magic eye doctor

Chapter 1118 You Are Too Kind

Chapter 1118 You Are Too Kind

On the day Le Xiaoluoli came out of the jungle after finishing her life as a savage, Milo, who had trained hard for several months at an underground secret training base on an uninhabited island in the north, finally completed the cruel challenge and was able to walk out of the base.

It was already afternoon when he arrived on the ground from the ground. He was picked up by a private helicopter and sent to the northernmost country——Iceland. .

Milo went back to his home to rest for the night, and drove to the town of Tuscany early on the 2nd to look for his children. He was arrested by the godfather for such a long time of devil training, and he didn’t see the sun for such a long time. His heart was too empty. It's dark, and I need the love and comfort of children.

All the way to the town of Tuscany, and then rushed to the castle of the old couple Rossi, Milo parked the car in the square outside the castle, and saw the young man from the Ferrari family come out to pick him up, happily carrying a backpack. He joined him and asked eagerly, "Brother, is my little friend there?"

"Master Miro, the lovely lady is not in the castle. The lady has gone to the farm to dig truffles. Our husband and master welcome you at the castle." The handsome young man helped Master Miro with his luggage and led him into the castle.

The old Ferrari was in the living room with the child. After the handsome young man hugged each other warmly and said hello to each other, Alejandro asked his old buddy Roberto what he was up to and how he was.

Miro went back to his father one by one, his godfather tossed him and flew to South America to discuss some business, so he didn't come together. If there wasn't a big business to do, the godfather would not be willing to give up the opportunity to meet his children.

Old Mr. Ferrari didn't feel ashamed, he and his old buddy still had the opportunity to meet often; Miro asked Mr. Old Ferrari and said hello to Ferrari Jr. He rubbed Amedeo's curly hair unceremoniously: "Like my Little Lele's friend said that Amedeo's hair is soft and feels very nice to the touch."

Amedeo, who was treated as a child, looked at the sky sadly, he didn't want to talk to brother Miro, heh, brother Miro would laugh at him like Miss Oriental Doctor.

"Oh, you didn't say you wanted to fight me, and Amedeo's temper has softened. He's a good boy."

"...Brother Miro, you wait for me, and I will settle accounts with you next year." Amedeo rolled his eyes sullenly. He didn't want to fight with others, but now he wants to fight with Brother Miro!

"Hahahaha..." Teased Amedeo until his face was blushing and his neck was thick, Milo rejoiced unkindly, sat down next to the young man and asked him about his health, how many truffles he had dug, and so on.

With the handsome Miro joining, the youths of the Ferrari family also became active, chatting and drinking tea happily; the children did not come back at noon, Miro sat and waited, waited, waited, and waited until it was almost evening, and he took a walk outside the castle until the sun went down. Seeing the pretty little friend returning gracefully, and hearing crisp laughter: "Milo, Miro, you're finally back home."

Being found by a child, Milo ran to meet the returning child. Little Lele was still so lively, cute, smart and sensitive.

Le Yun smelled the body odor of handsome Mi Luo from far away, and guessed that he was coming. Not far from the castle, he really saw a handsome and sunny young handsome guy. Lah, walking slowly, I was soon embraced by the handsome Tuhao with a bear hug.

"Milo, you almost bumped my cute nose." Hugging each other enthusiastically, the little loli complained while rubbing her little nose that was almost squeezed.

"I made a mistake, I will definitely pay attention next time." Milo smiled and touched the child's head: "How many truffles did Xiao Lele dig today?"

"Dig up three or four catties, don't be jealous, I won't share it with you." Le Yun took off her backpack and took out a bag of truffles to show off to her friend, just as Grandma Rossi's pet dog ran out to greet her, then The big dog drooped its ears pitifully when it saw her bag.

The dog is sad, and as a caring and good boy, he must comfort him and gently touch his head to coax him: "Don't be sad, I will dig truffles for a few more days and make truffle bread for you to eat."

The sad dog was revived with full blood in a second, and acted like a baby in excitement.

Milo held the kid's backpack and truffles in his hands, and saw the golden retriever pretending to be pitiful first and then excited, he was very contemptuous. The golden retriever even learned to pretend to be weak in order to cheat the food. It really deserves to be a dog with high IQ.

The two of them returned to the castle with a dog. The Ferrari family youths helped brush the truffle soil, packed them, and enjoyed a lively dinner of local fish and grouse game at night. The golden retriever clings to the oriental girl every day, so naturally he also eats with them. Mrs. Rossi Couples have become accustomed to it and don't look for it when eating.

The old Ferrari took a day off and took the children to dig truffles the next day. They were actually going to relax and enjoy the fun of outdoor activities.

Classmate Le secretly dug hundreds of catties of truffles, and it is okay to not dig. However, in order to wait for the handsome guy Tuhao to stay, he naturally had to dig truffles with Tuhao to play.

