magic eye doctor

Chapter 1151 Fear

Chapter 1151 Fear
Miao Miao Dan didn't want to die, according to the life expectancy of her family members, she could live for at least 50 to [-] years. She was still young and hadn't enjoyed enough glory and wealth, so it was uneconomical to die in the hands of a little girl like this.

The little troublemaker is a ruthless character. The people she just hired and her family members did not do anything to her in Africa. Instead, no one was alive or dead. With the way of the little troublemaker, if she doesn't cooperate, the only chance is fleeting. , she couldn't gamble her chances of survival.

People under the eaves had to bow their heads, Miao Miaodan compromised, but the heartstrings were still tense.

"He who understands the current affairs is a hero." Le Yun took care of the three idlers, turned around and did not threaten yet, the female flying head backed down first, looking at the phone for a minute and a half before the time limit, and gave the opportunity straightforwardly: "Let me explain in advance Details, [-] catties of rough jadeite must be genuine, don’t fool me with fakes and shoddy products, I can tell the truth at a glance. Give him a finger as a gift.

I only gave him 20 days to prepare the rough stones early and pull them to the border near Ruishi, my country. I will pick up the goods at any time after January 20, and the pick-up location is up to me.Don’t think about loading explosives in the car, or ambushing people at the pick-up site. I have helpers in Myanmar. As long as I want to know Wu Gang’s whereabouts, I can figure out how many times Wu Gang goes to the toilet every day. Play tricks at your own peril. "

"I understand." Miao Miaodan's heart trembled. If she guessed correctly, a certain family of vampires might have reached some kind of agreement with the little troublemaker to do things for her.

The female Feitou was on the right track, and Le Yun cheerfully released the fingerprint password and digital codeword set by Feitoujiang, set a password by herself, and then entered Wu Gang's mobile phone number to dial out.

It's none of her business whether calling in the middle of the night will disturb Mou Gang's good work and sleep. Xiao Le dialed out the phone and heard a ringing sound, and put the phone to Nv Feitou's ear for her to listen.

Wu Gang was tired all day, and he went back to his luxurious villa at night to get a good sleep. His business in the second half of the year was not going well, and he ran around every day to worry about his heart. He was so tired that he was getting old. The day was too hard. Sleep soundly at night.

When he was awakened by the phone call, Wu Gang thought it was something at work, so it was impossible for him to pretend that he didn't hear it. No matter how annoying he was, he would pick up the phone, and when he saw that it was his own woman's call, he was a little delighted, so he quickly answered it, calling tenderly: " baby!"

Miao Miaodan couldn't move her hands. Hearing the ringing of the mobile phone, she was very worried. She was afraid that Wu Gang would not answer the call in time. When the call was connected, she shed tears excitedly and cried in Burmese: "Gang, dear Gang, our son's identity has been discovered, they know that the child has no blood relationship with their family, please save the child..."

Wu Gang thought that Dan called in the middle of the night because he was lonely and wanted to seek comfort. When he heard Dan crying for help, he sat up straight and asked nervously: "Dan, don't cry, baby, please explain clearly. What happened to the child? What happened to our child?"

Miao Miao Dan found the life-saving herb that can save her now, her tears flowed more fiercely, and she cried: "Just now, they found out that the son is not their child, so they gave it to that girl, and that girl caught me and asked me to call you , I want you to take [-] catties of rough jadeite to return the child to you. I just...rescued the child, but the child was injured. If you don’t pay the ransom, that person will kill Dong..."

When Wu Gang heard that he was asked to take [-] catties of rough jadeite as a ransom, he almost threw away his phone. The next moment, he broke out in a cold sweat. What Miao Miao Dan meant was that she was also caught by a Huaxia girl, and her son also fell into that girl's hands. hand? !

"Dan, please let me be quiet, be quiet, you said you were..." Wu Gang was in a mess, and he asked Dan whether it was what he thought, and he got a definite answer, confirming that Dan and his son were in the same place. In the Huaxia girl's hand, his forehead was soaked with beads of sweat.

It takes [-] catties of rough jadeite to redeem his son, and [-] catties of rough jadeite to redeem Dan?

The more detailed the question, the more Wu Gang's heart trembled, and he became more and more calm. First, he comforted Dan and wanted her to convey his willingness to negotiate with the Huaxia girl in person. When he was rejected, he had to answer the conditions first and chatted in a low voice. Ten minutes later, the phone was hung up.

At the end of the call, his hand holding the mobile phone hangs down weakly, and he can no longer calm down. Fifty thousand catties of emerald stones is not a small amount, and it is not so easy to raise enough in just twenty days. He is his only son and must be rescued!

