magic eye doctor

Chapter 1199 I Don’t Want To Deal With A Fool With A Flooded Brain

Chapter 1199 I Don’t Want To Deal With A Fool With A Flooded Brain (2 More)

Mrs. Wang received reliable news that the little boy was coming to join her, but she was so happy that she woke up in the morning and looked forward to it. When the little padded jacket came with her luggage, she put her personal luggage in the guest room first, and dragged the little guy to ravage her.

There is a little cutie to play with, Mrs. Wang actually wanted to skip a class, and finally listened to the little padded jacket’s suggestion to go to class, and ran home immediately after the class, and was greeted by the aroma wafting from the kitchen .

When I got home, there was a little cutie playing, and the little cutie could cook. Mrs. Wang was sweeter than eating honey, and because her sense of happiness was so strong that her husband was ignored even when he came back.

When Professor Wan Teng came home, he found that the elementary school student was in his home, and he was surprised: "Oh my God, Xiao Le, when did you come back?"

"I went back to school yesterday evening, and I heard that there was a brainless person wandering in the medical department. I don't want to see that stupid bastard, come to join my teacher, professor, don't betray me, you always dare to betray your elementary school students, This year I won’t be filial to good tea, and then I’ll pack up and go on a trip around the world with my teacher’s wife.” Le Yun served the dishes in the restaurant, while threatening the professor without any pressure.

The words "mother and daughter" coaxed Mrs. Wang's heart so sweetly that she glared at her husband with a wink: "Old Wanqi, you dare to let the boy surnamed Yan know that my little boy is back to quarrel with her, and I will take him to play immediately." The world, let you stay alone in school teaching snot-nosed children."

Le Yun looked up and was speechless, Mrs. Wow, college students don't have a runny nose anymore, can we change the adjective.

"Am I such an unscrupulous person? You two reject me without saying a word. After all, I am the head of the family. How can I live like this?" Professor Wan Cheng is so helpless, his wife has Girls don't want husbands, and they will abandon their husbands and children at any time and run away from home, so sad.

"Professor, you are the head of the family to the outside world. Inside the house, the teacher and wife are the head of the family. The man is the head of the house and the woman is the head of the house. Now you are acting as the head of the house when you step into the door. It seems that you want to seize power."

"No, no, lady, don't listen to Xiaole's wild guesses. I dare not rebel and take the lady's power if I seize anyone's power. You are the head of the family, and all internal and external power is under your control. I am a stormtrooper." When the professor saw his wife glaring at him, he wanted to cry. Why did Xiao Le, who is his wife's caring little padded jacket, cheat him? If he cheated him like a teacher, he couldn't play well.

Mrs. Wang glanced at Lao Wantang quietly, and sat down to eat with her intimate padded jacket.

Professor Wan Teng sat down cheerfully, and kept praising the deliciousness of the food. When he was about to eat it, he would praise it with every mouthful. The words of praise should not be thrown out like money, making a meal into a flower.

Those good words were not for praising myself, but for being a good boy, who succeeded in making Mrs. Wang, a lover of girls, happy, and never rolled her eyes at Lao Wanqi again.

The elementary school students didn't want to talk to Yan's boy. In the afternoon, Professor Wan Qi and Mrs. Wang would do whatever they were supposed to do. Professor Wan met Yan's boy in the medical department. Difficult and dissatisfied.

Being treated coldly by the old professor, Yan Xing was very aggrieved, he just wanted to wait for little Lolita, and wanted the eight boys to call little Lolita to urge her to go back to school quickly, why did he become so in the eyes of the old professor? Like a heinous villain?

The old professor walked over. He touched his tall nose and continued to attend the class. During a break after listening to a class, he vaguely heard someone say that it seemed that someone saw Kagura, a Kagaku student from the medical department, on the bus last night. , He was so pleasantly surprised that he called someone Liu and asked to check the whereabouts of little Lolita.

Liu Shao calmly entered the airport network and found the ticket information of Xiao Loli yesterday, and sent the screenshot to Xiao Xiaoxing, feeling very helpless, what the hell is silly Xiao Xingxing doing in the medical department? Wouldn't it be enough to just follow the little princess of the Chao family?
After receiving a text message from someone from Liu, Yan Xing patiently endured half the class, and during the break, he rushed down the teaching building and drove to the Xueba Building, then rushed up to the fourth floor to find someone.

However, just like the previous few days, there was still no answer waiting for him.

He knocked on the door N times, and a boy came down from upstairs. He glanced at the tall and handsome young man standing at the door of the girls' dormitory on the fourth floor, and went downstairs silently. In school, you want to find someone who might be more effective in a different route."

