magic eye doctor

Chapter 1154

Chapter 1154

The wolf kings in the army from the capital have been busy for a long time, and they have made a few delicacies by themselves. They are in a very good mood and eat very happily. , all sounds stopped abruptly.

Everyone in the main room heard Miss Zhou's yelling, and also heard Miss Zhou's gloating. Grandma Zhou was so angry that her hands were trembling. Grandma Zhou Man, the village chief, wanted to call Zhou Chunmei's ear, and throw shame to someone else's house. , Liu Tong is a good tutor.

In the cold room in the hall, Le Yun stood up slowly, walked around the bench, and walked out while staring at Zhou Chunmei with a half-smile: "Go on, keep talking, what's wrong with Le Yun, I'm listening."

Hehehe, the tiger doesn't show his power, treats her like a sick cat, and curses her younger brother to be stupid in front of her?Did Zhou Chunmei bully her for being good-tempered, or did she think that her younger brother had blood from the Zhou family, and that the Le family had to tolerate their mother and daughter unconditionally, so that she could talk nonsense unscrupulously?
With her sister here, not to mention that my younger brother was injected with two kinds of medicines, even if he was injected with more messy medicines, as long as there was still a breath, she could save people from life and ensure that his intelligence would not be affected.

It is her ability to keep her brother safe and sound, and it is also true that she has a good temper. She dared to stab her family in the heart in front of her, thinking that just because of the blood relationship between her brother and the Zhou family, she would treat it as nothing. occur?
Le Yun sneered, when did she, the fighting king, become a persimmon in Zhou Chunmei's eyes?Today I don't mind letting Zhou Chunmei re-understand what is meant by "denial of six relatives".

Seeing Lele leave, Zhou Qiufeng stood up and wanted to chase her out, but Mrs. Chao Er, who was sitting next to her, grabbed her and said, "You sit down, and we, Lele Xiaotuanzi, can easily handle this small matter." It's an elder, how can Xiaotuanzi teach Zhou's girl a lesson when he's gone?
Mrs. Chao Er observed very carefully, she could see it, even if Xiao Lele didn't say it, from Lele's expression, it could be seen that Xiao Tuanzi was on fire because of Leshan's things, whoever touches her again will be unlucky Well, the girl from the Zhou family is an idiot, and at this time she ran to Le's house to express gloating, and she deserved to be cleaned up.

Grandma Zhou Man's face turned black with anger, and she also agreed with Mrs. Chao Er's approach: "Xiaofeng sits, and Yue Qing doesn't care, let Lele talk to Zhou Chunmei."

Young handsome guys are the calmest, who is the little loli?That's a ruthless person who kills even flying head-down vampires in seconds without any discussion. Then which girl dares to stroke the little loli's tiger's beard, and the little loli can poke people so that they can't get up with a single finger.

Seeing Le Yun walking out with a smile on her face, Zhou Chunmei felt so guilty that she couldn't help but take a step back, and sneered: "I...I want to say 'Did Le Yun really save Le Shan'? I hurried back from my grandma’s house when I saw the news on the Internet. I ran a little fast, maybe I didn’t express it clearly. I care about my cousin. I don’t mean anything else. You also know that I am stupid and can’t speak. .”

There are three tables in the main room, two tables on one side and one table on the other. Le Shan sits at the bottom of the two tables on the south wall near the door, closest to the door. He moves to the door in three steps and takes two steps to step out of the threshold. When he stepped in front of Zhou Chunmei, he quickly bent his knee by raising his leg, and slammed his right knee into Zhou Chunmei's stomach forcefully.

Le Yun walked out of the main room and was still approaching her, even though the other party was shorter than her, Zhou Chunmei felt apprehensive, and was about to back away, when suddenly something hit her stomach hard, causing a spasm of pain at the time, while bending over, she He also couldn't move back freely, and he staggered and fell down one by one.

She fell down heavily, and her ass fell, tears flowed from the pain, and she bared her teeth and screamed: "Ai yo ouch—"

"Hey, you have learned how to blackmail people. My knees are a little itchy and I want to touch them. You lie down immediately. It's also the first time I've been touched by someone. It's so interesting!" Le Yun smiled and bent over Mimi: " I didn't see it clearly just now, so I'll help you up, and you can perform it for me once to open my eyes."

While talking, Zhou Chunmei didn't allow Zhou Chunmei to refuse, grabbed her by the shoulders, pressed her lower back with one hand, and pulled her up vigorously. When Zhou Chunmei was about to stand still, he secretly pressed her shoulders hard, and stabbed her waist with the other hand.

The concrete floor was cold and hard. Zhou Chunmei fell so hard that her butt was about to turn into four petals, and she burst into tears in pain. At first, she heard Le Yun say "touch porcelain".Wasn't he knocked down by her?
Before she could say it, Le Yun bent down and forced herself up without any explanation. She was terrified, her hands and feet were rigid, and she wanted to stand still and stay away from Le Yun. Her shoulders hurt like they were broken, and her waist seemed to be chopped off. With a knife, half of his body twitched in pain.

"Ah—" Pain rushed into her heart like an electric current, Zhou Chunmei's legs shook, she tilted her back, and landed with the graceful posture of a wild goose's buttocks landing on the flat sand, her buttocks once again in close contact with the hard concrete floor.

That fall, Zhou Chunmei felt that her pelvis seemed to be falling apart, and she screamed again in pain. The cry was also extremely sharp, and it also frightened Zhou's sister-in-law, Zhou Tianming, mother and son, who were approaching the garden in front of Le's house, and their hearts trembled.

