magic eye doctor

Chapter 120 You dare to say that you are not an expert

Chapter 120 You dare to say that you are not an expert

Le Xiaoxiao returned to Beijing for the first time in his life. There was no one familiar except Brother Chao in this acre of four-nine city. Brother Li only met later. Because of the relationship, when she ran to the gate of Panjiayuan and saw someone coming from the side, she naturally didn't pay much attention to it. She regarded it as a passer-by. When the old man crossed the road, an idea flashed in her mind: touch porcelain? !

Classmate Le's reaction was top-notch. He jumped back behind Liu Shao with lightning speed, and let Shuai Liu serve as a shield. Anyway, handsome Liu and the eunuch are local people. Whoever wants to touch porcelain, they have connections. , Naturally, it can turn bad luck into good luck.

When he hid behind the tall and straight young uncle, and heard the old man talking to her as if by name, and asking her about the inkstone that she had bought, she was immediately embarrassed, uh, did she misunderstand?

Yan Xing and Liu Xiangyang also saw the old man in Tang suit, and they didn't change their expressions. Who would have guessed that the little girl jumped away and hid behind Liu Shao's back. The two young people were full of strange eyes, how did the bear child hide?

"Hello, Mr. Teng." Liang Junshao didn't study the reason why the little girl was hiding, and greeted the old man with a smile.

Who is Mr. Teng?The old man’s surname is Teng Xiangqiang, an old player in the collection industry in Sijiucheng, more than [-] years old, still growing strong, often shopping for things in various antique and flea markets.

"My old man is getting old, don't dangle in front of me with a pretty face, especially the little brother of Yan's family, you should stay out of the way, if it makes me dizzy and dizzy, I won't be able to find good things for a while. , I'll be in a hurry with Lao Yan tomorrow."

The old man Teng didn't give the two young men a good face. He lifted his crutches to the left and right in disgust, and asked the two young people to give way. Don't stop him from finding the right master.

The two young men pressed their hot faces against their cold butts, pouted faintly, and gave way slightly.

An acquaintance of the eunuch Liu handsome?

Le Yun, who hid herself in a safe place, emerged from the back of the handsome guy and looked at the old man curiously. The old man was quite tall, with a straight waist, and his height was only three or four centimeters shorter than Liu handsome guy. Wearing a cyan Tang suit, with half-white hair on the temples, wearing gold-rimmed glasses, his eyes behind the eyeglasses are piercing.

The old man leans on a cane, puts a cross-body cloth bag on his left shoulder, Tang suits, trousers, and leather shoes. It has both ancient charm and modern style, mixing ancient and modern, which is very cute.

"What are you looking at, little girl?" Old Master Teng asked with a stern face when he looked at him. He just wanted to find someone to talk to, but that little girl ran behind the Liu family's younger generation and hid behind him. Wouldn't he be a bad guy?

"The cane is good." Le Yun didn't look at the old man's face, but stared at the old man's cane.

"Oh, you really know what to do?" The old man's eyes were bright.

"No, I don't know the ancients," Le Yun scratched her hair and smiled shyly: "I don't know the expert, but I know the medicine, your old walking stick is made of the neem tree, with the flowers, fruits, and root bark of the neem tree. Can be used as medicine."

"..." Yan Xing and Liu Xiangyang looked at the air silently, but their hearts were full of laughter. The old man Teng talked about ancient understanding, and the little girl talked about medicinal materials. This is probably the so-called bull's head is wrong, and the bear child is bear child, even the answer It's all so unexpected.

Old Master Teng was stunned at first, but then he couldn't help himself, and the corners of his mouth curved into a radian: "Yes, no matter that, little girl, can I use the inkstone you bought from the stall before?"

"No, the goods are already in the pocket, so there is no takeout." Even her results?No no no.

"You little girl, do you still take Joe?" Mr. Teng wanted to knock the little one with a cane. To tell the truth, if the inkstone was on the body of the two young children, he would have knocked on the two if they dared to say so.

