magic eye doctor

Chapter 1123 Cooperation

Chapter 1123 Cooperation
Huang Zhenzhi understood the lady's hidden meaning, she meant that the bodyguard of that person had already noticed it, just imagine, would that person not know?
Fear welled up in his heart, the bodyguards of Lejia's little short-lived ghost knew that they had made a deal with the underworld?They didn't stop anything or did nothing afterwards. Could it be that they secretly planned to wipe out the Huang family?
How many people know that the Huang family secretly tried to assassinate Le Xiaoshougui?
The Huang family's transactions with others are all one-way contacts, and they are still caught by people for being so secretive. Huang Zhenzhi feels as if he is living under the surveillance of others, and his every move is watched by others, and the hairs on his back stand on end for a while. up.

Being threatened by a woman, Huang Zhichang sneered: "The mother of the two illegitimate children of the Tantai family is very calculating. Do you think the Tantai family really has no doubts about your illegitimate children now? Your son stabbed you at the party. The teacher's grandson, your son's face looks so similar to yours, you should pray that someone has never seen your face, if she has seen your face, blow to the Tantai family, your illegitimate children are afraid An accident will happen in a moment, and your twenty-odd years of planning will be turned into a waste, after all, accidents will inevitably happen to the grandchildren of the Tantai family, let alone two illegitimate children who are not on the stage."

"..." Mr. Huang revealed his identity in one mouthful. It was a miraculous pill waiting for Mr. Huang to express his position with the overall situation under control. The smile on his charming jade face faded. Do you know that her two sons and daughters are descendants of the Tantai family?
After hearing him say that it is best to pray that the person has never seen her face, the originally calm lake of heart was suddenly turbulent, and the little yellow-haired girl not only saw her, but also saw her twice!
The youngest son participated in the gathering of the ancient Chinese martial arts family, and even stabbed the grandson of the teacher Wan Qi's family. Doesn't it mean that the son has been exposed?

Miao Miaodan felt that even if the youngest son was not exposed, he might be targeted by the yellow-haired little girl, and a trace of anger arose in a moment. The two things who had done nothing but failed, came back from the ancient martial arts party in Huaxia Kingdom, and no one complained. Mention their own mistakes themselves.

Angry in her heart, she turned her eyes and cast a wink at Huang: "Old Huang's words are serious, the little girl was just joking with Mr. Huang before, and she can't take it seriously."

"Really?" Huang Zhichang picked up the cup lightly: "I'll just pretend you've never been here, I'm busy, so I won't entertain, Huang Zhenzhi sent Miss Wu out of the community."

"Old Huang is busy, so I won't bother you." The host issued an order to evict the guests, and Miao Miaodan stood up and said goodbye wisely. The trip was in vain.

Huang Zhenzhi couldn't understand what his uncle meant at all, and he was even more confused about the reason for Ms. Wu's sudden change of attitude. When he heard the old man calling his name, he responded "yes" like a reflex, and stood up to see the guests.

Huang Zhenzhi led Ms. Wu out of the study room, walked through the corridor and then through the living room to the hall to put on a coat. When Mrs. Huang saw her nephew and grandson coming out with the guests, she politely asked the young woman to "have lunch", and Miao Miaodan politely said that she had a business to go Talk, come to trouble me next time, put on your coat, cover your neck and face with a scarf, and leave as gently as when you came.

Huang Zhenzhi accompanied Ms. Wu to the parking lot in front of the building, and drove her out of the community. His uncle and grandpa lived in the family building of government employees, which was under semi-closed management, and general personnel had to register when coming and going.

Miao Miaodan sat in the passenger seat like when he came, and when the car was more than ten meters away from the building, he gently opened the scarf and let out a sigh: "It seems that Mr. Huang intends to negotiate with Le in private to resolve the old grievances. Mr. Huang How successful do you think it is?"

Huang Zhenzhi's heart tightened slightly, the old man wants to talk peace?There may be room for negotiation and peaceful settlement of some matters, but the death of the little short-lived ghost grandpa of the Le family is in the middle. Even if the old ghost Le died at the hands of a woman surnamed Wu, it is undeniable that it has something to do with the Huang family.

He didn't have any confidence in his heart, and his answer was very formulaic: "The younger generations of our family follow the old man's lead, and there must be intentions and reasons that the old man makes in his decision."

