magic eye doctor

Chapter 1104

Chapter 1104

Ten or so members of the Tantai family called Patriarch Xuan and said that the two things were related to the Tantai family, and their hearts were in suspense at the moment. The guests were in the Tantai family, and everyone felt as if they had been struck by five thunders, and something in their minds was shattered.

It’s over.

The Tantai family is over.

Regardless of whether the guest is a member of the Tantai family or someone from the outside, as long as they appear in the Tantai family, it is the family's fault. Having a guest in the family is also a stain that the Tantai family cannot erase, it is a shame!Even if the Guxiu Alliance didn't punish the Tantai family severely in the end, the Tantai family would never be able to lift their heads again in the entire Guxiu world.

Patriarch Tantai's heart filled with deep despair, he lowered his head deeply, and squeezed out a voice from his throat: "I probably already guessed who the guest is, it should be Tantai Mixue, the concubine of our family. Tantai Midong, and their mother, the mother of the siblings is from Myanmar, a Southeast Asian country."

The head of the Xuan family pointed out that at the moment when Jianke was in the Tantai family, many representatives of the council looked at the Tantai family members unanimously, except for sympathy or sympathy. In the past, they might have wondered why one of the grandchildren of the Tantai family was born with fetal poison, and the other was born with fetal poison. There was an accident, and now it seems that Jianke must have done something secretly.

Moreover, I am afraid that the death of the other two grandsons of the Tantai family who died young is not a normal thing, and it may also have something to do with Jian Ke.

While sympathizing with the Tantai family's misfortune, they were all surprised when they heard the head of the Tantai muttering about the intrusion. The head of the Tantai family had doubts for a long time, why didn't he clean up the house early and nip the crisis in the bud? ?
Then everyone suddenly realized that, yes, if Patriarch Tantai had any doubts, it must be after his eldest grandson and young lady Jingle recovered their lives, probably because the evidence was incomplete or the timing was not enough, so they did not use family law, and now they are at the party exposed.

Ji Jiahua's family and other families are silent, and they are secretly glad that their family has always had a strict family style, and their descendants have not married/married foreign women or men of unknown origin, and the possibility of alien cultivators getting into the family or confusing bloodlines through marriage is eliminated.

It’s not that they are racist and don’t allow their descendants to marry foreigners. It’s because the ancients said that “people who don’t belong to our tribe must have a different heart.” In order to prevent the possibility of the loss of family secrets, they would rather reject all foreigners. Outside the door, I don't want to take the risk.

If the descendants really fall in love with foreign people, the families have always directly expelled people from the family, or marginalized them, and never allowed them to touch the core affairs of the family to protect family secrets.

The times are advancing, and the ancient Xiu sects or families are also advancing with the times when sticking to the family inheritance, but some rules have never been forgotten, so the ancient Xiu world has not been impacted by the torrent of historical changes.

The elders of the Tantai family heard that the head of the family said who the strangers were, and they wished that they would immediately hand over Tantai Mixue, Tantai Midong, Tantai youngest three and his young wife to the big ones, so as to cleanse the family. stain.

Patriarch Tantai fainted out of anger, and Patriarch Xuan calmly confirmed it: "As Patriarch Tantai guessed, Tantai Mixue and Tantai Midong of Tantai family are just strangers, and their mother is a different monk. Can't think of what kind of monk that alien cultivator is, that is the flying head descendant."

"Wait, Patriarch Xuan, this incident is too shocking, please give me some time to clear my mind," the patriarch of the Hua family hurriedly stopped, rubbing his temples, and looked at the patriarch of his clan: "Shanchuan, I was just now It’s not a lie, Patriarch Xuan said that the different cultivators are flying heads and descending masters, right?”

The patriarch of the Hua family is from the generation of the previous head of the family, that is, the grandfather of the head of the Hua family. He is currently the oldest generation of the Hua family. He was also there when Miss Le visited the Hua family. Keep a low profile, and the Hua family didn't deliberately introduce it to the little girl.

"That's right, you heard me right." Patriarch Hua nodded.

The patriarch of the Hua family shouted to stop trying to wake up his brain, but none of the elders was joking, and they also needed to digest it. That news was not good news.

The faces of the people of the Tantai family are ashen, and the mother of the family's concubine is actually a flying teacher? !

