magic eye doctor

Chapter 124 Feels like the door to a new world is opening

Chapter 124 Feels like the door to a new world is opening

Chen Shuyuan and Cai Zijun actually wanted to know more about the primary school girl, such as her preferences and avoidance, so as to make it easier for them to do what they like in the future and get closer to each other. Come for dinner.

Unfortunately, before their great plan was put into action, it was screwed out by President Akira, and it came out...

Chen Shuyuan, who was "screwed" out of the dormitory by classmate Chao, was particularly resentful. He walked to the stair landing between the fourth and third floors and whispered, "I forgot to mark the notes for the elementary school girl, and the elementary school girl did not know what she wanted. How long to look for, it is the responsibility of the senior to help the junior sister, I will come back tomorrow to help the little loli do the classification work."

"Senior Chen, my sister is not that stupid. If you are worried, you might as well make a note color list from memory and send a text message to Lele." Chao Yubo's eyes overflowed with a smile. If he wants to soak his sister, uh, he can only ask him to make a good death consciousness.

Chen Xuechang is the academic god of the medical department, but the altitude of 1 meters above sea level is also his fault.He once liked a girl, but unfortunately, even if he was an academic god, because his height was a little short, his goddess was easily chased by another boy taller than him.

He didn't mean to dislike Chen Xuechang's low altitude. Heroes don't ask about one's background, and true love doesn't matter. The reason why he thinks Chen Xuechang wants to chase Lele and has to do a good job of fighting to death is because Lele is looking forward to finding a man in the future. Friends beat him higher than him, and boys who are generally shorter than him have little hope.

Chao Yubo is a little unbalanced. Lele is his sister, and both of them want to squeeze Lele. He wants to beat people, what should I do?

"Oh, I'll help you sort things out in person when you send text messages. Besides, the elementary school girl is so small, it's a sin to let her go all over the place and get tired. I'll help you sort things out in person. How easy it is to get up."

"I feel the same way. I will also accompany the seniors tomorrow to help organize the books. By the way, I can also tell the elementary school girls in person which homework is the most important. Also, there are English grading tests for freshmen, so I can also give some advice."

Talent Jun responded immediately, and he also wanted to continue to come and eat tomorrow. As for the day after tomorrow, he would not be able to come and eat. The day after tomorrow, the military training was officially launched, and the people after the training were more tired. food.

"Do you think that I got the eighth grade in English?" Chao Yubo's voice was like a spring breeze, is it because he is relatively low-key, so these guys ignored him.

Li Yubo snickered silently, he didn't say anything, he just watched, in terms of intelligence, he said that brother Xiao Chao is a genius, weak in body, but not weak at all in intelligence, others are desperately trying to test all kinds of certificates Not necessarily pass the test, in Naiya's eyes, it's as simple as eating and drinking, there are only those he doesn't want to pass the test, and he has never been able to pass the test.

"..." Chen Shuyuan and Cai Zijun were beaten to the core. What's the matter, you said that you are a major in economics, and you went to take the CET [-] test for English majors. How can you make English majors look good?

After successfully trapping the two handsome guys, Classmate Chao was finally happy. Hehe, he wanted to show hospitality to Lele. He had to pass him first. He was unhappy and let their waves all die on the beach.

Le Yun didn't know what the foodies were thinking. She was intrigued. She ran into the bedroom, hurriedly screwed the backpack into the small living room, and then went to the small kitchen to get a basin of water and brought it from the balcony to save it. Wash the rice water, take out a clean basin, put a small half bowl of cold rice, use the handle of a knife to mash it into a paste, rinse it with water and stir, set aside.

When all the necessary bits and pieces are ready, he sits on the ground, unpacks his big backpack, and shows off the antiques and second-hand goods that have been collected from Panyuan.

No wonder Liu Shao disliked Classmate Le for scavenging for scraps of copper and iron. Even if there were antique people present, they would shake their heads when they saw it. The things she was looking for were serious like inkstones, bowls, bottles and spoons, and there were also wooden sticks like rolling pins. Tattered iron blocks like keys, or ones stained with mud and broken flowers with only one bottom left on the bottom of the bottle, there are all kinds of things.