"I heard that the girl from the Huang family who once bought a murderer to bully someone Le has disappeared, have you found it?"

Ms. Wu seemed to be concerned about the safety of the Huang family girl. Huang Zhenzhi thanked him politely: "Thank you for your concern. It is quite difficult to find someone who suddenly disappeared abroad. The efficiency of foreign police officers is not high, and there is no reliable news so far."

"I seem to have also heard that a young man in your local area who was bribed by a girl from the Huang family to murder someone also disappeared inexplicably. I must not have found any clues."

"It doesn't seem to be." Huang Zhenzhi turned his head to look at the young woman who looked extremely young: "What does Miss Wu want to say?" Ms. Wu mentioned the missing persons related to the Huang family twice, definitely not aimlessly.

"It's nothing, I heard some very secret things from some secret channels. It is said that someone in Fang County will make something called 'corpse water', and the corpse will turn into a puddle of blood when it touches that water. I couldn't even find any traces afterwards. I heard that the things that person knew were too weird, so the state department protected her, in fact, because they were afraid that she would be used to develop dangerous drugs."

Miao Miaodan "casually" leaked the shocking news to Huang's family, but he didn't know if Huang Mouchang would be able to calm down if he knew about it. After leaking the secret, he seemed to not know what he said, and moved lazily to a more comfortable sitting position : "I originally planned to take advantage of someone's weakness to lure her out to negotiate, and ask her to sign an agreement not to interfere with my affairs, because I am not familiar with the terrain here, and I don't understand the dialect. The purpose of cooperating with the Huang family is to feel that the Huang family He is a native of the local area, and is suitable to be a supporting partner, but Huang Lao refused to cooperate with me, and I also gave up my plan."

Corpse water?Huang Zhenzhi's face changed suddenly, and his hands holding the steering wheel were stiff. Could that kind of corpse water be the poison used to destroy corpses and wipe out traces after killing people in martial arts dramas on TV?

He couldn't use his hands, causing the car to almost crash into the grass. When he realized it, he quickly turned the steering wheel to stabilize the car, and blurted out: "What's the weakness of the little short-lived ghost?"

"A certain person is proficient in medical skills and can develop strange things. It can be said that there is no weakness. Of course, that was before, but now she has it. Her only weakness is her newborn brother. With that little baby in hand, there is nothing she can't do. successful."

Miao Miaodan glanced at the middle-aged man surnamed Huang from the corner of his eyes, and continued his words lightly: "Mr. Huang does not agree with the cooperation plan, and this plan cannot be used anyway. Of course, Director Huang still keeps it secret. If you have the same plan and it succeeds, it will be a big trouble to hear from you that you put it into action and put me in the wrong."

Huang Zhenzhi pretended to be calm: "My character is not that bad. Ms. Wu can rest assured. Let me say a few words. How can Ms. Wu successfully capture someone's younger brother? That person has a camera at home, as well as military dogs and wolf dogs." , it is too difficult to take a child away without alarming anyone."

"I have my own way to take people away without being caught on camera, but I can't say how, this is my secret."

"Miss Wu, let's... make another appointment to drink tea?"

"Business is not a relationship, so it's no problem to have a drink."

When he was approaching the gate of the community, Huang Zhenzhi didn't say any more. He went to the gate of the community and told the security guards, drove out, and made an appointment with Ms. Wu when he was far away. district.

Back downstairs with his uncle, Huang Zhenzhi went to the old man's house again, and after his uncle opened it for him, he went to the study to meet the old man.

Huang Zhichang sat still in the study after seeing his nephew and grandson off, and when he saw his nephew came back, he was very angry: "You people of the Zhenzi generation are too disappointing, who can afford the 'Zhen' set by your ancestors?" ? There are so many people, none of them can take the lead!"

Huang Zhenzhi didn't dare to talk back, and listened honestly, the old man scolded all the clansmen of the Zhenzi generation, including his own grandchildren, what wronged him?

The nephew didn't even fart, and Huang Zhichang became even more angry: "I'm not angry if you don't have a hair in your mouth and don't keep a handle on things. After all, you didn't get to know some people. You don't know how powerful they are, and others are in the dark. It is inevitable to stare at you and discover something from the clues, but you are also people who have seen the world, how can you be shocked by a woman's casual words and be led by the nose?"

