magic eye doctor

Chapter 1248 Surprise

Chapter 1248 Surprise
Because there was a little fairy who went to the classics academy to be a book fan, Elder Qi didn't dare to be the shopkeeper. In order to prevent problems before they happened, he didn't leave the classics academy for half a step. When he finally saw the little fairy coming out of the library, he couldn't help being a little surprised. Isn't the fairy too...clean?

The little fairy cat has not bathed or changed clothes in the library for half a month. The clothes are clean and free of sweat. The whole person is like the moment when the library was first opened, with a natural and elegant body fragrance.

Elder Qi also pretended not to know that the little fairy had a special status, and he didn't stop him or be curious, and watched the little guy out of the classics academy.

The day when little Lori arrived at the Yulan School was during the Mid-Autumn Festival, she lay in bed for three days, and the next day she woke up, she went to the Classics Academy to be a bookworm. She stayed for fifteen days, and it was already early September when she bubbled up.

In September of Dongchen Continent, except for the extreme northern and southernmost climate differences, most regions entered the most beautiful season of autumn, with crisp autumn air and fragrant melons and fruits, creating a charming harvest scene.

Yulan Mountain is located in the eastern part of the mainland, with four distinct seasons. In the golden season of September, all kinds of crops and wild fruits are ripe. You can find more than a dozen mature wild fruits on any mountain. The mounts and beasts of the Yulan Sect disciples also let themselves fly , to start the happiest journey of self-cultivation every year.

It was already afternoon when Le came out of the library, the sun was shining warmly on the earth, it was a good weather for playing in the mountains and enjoying the water, but it was rare to see people wandering around in the side hall of the Yulan Sect, and the disciples went out on business , It’s okay, it’s either cultivating or enlightening.

No one was wandering around outside, and there were only some animal chairs among the courtyards in the side hall area, some were flying, some were on land, some were docile and some were ferocious.

Stepping out of the courtyard of the Book Pavilion, the first fairy beast Le Xiao met was a ferocious beast—a lion. Its appearance is not much different from lions on earth, and its size is at least three times the size of an adult male African lion.

Such a huge monster lion is lying on the road with its belly up and basking in the sun. The so beautiful that people dare not look directly at it, and they also take a breath.

Le Yun, a daring earthling, was not startled by the giant lion, and her eyes and mouth twitched unavoidably, and she continued walking without changing her expression. Go around calmly and continue on your own way.

The lion lying on the ground basking in its belly lazily raised its head, looking at the human child who was so delicate that it seemed that a paw would smash his body to pieces. His big eyes flashed with confusion. After a few glances, he fell down to bask in the sun again.

After experiencing the giant lions, and then seeing monster beasts such as tigers, leopards, and eagles, Le Xiao’s heart is not disturbed, and he walks around or walks by them without squinting, without provoking them or being curious.

Passing through the side hall area of ​​Yulan Sect, and walking more than 1000 feet along the ladder to the main hall, the little loli no longer took the ladder, but got into the virgin forest and ran to the east.

The main peak of Yulan Mountain maintains its original appearance, and trees are rarely cut down, unless there is some kind of wood that is lacking in the main buildings of the main hall and side halls, and there is suitable wood on the main peak mountain to cut down to make up for it, otherwise, no one is allowed. logging.

The trees on the main peak of Yulan live and die naturally, and the cycle repeats itself.

The ancient trees in the primeval forest are towering, some places do not see sunlight all year round, and some places have accumulated more than ten feet of fallen leaves.

The little loli who got into the bushes, turned on the running mode, and ran at her own speed of running [-] meters. She didn't practice enough to run [-] meters to break the world record during the Qi training period. It was as easy as eating. That speed is really faster than the wind.

Where she stepped, often the fallen leaves hadn't had time to sink in, and the vegetation hadn't bounced back to reset, and people would have gone hundreds of meters long ago.

There was a human being running in the woods. Ordinary birds and small animals were very frightened, and they often ran away when they heard the wind.

Le Xiao, who was a savage, changed his route from time to time, ran for more than 40 miles in one breath, and finally arrived at a relatively sparse mixed coniferous and broad-leaved forest.

The forest was in a basin on the mountainside, some places were flat, some places had rolling hills, mainly pine and hazel, oak and maple, and most of them were pine trees.

The mixed coniferous and broad-leaved forests covering an area of ​​several thousand mu are sparser than the trees in most places, and there are grasslands in many places. In some places, there are only one or two trees within 100 meters, and the age of tall old trees is 100 years. to 200 years.

In the woods, it is common to see large and small mushroom heads emerging from the bottom of the leaves. In some places, the leaves are only lifted up, fluffy and fluffy. There are many types of mushrooms, including matsutake, silver plate mushroom, king oyster mushroom, Yunzhi mushroom, Morels etc.

There are dry trees that fall to the ground or stand upright, and wild fungi such as shiitake mushrooms, Pteris edodes, fungus, and hazel mushrooms grow on the trees.

