magic eye doctor

Chapter 1180 Will You Die If You Don’t Scan Your Face?

Chapter 1180 Will You Die If You Don’t Scan Your Face?
Brother Zhou took his old mother back and took care of him carefully, for fear that his old mother would go to Le's house again if she was angry. That would not be a matter of embarrassment, but it would easily make Tianming think that he was not filial and taught Tianming wrongly, and then he would have to eat the bitter fruit he planted himself.

Grandma Zhou was not very happy when she returned to her son's house, she was not picky, and she didn't take the opportunity to provoke the relationship between her son and daughter-in-law. Instead of looking at the face of the monk or the face of the Buddha, she only looked at the face of her grandson Tianming. She was also tolerant of her grandson's mother. of.

The three members of the Zhou family passed the new year peacefully. On the first day after the new year, Brother Zhou was called to kill a pig early in the morning. Zhou Xialong was not at home and did not drag him to divorce. Sister-in-law Zhou felt like she was alive after a catastrophe. .

Lejia did not become deserted because Grandma Zhou went back to Zhou's house. There is a child, and there is a lot of joy.

On the New Year's Eve in the south, Lejia had a rich dinner, and Yan Xing and the three brothers had a great meal. At night, they tossed and turned because of speculation about the reaction of the little girl, and they couldn't sleep all night.

Before seeing little Lolita, Young Master Yan was anxious and uneasy, and it became a thing of the past in a blink of an eye.

It was the 31st day of the first month, and it was also the last day of the first month. The Chinese New Year was getting closer and closer. Both the city and the countryside were busy. The streets in the countryside were not divided into fair days. Every day, people set up stalls to sell New Year’s goods.

Chinese people are busy with Chinese New Year. Wu Gang returned to Wacheng and began to change his son's nationality. On the first day back to Wacheng, he was hospitalized for back injury treatment. On the second day, he took his son to the local department to apply for household registration.

Generally speaking, it is not a simple matter to change the nationality and register. Wu Gang is rich, so the procedure is to go through a process, fill in some application materials, etc., and then wait for the approval to be OK.

When Tantai Midong first woke up, he was terrified to realize that he was in a foreign country. Knowing that he was not a child of Tantai's family was like a thunderbolt from the blue sky. Qian, he is the only child of his own father, and he is a veritable "eldest young master". He will inherit billions of dollars in the future, and he accepts the new identity instantly.

He didn't make a fuss, and changed his nationality and name more smoothly. He got a new ID card in less than three days and officially entered Wacheng, Myanmar.

And at noon on the 31st, the handsome guy Lan San received a call from Little Lolita to pick her up. He hung up the phone and immediately winked at the captain in a low voice: "Boss, Little Lolita told me to pick it up, should I go first?" Remind little Lori to prepare her mentally?"

"It's better... don't let it go." Yan Xing's heart was up and down, and he became more and more uneasy.

Lan San asked for the captain's opinion, and without further delay, he rushed to the village committee building to drive the helicopter to Shennong Mountain.

Le classmate went into the mountain on the day of the new year, really went into the mountain, climbed to the secret medicine garden of my great-grandfather and grandfather to dig medicinal materials, and harvested a batch of medicinal herbs suitable for picking in winter.

There is ice on the mountain, and the top of the mountain is white.

Student Le dug medicinal materials in the secret garden for two and a half days, sowed some frost-resistant plant seeds, and wandered around several other mountains. good stuff.

Lan San drove the helicopter to find Little Loli. After landing, he saw a lot of mountain goods of Little Lolita. Everyone was stunned. He felt that Little Lolita had a secret plantation in the mountains, so he really wanted to dig out the secret.

He didn't dare to let the little Lolita know his little thoughts. He was happy to be a porter, and he was extremely happy to be the driver. He drove the little Lolita back to Plum Village in the airbus.

Hei Jiu and No. [-] picked up the airport in a tricycle, happily working as handymen.

When Le Yun saw the extra handsome guy, she instantly frowned: "Is your captain here?"

The hearts of the three handsome guys froze, here they come, the little Lolita is about to go crazy!
Lan San cautiously put on a smiling face: "Little beauty, Captain 24 came over that day to give you a thank you gift."

"Heh!" Le Yun laughed angrily: "You actually came to give a thank you gift, the gift has been delivered, why haven't you left yet?"

How to teach them how to answer this question?The three brothers looked at me and looked at you, staring at each other, not knowing whether to look for a crack in the ground, or shout "baa baa little magic fairy let me disappear in place".

Ersi held back for a while, and bit the bullet to help the captain excuse: "Little beauty, our captain probably wants to wait for you to come back and ask you to check the pulse again. By the way, let me tell you about the situation of him and the other two walking corpses. Ask if you want more money." How long will it take to recover from a zombie state."

He was very clever, and decisively dismissed the captain and ten 47 as "corpses". Anyway, the three can move now, can't run, jump, climb up and down, not much different from zombies.

Lan San Hei Jiu nodded frequently, the captain ran all the way here, how could he get out without seeing the little Lolita, she would slap her face with shame.

The cautious looks of the handsome guys made Le Yun feel like she was an old witch trying to harm Snow White, so she blew her beard into the air and stared at the air a few times to calm herself down.

Even if she doesn't touch innocent people, she is not in a good mood after all. She transfers her things into the tricycle, doesn't want to ride in the car, and walks angrily. Must be under control.

The three handsome guys drove the car and ran away first, and drove the car outside Lejia's house. When they saw the captain running out to look around, the three brothers got out of the car with great sympathy, leaned closer and whispered: "Boss, little Lolita saw that Er Si guessed You're here, and you're going crazy, you can ask for more blessings."

