magic eye doctor

Chapter 1188 Overlord Lifting the Tripod (3 more

Chapter 1188 Overlord Lifting the Tripod (3 more

Even after scanning the old man's body with his eyes and knowing what was going on, Le Yun still did a careful inspection, carefully inspecting the old man's head, ears, and back of the neck, and gently brushed the old man's body. Raise your head and touch the acupuncture points on the back of your head to check the immediate response of the carotid artery and shoulder musculature.

After a careful inspection, I knew it in my heart. The old man’s biggest injury was on his head. The central nervous system in his head was all faked dead. The reason why he said fake death was that it was exactly the same as brain death. The only difference was that It is not completely aging, that is, the function of the central nervous system is still in a young state, but it is in a static state as if time has stood still.

After the inspection, Le Yun didn't even lift her eyelids, she took off her gloves calmly and stuffed them into the hands of the curious baby Xuan Shao who was following her, calling him like a handyman: "You can go, go out and ask your parents to take care of you." Take out the medicinal materials and dry them in the sun, let me have a look."

"Hey!" Major General Xuan grasped the gauze gloves stuffed by him, and he responded first, then leaned in front of little Lolita, and gave a huge smile: "Little beauty, is there hope for my great-uncle? "

"I'll revise what I said before. Based on the current inspection results, I hope it will rise to 50.00%." ​​Le Yun rolled her eyes, and felt that Xuan Shao's face was very cute. She reached out and touched his head, and immediately felt balanced. , the young master Jiaoxuan took advantage of his height to touch her head, and now she touched her head again.

"Wait," Xuan Shao was embarrassed when he got hit on the head, his eyes widened suddenly, shouted, etc., he shook his head vigorously, and then pinched his thigh hard, which hurt him so much Grinning his teeth, he didn't care, and muttered to himself: "It hurts to pinch, which means it's not a hallucination."

Talking to himself, he smiled instantly, ignoring the embarrassment of being touched on the head, and moved his head closer to the little loli: "Little beauty, I heard you right, you just said that there is a 50.00% hope, right? Right? Right?" Say important things three times, and likewise, ask important questions three times.

"You're not a repeater, and there's nothing wrong with your ears." Le Yun stretched out her little paws and rubbed her head, feeling refreshed. Young Master Xuan is so cute, his hair is very soft, and feels very good to the touch.

"That's true!" Xuan Shaoshou jumped up, and rushed to the great aunt and grandmother like a swipe, hugging the elder's hand and shaking: "Great aunt and grandmother, did you hear, the little beauty said Zeng Uncle and grandfather have a 50.00% chance of waking up!"

It wasn't that the group of men and women didn't hear what the little girl said, but because they heard it, they were shocked by the huge surprise, and became completely silent for a while, only the out-of-rhythm breathing revealed their unrest.

Lord Yudao heard it and heard it clearly. The ecstasy in her heart erupted like a torrent, but her face was calm. She was afraid, afraid that she would lose control and cry.

"Well, I heard." Master Yudao couldn't help touching the head of his child, the warmth in his heart was like a sea tide, almost rushing out of his heart, Xiao Chenbei is a little lucky star, and he is also a caring person who can help solve problems Little padded jacket.

Being rewarded by touching her head, Xuan Shao jiongjiong was so energetic, he ran to the little loli again, stretched out his paw and touched the little girl's head: "Little beauty, what do we need now?"

"I need to prepare the alchemy, you, you need to be a considerate little padded jacket for your parents and elders, to help run errands, for example, to ask where the medicinal materials prepared by your parents are, and bring them out for me to see. Also, if you touch my head and mess up my hair again, I'm in a hurry with you."

"I understand." The little loli stared at the beauty's almond eyes, and Xuan Shao laughed, and quickly jumped back to the great aunt and grandmother, holding the elder's hand: "Great aunt and grandmother, the little beauty is preparing to refine the elixir, let's go out Well, we need to find medicinal materials, prepare places and items for alchemy, and prepare a lot of things."

Master Yu Island smiled and nodded with a warm smile. When the charming little girl came over, she reached out and held the little girl's small jade hand in her palm, and led the two children to the passage connecting the cave. .

The old women followed behind the island owner with middle-aged men and women. Everyone's footsteps were lighter than when they came, and their faces were filled with uncontrollable joy.

A group of people went out of the cave and closed the stone gate, listening to the little girl's words to see the alchemy place and medicinal materials.

Lord Yudao has already moved out the place where the elixir is made, which is the east side room next to the upper room of the palace compound. Stove, except for shelves for medicinal herbs, bamboo dustpans and benches, there are no other sundries in the ear room.