It took a lot of effort to find the target Le Yun. Standing in a woodland with only a few sparse trees, looking at the mushrooms under the pine trees, the whole person laughed silly, ouch, there are so many mushrooms!
There are also a lot of wild medicinal materials, such as coltsfoot, ginseng, Polygonatum odoratum... Oh my god, the Jade Orchid Sect is full of treasures!
Le Yun supported her small waist, so beautiful that she floated up to the clouds, and she was so happy that she couldn't find the north. After a long while, she observed the trees. Well, this is a secondary forest that grew after a fire, so the age of the trees is generally young .

However, it is also understandable that immortal cultivators are very lethal. If someone is trying out thunder talismans or fire talismans, if they can't control them well and miss something, or if the sky thunder triggers a forest fire, it is normal to burn a few hills and a few forests .

If it is not an accident, the forests at lower altitudes are not destroyed by human beings. Even if the trees in that area are sparse, they will become dense virgin forests after a hundred or a thousand years. It is impossible to have forests with trees only 200 to [-] years old.

Slices of mushrooms are right in front of you, what are you waiting for?
Le Yun took a few breaths, rushed to the place full of pine needles and fallen leaves of broad-leaved trees, took out a bamboo basket, and picked mushrooms like a wind and clouds, and harvested all the mushrooms that were visible to the naked eye, regardless of their size.

Mushroom circles are formed where mushrooms grow, and mushrooms, large and small, are densely packed like going to a market.

Little Lolita salivated with a smile on her face, pulled the leaves away, and pulled mushrooms like radishes, even if there were leaf residues and soil, she threw them all into the basket, picked a full basket and threw it back into the space, and then grabbed the basket to continue , Mining out a piece of land and changing it to another place.

The joy of harvest made people feel happy. She swept through more than a dozen baskets of mushrooms. When she grabbed a bamboo basket again, she was stunned. She cast her eyes on the basket. Well, the basket was filled with mushrooms not long ago, and there were residual leaves stuck inside. Son.

She didn't have time to deal with the mushrooms, how could the basket be empty?

Dazed for a while, Le Yun realized the problem she had ignored, and after a few seconds, like a cat whose tail was stepped on, it jumped up, didn't even care about the basket, and dodged back to the space.

She was so happy to see the mushroom that she forgot about going back to the space!
"Little fox, little——" Le Yun, who flashed back to the space, opened his voice and shouted before standing still. Suoji was stunned, this, is her territory?
The space has expanded!
Just when she traveled through the gate of time and space and stayed in another world for several days without returning to the space, the space did not know when it was expanded, and the expansion was not one or two points, and the scope of its expansion allowed Le Yun, who is the master, to I can't believe it.

As far as the eye can see, the vast wilderness is endless, the horizon is at the end of the field of vision, and the end of the distant horizon is the same white fog as the top of the head.

Le Yun, who was in a daze, turned around slowly, looked around, the end of the line of sight was the horizon, and the current space did not know how many miles.

I turned a 360-degree circle, slowly retracted my gaze, and repeated several times from far to near, from near to far, silently pressed my heart, and smirked: "Hey, this is not the same. Seeing this, I Believe that I am blessed."

The little fox was squatting on the abutment next to the medicine field, and the little monkey was helping to clean up the mushrooms thrown by the little girl. He squatted and didn’t move when the little girl came back, letting her find out the difference. Keep silent and let her experience the happiness by herself.

The human little girl was talking to herself, she seemed to be still awake, the little fox twitched her beard: "Little girl, are you surprised to see the current territory?"

"Yeah, very pleasantly surprised!" Le Yun, who was in a daze, barely regained consciousness, let go of her feet, and rushed to the place where the mushrooms were piled up like a gust of wind, grabbed the little fox and Xiao Huihui and put them in the palm of her hand, smiling happily Seeing the teeth but not seeing the eyes: "Oh, our home has become wider, and we can do whatever we want in the future. Happiness comes so quickly!"

The little girl still had a silly expression, and the little fox reminded him very friendly: "Little girl, have you really seen what your house looks like?"

?A series of question marks flashed in Le Yun's mind, and she turned her eyes to the distance again, and observed her territory again, looked at it several times, blinked, looked again, and finally confirmed that she had indeed overlooked many details.

I was too excited and shocked before. I only saw that the space was so wide that I couldn't see the edge at a glance, but I didn't find a huge circle far away from the flower garden circle where the god tree was planted.

The ring is made of the same material as the cornerstone of the flower garden and the medicine field ridge. With the medicine field as the center, the diameter of the inner ring is about 300 meters, and the width of the ring is more than [-] meters.

The space has widened, but the newly added sites are all bare soil, dry like soil that hasn't been moistened by rain for thousands of years.

Moreover, the color of the soil is also different. The soil inside the circle protected by the huge circle is light gray-black and relatively fertile, while the land outside the circle is lighter in color and is gray-brown.

The ring is half a foot higher than the dirt inside the circle, and the dirt outside the circle is about the same height as the dirt floor inside the circle.

Le Yun, who was originally extremely excited, saw the bare land as far as he could see, and his enthusiasm slowly cooled down. He sat down on the ground and muttered to himself: "Why is this happening? Why are there no trees, no grass, and no water?"

(End of this chapter)

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