"How do you know she's not at school?" Yan Xing's heart flashed with vigilance. Are there many boys secretly staring at little Lolita?
"I know President Chao. President Chao came to move some books yesterday. I heard that his sister asked him to help bring the books back." The boy said, no matter what, go his own way.

Little Lolita didn't go back to school, Yan Xing silently withdrew his hand to knock on the door, went downstairs and sat in the car to wait, when it got dark, some buildings in the dormitory building were lit up, and the two dormitories on the east fourth floor were still dark. Numb.

When get out of class was about to end, he drove straight to the school gate and parked the car in a relatively secluded place near the west school gate. Less than half an hour later, Brother Chao drove the car out of the gate and walked away.

The Chao family boy went home after class, so he must be going back to accompany his sister.

After thinking about it, Yan Xing silently started the car and went out of the school gate to go back to his little nest. He went back to his little nest after a lot of hard work, and after eating the noodles cooked by the two soldiers' wives, his gloomy mood gradually recovered.

After I was full, I used my computer to work, and I called my junior brother at eleven o'clock in the evening. I heard that the lights in the dormitory opposite were not turned on, so I went to bed with peace of mind.

First Young Master Yan went back to his den in despair, while Second Young Master Wang happily followed his grandparents back to the residence on Friday evening, and was shocked a lot when he saw the little Lolita who greeted him with a smiling face. Jumped behind grandma and hid and rubbed her eyes: "Grandma, are my eyes blurry? I saw Brother Chao's sister at our house. It must be blurry, right?"

Le Yun stretched out her paws, grabbed the nephew's collar and slipped him out, her beautiful eyes widened: "You look like a ghost when you see me, I am obviously beautiful, cute and gentle, and I am the caring little padded jacket of my teacher , you saw my teacher's wife's little cutie hiding, am I that scary, tell me what kind of expression that is?"

"You brat, seeing my little darling looking frightened, made me very unhappy. I had to give him a good beating. Little darling, take this kid and beat him. He has thick skin, so don't worry about beating him up." Mrs. Wang Naturally, the little padded jacket is what it says it is, the little grandson, the little cutie who relieves boredom when bored, and stays where it is cool when it is not needed.

It's fine for the little loli to slip away with one hand, but grandma sees death and throws trouble, Wang Ershao yells: "I'm not afraid, I just see grandma suddenly and want to hold the little loli who is as beautiful as a fairy in her heart I was so shocked, I was afraid that my stupid, dumb and stupid appearance would scare the little fairy away, so I hid behind grandma."

The stinky boy is very good, Mrs. Wang is satisfied, and flicks the little grandson's head: "It's not too bad, grandma let you go this time. But remember, don't let others know that my little padded jacket is back. If you dare to leak the secret, the consequences will be serious." You know."

"Understand understand, grandma, the little ones know the little ones know, I will never say a word, I must be dumb when I should be dumb, grandma, please let go of your cute and kind little padded jacket, if this continues, your little grandson In the future, you will become a deformed person with a hunchback and a bent neck."

"My little nephew, this is a good boy." The little nephew knew the times well and made sure not to leak the secret, Le Yun let go of his claws and let that guy go free.

Freed from the claws of the little lolita, Wang Ershao fled away in a flash, and ran to the side of the grandfather to stay. The little loli was covered by the grandma, so she couldn't be messed with. I wondered why she didn't want people to know that she returned Is it school?
Wang Ershao's buttocks hadn't warmed up yet, and his grandma ordered him to wash his hands and set the table to serve tea. He quickly followed the order and went to the kitchen to work as a server.

Sitting at the dining table, Wan Teng and his wife felt beautiful in their hearts. It’s good for elementary school students to be at home. They can eat hot meals and hot dishes when they come back, and they can also drink the tea made by her. Umm, it’s better to be a daughter, a daughter is a caring little girl padded jacket.

The old couple, who were in a good mood, woke up before dawn the next day, and drove the caring little cotton-padded jacket and their little grandson back to the private site in the science and technology park, enjoying the weekend beautifully.

Accompanied by a considerate and caring little cotton-padded jacket, Professor Wan Teng and his wife did not return to school on Sunday, and they did not go back to school until Monday. They sent their primary school students back to the student building, and they went to work.

Le Xiao returned to the dormitory and found that the refrigerator was filled with things by Brother Chao, who was happily nesting like rice worms. Moreover, the meal was cooked in the middle of the afternoon, and the lights were not turned on in the evening, so he crawled back to the space to read and study.

Yan Xing lived in the small nest for two days, returned to Qingda University on Sunday afternoon, stayed in Faxiao’s dormitory, went to attend lectures on Monday, and quietly went to Xuebalou to scout in the evening, and suddenly found that the little loli’s dormitory was not yet lit. Deng, the whole person is not well, and the little loli hasn't gone back to school yet?