After seeing the alchemy place, go to the side hall near the side hall of the main hall to see the medicinal materials. A main hall is filled with red sandalwood and rosewood shelves.

The medicinal materials listed by the little girl were placed in several adjacent medicine cabinet shelves, and the little girl had to look at them, and the middle-aged men and women took out the boxes for the little girl to check in an orderly manner.

Le, sitting on the tuanfu, is completely an uncle, but his eyes and nose are not lazy, he checks the quantity and quality one by one, and if the quantity is not enough, ask someone to add it, and it takes a full hour to look over all the medicinal materials. She then called out the Four Treasures of the Study, and again listed a long list of famous materials for people to prepare according to the order.

After coming and going, it was noon, so I went to eat first.

Lunch is a formal banquet for the little girl to clean up the dust. There are twelve dishes, including bear's paw, hump, deer tail, shark's fin, fish maw, bird's nest, sea cucumber, sea urchin, Hericium erinaceus and bamboo among the eight treasures of water and land. Sun mushrooms, matsutake mushrooms, and winter mushrooms are all meat and vegetable dishes made from eight treasures.

Classmate Le was shocked by the lack of ingredients, and he was not polite. He ate extravagantly, and when he was full of wine and food, he learned that there were various animals in Penglai Island after listening to Xuan Shao babbling. The environment has caused disasters, and the islanders will hunt appropriately to control the population, so the ecological environment on the island has been in a state of balance for thousands of years.

Xuan Shao, Yudaozhu and others also deliberately revealed that hunting is allowed on the island, as long as it is not a genocidal attack on a certain race, you can hunt any animal you want.

As a result, Le's eyes lit up, and he was ready to move. He had secretly planned how long to stay on the island, which mountain and which small island to go to for game.

After resting for a while and drinking tea that helps digestion and invigorating the stomach, classmate Le asked to see the medicine cauldron where the alchemy was made. A huge purple cloud copper tripod, one foot and two high, with a belly larger than the largest pot used for weddings and weddings in rural areas.

The three-legged and round-bellied tripod carved with patterns is majestic and imposing.

"Wow, a natural purple cloud copper tripod?" Le Yun jumped into the hall and circled around the huge tripod furnace. The feet of the tripod were thicker than her waist, and the furnace's fire hole could accommodate her head. Get in.

Walk around the big cauldron, jump to the place where the furnace foot is arched, and then step on the fire hole to climb up and grab a tripod ear, and try to lift the lid to see the belly of the medicine cauldron. The lid of the medicine furnace weighs more than 200 I can't lift it even with a little strength.

After looking at it for a few times, he closed the furnace lid, jumped to the ground, and stared at his eyes: "Master Yudao, is there any medicine cauldron that is smaller than this one?"

Lord Yudao led the crowd to watch the little girl rush in to enjoy the medicine stove, and climbed on the tripod's stomach to play. They all laughed happily, and they walked slowly, standing aside and having fun.

The little girl asked about the medicine stove, and the master of Yudao smiled and nodded: "Yes, the ancestors of Penglai Island have collected materials and cast many Danding. There are six pieces of this material in different sizes, and this is only the second largest. Yes, there is also a medium-sized tripod with a height of [-] feet, and a medium-sized tripod of [-] feet [-] feet, and the smallest one is [-] feet [-] feet high."

"Master Yudao, let's have a discussion. Can we use a small tripod to pay for the medical expenses? I want pure purple cloud copper, not this kind of material. I also have a medicine tripod, but unfortunately it is not made of natural purple cloud copper. The effect of alchemy is much worse than this kind of alchemy cauldron." Le Yun salivated, raised her head and looked up at Lord Yudao pleadingly, her eyes said "agree, agree".

"Medical expenses are medical expenses. The little fairy likes this kind of medicine cauldron, so I will give you an alchemy cauldron." The owner of Jade Island smiled and gave a medicine tripod without any hesitation. Penglai Island has more than a dozen kinds of medicine materials. Ding, pure Ziyun copper medicine tripod is not just one, the little girl likes Ziyun copper medicine tripod, so why not give one as a gift.

"One tripod is enough to pay for medical expenses. Natural pure Ziyun copper is scarce, and it is not easy to successfully refine a medicine tripod that meets the requirements. This kind of pill tripod is very precious."

The little girl insisted on using a tripod to pay for the medicine. Master Yudao smiled and didn’t argue with the little girl. Xuan Shao jumped out and stretched out his hand in amazement to measure the height. He was very happy: "Little beauty, this medicine stove is twice as big as yours!" How tall, if you want to make alchemy, do you still need to put on airs?"