With no one around, Le Yun didn't have to take precautions. She happily sized up all the treasures on the ground, and found the rag from the first stall and the one from a small stall in the afternoon. The bronze mirror and a lump of muddy stones were thrown into the cold rice paste and soaked together, and then the inkstone, bowl, and some chinaware and the leather with the silver needle that had been washed for the first time were soaked in the rice-washing water.

After drying a pile, take a small brush in one hand, dip it in toothpaste, take a bath with the things you picked up, brush it again, rinse it with clean water, wipe it clean with a dry towel, and put it on the floor to dry.

After brushing one piece to dry, and changing the water three times, I finally finished brushing a batch of treasures, and then excitedly brushed the devices in the rice-cleaning water.

The first piece I brushed was the somewhat incomplete inkstone. It was soaked in rice-washing water for a while. After brushing it several times, I rubbed off the gray layer of things.

The inkstone is like stone but not stone, like jade but not jade. The carving is delicate. One edge of it is missing a piece the size of half a fingernail.

Sure enough, the aunt has a vision!

Taking a few glances at her, Le Yun is also very proud of herself. Seeing how good her eyes are, she can pick up a broken stone, give it a bath, and immediately make it worth a lot. This is a golden hand.

After admiring it over and over again, she was also cowardly, and to be reasonable, even if she is not a gentleman in the book, she is not good at the inkstone, and she is reluctant to let her use such a smooth and warm inkstone as a container for grinding medicine.

I love to play around, put it on the floor lightly to dry, brush with copper needles, rinse the leather several times, then throw it into the cold rice soup and soak it in the cold rice soup, and then lightly brush other porcelain.

After finishing the gadgets in the rice-washing basin, I finally attacked the devices that were stuck with cold rice. I first brushed the bronze mirror, washed it again and again, washed it again with rice-washing water, washed it again with washing water, and washed it several times. The bronze mirror is also clean, the back is engraved with auspicious flower and wood patterns, and the lotus fringe pattern in the outer garden, the front is bright after washing, with a few shallow scratches.

Open the X-ray scanning of the eyes, in addition to its own gold-like light, the bronze mirror has various halos representing whether there is any fault in each part, as well as a faint white representing aura, and there is a thin layer of white aura. Black halo.

And grey!

Observing that there was still a thin circle of black, Le Yun sighed. After her various comparisons, she speculated that black should represent bad luck.

According to her observation, if there is a black halo inside the body of a living person or animal, it means that the part is necrotic; when the animal first dies, the red or green light that represents health and vitality will fade. Can completely die, in addition to the halo it has, the halo emitted in general is also gray or light gray, rather than all black.

The world is divided into heaven and earth, yin and yang, light and darkness. White represents spiritual energy, which is similar to light, and black represents darkness and bad luck.

For the bronze mirror that is clearly white and has black light, Le Yun loves and hates it. The white light is aura, and the shallow black represents bad luck. It can only mean that it is an ancient understanding. The reason why it is bad may be a special product. Such as funeral objects.

When she first saw it, she hesitated for a long time, ignoring it, its white aura was relatively strong, it was a pity to give it up, you must know that there are very few things with spiritual energy these days;

In the end, I got it back, and I really can't bear the aura it brings.In fact, there are still a few similar things, because the other pieces are too light in white light and thicker in black gas, so she didn't buy them.

Get it back and soak it in cold rice, soak it in rice water to sterilize it, and the black color is only a little lighter. Let’s think about it, put the bronze mirror on the balcony, hum, let it dry out for a few days, the old man Not to say that the dark air is afraid of the sun, so let it bask in the sun every day, and keep the dark air nowhere to hide.

After throwing the bronze mirror on the balcony to let it dry in the rain, classmate Le went back to the small living room and continued to work. After brushing the mud off the stone and rubbing it a few times, the stone felt mushy, like kneading batter. , rub off a layer after rubbing it, rub it several times, and the stone will turn into a color like scorched in a fire.

The more you wash it, the darker it gets?

Le Yun didn't realize it was a little stunned. People often say that the more you write, the darker it gets, but why is it getting darker and darker when you come to her place? It's obviously a gray stone, how could it become darker than before in a blink of an eye?

The stone itself is not big. The initial size is slightly smaller than that of a table tennis ball. After washing it a few times, it becomes roughly a little bigger than a pigeon egg.

Could it be that she found a fake stone?

Turn on the eye function and take a look. The halo color it emits is healthy, like black and not gray, but there is a faint golden halo on the outside.

