magic eye doctor

Chapter 1106

Chapter 1106
Yan Xing has never been so happy, bringing little loli... oh, no, playing with little loli at the seaside, walking on the soft sand with her, and watching with her on the deck chair under the sun umbrella Others splashed in the waves, took a small boat with her to fish on the sea, and went to grill fish and shrimp with her.

Even though most of the time it was the little Lolita who was playing wild, he carried bags of fruits, drinks and snacks and ran behind her buttocks, or stayed aside as a protector, but seeing the little Lolita playing happily, He is really happy to have the liveliness that a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl should have.

The happiest thing is to go fishing with little Lolita. She is afraid of capsizing and falling into the water, so little Lolita will stick to him tightly. The kind of being relied on and trusted is the most passionate source of motivation in the world.

It's not easy to have a good time playing, Yan Xing had a lot of fun and didn't want to return, but half a day passed quickly, after the sun went down, the sea breeze was strong, and it was relatively cool, the tourists all dispersed, and he had to accompany little Lolita to leave Walk.

Withdrawing from the beach by the sea, the two of them went to have a barbecue first and then took a taxi back to the hotel. It was just right to have dinner at the hotel.

In order to enjoy the two-person world without being disturbed by others, Yan Xing asked the waiter to deliver the meal to the guest room, had a delicious dinner full of local specialties, and sat by the window to eat fruit and watch the night view.

Le's greatest strength is that she is at ease with the situation. Even in the jungle and desert, she can live her life like a poem. Not to mention in the city, there is handsome Yan Yan who is responsible for safety. Play as you want, eat as you want, and never wrong yourself.

The boss of the Yan people played elegantly and wanted to enjoy the scenery. She gave up her life to accompany the gentleman. She accompanied him to enjoy the scenery until ten o'clock in the evening.

Little Lolita went to her beauty sleep on time. Yan Xing checked the guest room, locked the lock and door, and seized the time to catch up on sleep. He only meditated until three o'clock, sitting in the dark as a watchman.

He was in the company of the darkness, sitting for half the night, the little Lolita's room was quiet that night, he didn't hear her get up to drink water or go to the toilet, nor heard other sounds, only occasionally the wind blowing the window made a slight noise sound.

To tell the truth, Yan Xing was very worried, and he didn't dare to make any noise. He heard a light noise in the little Lolita's room, so he quickly got up and turned on the light. After tidying up, the little Lolita came out with a pink and tender face, holding supplies for brushing her teeth and washing her face.

In fact, he thinks that little Lolita doesn't need to wash her face every day. Her tender face is white and pink, and the skin can be broken by blows. It is so white, tender and clean that he can chew it off even if she doesn't wash her face for three days.

Bah, bah, bah, what is he thinking?
Looking at the pretty face of little Lolita, Yan Xing suddenly lost his mind, drooled, and immediately brought back his thoughts of running a horse, and scolded himself a "beast". When little Loli found out, it wasn't as simple as calling him a "beast", he might pack up and leave.

In the evening, Le Yun went back to her own one-acre-three-square-meter land and stayed until five in the morning before climbing out of the space. After washing, she packed her backpack, packed out a set of clean clothes and a tent sleeping bag, and prepared to take it away. Half of the luggage was still in the hotel.

While the little Lolita was washing up, Yan Xing also packed some light luggage. After the little Lolita packed up, she took the bag to the restaurant of the hotel, had breakfast, walked out of the big hotel, and went to buy some dry food and Water, a piece of fruit, and a taxi.

In order to detect if there was any follow-up, I took a taxi and ran around first, then got out of the car, then took a taxi for a circle, and then took a taxi for half a circle, and then went out of the city to the highest mountain in the Mexican peninsula.

Most of the country of Mexico is a desert, but the desert is relatively young and formed late, so the scene of long yellow sand has not yet formed. In the desert, there are mountains and basins. The Gulf Peninsula of Mexico is long and narrow, which is the longest A long and narrow island, Encantada, the highest mountain on the peninsula, exceeds 3000 meters above sea level.

Most of Mexico's peninsula is arid desert or desert, covered with cacti everywhere, saguaro and agave are the soul plants of the island.

The taxi driver hired to run a long distance is very cute. After leaving the urban area with high-rise buildings, he drives slowly, allowing guests to enjoy the cacti from far and near, and encounter the tall and distinctive giant saguaro. I will also deliberately slow down the speed of the car, and introduce the meaning of it to the lovely lady who can speak Spanish, such as road signs, wind vanes and so on.

Little Lolita can speak the language of foreigners, and she is popular everywhere. She chatted happily with the driver. Yan Xing really likes it, but he can't show it. Who told him that his language talent is not as good as Little Lolita, who told him to understand She doesn't speak as many foreign birds as she does, so whoever tells him he has nothing to do with her.

The taxi crossed the plain basin and entered the semi-desert. It was not until noon that it arrived at an original residence near Encantada Mountain. Of course, the driver could not be blamed for slowing down, but the little girl got off the bus several times and ran away It took at least an hour to take photos of the original plants and pick the cactus fruits.

