Mr. Yi holding a small melon and chewing on it happily. They all had question marks on their faces. Isn’t it just eating a melon? like that?
The little handsome guys didn't know why, so they moved out their personal belongings and shared snacks around the little loli. There were special fruits from N province, spicy mutton jerky, beef jerky, oil cakes, sanzi, maltose and so on.

There are snacks to eat, and the little Lolita puts her personal fruit first, and eats the snacks brought back by the handsome guys. When she is happy, she goes to mix ingredients, stewed fish head soup, and fried lamb chops.

The Double Ninth Festival is also Chao Jiamei’s birthday, because it’s not the weekend, he and Da Li didn’t go home, but they received a lot of calls, Xiaotuanzi didn’t call him, the big talent and Senior Chen called him, Hearing the two school masters secretly complaining that Young Master Yan always robbed them of their jobs, the beautiful boy laughed it off, two against one, no, and Wang Erxiao, three against one could not beat Young Master Yan, the three were ashamed Throw it home, okay?

The beautiful boy didn't sympathize with the talented classmate Chen and Wang Erxiao. After class in the evening, he called and chatted with Uncle Le's home before he went to have a big meal with Da Li in peace of mind.

During the Double Ninth Festival, the alleys in the big cities are very lively, and the meeting place of the ancient repair world is also very lively. In the evening, people who went out to enjoy the mountains and rivers all return to the camp, and the meeting place is full of people.

Because it was the Double Ninth Festival, little Lolita invited everyone from Penglai Island and the whole family of Lianhua Authentic to return to Shao Jiang's family as a gift—a plate of fried hump meat.

The hump meat fried by the little girl, the meat slices are as thin as white clouds, crystal clear like glass, served with shredded red pepper, red and white, so beautiful that people can't bear to put down their chopsticks, and the fragrance is like a blue sky rushing eight thousand miles away , Fragrant for miles.

It is a fact that a group of diners are reluctant to put down their chopsticks, and it is also a fact that they are quick to grab their chopsticks. In less than 5 minutes, a large bowl of hump meat was swept away, and there was a little stain left on the bottom of the bowl. I also poured the vegetable juice into his bowl, and the bowl was so empty that it was stained with oil.

The diners had no time to talk, so they attacked the braised pork and fried lamb chops, and only after finishing the two dishes did they eat the fish soup.

After chewing and swallowing the meal, a group of old people moved aside and sat drinking warm tea, looking at the soft and cute little girl, their eyes were full of wolves, and really wanted to take the little girl home Do you have?Don't ask for cooking every day, just cook three or five times a month.

They all want to rob someone, but no one has the nerve to do it. Old Ant rolled his eyes and secretly decided that he would not bring his apprentice back to the Guanyin Hall, and he would teach the young apprentice himself in the little girl's hometown, so that even if the little girl often runs out , there is always a time to go home for the holidays, and at least I can eat the delicacies she made herself a few times a year.

(End of this chapter)

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