magic eye doctor

Chapter 1114

Chapter 1114

Young Master Yan was very hard-pressed, even though he was working hard and digging a hole, but Langen went too deep into the ground, as deep as 27 meters by visual inspection, and he was busy from just dark to nearly two o'clock in the morning. I was also very tired from work, so I simply stayed in the giant pit to recover my strength.

Classmate Le Xiao rushed to the huge pit dug by Handsome Yan, stretched his head and looked down, oh my god, the pit is deeper than a well, like a mine, and the brightness of handsome Yan’s flashlight from the top down is like looking up. The feeling of the moon seen in the sky.

The pit is a T-shaped pit, and there are several large steps entering the well one by one.

She jumped down the first concave step, jumped down again, jumped six steps in a row to reach the bottom of the pit, reached out her hand to press the handsome guy with a bitter face begging for praise: "Good boy, not bad, you can be called a good digger. "

Waiting until the little Lolita finally remembered himself, Yan Xing sat bitterly, looked at the little Lolita with pitiful eyes, and silently accused her of leaving him behind for several hours. It was very happy to be touched on the head, but , what the hell is a good boy?

The handsome young man, whose face was more bitter than bitter gourd, said in a muffled voice, "My medicated food is gone, this baby is not happy."

A big man and a baby?Le Yun turned cold and made a promise: "Although there is no extra reward, for your contribution, I will make you a coconut stewed pig's trotter to supplement your nutrition."

"Really?" Hearing that there was a reward, the handsome young man's eyes were like stars in the sky, twinkling and shining softly.

"Well, move a little bit, I'm going to start working." Le Yun rubbed her hands, grasped the handle of the knife and swung the knife to chop off Langen.

Yan Xing slid to the side and stood close to the wall of the bunker, watched the little loli slash a few times, and then went to do the job for himself, and suddenly he raised the knife and fell, and a section of orchid root was cut off.

Le Yun hugged Langen, carried it out of the big pit and put it aside, then jumped into the pit, waited for Yan Shuai to cut off a section of Langen and then carried it out of the pit, cut off four sections of the root in a row, and then applied medicine to the section of Langen, Climb out of the pit and fill back with sand.

Backfill the excavated sand, and moved some sand from other places to cover the pit. Little Loli asked Handsome Yan to return to the camp first. She did the aftermath. Young Master Yan did not hesitate, and went ahead with a flashlight , He first returned to the place where the tent was pitched, and ran to the river to take a bath.

Little student Le, who was left behind, waited for Handsome Yan to go away, moved the centenary orchid roots back to the space, and picked up all the orchid root fines on the sandy ground without leaving any suspicious traces, and then erased the nearby footprints , went to the other centennial orchids, wandered around a few times, and withdrew safely.

When she returned to the camp, Handsome Yan took a shower and sat in the tent to wipe his hair. She took clean clothes and slipped to the river to take a bath. She was refreshed, returned to the tent without sleeping, and took out a thick notebook to write an observation diary.

Little Lolita's hair is not dry yet, she doesn't care, Yan Xing can't see it, and covers her head with a face towel: "Little Lolita, your hair is not dry, the temperature is so low, you are easy to catch a cold, let me wipe it for you wipe."

Angola is very hot, but it is a plateau area, and the temperature difference between day and night is huge. Even in summer, it is unbearably hot at noon, and you have to cover yourself with a thin quilt at night, or you will be frozen awake in the middle of the night. The temperature difference between day and night in the desert is even greater. The temperature is close to zero.

Her head was covered by a towel, and she almost couldn't see the notebook from her eyes. Le Yun turned her neck away: "Don't make noise, I didn't see that I was busy with business."

"You're busy, I'll wipe your hair for you." The little Lolita didn't get angry and threw a towel to scold people. Yan Xing succeeded in her trick, and gently wrapped the towel around the little Lolita's head, and gently wiped her hair, so as not to hurt her Hair, very light and careful.

Little Loli didn't refuse, he acted temporarily as a handyman's hairdresser apprentice, and seriously helped Little Loli wipe her hair, rubbing the hair on a small head, full of joy, Little Loli's head is also very cute, well-behaved A quiet little loli is cuter.

Carefully helped the little Lolita wipe her hair half dry, the towel was wet, and there was no other dry towel, Yan Xing reluctantly finished her work, and quietly looked at what the little Lolita wrote, she was recording the day and night in the desert Changes in temperature, and plant responses.

She wrote it in great detail, and he almost wanted to rub her head and praise her, saying, "What a good student who studies hard." Her head said that her good boy might suffer a meal of chicken feet fried meat.