Arriving at the scattered settlements of the original residents, Young Master Yan and the driver who took the initiative to act as a guide bought some things from the aborigines, paid the taxi driver's fare and a generous tip, and sent the driver back.

The taxi driver got a considerable salary, got into the car happily, and drove away in a hurry, leaving a cloud of smoke and dust, as if afraid of his employer's repentance.

After dismissing the taxi driver, Yan Xing felt that the depression in his heart was swept away, the guy who knew Spanish was gone, now no one was grabbing the little girl's attention.

He cheerfully carried his big backpack, held a backpack of little Lolita, and wore a straw hat. He and little Lolita walked through the original village and walked towards the mountain peak.

The two of them walked less than a kilometer when an off-road pickup truck came up from behind, and just after honking its horn a few times, Yan Xing stopped and waited for the car to arrive.

The off-road pickup truck arrived and stopped on the side of the road. The driver jumped out of the car. His face had some Indo-European features. He was actually a child of the Northwest ethnic group in the Great China Kingdom. He was very young and short, about 1.7 meters eight.

"55?" Le Yun's eyes twitched when he saw the young guy jumping out of the four-door white pickup truck. Not to mention, if this guy is mixed in with the Mexican crowd and doesn't check his ID card, most people will just pretend to be him. It's a native.

55 just got down on the ground, and only had time to do a beautiful hair-tossing movement, and before she could show a smile, the little Lolita called out her ranking number, and her whole body brightened, and she jumped forward to the little Lolita, raising her head Big smiling face: "Hello little beauty, I am number 55 and will serve you wholeheartedly."

"I remember your surname should be Li? Handsome Li Wuwu, hello, thank you for your hard work. By the way, did you bring me some fruit?" Le Yun fiddled with her hat so that she could better see No. 55 s face.

"Oh, the little girl has such a good memory, you actually recognize me? I brought some fruit for you." No. 55 was very happy. He only met her face-to-face when she was staying at the base that day. Little Lolita can still recognize him in the way he talks, the feeling of being remembered is so happy.

"Anyone I met that day, as long as the bone marrow is not changed, as long as the body is still the same, even if it changes its appearance, I will definitely recognize it when we meet again." Le Yun raised her eyebrows proudly: "Bring me any fruit, don't eat the bad ones , and don’t want the varieties of bad street.”

No. 55 was even happier, and happily moved to the little loli and whispered: "Little loli, let me tell you, I asked the captain what kind of fruit you like to eat, but the captain still wants to play mystery and refuses to tell, so I will tell you what kind of fruit you like with my brother." We made a guess together, and I brought you the fruit of the giant cactus, and we won’t give it to the captain when we eat it, so we quickly find a place to camp, settle down, and let’s have a barbecue.”

"Okay." Le Yun ran towards the passenger seat with short legs, ran to the door, opened it, climbed up, rolled down the glass, and took a photo with the camera.

Yan Xing moved the luggage into the car first, and was waiting for little loli to get into the car. Hearing Li Wuwu's complaint, he secretly twitched the corners of his mouth. The bastard thought he was far away from the Emperor Mo, so he couldn't deal with him, right?
I was thinking about whether to catch Li Wuwu in the middle of the night, or to bring that guy back to the country, but I haven't decided yet, seeing the little Lori climbed into the passenger seat, the whole person is not very well, and finally got rid of it A taxi driver who steals the little loli's attention, and another brother who steals the attention. Doesn't this mean that the wolf is driven away and the tiger comes again?

You said, why is it so difficult for him to stay with little Loli for a while longer?
It's impossible for the little Lolita to move her head back when she sat in the passenger cab. The depressed Yan Xing didn't dare to ask the little Lolita to sit in the back row, so she climbed up and sat down sullenly, and secretly threw the knife at Li Wuwu. It's all because of that kid's procrastination. If he doesn't tell the black to hold up little Lolita, little Lolita will definitely sit in the back row.

Comrade No. 55 was completely immersed in the joy of seeing the little Lolita. He didn't see the sharp eyes and gloomy eyes of the captain. Even if he saw him, he pretended not to see him. After finally seeing a little girl from the same town, the captain even came to snatch her, who is that?

Zao selectively ignored the captain's 55, checked the door of the passenger cab, climbed into the main driver's seat, and drove the car. While running, he asked little loli where she was going and where she wanted to camp. As for the captain , The captain's opinion is not important, what little loli says is what she says.

Yan Xing, who was ignored again, felt that he was invisible again, listening to Little Lolita and No. 55 chattering about where the scenery was good and where there might be few people, he silently ate a jar of sour food.

Comrade No. 55 has no time to care about what the captain is thinking. He drove the car and accompanied the little loli while whistling. After running for a while, he changed to a natural sandy road. Go into the semi-desert to find a suitable place to camp.

(End of this chapter)

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