"It's not Na Qiao, it's really uneven, why do you always want to be even, what's the background?"

"I look a bit like the dragon-tailed inkstone in the inkstone. Come and study it. What are you doing with it, little girl?"

"For researching medicinal purposes. I find it very pleasing to the eye, and it is just right to use it as a grinding medicinal material."

"..." Yan Xing and Liu Xiangyang once again wanted to incarnate in the air, shopping for antiques and used goods just to grind medicine?Whose family is this bear child, come and screw it away, so as not to be angry.

The old man Teng was amused: "Little girl, the inkstone is used to grind ink, so what kind of medicine you use to grind is a waste."

"It's used for researching ink, and grinding medicine is also used. Anyway, it's all used, just make the best use of it, where is the waste? Besides, people, you can't always stick to the rules, sometimes you have to come up with some innovative ideas to add some fun to life. The old man , don't ask me, I don't give it to you evenly, and it doesn't even come to anyone. It was the first time I went to the antique market, and it was rare to see something that made me happy at first sight. "

"Appreciate the head office for me?" Mr. Teng sighed and had to retreat.

"Okay, let's go to the side." It's okay not to take out, but it's okay to be appreciated, especially if she is an old man. She is a good child who respects the old and loves the young. She can't let the old man go home full of rewards, at least he must meet the requirements of his appreciation.

Mr. Teng finally felt at ease and walked very fast. The four of them walked to the base of the outer wall of Panyuan, and Le Xiaoxiao sat down on his knees without any image. The three men, old and young, could not laugh or cry, so they had to sit cross-legged on the ground.

He took out his backpack and presented the results of the scouting. Classmate Le took out the inkstone and put it on the ground. There are many unwritten rules in the antiques industry. You can't compete for quotations, you can only go up and play when others put you down;

For another example, if you let someone else enjoy and watch something, you can't hand it over directly. Instead, you should put it down first and let someone else take it. In that case, if it is damaged, the responsibility is obvious.

The size of the inkstone is smaller than the normal inkstone, and it is irregular in shape. A small piece is missing from one corner. Although it looks like dust that has been left for a long time, the surface is sticky and the appearance is not beautiful. The clean corners are firm and moist. , the texture is beautiful.

Mr. Teng picked up the inkstone, stroked it with his hand, and tapped it to hear the sound. The more he looked at the eyes, the brighter he was. He couldn't put it down to play with it, and he murmured distressedly: "70.00% of it may be the dragon tail inkstone, why did it get picked up by you little girl?" It's a step ahead."

At the end, he was still unwilling and asked again: "Little girl, even out with me, I'll give you the price of a finger."

Prices in the antique flea market, because the high price is too eye-catching, there are special jargons, usually divided by one hundred to discuss the price, one hundred is one yuan, one thousand is ten yuan, and ten thousand is one finger Head, if it is more than 1, it is called a few, and [-] is [-].

Those who use jargon usually involve a large amount of money, and the small items on the stalls are only [-] yuan. After all, there are ordinary people and foreign tourists who buy second-hand goods, and not everyone understands those jargons.

Ten thousand?

Yan Xing looked at the inkstone in Old Teng's hand, isn't it just a broken inkstone worth 1 yuan?

Hearing this, Liu Xiangyang's eyes glowed green, he almost wanted to agree on behalf of the little beauty, 20 yuan to find something, and it rose to [-] in a blink of an eye, oh, it's a huge profit!

"Uneven." Le Yun shook her head firmly: "Ten thousand gold is hard to buy, I like it, and I felt good at first sight. Whether it is worthless or worth ten thousand gold, I will not sell it, I will keep it as a souvenir. ."

"Didn't you buy a lot of things?"

"The rest are other things. Everything is irreplaceable. If you like the Four Treasures of the Study, I will buy the one that closes your eyes next time and give it to you."