Le Yun is too busy, she is really busy making records, Anguo and Naguo are separated by a river, the temperature and air content in the desert are still slightly different, and the soil is also slightly different, as to whether it is because it is close to the border river between the two countries The reason for the proximity is unclear.

After she finished writing the daytime and nighttime observation results of the previous day, the sky was slightly bright, she packed her notebook, packed her luggage, ate dry food, and when the sky was brighter, she broke camp and set off for the front.

In the thin morning light, the plants and animals on the desert plain are not yet ready to meet the sun, and many nocturnal animals are quietly dormant, and the vast desert is very peaceful.

The handsome young man and the short-haired girl walked forward in the morning light, making slight noises as they stepped on the sand, sometimes startling the insects hidden in the grass, and sometimes frightened the small lizards so that they burrowed into the sand desperately. The little girl was very naughty, and she had to dig out the sand to scare it, making the little animals run away.

The handsome young man expressed his helplessness. He expressed his understanding to the little Lolita digging plants all the way. She came to Anguo to dig plants. But, why does she always like to tease small animals and insects?
Girls don't hate bugs the most. Little Lolita is just the opposite. She enjoys catching bugs and lizards. In fact, catching lizards is also acceptable. What kind of magical operation is catching rattlesnakes like catching earthworms?

Yan Xing, who was shocked by the wrist of the little loli grabbing the desert horned viper, often had herds of grass and mud horses running wildly in his heart. He felt that he had to find someone to pour a few bowls of chicken soup for the soul after returning, otherwise his heart might be broken. overwhelmed.

The sky is getting brighter and the temperature is also rising a little bit.

Le moved forward as if playing. It took her and Young Master Yan half a day to bypass several rocky mountains and reach another desert valley. I got a thousand-year-old orchid like an octopus.

Large and small orchids lay irregularly on the sand. The whole place looks like a botanical garden. There are car marks in some places, which are the proof of "visit here" left by sightseeing vehicles.

Finding the valley with the largest number of orchids, Le Yun's eyes are brighter than Venus, wow, there are so many octopuses, and I can't finish digging for ten days and ten nights!
Her heart speeded up because she was too excited, and red clouds floated on her fair face, and she seemed to be flying, and the wind was blowing under her feet when she walked.

"Little Lolita, there are so many centenarians!" From a distance, it's not that shocking, but when you look closer, you can feel the number of centenarians, how many years it took to develop such a large family.

Yan Xing also finally understood why little loli came here. The number of centenarians in Anguo is considerable, more than that in Nanami. Such a large number of plants, even if you dig ten or eight of them, you won't be afraid of affecting it. The reproduction of its family.

He didn't dare to dig a few more trees for storage, because there was a tourist bus on the other side of the valley, and several people were taking pictures in the centenary land, even if they were far away, they were afraid that the wind would leak the secret.

Classmate Le was full of joy, and didn't care about the unnutritious words of the handsome Yanda. He carried the camera and took pictures frantically, walking towards the edge of the inland direction while taking pictures.

Young Master Yan also pretended to take a photo with a camera. The two of them did not meet the tourists in the sightseeing car. They walked through the edge and then went inland. They walked for several miles in the desert plains and grasslands before reaching a river with water in a dry valley. part.

Anguo has a big rainy season and a small rainy season. November is the small rainy season. There is no shortage of rain, but the rainfall decreases in order from the east to the south of the desert. It rains in other places, and the desert still rarely rains. Therefore, in the rainy season and dry valleys have water when it rains in the small rainy season

After finding the water source, wait for the hottest time at noon to pass in a shaded place nearby. The two split up. There is no prey nearby. The young master Yan is useless. We only find some dry grass and dry branches washed down from the upper reaches. They use firewood for cooking at night, and recharge their batteries in the camp at other times, so that they can work hard at night.

Le stretched out his hands to the plants in all directions. When the sun went down, he dug up two large bundles of plants. He called it a day and cooked rice with handsome Yan. March.

The small team of the two marched quickly to the Changbai Suilan Valley, the sky was not yet completely dark, the surroundings were gray and deserted, and the temperature was relatively low, so they had to wear autumn clothes.

Le classmate took a free handyman to wander among the orchids, and went to the edge of the area, and designated a tree for him to dig. The orchid is a rare species. Every year, tourists go to the desert to watch it. Many orchids are iconic coordinates. , is absolutely untouchable, and can only pick a target in an inconspicuous position.