No matter how powerful Patriarch Tantai's heart was, he couldn't bear the blow, and the blood surged up his throat, but he didn't force himself to suppress it, turned his head, and spat out the blood with a "wow".


"Patriarch Tantai!"

Patriarch Tantai was so angry that he vomited blood, all the elders of the Tantai family and Patriarch Xuan were shocked, and hurriedly checked Patriarch Tantai's injuries.

Patriarch Tantai was supported by the patriarch, he pressed his chest a few times to relieve the stagnant breath, tried his best to sit up straight, and wiped away a little blood stained on the corner of his mouth: "I'm fine, please continue with Patriarch Xuan and everyone." discussion."

Everyone expressed deep sympathy for the Tantai family, and did not express any opinions. The Xuan family is the master on duty, so it is impossible to pretend to be deaf and foolish, and continue the interrupted topic: "Patriarch Tantai, don't be too sad, I have another relatively indifferent person here." It's not too bad news for the Tai family, it is reported that Tantai Mixue has half of the Tantai family's blood, but Tantai Midong is not a child of the Tantai family, so the so-called tiger does not eat its children. It's untenable, the Tantai family wants to kill their relatives just because Tantai Midong is a descendant of the Tantai family. "

Boom - those words struck like thunder from nine heavens, all the representatives of various sects and families at the discussion site were blasted to pieces, black question marks in bold and black appeared in their eyes: Has the Tantai family been cuckolded? !
The elders of the Tantai family were almost shaken by those thunderous words, isn't Tantai Midong the blood of Tantai?
Patriarch Tantai's blood that had just calmed down surged up again, he only had time to turn his head, and the blood arrow flew out, wow wow wow, he spit out three mouthfuls of blood in a row, fell back weakly, and was subconsciously slammed by the clan elder behind him Hold on so he won't fall.

Being embraced by the clansman, Tantai Mingguang's face was as dark as dust, he tried to sit for a few times but couldn't sit still, relying on the support of the clan elders, he closed his eyes weakly, it was a pity that he let the wild species enter the door because of his soft heart, It almost brought the catastrophe of genocide to the Tantai family. If the wild species of Zhenjiao successfully seized the sovereignty of the Tantai family, just imagine that the blood descendants of the Tantai family will have a good end?

Patriarch Xuan was not surprised by the Tantai family's reaction, not to mention the shock of the Tantai family, he was also shocked when he learned the secret. The dignified Guxiu family not only helped others raise their children but also passed on the family tradition. Patriarch Tantai did not vomit blood No wonder.

Right now is not the time to sympathize with the Tantai family, we still have to talk about the business, Xuan Patriarch continued to state: "Who is the bloodline of the concubine of the Tantai family? This is something that ordinary people can't see through. Tantai Patriarch loves the bloodline and wants people to recognize their ancestors It gave people an opportunity to take advantage of, but I can't blame the rest of the Tantai family.

Speaking of which, Miss Le discovered this secret. Tantai Midong's mother and her natal family belonged to the Feitoujiangshi family, and Feitoujiang and Tantai Midong's biological father had gone to China and abroad to assassinate the little girl several times. Little Miss Le has seen the faces of Tantai Midong's biological parents, and she only recognized Tantai Midong at this party.

Tantai Midong's mother left Feitou in the middle of the night abroad to assassinate the little girl. The little girl had a face-to-face fight with Feitou. There must be a long period of cultivation in the future, there are traces to be found, if the Tantai family doesn't believe it, go back and check, the time is November last year.

According to the little girl's blood analysis and other reliable information, Tantai Midong's mother is actually a Thai citizen, and her biological father is a native of Myanmar. In addition, last year, some of the G Dongliang's children were bitten by unknown objects. They sent someone to send a piece of blood to Miss Le for examination, and Miss Le's analysis showed that the Liang family's disciple was bitten by Fei Tou Jiang, and that Fei Tou Jiang was Tantai Midong's mother.

Going forward, Elder Ant of the Guanyin Palace also tracked down the flying head descending on the southern coast. According to the investigation, it is also the same flying head descending master, Patriarch Tantai, the little woman raised by your old son lives on the coast of Eastern Province city? "

The heads of the various factions originally wondered why the alien cultivator and her children had been lurking in Tantai for more than [-] years without being discovered, so they were suddenly exposed, until the head of the Xuan family explained that it was the immortal doctor who saw the secret. It would not be surprising if the "so it is" expression was discovered by the immortal doctors. The immortal doctors are talented and possess strange knowledge. She found out from some clues that Tantai Midong was not the blood of the Tantai family at all. strangeness.