"Little girl, you really don't know how to be an expert? You don't know how you can pick this inkstone?" Old Man Teng's eyes were strange.

"I don't know, I just feel that this inkstone is very kind, I like it very much, and I bought it just when I can play it again."

"Okay, let's go in, you can continue to scour, and when you see someone who feels as friendly as this and you like it, come back and give it to me."

"No problem, but, let's talk about it, if you don't see what I think I like, or if I look like it, it's actually not very valuable, so you can't blame me."

"You think you like it and come back. If I look at the bad eyes, I won't match you. If I want to match you, it's all fate, I won't blame you."

"Well, the old man is refreshing, I like it, let's go for a walk?"

"let's go!"

The little girl put away her things, and Mr. Teng took the lead to get up, patted his buttocks and left, the wind was blowing under his feet, and he walked so fast.

Yan Xing and Liu Xiangyang sighed silently. Originally it was a threesome, but now it's better. It's four, and their hearts are stuck. There is an old man Teng with them, and they can't play happily anymore.

The gate of Panjiayuan is magnificently repaired, and the interior is also broad and grand. There are old-fashioned buildings and expanded modern greenhouses. It is divided into several areas. The shops belong to the shops. belong to a district.

Autumn is neither too hot nor too cold. It is the best season of the year for traveling and setting up stalls. It is especially suitable for open-air or ground stalls. Therefore, there are no vacancies in the stalls in the park, and the high sheds are full of people everywhere.

Shops are generally high-quality goods, with more genuine goods and high prices. The most complex and complicated goods on the ground are the lower prices, which also test people's luck or wink.

Le Xiaoxue is not the kind of rich man with a lot of money. She didn't plan to go to the exhibits or the boutique area at all. She went straight to the stray stalls in the greenhouse. Considering that the old man and Liang Jun were too conspicuous, she was afraid that the vendors would raise their prices on the ground, so she wouldn't let three of them. people walk together.

Old man Teng and the two young people were disgusted by the little girl because of their local tyrant foreign minister, and they silently fell behind a few steps, pretending that they were not in the same group as the little girl.

There are tourists, gamers, and people who are idle to watch the excitement in the park. There are also foreign friends, men and women, young and old, all together. The huge market is crowded with people.

Foreign friends have both white skin and dark skin, men and women, long-sleeved sportswear, shorts, English-speaking, French and various foreign languages. Chinese are spoken here, and there are people there. Speak the bird's language, combined with some subtle smells such as porcelain, perfume, etc., it is really "bird's song and flower fragrance".

To describe the market in one sentence is: a mixed bag of fish and dragons.

The water is so muddy that it is easy to fish, and many people will not attract attention. For the second-hand and antique market like the vegetable market, Le Xiaoxiao is very fond of it. This is the best. Find people.

There are so many booths, she can only screen by means of investigation, stand in a corner, turn on the eye function, first scan a small area roughly, and see where there is aura or golden luster or special halo, write it down roughly. place to look for.

For the first time, I scanned a large area. I scanned a few places with particularly bright colors. I slowly moved over and admired the wooden furniture that had aura white light. light.

The second time, it was some old-fashioned porcelain, all of which were large; the third place was some pots and pans, too bad, and the fourth place was too light and pitiful;

Fifth, sixth and seventh, either the light you see is too weak, or the thing is too big and shabby, and it is not worth shooting, so you just walk over it all the way.

As he walked and watched, Mr. Teng poured several small things into his hand. The prices of the things he started were not too high, ranging from a few hundred to a thousand. The most expensive one was a pipe, which cost two thousand oceans.

Le classmate kept walking, sometimes he went to the booth here to have a look, sometimes he went to the booth on the opposite side to have a look. After walking a long street, he found three old ink ingots at a low price of 50 yuan, and started with a handful of them. corner comb;

The second booth, the third booth, and the fourth booth. After visiting one greenhouse in a blink of an eye, I turned to the second row of greenhouses. Only a small porcelain bottle, a cylinder, a bronze mirror, and some gadgets that I don't know what they are used for.