A group of people leave early and return late every day, or return early at noon. A few days passed in a blink of an eye, and it was December 12th. On that day, student Le went to dig truffles for half a day in the morning, and washed and crushed all the truffles in the afternoon. I made truffle bread, truffle grouse and truffle fish head soup. In the evening, the host and his wife were invited to have a meal together.

On the 7th, a group of people finished digging truffles. Ferrari and his son took the truffle bread presented by the doctor lady and the pills for Amedeo by helicopter back to the West Island. Handsome Miro took the children back to Florence, only carrying a small amount of truffles , the old Ferrari helped the little doctor transport some truffles to Rome, and then helped her to the airport when she returned home.

Milo drove his children back to Foro, the capital of the Tuscany region, without delay. Not long after they arrived and returned to the tavern, the delivery man from the old Ferrari arrived. He didn't deliver truffles or red wine Yes, I only gave the doctor a big lockbox.

After seeing off the young man from Ferrari's family, Milo acted excitedly as a curious baby: "Little Lele, what gift did Mr. Ferrari give you? Can you appreciate it?"

Le Yun shrugged nonchalantly: "It's US dollars in cash. I will treat Amedeo's illness and charge 500 million euros for medical expenses, because I want to sell a piece of ancient knowledge from a businessman. US dollars in cash, so Mr. Ferrari, please take out part of the medical expenses and exchange it into [-] million US dollars in cash, and Mr. Ferrari sent someone to deliver it to me."

"Ahhh, little Lele, you only charged [-] million euros for treating Amedeo?" Miro looked at his little friend in shock. Little Lele really helped the old Ferrari family save money, right?
"You don't mean to say that I charged too much, but too little?" Oh my god, don't tell her that's what she understands, her little heart is a little weak.

Because country Y is engaged in Brexit, the euro has been affected and has depreciated a little. One euro is about 7 yuan and [-] yuan in the currency of the Chinese dynasty. If [-] million euros are converted into the currency of the Chinese dynasty, it is more than [-] million yuan. In China, let’s talk about that sum Medical bills are sky-high.

"Of course it's missing." Miro beat his chest for the loss of his little friend: "Do you know how rich old Ferrari is? He was originally one of the heirs of the old Dong family of the Trident Motor Group. His maternal ancestral family property, his brothers who inherited the family property, compensated him a lot of money because he gave up inheriting the shares of the group, and his maternal ancestral family was also super rich, and the property of the old Ferrari was counted in tens of billions of euros.

Amedeo is the only surviving child of the old Ferrari and the only heir to the Ferrari family. Healed, Xiao Lele took action to rescue the person, and only received 30 million euros, oh, Xiao Lele, you have to collect at least one billion to get the wealth of the Ferrari family. "

Miro thought about how much money Xiao Lele had lost, the pain in his heart bleeding, Xiao Lele worked so hard, ran all over the world and was assassinated many times, healed that unlucky child of Amedeo, he was alive and kicking, and only received [-] million euros for his hard work Fei, I'm so sorry for her efforts.

The handsome Tuhao looked like he was about to cry, Le Yun was dumbfounded, and after a while, scratched his head: "Well, Mi Luo, you must be kind, I'll charge 1000 million or so, and after deducting the cost, I can earn about [-] million euros. Old Mr. Ferrari also gave me two helicopters."

"Xiao Lele, you are so kind." Milo patted the child's head, Xiao Lele was neither greedy for money nor for others' status, so selfless, benevolent, and a kind little fairy.

He was still heartbroken for the child, if Xiao Lele received three to five million yuan, it would be enough for her to use for several years, at least she would not have to worry about money if she bought some precious ancient medicinal materials.

"Miro, tell me, if old Mr. Ferrari knows that you think I charge less for medical expenses, will he cry?" Le Yun looked at Tuhao friend Le, handsome Miro is too cute, isn't he?She didn't even feel bad, but he felt heartbroken because she didn't knock on old Ferrari's bamboo pole. Would old Ferrari want to hack him to death if he found out?Isn't he worried that the friendship boat between his godfather and old Mr. Ferrari will turn over?

"No, if the old Mr. Ferrari really knew, he would definitely praise me for my foresight, and praise me for my good statistics. I can roughly calculate how much money the Ferrari family has." Miro didn't feel guilty. There are so many Ferrari families As for the money, charge more to match his social status.

Le Yun suddenly thought... Quiet, I feel that there is a small generation gap with handsome Mi Luo, do I need to spend some time thinking about life?
A second later, the mood was wonderful again. No matter what I said, Mi Luo Tuhao always supported her. This friend was not in vain. It is a great blessing in life to have friends like this. You should eat an extra bowl of rice at noon.

In a good mood, classmate Le took the suitcase into the guest room that Tuhao's friend had reserved for him, washed his hands after turning around, and went to the kitchen to tinker with truffles. Miluo Tuhao is so powerful, he must cook a delicious meal to reward him.

(End of this chapter)

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