What's more, Tantai Midong himself looks nothing like the Tantai family. In the past, the Tantai family explained that he followed his mother. At that time, Tantai Midong had no conflict of interest with other sects. It's like who has nothing to do with them, and none of them will go to investigate if they have nothing to do.

Now, no matter whether that person is of the blood of the Tantai family or not, he is actually the son of a foreign monk, and he may have stolen the secret knowledge of the ancient cultivation world and leaked it to her mother or leaked it to a foreign country through his mother, even if the Tantai family can tolerate them, Other sects also cannot tolerate the existence of Tantai Midong's mother and son.

Although the heads of the sects did not say anything, they had already sentenced the alien monk and her sons and daughters who sneaked into the country to death in their hearts. Sometimes they would rather kill by mistake than let them go. A fool who tells no secrets.

Others were thinking about it, the Tantai family was confused because of the blood of the family, their faces were green, the head of the Tantai family had no strength to speak, and the clan elder responded instead: "Yes, the young lady raised by the third eldest of the family lives in the southern G province. It is a coastal city. Whether to kill or kill the alien monk and the two small guests in the Tantai family is entirely up to the alliance. The Tantai family has no objection. As for the rebellious son of the Tantai family, if necessary, the family can capture it and hand it over to the alliance at any time. disposal."

"What to do with the father and son of the Tantai family is up to the Tantai family. This time, the focus of the discussion is on how to capture the different cultivators. It is better to capture them alive. Interrogating how much martial arts she has peeped at us and leaked to those people also makes us know. .”

After Patriarch Xuan's words fell, everyone expressed their opinions and opinions one after another. Most of them still agreed that killing her is the first priority. If she is allowed to escape, it will be more troublesome to get rid of her.

All sects and families in the ancient repair world still give the Tantai family face, and do not interfere with Tantai Midong, Tantai Mixue and their father's disposal, which means to let the Tantai family clean up their own house. Of course, the Tantai family must guarantee that the three People will never be able to cause disaster again, that is to say, even if the Tantai family is soft-hearted and can't hurt their sons and granddaughters who have their own blood, they must ensure that there is no possibility of them leaking secrets.

This is also the greatest tolerance made by all sects and families for the sake of Tantai's grandson being favored by Miss Le. After all, the little girl's connivance with Young Master Tantai is obvious to all. Whose boys have feelings for men and women, but no one dares to confirm whose descendants will become Miss Le's boyfriend in the future. They have done too much today, and they will not look good when the time comes.

If it wasn't for the future, the various sects in the ancient cultivator world would make things difficult for the Tantai family even if they would not do anything to the Tantai family due to the possibility of their own martial arts anger being leaked by other cultivators. Who said that the Tantai family is the source of all disasters Woolen cloth.

Patriarch Tantai and the clansmen listened quietly, without any objection to the disposal plan discussed by the council. When the meeting adjourned, Patriarch Tantai also made adjustments and went to join the clansmen with the clan elders.

Before the crowd dispersed, Master Xuan left the envoys of Mazu Pavilion and Sanqingdao on overseas treasure islands to talk alone for a while, and gave the envoy a pill that Miss Le entrusted to him: "Miss Le said that the nation Reunification is what the people want, even if the current Baodao authorities are obsessed with it, they will not be able to stop the general trend. Because of the policies of those in power in the island bureau, she will not go to Baodao in the next few years, and it is not convenient for her to be alone with a few people at the party. Fellow Daoists are meeting, so I entrust the Xuan family to pass this on to fellow Daoists."

The envoys of Mazu Dao and Sanqing Dao took a pack of pills, and repeatedly asked Master Xuan to express his gratitude on his behalf, and hinted at the sect's decision, no matter what the authorities in Baodao, they would not participate. After the reunification, we can talk about the affairs of the world.

Master Xuan accepted the entrustment to convey the words of thanks, and walked to the place where the crowd gathered with the two factions.