After visiting the two greenhouses, Le Yun's eyes were dry and slightly tingling due to the frequent use of the special functions of her eyes.

When Mr. Teng saw the little girl slipping to sit under a tree beautifying the grounds in the open field outside the greenhouse, he briefly admired a few booths, then slipped to look for the little girl, and immediately asked, "Little girl, have you found the edge for closing your eyes? of?"

"Look at this, you can't get in." Le Yun put a bag in her arms and put it on the ground. The four treasures of the study are as numerous as a feather, and there are very few people who close their eyes.

Liu Shao and Yan Shao also sat down. They became old Teng's bodyguards and couldn't move freely. They were sad.

When I heard that I had found one, Mr. Teng's eyes suddenly brightened, he held the bag excitedly, and opened it carefully. There was an inkstone and a pen hill on which the pen was placed. dark red.

The old man held the inkstone and touched it, turned it over and over, and looked at it very carefully and deeply.

"Father, let me tell you, regardless of whether it fits the bill or not, I won't go shopping any more. There are so many things, which blinded my titanium alloy dog's eyes. I decided to find a place to eat and rest." With the serious face of the old man, Le Yun's little heart was beating tom tom. In order to find that thing, she ran seven stalls and took a lot of effort to pull it out of the groceries, although it was not as shiny as hers. The previous Fang Yan, anyway, is a bit of aura, not to mention a rare treasure, it should also be understood by the ancients.

"Little girl, this suits my eyes, I've said it, no matter what, you have to give it to me, you can't go back. Go, I'll take you to find someone to appraise it, even if it's not a fine product, I'll give it ten times the price. His attention was drawn back, and Mr. Teng tore his eyes off the inkstone, his tone of joy uncontrollably.


Le Yun's happy eyes sparkled. She had never seen the treasure appraising process. It was great to be able to see it with her own eyes.

Yan Xing and Liu Xiangyang looked at each other, a little jealous of the little girl. Teng Lao was obsessed with the four treasures of the study, especially the inkstone. He said that it must be very good to like it. If the bear child can find the collection that Teng Lao likes, it is equal to the knot. Under the good fate, the bear child is too lucky.

Mr. Teng was afraid that others would rob his inkstone, so he put it up and held it in his arms, and led the three of them to find the appraiser excitedly.

Pan Yuan has professional treasure appraisers, and they are also free to appraise treasures for players who trade in the market, and can also issue authoritative certificates.

The appraisal studio was on the second floor of an antique and jade building. Mr. Teng led three people up the hall from the hall, walked through a corridor with ease, and arrived at the office with the sign of the appraisal center.

The appraisal center is quite wide, the ordinary studio is separated by a glass wall, and the other half is used as a reception room to entertain guests who come for appraisal.

The studio staff are all wearing blue protective clothing, some are doing appraisal work, some are resting, and a few guests have sent things for appraisal, waiting for the result, even if they are waiting, they don’t feel ignored, there are tea treats, and newspapers or Books are available.

As soon as Mr. Teng entered the appraisal center, a young man laughed: "Master, have you found something good today? We will learn more later."

"Hehehehe, I hope you have auspicious words," Old Man Teng smiled and shouted at an old man in sixties sitting at the other end of the hall: "Old Dou, quickly help me take a look at my new treasure."

The staff laughed wildly, and Mr. Teng was a frequent visitor here. He would visit at least once a month, and he had a deep friendship with Mr. Dou, the first appraiser of the appraisal center.

Dou Ren, who was sitting at the table by the window drinking tea, put down the teacup helplessly. Can he pretend he didn't hear what the old guy was shouting?