Taking a deep breath, she breathed fire again: "Just now, that woman just said a few words on the ground, you are in a mess, why are you panicking? There are too many people assassinating little short-lived ghosts at home and abroad, who will kill you?" Do you know who did it? If someone casually flatters you, you immediately stop calling yourself, are you pretending to be tofu?"

"I..." Huang Zhenzhi was so scolded that he couldn't lift his head. He wanted to argue that Ms. Wu dared to come to cooperate with her without evidence, but she held back.

"How did she find you?" None of the nephews and grandchildren are smart and clever. Huang Zhichang gave up the idea of ​​scolding others. It is necessary to make every effort to plan for the long-term future of the descendants of the family.

"I have met several times in the city's jade and jade field, because she has a lot of research on jade, and I got acquainted with her after coming and going. This time, she came to me to talk about a business. I thought I was investing in jade jewelry, so we met by appointment. Thinking of the cooperation she said is to deal with the little short-lived ghost, I dare not make a decision, so I come to ask you for instructions."

"How long have you known each other?"

"It's been almost half a year. I have bought rough jadeite together. Ms. Wu knows how to do it. She helped me a few times and made a lot of money every time."

"..." Huang Zhichang was so angry that he wanted to throw the table: "What a coincidence, they came here specially for you. You really think you are lucky enough to meet a jade expert who is knowledgeable, easy-going and easy-going? Which jade expert doesn't have an eye-catching jade expert?" Come on, there is no one who can pay a hundred and eighty thousand palm eye fee to move the honor frame?"

Huang Zhenzhi didn't dare to argue anymore.

"What did she say after sending her out?"

"No," Huang Zhenzhi shook his head, hesitating for a moment, and then said a word: "She just vaguely mentioned that it is said that the little short-lived ghost has developed some corpse-resolving water. Grandpa, is there such a thing as corpse-resolving water in the world?"

"Corpse... corpse water?" Huang Zhichang murmured in surprise, what did that woman mean?Did he want to tell the Huang family that Huang Shishi might die from the corpse water developed by a short-lived ghost?
His thoughts drifted away in an instant, and he came back to his senses after a while: "There is corpse water. It is not as exaggerated as on TV. At most, it can rot the meat, but it can't immediately melt the bones. That woman nods as an acquaintance, but you must never cooperate with her, that woman's city is so deep that even twenty of you can't match it, don't be sold and pay for it."

"Yes, I see, little grandpa." Huang Zhenzhi understood from the pondering expression of the old man that the so-called corpse water really existed, and he was determined not to report the fact that he had an appointment with Miss Wu.

The nephew and grandson looked respectful, whether he listened to his own words in his heart, Huang Zhichang didn't bother to delve into it, and just let him do his serious business. Anyway, nephews and nephews are just like that, and they don't have much ability. Fortunately, they understand The importance of interests, when encountering major issues, will ask him for advice, and will not think about one thing and mess around with another.

Of course, he thought so now, and was soon slapped in the face, and he was slapped hard.

For Huang Zhenzhi, his uncle didn't leave him for lunch. To be honest, if it wasn't for a group gathering for family reunion, he would rather go hungry than face the old man alone. Every time he was in the same place with the old man , He was trembling in his heart, and he was in constant fear all day long.

He was afraid that the old man would change his mind and ask him to ask something, so he left the study in a hurry until he got out of the building and got into the car. The car hurried out of the community, and it was only after a long run that I really relaxed.

Feeling liberated, Huang Zhenzhi went to the most luxurious street in the city to book a room, then went to entertainment to relax his nerves, took a bath in the evening, packed up his suit and leather shoes, and went to the agreed bar to wait for Miss Wu. Ms. Wu successfully met and went to the bar for a few drinks before going to dinner.

After a pleasant dinner, a man and a woman who had a good talk went back to the hotel for a deeper communication. They resonated from the inside to the outside, from the body to the spirit, and the tired and sweaty two hugged each other after the passion. aftertaste.

The man hugged the woman who was nestled in his arms like a bird, and stroked the woman's smooth back with one hand. After a long time, he asked softly, "Honey, can you tell me about your action plan?"

"Honey, I'll help you get rid of that thorn in your heart, first..." The woman gently caressed the man's chest, her charming and sexy voice was like a cat's.

The woman exhaled like blue, and the man's heart agitated when he heard it, and he nodded "hmm", and continued to communicate with the senses for a while, and both of them fell into a deep sleep when they were extremely tired.

(End of this chapter)

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