It can only be redeemed, because the person is in the hands of the Huaxia girl, and it is impossible to snatch her back. The Huaxia girl is protected by soldiers and special families of the Huaxia Kingdom, so it is too unrealistic to snatch someone from her.

The only thing he could think of was to give up his wealth in exchange for his son, and then find a way to get the jade back. The export of rough jade stones requires the approval of the government. With so many rough stones, the Huaxia girl couldn't transport them all at once, so he had time to start working.

Wu Gang sat quietly and thought about it for a long time, and was no longer in the mood to sleep. He got up and calculated which mines he controlled had stock and how much stock there was.

Miao Miaodan cried to Gang, peeking at the little troublemaker from time to time, holding the mobile phone so that the girl who was talking to Wu Gang couldn't see her happiness or anger, she was worried, until the call ended, little troublemaker didn't interrupt He secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, as soon as her nerves relaxed, the girl with short hair and round face like a white porcelain doll smiled leisurely, and her clear Burmese language was more pleasant than the cry of a thrush—"Just now, they found out that my son is not..."

Miaomiaodan listened to the girl retelling her own words in a vivid imitation of her own tone, her heart twitched, her eyes widened in shock, Chinese girls understand Burmese!Why didn't I make a sound when I heard her speak?

Yan Xing was dumb the whole time, and when she heard the little girl learning how to speak, she sighed silently. The little girl couldn't understand Burmese in front of the city police officers a few hours ago, and she showed herself in a blink of an eye, alas, Fortunately, there are no outsiders here.

Le Yun learned a few words that Fei Toujiang said, smiled happily, bared her teeth, and said in Dai language: "I forgot to tell you, I know more than a dozen languages, including Burmese, Dai, and several other languages. Ethnic languages ​​that are not ranked high in the world include the minority languages ​​of our country and the languages ​​of African indigenous peoples.”

"No—" Miao Miaodan yelled in horror, how could it be possible that she...she is proficient in Dai and Thai!It means that what she said, the little troublemaker understands everything, and knows that she said some untrue things!
"I understand every word you said. I didn't remind you because you lied to Wu Gang. It's your business. As for me, I just need to get what I want." Le Yun poked Feitou's heart with a smile Knife, ouch, it’s good to have a strong language talent. Learning a few more languages ​​may solve your urgent needs one day. In such a situation, the benefits of knowing a foreign language can be seen at a glance.

Miao Miaodan looked at the smiling Chinese girl and was overwhelmed by panic. Is this person still human?The little troublemaker is too scary, far beyond her and her family's guess.

Successfully hit Feitoujiang, Le Yun was in a good mood, sent her mobile phone to the plane, put it in a bag and stuffed it into her backpack, took out a medicine bottle, opened Feitou's mouth, poured some powdered medicine, and then asked her to close her mouth, Don't let the flying head open its mouth to breathe.

Tantai Mixue was speechless, and she was not shocked when her mother bowed her head to compromise with Le. When she heard Le speak in Burmese, her eyes also showed horror, especially when she saw Le feeding her mother with medicine, she felt frightened. Absolutely, I can't cry out if I want to, the veins in my temples are throbbing wildly with anxiety.

Miaomiaodan tried to struggle when being fed the medicine, but it was in vain. Her big beautiful and charming eyes were full of fear and despair.

"It's just a drug against Fei Toujiang. You can't die. Besides, didn't you ask Wu Gang to inform your family to find a way to save you and your daughter? I also want to keep you mother and daughter for some rough stones. After they decide to give up You will not let you see the Buddha before."

The expressions of Fei Toujiang and the young girl from the Tantai family successfully made Le Yun amused, and comforted Fei Tou very friendly. This guy is not a fuel-efficient lamp. At the end of the call with Wu Gang, he called Wu Gang in Thai to inform Fei Toujiang's family to rescue him. She and Tantai Mixue.

Miao Miaodan trembled even more. She thought that even if a Chinese girl knew a little Burmese, she would not know too much, and it was impossible to understand Thai. Who would have thought that this girl was not only proficient in Burmese, but also Thai.

Tantai Mixue lowered her eyes dejectedly, Le Mou knew everything, how could her grandfather's family save her and her mother?
Everyone in the Tantai family didn't understand what Fei Toujiang said on the phone, and they didn't know what the little girl said at the end of Fei Toujiang's call that made Fei Toujiang panic. At this moment, they finally heard the little girl speak Mandarin, and Patriarch Tantai was busy. Ask: "Little girl, does this woman want to call someone to rescue her and the evil seed?"