He was indirectly told that he was short, and Le Yun was heartbroken. He kicked over, put his hands on his waist and gritted his teeth fiercely: "If you don't talk, no one will think you are dumb! It is twice as tall as me How much, it is also more than twice as tall as you, you laugh at a hundred steps at fifty steps."

After being kicked, Xuan Shaoshou jumped away, stood a few steps away, and touched his nose embarrassingly: "That, little beauty, I didn't laugh at you for being short, I mean this tripod is too high, and you have to find it for alchemy." It’s inconvenient to step on things.”

A group of men and women in their tens of years watched the Xuanjia boy annoy the little girl to be kicked, and saw the cute look of the little girl blowing hair, they couldn't help laughing together, and vaguely knew the little guy's pain point, her pain point is She is tall, whoever bullies her is short, she will jump.

"Doesn't your meaning still be the same?" Le Yun blew his beard and stared vigorously, took a hard look at Xuan Shao, stretched out his hand to hold the cauldron, tried his best to move it, tried several times Tired and sweating profusely, he finally tried his best and tried too hard, confiscating his feet and sitting on his buttocks.

That sitting made the owner of Yudao and the old ladies laugh so hard that they trembled and swayed from side to side, some rubbed their stomachs, some rubbed their faces, and some pointed at the little girl and shouted, "Oh, oh, this child is too cute." Cute" "This kid is so funny".

Master Yudao laughed so hard that he couldn't straighten his waist, stretched out his hand to hold the shoulder of the little Narcissus who was also laughing so hard, and shouted, "This kid is so pragmatic, ouch, why is he so cute, no, let me have fun again ".

Xuan [-], Xuan [-], Xuan [-], Xuan [-] also laughed without image, with bold exclamation marks in their eyes. The little girl's action of trying the tripod is so interesting, it is more fun than their young master. The girl tested the medicine stove, ouch, will this become the dark history of the little girl?

Le Yun fell down on her buttocks and squatted. She grinned her teeth and didn't get up yet. The laughter over there was loud, so she just sat up and rubbed her sore arms first, then got up and patted her buttocks. Mu: "I guess the medicine cauldron weighs [-] catties. It stands to reason that I should be able to move one foot. Why is it so heavy? Are you bullying me again for my small stature, Young Master Xuan, come here, you are five big and three thick, and as strong as a cow , should be able to move a leg."

"Pfft ha ha ha—" The old woman laughed so hard that her stomach was sore, but this time it made things worse, and the burst of laughter shook the roof tiles.

In an instant, Xuan Shao, who was handsome, elegant, sunny and warm, turned into a big five and three rough men, just had a look: where am I, who am I, and what am I doing?
Seeing the little Lolita staring at him threateningly, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and walk in front of the medicine cauldron with the tragic and heroic feeling of "the wind is rustling, the water is cold, and a strong man will never return once he goes out", sinking his spirit into the dantian, and piercing both sides Arms, get ready, grab a fire hole and a leg of the tripod, trying to imitate the overlord lifting the tripod.

Try your best, give it a try, well, the big tripod doesn't move at all!

Try again, still nothing!
Try again, the cauldron does not move like a bell.

Xuan Shao was so aggrieved that he vomited blood, let go, and wanted to cry on the tripod's belly: "Heaven, earth, I... I can't even move a tripod, how can people survive! If this is passed on Go out, where can I put my handsome face with a flourishing beauty?"

A group of men and women laughed even louder, all from ear to ear.

This time, Le Yun's mind was balanced. She couldn't move a tripod leg, and Young Master Xuan couldn't move the tripod even half an inch. It turns out that I am short and you are short as well, I am as weak as an ant, and you are also powerless, we are all the same, and neither of us can be the overlord of Chu."

"I..." Xuan Shao had the feeling of being a hero, he was obviously so strong that he could move five hundred catties, so how could he be so powerless?This is a tripod. Didn't it mean that it weighs more than 2000 catties? It's normal for him not to be able to move.

However, it's a fact that he didn't move. He has no place to complain about his suffering. He was cheated by the little loli, and he didn't even have a place to reason. Let me ask you, who can give him a sad reminder?

Feeling so sad, Xuan Shao covered his face silently, and quietly stepped aside, being a wooden man with no sense of existence, his heart is sad, the little beauty is a trap, if you are not careful, you will be tricked by her, look, trap Let him add another strong stroke to his black history. In the future, when the elders on the island see their great-uncle and grandfather, they will think of the black material that he failed to lift the tripod when the little beauty helped alchemy. , can he cry?

(End of this chapter)

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