Chapter 118

On August 8, the second day of freshmen enrollment, when the sky was slightly bright, the bright and clear light predicted that it would be a fine day again.

Yan Xing and Liu Xiangyang formed a good habit of waking up early and practising in the army. After the morning run, they washed and cleaned up and went downstairs like a dog. Food.

The two young men went to the most characteristic breakfast restaurant in the rumored West Gate Street of Qingda University early, and competed with the early people for a table. When breakfast was served, the two of them couldn't wait to eat, ready to have a delicious meal. , When you eat three or two mouthfuls, that kind of good expectation is gone. What about the most beautiful noodle soup in Ximen Street?

Liu Xiangyang burst into tears in his heart. It is said that the pork noodle soup in a certain restaurant on Ximen Street is rich in ingredients, fragrant, delicious and first-class in taste. Then, he wants to ask, where is the so-called taste?Where has the so-called deliciousness gone, and where is the so-called fullness?

He thinks he got fake noodle soup, or they went to the wrong place, or the way they opened it... er, not the way they opened it, but the way they ate it wrong.

Glancing at Yan who was counting the noodles one by one, Liu Shao bit his chopsticks silently, and there was a little beauty's craftsmanship in front of him. Now this taste is really bland.

The people around were rushing to eat breakfast, Yan Xing held the noodles, picked them up one by one, and ate them slowly, like a noble young master drinking spaghetti, elegant and natural.

The young man is handsome and elegant, and with the elegant and gentle eating pattern, it is like a painting, which is pleasing to the eye, and the picture also makes the two middle-aged diners sitting opposite to the face feel particularly fragrant, their appetite is greatly increased, and they are particularly happy to eat.

Yan Xing was halfway through eating, and seeing Liu Shao's lack of appetite, he could guess that it must be tasteless without wasting brain cells. He lowered his eyes silently. The taste is definitely a feature. Now, after having eaten the noodle soup cooked by Little Lolita twice in a row, and having tasted the kind of food that is mouth-watering, I feel that there is a world of difference between the two.

He was very depressed. It was all the fault of Little Loli. The dishes and noodles she made were so delicious that they were too stubborn to eat, so that what they ate was tasteless. How could they live like this?

The young man with Zhang Shuai's face was tangled up in confusion. Liu Shaohu, who even bit his chopsticks and looked around, his eyes brightened, and he put his hand on his brother's shoulder: "Xiaoxingxing, look, little beauty!"

The sunny and delicate young man shouted cheerfully and loudly, so that several nearby breakfast diners couldn't help but look at him, seeing that he was a handsome and handsome guy, and no one condemned him for making a loud noise to affect others.

Little loli?

Yan Xing was slightly stunned, put the noodles rolled up on the chopsticks into the bowl, turned his head to look at Liu, and then looked out of the noodle restaurant according to Liu Shao's line of sight, and sure enough, he saw the strange little loli.

The noodle shop is on one side of the street, not far from the west gate of Qingda, and from the side where they sit, you can just squint at the west gate of Qingda. Little Lolita stepped out from the west gate. In front of her, her back was only close to a cross-shoulder bag that was lighter than light orange. , also carried a backpack on his back, wearing a short-sleeved casual shirt, denim hot pants, showing straight and slender legs, the little girl with short hair and sassy hair became the most dazzling scenery in the morning.

Attract bees and butterflies!

Seeing the cool look of the little girl, Yan Xinglong's eyes are full of contempt, the little loli is tender and white, and she is dressed like that, doesn't that imply that the perverts are going to take advantage of it?

"Little Xingxing, wait for me, I'll go and invite the little beauty over for breakfast." Liu Xiangyang accidentally caught a little beauty, and he was overjoyed. He was just thinking about the little beauty, and she appeared in a blink of an eye. Going to invite the little beauty for breakfast, and then there is a reason for the little beauty to invite him back to dinner, la la la.

Within a second, Liu Shao, who had clear eyes and clear eyes, left Yan and dashed out of the noodle shop and ran across the street. He almost flashed the passing bicycles and motorcycles at a flying speed, rushing towards the short-haired little girl. go.

"Morning, little beauty!" The morning light of early autumn was refreshing and beautiful, the gentle and delicate young handsome man was smiling, and the eyes of the deep tunnel were full of brilliance.

Le Yun got up early in the morning, made good food, and had a full meal with brother Chao. Brother Chao went to do his business. She rode her bicycle straight to Ximen, parked her car near Ximen, and slipped out of Qingda University. , rush down the street to the bus stop.

On Monday, many people went to work. Even if it was just before dawn, Ximen Street was not deserted. Le Xiao was in a hurry and had no time to observe the surroundings. When a person rushed diagonally from the center of the street, the jumping figure was particularly unrestrained and vigorous.

Her eyesight is quite good, and she can see a few petals of the flowers on the clothes of pedestrians across the street. Therefore, when she looks over, she naturally looks at the people and pedestrians in the noodle shop across the street, and inevitably she looks sideways. Looking for someone in Yan.

they again?

Seeing people, Le Yun was stunned. He lost his grandfather's whole family. Isn't this world too few, why can you meet those two guys everywhere?

