magic eye doctor

Chapter 1172 Got Rich (2 more

Chapter 1172 Got Rich (2 more

Lexiao was full of sense of achievement when he easily caught the younger brother of the female flying head.

Looking at the male flying head down, I am also a little puzzled. The female flying head is very coquettish, and her brothers' looks are really not good. This kind of face can be seen everywhere on the streets of Myanmar, that is to say, it is lost in the crowd. I can't figure out the face shape.

There is not much research value for the appearance of the flying head descendants, and she no longer struggled with it. She put on gloves and searched the flying head man, and found a mobile phone, a wallet and a bunch of keys. In the wallet were about [-] worth of Besides, the necklace he was wearing was pretty good. A large blue jadeite pendant hung from the necklace made of gold and jadeite beads.

When the waste should be used, the waste should be used. The flying man fell into her hands, and his personal freedom was nothing but a cloud, and his things were her trophies. Therefore, little student Le calmly confiscated the flying man's necklace and put it in her hands. Phone off.

Then find out your own medicine and pour it into a bowl for the flying head man, throw the guy in the skirt next to the female flying head, take the pills by yourself, change your appearance, wait until your smell changes to be different from the original body fragrance, put it on With a wig and cloth wrapped around her waist, she formed a slightly plump older sister who seemed to be three or four months pregnant, and left the space without haste, carrying a cloth bag that locals often carry.

There is still no one coming and going in the small alley, and there are all kinds of sounds coming from the residential buildings, and the melodious music, casually throwing the powdered medicine on the place where I stayed, swaggering from the gap between the residential buildings to another A narrow alley, and then walk up the street to take a taxi to your destination.

Wacheng is the second largest city in Myanmar. There are modern high-rise buildings in the city, and some residents still retain local characteristics. Most of the local rich villas also maintain local characteristics. Only efforts have been made in decoration and materials to make them resplendent. Beautiful.

Le Yun got off at a corner of the bustling street in the center of the city, walked around two streets and then arrived at a wealthy area. The villa-style houses that residents live in the rich area occupy at least one mu of land, and every family has Your own private little garden.

After dark, it is rare to see people wandering on the streets of the wealthy district. The middle-aged "big sister" Le Yun, who is full of belly, walks slowly along the street with her cloth bag on her back. A street means walking into a road between villa buildings, walking and stopping.

There are often vehicles on the roads in the villa area, and basically no one cares about the woman with a belly. Many residents in the villa area hire nannies or helpers. The women walking in the villa are either nannies or helpers, or It's someone's relative.

Classmate Le, who has changed his face, with a bloated body that is thousands of miles away from his original body shape, wandered around half of the wealthy district, wandering leisurely, and ran to a remote small street that is not very busy during the day Hidden for about an hour, then detoured to a street with late-night snacks to eat at a roadside stall, had a good meal, and went back to the rich area for a walk again.

Returning to the wealthy area full of villas again, the villa area is very quiet, as if the residents are asleep, and only the street lights in some buildings are still shining.

After seven turns and eight turns, Le Yun inspected the environment of the villa area and walked to a row of villas, took out a bunch of keys from the cloth bag and unlocked it, and the door opened in response.

"..." What should she say?She just took the Flying Headman's key to try, but she didn't expect to be able to get the right seat.

The door is open, what are you still doing standing there?

Le Yun pushed the door calmly into the villa and checked that the door lock was not broken, so she ran into a dead mouse and accidentally found a shortcut to Feitou's house. This is also called "opportunities for those who are prepared." people", she was wise to keep the spoils.

The owner of the villa is the female Feitou Miaomiaodan family. The total area is about five acres. The Feitou family lives there. There are several houses and a small pagoda for private worship. The garden has a stone pavilion, a simulated beach swimming pool, and a path paved with emerald rough stones as pebbles.

Lights were on in several villa buildings, and the entire villa and its surroundings were quiet.

Le Yun strolls leisurely in the private villa area. Because the Feitoujiang family often go out with their head and body separated, there is no camera in the villa, so they can walk wherever they want.