He didn't speak, waited, and waited for the old man to rush over. He looked at the three behind him. He had seen the two young people a few times. Only the little one was the first to see, that child... …

When they were close, Dou Ren smiled and waved: "Little girl, come and let me take a look, whose daughter is your daughter, is it a relative of the Yan family or the Liu family?"


When Le Yun entered the appraisal center, she quickly glanced at the environment, and then followed without squinting. As soon as she walked to the table and stood on her feet, she was pulled out, and she was stunned. Is it her first time here? Do you feel like showing your face again?

Looking up quickly, there was an old man sitting beside the table, with all white hair and wise eyes, immediately ignored the three 71s, and grinned first: "Hi, old man, I don't know these two handsome guys well, we're just on the same road."

The little girl was dug up by Old Man Dou, and it was not surprising to Old Man Teng. The little girl was so slick, and because Old Dou dreamed of a granddaughter's urine, it was strange that he didn't like it.

The two youths: "..." This is a face-seeing world, and their faces are so handsome that they are ignored, and they can only blame the bear child for being too attractive.

"You're not familiar with them? That's right. I'm really afraid that you're relatives to them, and it's easy to be spoiled. Come, little girl, sit down."

The innocent Yan Xing and Liu Xiangyang received [-] crit points again. Who did they offend?Haven't they done anything well, why were they put on the list of bad guys?

The two brothers were extremely resentful, sitting next to Teng Lao, silently acting as invisible people.

Le Yun sat down in the designated position, her nerves tensed slightly, and even if she didn't turn her head, she could feel everyone's gaze, and it was absolutely unpleasant to be looked at as a monkey.

As soon as the person sat down, the waiter brought tea.

Teng Lao didn't drink tea, so he put the bag on the table as if offering a treasure, carefully took out the inkstone, and placed it closer to Old Man Dou's hand: "Old Dou, hurry up to work, help me identify this before coming to drink tea and chat. ."

Dou Ren didn't want to deal with the goods at first, but when he saw the inkstone, his expression was serious for a second.

"The texture is delicate, and although it is dull, you can still see that the color is uniform, like a pine flower inkstone. You sit first, I will go to the studio."

When encountering something of a research nature, Dou Ren showed his work enthusiasm and went straight to the studio with the inkstone in his arms.

The master went to work, the four of them drank tea and waited. Le Xiao was curious about the new knowledge. After drinking tea, he sat for a while and asked the staff if he could stand outside the glass and watch the appraisers work. Happy standing outside the glass window to enjoy.

The staff in the studio cleaned, brushed, looked at with a magnifying glass, etc. for antiques Appraisal does not clearly identify the age, etc. If you want a comprehensive and detailed appraisal, it will take a while and you will need to pay an additional fee. After all, the appraisal work is very complicated and requires a lot of manpower and material resources.

Some people left, and some people came again. In a blink of an eye, more than half an hour passed. Le Xiaoxiao was also tired from watching. He slipped back to sit and waited for another half an hour. Dou Ren walked out of the studio with a happy face. , holding a ball of something held in a red cloth.

"Is it true?" Before waiting for the other party to sit down, Mr. Teng asked the answer happily.

Dou Ren didn't answer right away, he sat down where he usually sat, removed a few cups, put the red cloth wrapped in the center of the table, and lifted the red cloth: "See for yourself."

The soft red velvet cloth was uncovered, revealing a piece of inkstone, tender green, pure and flawless, with a smooth surface, soft luster, and warm like jade.

"Good inkstone!" Old Man Teng jumped up excitedly, propped up the table with one hand, and touched the inkstone's face with the other, as gentle as touching a lover.

"Laokeng pine flower inkstone was first painted with something like wax or ash. The surface was dull and dull. After washing it, it returned to its original color. In terms of inkstone making techniques and carving patterns, it should be in the middle of the Qing Dynasty. After being used by many people, the edges, the bottom surface and the contact points of the most surface and the inkstone box have been polished round and smooth. This is an ancient inkstone with a history of at least 300 years."