"Yeah, this guy is also greedy for life and afraid of death. I thought she would let someone tell the family to leave her alone, and keep the family's financial resources and manpower first. Who told her that she knew that the family came to save her only to die, and still said that the family should let her go?" We must find a way to save her, which shows how selfish she is." Le Yun looked down contemptuously, a dead woman is really ruthless, she committed the death herself, and she wanted the family to do everything in her power to save her, so she was not afraid of making her suffer. Her family was buried in her hands.

Patriarch Tantai looked at Tantai Mixue, then looked at his useless son, and asked again: "Has this woman saved this traitor from my family?"

"It's a pity, no, and the whole process didn't mention her daughter's father. She just asked her other concubine to save her son, and asked her family to save her and her daughter. I guessed that this woman wanted to rescue her daughter. Make it into a flying head drop, and let it turn around to deal with your family."

Female Fei's eyes were blurred and she was almost dizzy. Le Yun let go of Fei's hand and put away the medicine bottle: "Patriarch Tantai, if half of your family's blood is bleeding from this illegitimate daughter, you won't be able to get rid of it." Hand, why don't you give her to me, Fei Toujiang injected my brother with the virus, I am short of a test subject, you give her to me as a guinea pig, and I will use it to study the antibody drug of the virus."

Third Master Tantai heard that Wu Dan never mentioned him, so he closed his eyes silently, feeling ashamed.

When Tantai Mixue heard someone from Le asked Tantai's family to leave her as an experimental subject, she was terrified to the extreme, no, she didn't want to become an experimental subject!She didn't want to be a live experiment lying on the cold dissecting table to be slaughtered!

She opened it countless times without opening it, her eyes were about to burst, and the breath she exhaled from her nose was urgent and rough.

"The daughter of a different cultivator is still a guest. After she is not worthy to be in the Tantai family, the little girl just takes her away. From now on, the Tantai family will never have Tantai to look for snow." Tantai elders would not mention the little girl taking her away, Those evil species, whoever helps to take them away will be grateful.

"Patriarch Tantai asked someone to pack a copy of the clothes and belongings of the siblings, and I will take them away together. As far as I know, Tantai Mixue has a property under his name, and this illegitimate child also needs to go through the procedures for withdrawing from school. The Tantai family First take the ID cards of the siblings to go through the formalities of withdrawing from school, and then send someone to send it to me. The formalities must be signed and fingerprinted. Please ask the owner of the Tantai family to write the entrustment agreement and withdraw from school immediately. fingerprint."

The little girl was considerate, and the Patriarch of Tantai and the elders had no objection. One elder went to write a commission to deal with the real estate and an application for dropping out of school to Tantai Xuedong.

Miaomiaodan still has a little bit of consciousness. Hearing that Tantai Mixue is going to be used as a test subject, the Tantai family agrees to send someone as a test drug regardless of blood relationship. His pupils burst open: "No, don't, you can't, Can't……"

"What's wrong?" Le Yun bent down and looked directly into Feitou's eyes: "You inject my brother with two viruses, and I will retaliate and let your children taste the same. Besides, I only agree with Wu Gang's redemption. Returning his son, but he didn’t promise to let his son return to him in a healthy and healthy way, and when I went to exchange hostages, I would specifically explain why I did that.”

"You are not a human, you are a devil!" Miao Miaodan collapsed, this person is too scary, she found out what kind of virus she injected the little short ghost so quickly, and will use the same method to revenge Dong, how could Dong bear it? Can survive such a virus?
"Your description is correct. No one really calls me someone. The handsome guy from Tantai's family calls me Little Fairy, the monks in our country call me Little Beauty, my relatives and friends call me Xiao Lele Little Padded Jacket, and Well, the vampire family calls me a little devil behind their backs. Why are you so stupid? When I hit you with a concussion, people should understand that I am not easy to mess with, and come to provoke me. This is called not being dead." , Why does everyone seem to have a small word before her address, so embarrassing.

Miao Miaodan stared at the little devil with staring eyes, panting heavily, the breath she exhaled had a strange smell, she only panted a few times, her eyes rolled upwards, and she fainted softly.

Le Yun jumped to the side, causing the girl to slam her head on the ground, and reminded very kindly: "Everyone, go outside and blow some air, the smell here must not be smelled, and don't ask me for an antidote if you faint."

The clan elders at the gate of Tantai's house floated away, and the Tantai Patriarch and the clan elders in the house also jumped up instantly, and rushed out of the house in a few strokes to blow the cold wind in the courtyard.

The wolf kings outside the door hesitated for three seconds, and also moved away. A handsome wolf king inside the house saw the captain running away like a cat, and ran out, feeling sad in his heart. Distinguish between one's own people and enemies, it's a bad idea!

Yan Shao and his teammates quickly rushed out of the courtyard, and everyone standing in the courtyard willingly drank the northwest wind.

(End of this chapter)

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