Walk along the exquisite path to a villa building. The windows on the first floor are equipped with anti-theft windows. Men and women of the Jiangshi family's bloodline and those who have no blood relationship with the Feitoujiang family, but are also Feitoujiangshi, will be taken away.

After visiting one villa building, go to other villa buildings, visit several buildings in the courtyard of the private villa, catch more than [-] men and women, and finally go to the other courtyard in the center of the villa garden. The top of the luxury car with the statuette logo, climb over the railing on the second floor to enter the building, and follow the stairs to the first floor.

When she found the living room, Le Yun couldn't help laughing out loud, "Oh my god, there are so many people!
The hall on the first floor of the villa building is as magnificent and beautiful as a palace. There are 11 people in total. An old lady who looks like she is in her [-]s sits on a beautiful chair made of gold.

That old lady is Miao Miao Dan's mother, the ruler of the Miao Miao Dan family.

Seeing the old female flying head descending, Le Yun finally understood why Miao Miaodan didn't have the same face shape as her brothers, and the female flying head looked like her mother!The older brothers of the female flying head inherited their father's genes.

Probably because of her daughter Xiao's mother, Miao Miaodan's mother doted on her daughter and strongly supported her daughter and sent her grandchildren to help her when she was in trouble.

Except for the old lady, among the other ten members, there are three female members, seven men, and a middle-aged woman who looks about five points similar to the old lady. That person is Miao Miaodan's sister, and two The middle-aged man is the brother of Miao Miaodan, and the others are the nephews and grandchildren of Miao Miaodan, the youngest of whom is about 40 years old.

As far as he knew, Le Xiao could tell at a glance that the 11 people in the hall were all head-flying masters.

To be honest, she didn't expect that the flying head descendants would be "gathering" by themselves, and they would get eleven high-level and intermediate flying head descendants in one go. I can't stop wow.

Le Yun, who is in a beautiful mood, happily moved the people in the throwing space out to the hall, and then searched the flying heads one by one. Every time you find a mobile phone, try to check it first. Unlock it with fingerprints, and set a password. It will be confiscated when it is turned off, and those who want to decrypt by numbers or gestures will be turned off directly. I found Wu Gang's number from the mobile phone of a middle-aged flying head descendant, and checked the records and call records that afternoon.

Finding the call records between the Feitoujiang family and Wu Gang finally explained the reason why the Feitoujiang masters had a "meeting". The family made a secret move to keep her. If the Miao Miao Dan family succeeds, Wu Gang will reap the benefits, even if he fails to succeed, Wu Gang will have no loss.

The female old Feitou's cell phone didn't have any fingerprint password, and there were many numbers in it. After checking the call records, she called Miao Miaodan many times, and also called Tantai Mixue's phone number.

Every Feitou descendant wears emerald jewellery, and the female old Feitou wears an imperial green bead chain, inlaid with an imperial green pendant half the size of a palm, and a complete set of imperial green bracelets, rings, and earrings.

Middle-aged women wear mainly purple jewelry, while men wear all kinds of jewelry, the worst of which is the top-quality high-ice jadeite.

The people captured from other villas wear items with a slightly lower level, so the eleven rich and powerful flying head descendants are only one word in the eyes of classmate Le Xiao-money!Money Wow, this is money.

So, she acted resolutely as a philistine, and confiscated all the jewels of the flying heads!Without the guilt of robbing her house, the Feitou Jiangshi family chased and killed her several times, which caused her a double burden both physically and mentally. Their property was compensation for her.

Scavenging all the flying heads, Le Yun went to "study" the structure of the villa building with great interest. The villa building is the residence of the old female flying head, accompanied by two sons and a daughter. The master bedroom on the first floor is very luxuriously decorated, with many precious Almost all the items collected in a large study are treasures.

A lady's room on the second floor is also shaped like a luxury shopping mall. In addition to emerald jewelry, there are also world-renowned bags, lipsticks, clothes and high-heeled shoes.

Little Lolita is not interested in luxury goods, but is still interested in jewelry, emeralds, and antique collections. She wandered around, took away some of her favorite trophies, walked around the first and second floors, went downstairs, and turned back into the study , remove a desk, and find the basement entrance.