Dou Ren explained it carefully and carefully, not to mention too detailed links, because there is too much knowledge in the archaeology industry, and some aspects still need to accumulate enough experience and experience to analyze and determine.

Yan Xing and Liu Xiangyang said, "..." It is also ancient for the bear child to pick up a stone at random. Is the goddess of luck her relatives?

Young Master Liu couldn't bear the jealousy, and asked weakly, "Little beauty, how much did you spend to buy it?" He remembered that the piece she bought was 20 yuan before, so this piece is not the price of cabbage again, right?

"200 yuan." Le Yun smiled brightly. She haggled the price for a long time, from [-] to [-].

Sure enough, it's the price of cabbage again!

The two young people were extremely sad. Didn't the bear boy say that he didn't understand it? To buy an ancient inkstone at the price of cabbage, is this also called understanding?

"I really want it, too." Liu Xiangyang was so greedy he wanted to grab it. If this was given to him, he was guaranteed to sell it for tens of thousands.

"None of you want to grab it, it's mine." The old man Teng, who was immersed in joy, was shocked when he heard the young man's words, and he covered the inkstone: "Little girl, you have agreed to give it to me, and you can't go back. "

"This is not from you, but from a little girl?" Dou Ren looked surprised.

"My mine, the little girl said that I will give it to me." Father Teng was afraid of being robbed, so he grabbed the inkstone and cloth, sat down, and protected them in his arms like a monkey guarding his cub.

"If a gentleman makes a statement, you will be quick with your horse and whip. I will give you an old one, and you will never regret it." Le Yun supported her forehead. Although she understood it from the past, she was also trustworthy. And fat.

"Hey, this is a good boy." Old Teng's heart fell to the ground, smiling like a child.

"Lao Teng, don't bully the little girl, the price must be fair." Dou Ren looked at the person who found the treasure and couldn't help reminding.

"What's your estimate?"

"According to the market price of Songhua Inkstone, a piece of similar quality in the late Manchu Qing Dynasty was auctioned for [-] yuan, and the starting price of this piece is at least this amount."

"I'll just use your estimate. Little girl, can you see it?"

"No," Le Yun shook her head: "The old man offered [-] yuan before, so let's give this price to that price. If you don't bring it for appraisal, I'll give it to you evenly if it reaches [-] yuan."

When Mr. Teng heard a word, he thought that the little girl wanted the lion to speak loudly, but he didn't expect to ask for a high price, but instead reduced the price to one-third, which made him a little confused.

Yan Xing and Liu Xiangyang also looked at the little girl in disbelief for a while. Did the bear boy decide to go fishing for big fish on a long line, or was it purely because of his trustworthiness?

"Haha, Lao Teng, you owe the little girl a big favor."

"Little girl is trustworthy, I can't let you lose your trust, just [-], and our grandfather has a good relationship." Mr. Teng was pleasantly surprised, his face was red, he carefully wrapped the baby, stuffed it into his backpack, and then took it out. A handful of neatly sized banknotes were handed to the watery little girl.

Le Yun took the money without even counting it, and stuffed it directly into her backpack.

Baojian was ready, the old man was overjoyed, drank tea, and when he was about to leave, he took out a bundle of notes and gave it to Master Dou: "This is not for your hard work, this is the little girl who invited you all to drink tea."

"Okay, I'll take it for you. After a few days' rest, all the staff will go to drink tea together." Dou Ren smiled knowingly and accepted the money for the tea. Lao Teng said that the little girl asked him to expand her network. , the people in the appraisal center will accept her affection. In the future, whenever she needs to appraise treasures, not only here, but even in their families or friends, as long as they are sure that it is her, they will give preferential treatment.

The staff smiled and thanked.

The four were sent out of the appraisal center, walked out of the building, went to a place with few people, and Mr. Teng grabbed the little girl: "You stinky girl, you dare to say that you are not an expert?"

(End of this chapter)

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