When she looked around, Liu Shao leaped over, jumped to the sidewalk higher than the motor vehicle road, and showed a warmer smile than flattery: "Little beauty, Xiao Xingxing and I went out for breakfast, and happened to see Come to you, let's go, brother, invite you to breakfast, the noodle shop opposite has one of the best reviews on this street."

"Thank you for your kindness, I've eaten, I'm in a hurry, I'm sorry." Le Yun silently put away her act of wanting to roll her eyes, showing her kindness for no reason, there must be something to plan, Liu Shuai is so attentive and enthusiastic to treat guests, it is estimated that he will invite her once. She will definitely eat it back ten times. She doesn't do that kind of loss-making business.

The beautiful little girl with short hair lifted her feet and walked away, which made Liu Xiangyang feel powerless. Finally, she had the opportunity to treat a guest. The little beauty even ate it. Why didn't the goddess of luck take care of him?

He didn't get discouraged, he hurried up, surrounded the little girl and asked cheerfully, "Little beauty, are you going to go shopping? Where do you want to go? I'm familiar with the road to the capital, and I'll be your guide."

"I need to be familiar with the surrounding environment. I don't need anyone to accompany me. I will look at the map and mobile phone navigation map if I am not clear."Ask for help, wait online, urgent!

"Oh, little beauty, you can't walk around alone, if you meet someone with bad intentions, you'll be in trouble." Liu Shao was very unethical about the security of the black capital.

"Brother Liu, do you doubt the ability of the security personnel in Kyoto?"

"NO, I have no doubts about the strength of public officials, but if the horse stumbles, no matter how good the security is, there are always places that their eyes can't touch. Safety first. Is the little beauty going to the bus station? It's before work. During peak hours, there are a lot of people, you might as well wait for a while and I'll drive over to take you to where you want to go."

"Brother Liu, don't you want to drive to a sparsely populated place and use a sack for me?"

"I'm wronged, I'm even more wronged than Dou E. Is my brother the kind of wicked person without a conscience? Besides, little beauty, you are Xiao Chao's friend. If I dare to have a black heart, Xiao Chao will not be able to dismember me. Block, let me die without a burial."

"Don't smear my brother Chao, brother Chao is a gentle and kind and beautiful young man, okay? Brother Chao has no strength to hold a chicken, he can't even hold a knife, and he can't kill a chicken, how dare he cut you such a senior animal."

"Hey, I didn't smear Xiao Chao, what I said was that if I dared to have bad intentions, Xiao Chao would be angry with the crown and become a red face. From then on, he would start killing me and vow to kill me as much as possible." Is the princess gentle and kind?The ghosts believe that the little princess Chao is really kind. At first, he would not have provoked him because of the little emperor of such and such family. So-and-so provoked him, and he was almost disabled for life and cut off his children and grandchildren.

Liu Shao's adjectives one after another made Le Yun admire him. It would be a waste of resources for such a talent not to engage in diplomacy. She didn't bother to talk to him and continued to run towards the goal.

"Little beauty, if you want to go to the Forbidden City, take the subway fast, if you want to Xie Da, take the X car..." The little beauty did not drive herself away, and Liu Xiangyang accompanied her enthusiastically, explaining where to take the best car. Quick, he guessed that the little beauty might want to go to Xieda University. Qingda and Xiejia Medical College cooperated to run a medical school. Xiaomei studied in the Department of Medicine. She will study basic subjects in Qingda for a few years, and then go to large-scale experiments in anatomy and surgery. Most of the time at the Association for classes.

Yan Xing sat in the noodle shop waiting for someone from Liu to invite someone, but found that Little Loli had no intention of going with Liu Shao. Forgot like.

Observing that Liu Shao accompanied Little Loli to rush forward, Yan Shao was so overcast that it was almost raining, he stood up silently, and walked out in three steps.

After leaving the noodle shop, Young Master Yan hurried along the street until he was almost at the same level as the two people on the other side of the street. He crossed the road and walked quickly. It took less than a minute to catch up with Young Master Liu and Xiao Luoli.

"Xiao Xingxing, you are catching up, so you can rest assured, otherwise you will be lost if you can't catch up, and I have to go back and post a tracing notice." Liu Xiangyang saw a certain Yan with a smiling face of Zhang Qingguo, Happy teasing him.

Le Yun glanced at the chasing eunuch, but ignored it. After a night's rest, the eunuch's complexion was almost restored. He was beautiful, with a smile on his face, elegant and noble, and elegant.

"Where are you going?" Yan Xing squinted at Liu Shao, the guy was really worthy of beating when he saw that he had forgotten his friends.

"Little beauty wanders around casually, brother and I are idle today and serve as a guide for the little beauty."

"I'm fine today, too." The latent meaning is that I'm fine, so I'll go too.

"Well, you are familiar with the capital, and we have two guides to ensure that the little beauty will not get lost with her eyes closed."

Are the two of them determined to stick to her?The corner of Le Yun's mouth twitched, and her mind flashed the most suitable medicine to describe the two sticky people's essence, a good medicine that can cure N's many diseases - dog skin plaster!Dog skin plaster can heal internal injuries and external injuries, and it is the most trouble-free, because it cannot be torn off when it is attached.

(End of this chapter)

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