magic eye doctor

Chapter 1175 Bullying her is an amateur

Chapter 1175 Bullying her is an amateur
Wu Gang has been restless since he received the news of the accident in Miao Miaodan's mother's family, for fear of hearing other bad news, such as what happened to his own family.

My heart is not peaceful, and I can't sleep well. I wake up with a little noise. I wake up several times a night, so that I wake up the next day.

Classmate Le stayed in the hotel for one night and checked out the next day. The reason, of course, was that Wacheng made people feel unsafe. It was safer for her to go to Muse City on the border and several cities in her own country to search for rough jadeite.

The road from Wacheng to Muse City on the Myanmar border facing Dahuaxia Guorui City is more than 450 kilometers, and there is a big town between the two - Lashio. Wacheng has trains, planes and cars to Lashio .

Because the plane does not fly every day, Le classmate took his simple luggage to check out from the hotel and then contracted a privately operated car to go to Lashio. Because the road conditions in some places are not very good, sometimes there are traffic jams. Obviously, the road of more than 300 kilometers took a lot of money. It took almost five hours to go.

When the car arrived in Lashio, Le Xiao’s back was sore from the torment, and he felt sick when he saw the car. Enduring his distaste for the car, he went to the place where there is a jade trading market in Lashio and stayed for more than an hour. The Baobu van rushed to Muse City on the border of Myanmar.

Muse City is a port city in Myanmar, facing Huaxia, and has frequent trade exchanges, creating billions of transactions for Myanmar every year. It is one of the most important economic centers in the northeastern part of Myanmar.

There are still more than 100 kilometers from Lashio to Muse. Some road sections are in good condition, while others are in poor condition. The traffic jams at the busiest time are similar to those in the major cities of Greater China, where there are long queues of cars.

There were two more traffic jams on Xiaoluoli Road, which turned the originally two-hour drive into three and a half hours. The van climbed to Muse City after a lot of hardships, and the sky presented a beautiful scene of the setting sun reflecting the sunset .

Finally arrived at the border city, Le Yun didn't find a place to rest, got off the van, then found a local private van to go to the city, paid at the intersection leading to a village outside the city, first drove to Rencun, and waited. The car went far away, and no one on the road changed direction.

After walking along the road for a while, I wandered around a small hill, picked the place where I made a deal with Wu Gang, and returned to the space to rest in a safe place.

According to the clues provided by the handsome guys under Handsome Yan, Wu Gang had already arrived in Muse City in the middle of the month. Without thinking about it, he could guess that that guy must have ambushed a lot of people in Muse. Of course, it is difficult for him to take the initiative. She But he didn't promise to trade in the city.

She wore a wig when she left Wacheng, and she wore a mask most of the time. If she hadn't been following her around the clock, it would have been impossible for her to be recognized as soon as she arrived in Muse.

Climbing back to her secret plug-in space, Le Yun lay down and rested. Taking a long-distance bus is a mentally exhausting thing. She was afraid of accidents, and she did not dare to relax no matter how rough she was. I escaped from danger at the first time.

Rested quietly for about half an hour, revived with full blood, first went to take care of the crops, finished the work in the flower garden of the medicine field, and then replenished energy, ate well, studied the antibodies cultivated by myself, and made records, Then take the blood of the newly obtained flying head descendants to do the experiment of cultivating corpse bacteria, and after finishing the work, sit and read a book.

Read until eleven o'clock in the evening before meditating. After one o'clock, I will finish my practice. I will crawl out of the space in a leisurely manner, sprinkle powdered medicine in the hidden corners around the selected Yiyi area, and light a few sticks of incense.

After making some arrangements, I went to the middle road about a mile away and took Miao Miao Dan out of the space, and fed her a pill.

Miaomiaodan lost the stomach fluid that was so hard to refine, just like a plant losing its source of survival, her rapid aging, wrinkles appeared in less than a month, her skin was dull, and she became A little old lady.

Miao Miao Dan, who was fed a pill, woke up slowly for about ten minutes, and it took several minutes to regain consciousness. Feeling the cool climate, she stared at the girl who was shining a flashlight on her, with suspicion in her eyes. What does the evil want to do?
"Are you awake? This is Muse City on the border of Myanmar," Le Yun waited until the female flying head woke up, showing a bright smile: "I went to Wacheng the day before yesterday, and one of your younger brothers followed me and was captured alive by me. Your younger brother with the same mother and same father should be the second to last one, guess what I did?"