Little Lolita ordered his work, Yan Xing put down his backpack, took out his tools and began to work, he dug a centenarian orchid yesterday after two o'clock, even if he probably dug one at most today, he had to do it in the morning work.

Assign a hundred-year-old orchid to catch Yan Shuai's feet, Le Xiao walked in another direction, observed while walking, and caught the little fox a mile and a half away from Yan Yan, and sent him to work. Go to pick the target by yourself, choose a centenarian orchid and put an apple or an August fry, the little fox will find the place when it smells the aroma of the apple.

After selecting several centenarian orchids, I also started to dig a medium-sized orchid tree in the most edge area, and dug slowly. Anyway, there is little fox who is a good digger, so she doesn't have to work too hard, just stay idle.

Unknowingly, the little fox who sold himself to a little girl as a coolie, in line with the great principle of perfection in everything, worked hard to be a good anti-pit worker, emptied most of the sand under a centenarian tree, and spit out part of the sand Then go to the second tree designated by the little girl.

When I found the place, I saw a big red apple tree. I had no choice but to hold my beard, and started working hard. I expended my energy to clear the area around the orchid, uprooted a large orchid tree, put it aside, and then filled the space with sand.

The little girl loves to play with whimsical ideas. Putting an apple as a mark means digging out the whole tree. The apple is round, which means peace and security, and "consummation", and the whole centenarian orchid is complete.

The third tree has a waist-shaped fruit, which means digging a semicircle, that is, only the orchid root is taken.

For his own appetite, the little fox was very active and dug one tree after another. After digging the soil under the ninth orchid, he finally called it a day, and dug out four whole ones.

He went back to fill the hole, and the little girl was already cutting the root of the second orchid tree. He filled the deep hole of the first orchid tree, waited outside the second hole, and waited for the little girl to climb out of the hole, and then backfilled the sand. Soil, erase some traces.

One person and one fox took away all the centenary orchid roots dug out, filled the pit, and crawled back to the space. Classmate Le helped the little fox take a bath, gave him snacks and gold, and then she returned to the natural world and ran to check on handsome Yan. What was the result.

Young Master Yan really wanted to perform well, but the work was too difficult, no matter how hard he worked, he couldn’t achieve his ideal results. He dug until 01:30 to finish the work, feeling depressed and didn’t want to go out to shame others, and really wanted to bury himself in the pit never mind.

He squatted in the deep pit and licked the wound sadly alone, and waited for more than an hour before the little Lolita, looking at the light shining from the ground, he was resurrected with full blood, if the little Lolita left him, he would Stay in the pit, wait for someone to find out during the day and let the Anguo people cover him up alive.

Little Lolita still remembered him, he didn't want to be buried in the pit, when little Lolita jumped into the pit, stood up quickly, and showed her handsome face: "Little Lolita, add this one, I'll dig it It's two trees, and if I dig another one tomorrow night, there will be three."

"I won't dig tomorrow night, and I will withdraw in the morning." Le Yun ignored the big face that came together, and looked at the centenarian Langen. Its roots are more than 24 meters deep into the ground, flat, and the roots are getting old. If he lives another hundred years, she will cut off half of its roots to improve its physique, and it will not be a problem to live another 800 years.

"Ah, why are you leaving so soon? There are so many here. If you dig ten or twenty trees, others won't be able to find them." There are so many centenarians, how many more do you dig?
"If there are no accidents, there should be rain in the middle of the night tomorrow night. If the medicine on the wound of the centenarian that I cut off the root leaks, the efficacy of the medicine will be reduced. In case the root of the tree is infected, the centenarian may die."

While explaining, Le Yun chose where to cut the knife: "Besides, I also dug two trees myself, plus the two you dug, if there is no particularly serious and rare disease that must be cured with centenarian orchids, I will save it." The quantity is enough, and there is no need to dig centenarian orchid roots within five years."

"That's it." Yan Xing's mood fell suddenly, and the little Lolita's departure also meant that the trip was over, he and her would part ways soon, and it would take a long time for him to see her again, in fact, he He really didn't want to be separated, he wanted to stay with her every day.

He didn't say anything more, and helped little Lolita cut the orchid root, carry it, fill the pit, and clean up the venue. He carried his luggage and left first, and Le Xiaoliu was behind. Stay away from the crime scene.

After dawn, the two took a helicopter to pick up people in the desert and went to the desert park in Angola for a stroll before returning to Namibe, a coastal city with an international airport. A shower, from east to west, to the desert area, although the rainfall becomes smaller, the dry desert plants also enjoy the moisture of the rain.

(End of this chapter)

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