Open the entrance to the basement and let it ventilate first. After more than ten minutes, use a flashlight and go down the ladder inside. The basement is about six or seven meters deep. Come to the banknote box, the other is a hidden secret room, the door is hidden in the wall, and it is not hidden at present, the prosthesis that conceals the secret room door is erected on the side.

Le Yun walked through the outer basement, and used the keys of the female old Feitou to take a seat in front of the secret room. She tried five keys in a row before opening the door.

On the other side of the door is a very wide space, with pillars supporting the ground, piled up with a large amount of emeralds, rough emerald stones, jade, jade carvings, gold, silver and copper porcelain, tree jade, top-quality red sandalwood, rosewood and other carvings, and about Five tons of gold and a dozen boxes of books.

The raw jadeite and emerald materials are the most, with a visual inspection of thousands of tons, and the quality and appearance are both superior. The Feitoujiang family may have collected some of the best jadeite in Myanmar for hundreds of years. The real wealth is incomparable.

"I... I am the sun!" Le Yun looked at the items piled up in the basement, feeling bad all over, oh my god, there are so many porcelain, gold, silver, and bronze wares, there are at least a thousand pieces of each, some It is a former imperial palace item, not only from the country, but also from the imperial palace collections of the Great China Kingdom.

How could a small Feitoujiang family have so much wealth?
Visually, the Feitoujiang family must not be an ordinary Feitoujiang family. It may be a descendant of a royal family or an aristocrat from a certain dynasty in Burma, or even a descendant of a monastery. Otherwise, it would be impossible to have so many precious ancient and For gold, silver, copper and porcelain, only those descendants of the royal family or nobles can accumulate huge wealth because of their privileges.

After amazed, Le Yun walked towards the treasures of Feitoujiang's family, sweeping them unceremoniously, whether it was emerald jade, tree-like jade, or ancient jade, all of them were transferred into the space.

Cleaned up the two treasure rooms inside and outside, walked out of the basement, restored the door and passageway, and then reset the desk to make it exactly the same as before, without leaving any traces of myself, and locked the study door. No one seemed to have entered the study.

Going back to the golden hall again, seeing the members of the Feitoujiang family still lying on their stomachs, Le Yun was in a good mood. Let the Feitoujiang family donate blood first, not only to draw blood from the high and intermediate Feitoujiang masters Blood was also asked to donate blood by the Caidao-level Feitoujiang masters moved from other buildings, people with the blood of the Feitou family, and people who have a close relationship with the Feitoujiang family. Each of them donated about [-] to [-] A thousand and two milliliters of blood.

I have collected a large number of blood samples from the Feitoujiangshi family, which is enough to supply myself for various experiments that require blood as nourishment. The only thing that is more sad is that there are not many glassware and blood bags for liquids. It is necessary to shop online again or ask The professor helps to order.

Of course, that's a trivial matter. Le Xiaolei collected dozens of bags of blood samples, and she was so happy that she squinted her eyes. With so many blood sources, she can happily cultivate Aimou disease Antibody experiments, as well as experiments on cultivating corpse poison and flesh-eating bacteria, can also try to study antibodies that inhibit leukemia.

Jie because the members of the Feitoujiang family donated blood "kindly and generously", which can be regarded as an outstanding contribution to the cause of human medicine. Out of humanitarian spirit, she decided to give some members of the Feitoujiang family a happy, let them live in the hospital. I went to see the ancestors of their family without feeling the pain, and gave each of them a poisonous pill with pain and pain, and quietly sent them to Huangquan Road.

Some people often threaten others and say, "You don't know why you died." Now, that sentence is reflected in some members of the Feitoujiangshi family. They really don't even know how they died.

After solving some of the rookies, Le Xiao gave the eleven high-level and intermediate flying head descendants the special medicine made by himself. It's a good idea for them to be testers for new drugs.

Therefore, the medicinal soup she fed to Feitou was newly developed not long ago. For Feitoujiang's family, Yifei Toujiang's bulky people gave each person seven to ten bowls of medicinal soup, equivalent to about The water volume of two large bottles of Coke was sealed, and their acupoints were sealed, waiting for the flying heads to wake up.

(End of this chapter)

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