"..." Yan Xing's heart "popped" from the deep rock to the bottom of the valley, fell to pieces, and then shattered into slag.

Even if Blue Three Black Nine Two Four wanted to think about the captain, they couldn't do anything. They could only silently pray that the captain would be favored by the goddess of luck. They were ashamed to put more pressure on the captain and helped the little loli carry the medicinal materials to the first floor of the south building.

Before seeing Little Lolita, Yan Xing first endured [-] tons of psychological pressure. He couldn't work, so he stepped aside and waited anxiously for Little Lolita. After waiting for a few minutes, Little Lolita appeared in his field of vision. His heart, thump, thump, thump, was beating so hard.

Little Lolita was getting closer, and he was getting more and more nervous, like a primary school student who failed an exam and wanted to see his parents. He could see Little Lolita's face clearly at that moment and found that Little Lolita had a smiling face on her face, and she wasn't angry The appearance, the tension is sudden, and the little loli doesn't look angry, which is the scariest thing.

Seeing the girl in the black leather jacket getting closer and closer, the pink and cute little loli seemed to have missed him, Yan Xing bit the bullet and leaned forward, presenting what he thought was the most perfect smiling face: "Xiaoluo Li, you're back, have you had lunch, are you hungry?"

Le Yun, who walked outside his house, twitched in secret. Yan's swelling hadn't completely subsided, and the swelling was not obvious. It seemed that he had gained weight slightly. It looked very weird. He didn't know it, and he wanted to pretend to be Amitabha The Buddha's smile is as ugly as it is said to be.

Feeling angry in her heart, when he was air, no bird would care about him, she walked over straight, and went straight to her house, she thinks, like that cheeky Yanren, the more you pay attention to him, the more embarrassing you are, ignore him just fine.

Yan Xing, who was ignored, had a broken heart, and the little loli was really angry, what should I do?
He couldn't think of any way to help little Lolita smooth her hair. The Chao family brother went up to give little Lolita a hug when she was angry, and could be coaxed by walking behind her back. As for him, he didn't have the guts to give a hug Hug, it's unrealistic to want to carry someone on your back. I'm as weak as a chicken and still need someone to carry me.

Feeling extremely distressed, she turned around and wanted to say something, the little Lolita hurried into the main room, he had no chance to show her kindness at all, like an abandoned puppy, he entered the main room of Lejia in despair.

Running back to her home, Le Yun yelled "Aunt Feng", ran into the kitchen, saw Aunt Feng cooking soup, while peeling boiled eggs, guessed it was for herself, and narrowed her eyes with joy: "Aunt Feng, Aunt Feng, I will eat one and give Le Shan one, two are enough. Hey, where are Dad and Le Shan?"

"Your father took Leshan to look for Niu, and Mr. An also went for a walk. By the way, Lele, Mr. Yi's two nephews came to bring clothes to the old man, and brought many gifts for the old man. What gifts do we want in return?"

While talking, Zhou Qiufeng peeled the boiled eggs and put them in an empty bowl, and then peeled the eggs.

"I'll take a look in the afternoon and then consider how to return the gift. Aunt Feng and Dad don't have to worry, I will make arrangements."

"Well, you go to take a shower, it's most suitable to eat noodles after washing."


Le Yun happily rushed back to the bedroom to get clean clothes, took her special bucket to the kitchen to fill in hot water, washed her hair and took a bath after washing her hair.

Zhou Qiufeng took advantage of Xiao Lele's eating time to help her wash the changed clothes and take them upstairs to dry.

Yan Xing saw the mistress go to work, slipped into the kitchen like a thief, and sat down beside the little Lolita with a flattering face, admiring her gentle way of eating noodles

He was afraid that his words would make little loli angry and he didn't even eat anything, so he resisted making a sound, and when she finished eating, he put down the bowl, and carefully brushed his face: "little loli, I'm also here to give the New Year's gift and the thank you gift."

Bai Yan glanced at someone, and Le Yun snorted coldly: "Will you die if you don't brush your face?"

"Yes!" Little Lolita finally opened his mouth, and Yan Xing admitted without hesitation: "If you don't brush your face, you will definitely die. If you haven't seen you for a long time, you will be scratching your heart and lungs. .”

"Look in the mirror before you say something like that."

"Really, what I said is true, truer than pearls, you have to believe me, you can see my sincere and serious eyes."

Being told by the little lolita that she opened her eyes and was talking nonsense, Yan Xing tried her best to widen her eyes to prove her innocence and sincerity.

"The gift has been delivered, and your face has been smeared. You should go back."

"..." Yan Xing froze for a second, and Bara said, "Little Lolita, don't drive me away, can you let me stay for a few more days, I can't be on duty now, so I won't be on duty, and I will leave after a year Okay? I'll get out in the second year of junior high, okay?"

All in all, Yan Ren just wanted to spend the New Year at her house, looking at the look like a little puppy eagerly begging to be petted, Le Yun had only one thought: where am I, who am I, and what am I doing?
Why is it obvious that this is her home, but it makes people feel that she is a bully, bullying innocent and poor unarmed people?
Look, look, glanced at Yan several times, Le Yun resisted the urge to send him thousands of miles away every minute: "According to the date you set, when the time limit comes, you will get out, and the consequences of reneging on your word, you can imagine for yourself."

"Yeah, I promise to get out in the second year of junior high school." In an instant, Yan Xing was ecstatic that he could celebrate the New Year in Lejia again!
In the ecstasy, there was a bit of regret. I knew that he should set the time for the sixth or eighth day and get out. Thinking about it, it is unrealistic. If I really have to say the sixth day and the eighth day, I will show her every minute. Martial force, give him a set of lightning and thundering acupuncture points and send him outside to drink the northwest wind under the eaves for free.

(End of this chapter)

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