Sister-in-law Zhou took her children from a neighboring town to Meicun on a tricycle soliciting passengers. Zhou Chunmei got off the bus and ran away first. The mother and son took their luggage to pay the fare, and naturally fell behind.

Sister-in-law Zhou thought that Zhou Chunmei would go home first and open the door, but she suddenly heard a girl's scream from Le's house. After being frightened, she was terrified. Could Chunmei go to Le's house to watch a good show and annoy someone to get beaten?
Zhou Tianming ran away immediately after his heart trembled. If he guessed correctly, his sister would definitely be a fool and get angry again. Le Yun will be taught a lesson!
Le Yun threw Zhou Chunmei to the ground, of course she let go decisively, and stood firmly, looking at Zhou Chunmei who was so painful that tears and nose flowed together, she bent down again with a smirk: "Zhou Chunmei, are you so interesting? You fell down by yourself I kindly helped you up, but you fell again. Why, are you addicted to Pingci? I have to remind you that Punching in front of me will not yield good results. Your mother spoils you, and I have no blood relationship with you. It doesn't matter, it's not your parents, I won't get used to you, if you feel comfortable sitting on the ground, go sit on the road outside, don't dirty my house."

Throwing Zhou Chunmei down twice, Le Yun felt that it was almost done, grabbed Zhou Chunmei's shoulders, held the person's hip with one hand, grabbed and picked up the person, lifted him up in the air like holding a wooden stick, and walked quickly to the side of the house village road.

Zhou Chunmei was in so much pain that she could only cry, but she didn't want to be lifted by Le Yun. The feeling of being in the air made her dizzy, and she yelled in horror: "Ah, ah, put me down, let me down!"

Le Yun wouldn't listen to Zhou Chunmei. That guy kicked his hands and feet wildly. She shook her vigorously a few times, which made someone cry in fright and had no time to kick her legs. She ran to the village road next to the house a few times. , ignoring Zhou Tianming who was not too far away, put Zhou Chunmei on the road very calmly, and warned in a cold voice: "Zhou Chunmei, you and your mother are spreading rumors everywhere in the village, just because I'm too lazy to talk to you doesn't mean I don't know who you are with." What did you say, I don’t have the same knowledge as you, and you still ran to my house to beep beep and curse my brother, is this a human thing?
You are gloating with bad intentions, I haven’t hit you yet, you fell down on purpose with a guilty conscience, I kindly helped you up and you fell down on purpose, you saw on the Internet that I offered a reward of 200 million to find the whereabouts of the murderer, and you know that I am rich, You actually came to touch porcelain in front of me, and you are addicted to playing, aren't you, you want to intentionally hurt me and extort money from me, oh shit!With vicious thoughts, black heart and shameless, if you want to blackmail me, you have to go back to your mother's womb and remake it a hundred times.

How could someone as honest and honest as Uncle Zhou give birth to such a brainless idiot as you?If it weren't for confirming that you are Uncle Zhou's own daughter, I would have suspected that you were picked up. You are a selfish person like you, and you are worthy of being with Zhang Jing and Wu Lingling.

Oh, by the way, you and your mother said in the village that I don't recognize my six relatives. Do you know which six relatives are the six relatives?You are not among my six relatives, and I have no blood relationship with me, so, I am a person who does not recognize my six relatives, so I don’t need to be polite to you, a person who has no blood relationship, and I will not give you face for Uncle Zhou’s face in the future , you don't come to my house in the future, I think your thoughts are dirty.

My Aunt Feng doesn't need your fake concern. You never regarded my Aunt Feng as an elder before. You only regarded my Aunt Feng as a cash cow. Now Aunt Feng is from the Le family. She has no relationship with you other than blood relationship. Don't come here Disgusting people.

My younger brother doesn't need the hypocritical concern of your cousin who is a poisonous snake with ulterior motives. My younger brother has my own sister, and the sisters and brothers of the Chao family. He will be happy in this life. With me, my brother will be injected with medicine by the bad guys I can cure it too, you wish you luck, even if you get terminally ill, don't ask me for help under the pretense that you are my brother's cousin. I don't waste medicine to save a shameless villain who is worse than animals. "

In the past, Grandma Zhou tolerated her for the sake of Grandma Zhou and Uncle Zhou, and she always felt that her thoughts were not too bad. This incident made her understand that Zhou Chunmei's thoughts were vicious, and she wished that something would happen to her and her younger brother. She would be a fool if she tolerated such a person any longer. .

Le Yun decided not to bear it, caring who Zhou Chunmei was, caring that she and her younger brother were not related by blood, let's clean it up, so knowing that Aunt Zhou was not far away, she didn't give face.

Others swear at Huai and Sang, and Le Yun's swearing refers to names and surnames. The sister-in-law Zhou, who was trotting, heard Le Yun pointing her nose and scolding her face, saying that she and Zhou Chunmei's mother and daughter were in the village gossiping about Le Yun's six relatives. Faint, neither advancing nor retreating, simply stopped and turned around as if he didn't see Le Yun.

Zhou Tianming was stunned when he saw his sister being carried out by Le Yun from under the eaves of Le’s house. He was still lamenting that Le Yun’s strength was as strong as a bull’s. Worth it, I stood still with shame, my face burning hot.

After scolding, Le Yun let out a bad breath, spit at Zhou Chunmei, clapped her hands in distaste, and pretended she hadn't seen Zhou's mother and son, turned and went back to the eaves to wash her hands with water from the pressurized water machine, still angrily Yelling: "Really, if you don't come early or late, you come here to spray manure when people are eating, which makes people lose their appetite for food."

(End of this chapter)

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