Patriarch Tantai brought the clan elders back to the clan, and seeing Tantai Mixue looked like her father, he was furious, grabbed his son, the third eldest in the clan, and slapped him: "Nizi, it's you, a disgraceful bastard who messed up an illegitimate child, and you're still a stupid bastard, who dared to change the weapons used for the party at the party, and used a sharp weapon to injure the grandson of Wanqi's family in violation of the regulations, and threw it all away." The face of the Tantai family. The son does not teach father and son, you eat, drink and play all day long, and you can't even teach an illegitimate child well, I will kill you, a disgraceful scourge!"

Patriarch Tantai felt bitter, and he couldn't say some things, so he vented his anger on his son, he slapped his son, but he still couldn't understand his hatred, so he slapped him a few more times.

After those slaps, Third Master Tantai's face turned red, and he couldn't even utter a word of defense. After beating Midong and letting the grandson of Wanqi's family see blood, he knew it was impossible to deceive so many people Even if no one came to ask his son to stay for questioning yesterday, he also guessed that there would be punishment. Today, the father and the clan elders were invited away. He guessed that it might be related to the matter of Midong. It was embarrassing for Tantai's family, so the faces of his father and clan elders were so ugly.

The two grandchildren of the Tantai family had returned to Beijing the night before yesterday, and Tantai Xunyue also returned to work yesterday, there were no grandchildren present to persuade the Patriarch, so Tantai Mixue bit the bullet and went to hold the Patriarch's grandfather's arm: "Grandpa , Xiaodong knew he was wrong, he just wanted to prove himself too much, and he was confused because he wanted to win too much, you..."

"Get out, Tantai Midong was brought by you and your father by all means, how did you guarantee it? What you said is a fart, as expected, the things raised by the little woman are not on the table." Patriarch Tantai was so angry His hair was on fire, and the shameless little bitch came up to him, and he kicked him.

Tantai Mixue screamed "Ah" from being kicked, flew backwards, rushed several meters backwards, and fell heavily to the ground.

Fortunately, she was still wearing a backpack. When she landed, the backpack hit the ground first to absorb part of the impact. If she landed directly, she would have to suffer a portion of the shock and counter-shock force, which would only make things worse.

If so, after Tantai Mixue fell, she lay on her side on the ground, covering her lower abdomen with her hands, the Patriarch's kick hit the dantian area of ​​her lower abdomen, the whole lower abdomen was numb, and there was a tearing pain, so painful She wanted to get up.

The tearing pain is spreading, and what is more unbearable than the pain is the shame. The Patriarch kicked her away in full view, and scolded her as a young woman who couldn't get on the stage. The whole ancient repair world will know in the future She fell out of favor in the Tantai family.

In the past, she could be regarded as the best among women, even if the head of the family and the clan elders didn't like her very much because she was not a direct descendant, they still gave her face in front of outsiders, and they were more kind to her if they were not amiable. Not only did this not give the slightest face today, but it also used force.

There are still so many people in the gathering place, even a few female geniuses, the fourth young master of the Lan family and others are also present. They have seen with their own eyes how she was treated by the Patriarch. How could they treat her like before?

Tantai Mixue hated in her heart, even if her younger brother was wrong, there was no need to be so ruthless, they also shed the blood of Tantai's family, so they had to suffer all kinds of grievances because they were not born out of wedlock?

Others don't know why Patriarch Tantai got so angry, but Patriarch Tantai and the others knew that Patriarch Tantai was half acting and half really angry, so he directly attacked his grandchildren regardless of his face, and if he spoke conscientiously, It is because they are in the position of Patriarch Tantai, I am afraid that they will be more ruthless, and they may be crippled on the spot.

"Dad—" Third Master Tantai saw his daughter being kicked away by his father, and his heart turned pale with distress. Mixue is a girl, how could she be kicked by her father? Multiple.

Patriarch Tantai raised his hand and slapped his son's face again: "Do you still have the face to plead for mercy? Take the little evil in your heart back to the family and go to the ancestral hall. When will you completely repent and when will you come out? Tantai Midong The punishment will be reserved until he is on leave to return home.”

"Third brother, you father and son have disappointed us so much, go back and receive the punishment yourself." The elder of the Tantai family also expressed deep disappointment in a timely manner, never looked at the father and daughter again, and helped the head of the family to take the punishment. The tribe set off.

The third master Tantai lost his temper after being beaten, he didn't dare to see how others looked at him, he hurriedly ran to his daughter with his head down, helped Tantai Mixue who was sweating from the pain, and the father and daughter followed the clansmen back home Family.

(End of this chapter)

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