She didn't know what that layer of pale golden light meant. Anyway, it should be healthy and upward, and she came back because she wanted to study the meaning of that layer of pale golden light.

Although the stone is very small, because it is very heavy, the owner buys it as a stone in the stone gambling hall. The small piece cost three pieces of grandfather Mao, and it is also the most expensive piece of things that Le has bought.

golden golden...

What does gold represent?

After thinking about it, she couldn't come up with a clue. Le Yun put the stone that was getting darker and darker aside, and washed the rest of it reluctantly. Finally, she washed the cloth and leather, rubbed and brushed again, and washed it for ten times. I came here and washed it with clean water. The cloth that looked very old was barely visible. It was an embroidered handkerchief.

Handkerchiefs, leather and wood products were moved to the balcony to dry in the shade, the sewage was poured out, towels, brushes, toothpaste and other items were packed away, and all the clean antiques were moved into the space, the lights were turned off, and people also entered the space.

Climbing back into the space, Le turned on the flashlight to see the medicine field. At noon, when he waited for the results of the appraisal at the Panyuan Appraisal Center, he used the toilet and sneaked home to collect the matsutake mushrooms, leaving other things alone.

I ran to the medicine field and looked at the peppers first. Those peppers probably did not grow as vigorously as other crops due to their unhealthy seed development. They did not bloom until noon today, and now they are full of peppers;

The fruit seeds that were planted yesterday were probably not planted in a medicine field. The soil was brought in from outside, and the growth was slow. Even if the well water was poured into it to induce germination, the dragon fruit would not appear until noon.

There was no news of the other species until noon, and after a long period of growth, the buds of pears, bananas, and apples have only broken through the ground, and only a tip has emerged.

After observing it, Le Yun first picked the grown matsutake mushrooms, pumpkins and melon seedlings, and other medicinal materials were not required to be picked, and she did not force herself to take a bath first.

Because the dracaena tree was irrigated every day, the soil in the flowerbed of the circle tree was moist, and the dracaena tree absorbed water very slowly, so she decided to let it pant and water it every three or two days.

It's only ten o'clock for bathing and laundry.

Le Yun slipped to the pile of books and sat on the floor, took out one of the borrowed books, and started scanning. She majored in clinical integration of Chinese and Western medicine, involving all aspects of Chinese and Western medicine. Add a little bit of scanning, get your own major first, and then make time to learn other things you want to learn.

She connected the computer to try it out last night, collected the medicinal materials from the field, and read two textbooks until eleven o'clock, and she can still read one today.

Reading until eleven o'clock, interrupting study, turning off the lights and going back to the room to sleep, slipping back to my secret place, trying to observe the antiques I threw back in the space, those things are placed in one place, emitting a small faint white light, two The aura of a dozen items is far less powerful than the aura of the clothes-beating stick.

Alas, just a few more sticks like the clothes-beating stick!

Turn off the X-ray scanning function, meditate cross-legged, and fall asleep after an hour.

That night, in Le Yun's dream, she always heard someone reading a book in her ear. The sound of the book was loud and penetrating into her heart and soul. When she woke up, she still felt the sound in her ears. However, there were many more things in her mind, and those were the knowledge she had heard read aloud in her dreams.

The space was dark, she didn't even look at the clock, she knew that it should be just after five o'clock, and she was hypnotized by her to hint to herself that the biological clock was very punctual, no matter how late she went to bed, she would wake up at five o'clock on time.

Looking at the darkness for a long time, and sorting out the things in her mind, Le Yun smiled stupidly, ooh, she has gained knowledge again!

Last time, the things that came out of Mo Ming's mind were some knowledge of medicine and pharmacy, many, many ancient prescriptions, some of which she had never heard of, but this time, what I remembered in my dream was about the identification of rare treasures. Yibao's classic knowledge.

Last time, she remembered that she heard someone studying the night she picked up the clothes-beating stick. This time, she was scouring some ancient understandings with spiritual energy. Both visions were sent after providing spiritual energy to the space. Does that mean that she As long as you keep looking for spiritual energy for the space, the wider the space is, the more knowledge you will gain?

The truth seems to have touched a little truth!

Feeling vaguely as if she had found a way, Le Yun rolled on the grass excitedly, feeling that the door to the new world was slowly opening.

(End of this chapter)

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