The little scourge said that he captured his brother alive, Miao Miaodan ignored the messy things that made him uncomfortable, kept sitting sideways, and tried to suppress the panic: "You...what did you do to my brother?"

"Your brother is fine," Le Yun smiled, "I just took your brother's key and went to your mother's villa."

Miao Miaodan paled in shock, the little scourge went to his mother, did he do anything to his mother and brothers and sisters?
"The night before yesterday in Wacheng was very beautiful, with cool breeze, suitable for admiring the moon and stars. The night view is so beautiful, so I must go to a beautiful place, so I went to visit the place where your mother and your family members live. I didn't do anything else, the villa your mother lives in is fine, and so are the domestic servants."

"My mother, where are my older brothers and sisters, you..." Miao Miaodan trembled in fear, and didn't dare to ask "Did you hurt my mother?" Okay, so the ones who have something to do are the mother, older brothers, older sisters and younger brothers.

"Oh, you guessed it, I took your mother and a dozen flying head descendants away. Your mother's servants found her missing yesterday morning. It's not clear whether the authorities have tried their best to help people all over the world find someone. Got it, I'm too busy, I don't have time to sit in Wacheng to see if your mother's family is nervous or not. After I get the rough emerald stone from Wu Gang, I'll evaluate how much your mother and those individuals are worth, and then talk to your mother Du Yue Let’s have a friendly chat, I’m happy to give your mother a chance to negotiate, but I don’t know that your mother is reluctant to spend money to buy peace.”

Le Yun spoke nonsense better than she sang, anyway, no one was present when she destroyed the corpses, so naturally no one knew whether the flying head descendants were alive or dead, and she had the final say on life or death.

The little scourge is as easy as saying whether the weather is good or not. Miao Miaodan was crushed by a huge blow and fell into deep despair. Even her mother fell into the hands of the little scourge. Who else would save her?The uncles also knew what she had done in Huaxia Kingdom after thinking about it. They knew that she provoked the little devil and brought disaster to the family, so how could they save her.

"Call Wu Gang and tell him to take the rough jadeite to the place I designated. Do you want to be smart like last time? It's up to you. If you think life is boring, you can do whatever you want. It doesn't matter if you don't cooperate. Others come, someone from your family has contact with Wu Gang, and his cell phone is also here." Le Yun took out the cell phone of the female flying head, turned it on and unlocked it, and found Wu Gang's phone number.

"Yes, I am willing! I will not say anything that is untrue." Miao Miaodan feared that the only chance to save herself would slip away, and expressed her position in a panic.

Nu Feitou became more and more knowledgeable about current affairs, Le Yun was quite satisfied, and told her where to ask Wu Gang to take the rough jadeite, asked her to repeat it, dialed Wu Gang's number, and put the phone by Nu Feitou's ear.

Wu Gang didn't know when the little scourge of Huaxia Kingdom would come to Muse City, and when the other party would contact him, he kept his phone turned on 24 hours a day, and he didn't dare to let the phone run out of battery.

After a day without any news of minor disasters, and Mr. Mority didn't give any reminders, he still didn't dare to be careless. He always slept with his clothes on. When the phone rang, even when he was sleeping the best, he would Responding to the sound, he grabbed the phone and found it was Miaomiaodan's number, so excited that he almost jumped up and answered as quickly as possible: "Dan, Dan, dear Dan, are you okay, where are you?"

Miao Miaodan was waiting to talk to Gang, feeling very, very nervous, when the phone was connected in a short time, and Gang worried words came, she cried excitedly: "Gang, I'm not well, I'm going to Muse City Now, you can meet me when you bring your things to the designated place, just, do what the little girl from the east said, don’t do what you can’t do, and don’t make her angry..."

Miao Miaodan is afraid that after handing over the rough jadeite to the little scourge, she will be silenced by the little scourge because she has no value.

The more Miao Miao Dan asked, the more suspicious Wu Gang became. What did Dan mean? Did he make arrangements secretly to seize the initiative and catch the little evil, or let him do nothing to get the child back?
He couldn't figure it out, and he also knew that the little scourge must be by Dan's side, so he couldn't ask Dan what he meant. In the area, she must have guessed that he would make some arrangements in the urban area. She must first step on the site before confirming the place for the transaction. It would be unreasonable for him to want to grab the land.