Gritting his teeth, he continued to attend class on Tuesday, and went to spy secretly in the evening. Finally, he saw the lights on in the dormitory on the fourth floor, and his heart was filled with ecstasy. At night, he also successfully received a call from his junior brother saying that Little Loli seemed to be back. Sleeping beautifully After a night of sleep, the next day, wait until the students are in class before rushing to Xuebalou.

Climbing up to the fourth floor with the jade box in his arms and knocking on the door, Yan Xing's heart was pounding. When he heard footsteps coming from the house, the joy of reuniting after a long absence surged into his heart. Looking at the pink face of little loli, he spoke incoherently with excitement: "little loli, listen... I heard that you came back yesterday... I'll bring you a jade box."

"Who said I came back yesterday, I've been back a long time ago." Le Yun rolled her eyes: "Last time I said you don't need to send me a box, wait for more, I'll take it home before Qingming Festival, you send it to me." I have to move around when school comes.”

Yan Xing didn't hear what little Lolita said after that, all his attention was on the first two sentences: "Didn't you just come back yesterday?"

"I came back last Thursday." Le Yun leaned forward and reached out to take the box: "Give me the box, and you can go to class in a hurry."

Yan Xing was stunned: "You came back last Thursday? I came to see you the day before yesterday, but you were not in the dormitory..." As he spoke, he obediently handed over the jade box, and waited until his hands were empty. Suddenly he came to his senses, the box was given to the owner, how could he enter the little loli dormitory.

"I heard that there is a person who is stupid and goes to the medical department to attend lectures like a fool. It makes people think that he is monitoring the boys in my class and severely affects the life and study of my class. I don't want to see that type of fool. I went to play at the teacher's mother's house for a few days, now you can go, so you don't want to see it off."

Holding the bag containing the jade box, Le Yun closed the door behind her back with a sullen face, blocking the sight of outsiders.

Little Lolita was talking, and Yan Xing was stunned for a moment. Little Lolita said he was stupid, called him a fool, and said he affected the school life of the boys?

When the door slammed shut, he just woke up like a dream, and immediately knocked on the door: "Little Lolita, I can explain, I'm not spying on the boys in your class, I just want to experience the busy life of medical students, and let them misunderstand Oh, little loli, I'm not stupid, I just want to feel how hard your profession is..."

He knocked on the door a few times, and the door opened again with a snap, his hands froze in mid-air in shock, seeing the little Loli poking her head out, and lowering her head weakly: "Little Lolita, she's really not stupid... "

"If you are not stupid, you will do what a fool would do, knock on the door like this?" Le Yun was too lazy to get angry: "Come in the corner by yourself and reflect on yourself, think about whether you are stupid."

"!" Little Loli glanced at him, Yan Xing shrank his neck, and didn't reply when he was scolded. When he heard that he was asked to enter the dormitory to face the wall and reflect on himself, his eyes lit up, his back straightened, and he said "hey" happily He let out a cry, and when little Lolita turned around, he swiftly rushed into the girls' dormitory.

The dormitory was spotless, and there was a corner leading to the bedroom. He didn't have the guts to take up the space, so he closed the door, and honestly sat down in the corner opposite the door and thought about it.

Le Yun hugged the jade box and walked to the place where she often sat and sat down. Seeing that guy Yanren squatting on the wall to reflect honestly, she rolled her eyes helplessly. It was true that the guy had hydrocephalus when he was injured last time, but she Mingming helped him get rid of the stagnant water in his brain, there is no water in his brain.

What else can be done for people who seem to have their brains flooded?
To tell the truth, Xiao Le, who dared to claim to be unparalleled in medical skills, was stumped. You said drag him out and beat him up. He is rough and rough, and he hurts his hands and feet. , he didn't even break his skin, let alone his flesh and blood.

Let's scold him, that bastard's face is thicker than the wall of the Great Wall, if you hit him on the left cheek, he might send the right cheek up to make it symmetrical, kicking his butt will at most make him blush.

That product is like a stone in a latrine, smelly and hard, and like a wilted old eggplant, oil and salt can't get in.

It's not surprising that such an unreliable guy is stupid and does some weird things, such as the reason for giving a jade box, and it's not boring to use that thing over and over again.

That guy's only advantage is that he can be reincarnated. He was reincarnated as the grandson of the He family. He was very lucky to meet a good master and have a strong sect backer.

It can be seen that reincarnation is a technical job, and the technology of reincarnation is not learned by humans, so at least learn to choose a teacher and try to find a good backer.

(End of this chapter)

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