magic eye doctor

Chapter 1098 Decisive Battle

Chapter 1098 Decisive Battle (4 More)

There is a naughty and cute little girl by his side, and even the boring things become interesting. Yudao Master has no worries in his heart, pulls the little girl, and eats pasta and snacks with her, and eats diced fruit sliced ​​by the little narcissus.

Qingcheng recorded the lottery added by the little girl, put it away, and at eight o'clock, let the ten people in the youth group draw lots to determine their opponents.

The lottery numbers of ten people are put in the box, which lottery is drawn, then whoever is your opponent, for example, if you are the No. Whoever draws the lottery number is someone else's opponent, which also means that one person may have two opponents.

Because the number of people is even, if there is a person who draws his own lottery, it is possible that another person also draws his own lottery, then these two people are opponents.

In this round of duel, there are two opponents in the two rounds, the two winners stay, one wins and one loser stays temporarily, and then the one wins and one loser fights for another round, and the last one left competes for No.3 ranking.

The ten people in the youth group drew lots and cleared the city list records.

Zhou Shao is indeed the lucky one in the ancient cultivation world, he has drawn his own lottery; if he has drawn his own number, then naturally there will be another one who has drawn himself - that lucky one is a disciple of Mazu Pavilion.

Yan Shao has two opponents, Che Hao and Ji Shao; Xuan Shao has two opponents, Du Dongzhu and Li Xiufu; besides Yan Shao, Che Hao also has Li Xiufu, another opponent of Ji Shao, Du Dongzhu; Because they happened to draw each other's lottery.

Qingcheng registered the roster, and the decisive battle began. The order of appearance was determined by the number of the lottery.

Zhou Shao was the number one lottery, and he started the first decisive battle with the disciples of Mazu Pavilion.

The two entered the cutting circle. When the drum beat, the two attacked at the same time. In order to reward them, they would not give way. After turning on the combat mode, they entered the state.

Zhou Shao's strength increased greatly after his hidden wound was healed. Because he had never fought against anyone before, he was not known to everyone. It was only after this gathering that his strength was revealed. Less than 8 minutes after the start of the battle, he gained the upper hand , By the 10th minute, almost the whole court was suppressed.

The disciples of Mazu Pavilion lasted until No. 13 minutes, and finally reached the end of the rape, and were forced out of the battle circle.

In the first round, Zhou Shao won.

"I lost a thousand."

"I lost five hundred."

"I won six hundred."

Once the battle in the circle is over, the betting crowd is distressed and happy.

Young Master Zhou also walked out of the ring. The second round was Young Master Jiang and Young Master Fang from the Dongfang family. The two walked slowly into the arena, standing separately, and when the drums sounded, they both shot.

In the decisive battle, if the strength is equal, whoever is faster will win the advantage. The two are the young masters of the Guxiu family, and their strength is between equals. Whoever is faster has a higher chance of winning.

The two young masters both wanted to advance to the next level, except for the secret method of pressing the box to save their lives, they used all other kung fu, and the fight was full of sparks. In less than 15 minutes, the two of them had no fewer than ten head-to-head confrontations, and they were already sweating.

The battle between the two inside the circle was fierce, and the people outside the circle were also very nervous. This one shouted "Young Master Jiang, you must win", and the other shouted "Young Master Dongfang, you must hold on, I bet on you to win", the bets won The big man stretched his neck, more eager than the two in Qiechao.

Everyone talked, Le Yun snickered, let the fight be more intense, anyway, she didn't bet, she wasn't nervous.

Young Master Jiang and Young Master Dongfang are on par in strength, they have put together speed and reaction ability, and the rest is endurance. Whoever has strong internal strength will laugh last, and whoever has no power to continue will lose quickly.

The evenly matched two fought for 10 minutes, and each of them repeated their moves three or two times. When it lasted for four or ten minutes, Fang Shao was defeated by one move because his internal strength was not as good as Jiang Shao.

In the second round, Jiang Shao won.

"Oh, my 3000 yuan is gone."

"You are only three thousand, and I bet five thousand."

"Wow, one pays one, I bet eight thousand."

The outcome of the second piece has been decided, some people cry and some laugh, and the banker also has some people sighing and some people laughing.

"I feel like I've become a sinner through the ages." Young Master Fang wiped his sweat while rubbing his shoulder that was numb when he collided with Young Master Jiang.

"Similarly, I am an angel and a devil at the same time." Jiang Shao shrugged helplessly.

When he wins, he makes those who bet on him win, and he is an angel in the hearts of those people; similarly, when he wins, he makes those who bet on less wins lose money, and he is a devil in the hearts of those people.

Power is mutual, and everything in the world is mutual. For example, whoever does a good business will have a bad business.

Fang Shao felt that it was reasonable, rubbed his shoulders, walked towards the people in Qingcheng, and handed over the lottery to Qingcheng.

Both sides in the first game and the second game have only one opponent, and the winner will be determined by one game.

The third game was Li Xiufu, his lottery number was first, he drew Che Hao's lottery, he made a cut, and Che Hao also entered the field.

When the two entered the arena, most of the bettors breathed a sigh of relief. They usually bet evenly, for example, betting [-] on one and [-] on the other to increase the winning rate. Betting on Li and Che A certain bet is almost even, no matter who wins or loses, it means that he will neither make nor lose.

No profit no loss, better than losing money.

The bettors secretly patted their chests, which finally gave them some relief. If it continued like the previous two games, they would collapse.

The two youths walked into the cutting scene, Le Yun's eyes glowed green, wow, the black horse in the casual practice is on the stage!
The dark horse among casual cultivators is Li Xiufu. He didn't show off the mountain or the water in the gathering before, so Young Master Xuan didn't remember it. However, he performed well in this gathering. Even if he wanted to keep a low profile, he couldn't hide it. After a little inquiring, you can find out the name.

What Little Lolita is most interested in is Li Xiufu's black horse. Although casual cultivators seem to have no sect, they actually have invisible sects. For example, the casual cultivators in Zhongnan Mountain are almost one faction, and the casual cultivators in Wutai Mountain Hidden Valley and Xiaowutai Mountain Hidden Valley are also invisible Among them, they are grouped together, while others are casual cultivators who wander around the rivers and lakes.

Hei Ma, surnamed Li, is a member of Jianghu Loose Cultivator, while Che Hao is a disciple of Wutai Mountain Loose Cultivator.

According to observations, Le Yun analyzed that the dark horse Li's innate conditions are not inferior to Jiang Shao and others, and a little bit worse than Xuan Shao and Yan Shuai.

Che Hao is also a little dark horse among casual cultivators, his strength and qualifications are slightly inferior to the dark horse surnamed Li, and he and the young man surnamed Du are on the same level.

Among the casual cultivators, there are a few people who are old-fashioned, and whose strength is comparable to that of the ancestors of the Ji family of the Xuanyuan family. However, they are not well-known in the ancient cultivator world. It is not ruled out that they are people from hidden forces, such as the town houses of the Poison Sect and the Qi Sect. figure.

The current strength of the few dark horses is not comprehensive, and the information collected by Le Yun is still a bit small, so it is impossible to determine their origins. I really hope to collect more information in the decisive battle, so I don't mind adding a little bit of excitement to stimulate people's hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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