I arrived at Muse City more than ten days in advance, but still couldn't take the initiative. No matter how annoyed Wu Gang was, it would be of no avail. He told the driver to go to work immediately, and he quickly took the guy and went to the parking place.

His manpower is on standby at any time, and he is dispatched as soon as he receives a call. Of course, not all of them are dispatched. In addition to the driver, there are two to three escorts. and go.

Classmate Le waited for Nv Feitou to finish chatting with Wu Gang, then turned off the phone, tapped Nv Feitou's sleeping point to make her faint first, covered her head with a sheet from Feitou Jiang's family, and then threw it back into the space. Tun Tun swayed towards the trading place he had set, and sprinkled some medicine on both sides of the natural dirt road by the way.

Go back to the place you chose, climb to a rock at the foot of the hill and look into the distance, wait until you see a light in the distance, then lift the female flying head out, wrap the woman in a quilt, and cover her from the neck down Hold, Jie acupoint, tap the Ya acupoint a few times, turn on Feitou's mobile phone.

After waiting for about 6 minutes, the car from afar came to the natural dirt road leading to the wilderness at the foot of Xiaoshantou Mountain, and Le Xiao asked the female flying head to talk to Wu Gang again: "Tell them, let them step out along that cattle and sheep." Drive on the road into the wilderness, about 800 meters ahead."

Miao Miaodan and other little scourges put their mobile phones next to the earphones, listened carefully, and answered the phone on the other end, and immediately conveyed the little scourge's request.

Wu Gang took people out of the city as requested, and found the designated place. He was very nervous. The place designated by the little scourge was far away from the urban area, and it was nearly two miles away from the village where people lived. Would she send him away after getting the things? Do it too?
When Miaomiaodan contacted him again, he was even more worried that the little scourge had let his caravan go into the wilderness. He could repent if he wanted to, so he forced the driver to leave the dirt road and go into the wilderness. Calculating the distance silently while walking, it was 800 meters Stop around.

Wu Gang looked around, but he couldn't find anyone, but just as his car stopped, Dan's very soft voice came out again from his mobile phone: "Gang, she said to let you stay, and the other 11 people got off the car and walked out of the wilderness. Wait on the road outside, and throw away the weapons and communication tools you brought."

11 people?Hearing Dan prepared to report the number of people on his side on the phone, Wu Gang only felt the cold wind whizzing around his neck. The little scourge actually knew that he had 11 people with him, and that they had weapons?
Wu Gang was terrified, and immediately asked his subordinates to put the weapons and communication equipment on the car, and he also got out of the car and stood beside the front of the car, so as to win people's trust.

The subordinates who followed Wu Gang did not refute the master's instructions. After getting off the car, they lined up and walked towards the natural dirt road hundreds of meters away. On the [-]th, they shared two flashlights for lighting. Strangely, I felt sleepy and light-headed. After walking about [-] meters, I staggered down and fell asleep in the weeds.

Wu Gang stood in front of the car, didn't hear any sound, his nerves were still tense, the night wind was cool, he stood there for a few minutes but still saw no one, he suddenly felt sleepy, but he didn't dare to relax, but he didn't hold on for a while , Eyelids closed, fell limply, half lying on the ground on one side, snoring loudly.

Miaomiaodan was covered by things, there were grass and stones in front of my eyes, I couldn't see where I was just there, I only heard the sound of a car in the distance, and there was a little light in one direction.

The place chosen by Le Yun after scouting the environment is of course very suitable. She can see the wilderness and vehicles hundreds of meters away, and her eyes scan many halos, and she can roughly guess what it is from the halos.

Wait until the people over there are all lying down, turn off the mobile phone, click on the sleeping point of Nu Feitou to let her sleep, take out a wig and put it on, change a pair of shoes, change into a long-sleeved T-shirt, and take out a large Arabs wear large robes to cover themselves.

Wearing gloves and glasses, and using a scarf to cover his head and neck to cover his face, he disguised himself, then took out Tantai Midong, carried the female flying head and Tantai Midong, and walked towards a certain gang with a flashlight. parking place.

Walking through the barren grassland several hundred meters wide, and walking to the parked three cars, Le Yun couldn't help but sneer, hehe, someone secretly played tricks, bullying her is an amateur?

(End of this chapter)

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