magic eye doctor

Chapter 1317

Chapter 1317

Seeing the music of the sky again, and seeing the result of killing the enemy with talismans for the first time, my heart is complicated. The superimposed talisman effect of more than sixty pieces of talisman paper is theoretically enough to destroy a stone mountain with a diameter of [-] feet and a height of [-] feet. , the reality is that only half of the head of a dragon crocodile was blown up.

Such a result shocked her deeply.

She was able to kill the dragon crocodile as a trick. The dragon crocodile underestimated the enemy and thought she was weak, so he sucked her into his stomach, so she had a chance to succeed. If she didn't eat her into his stomach, she probably wouldn't be able to kill it by throwing more than sixty talismans. .

If it was a real fight, if he threw a handful of talismans, the dragon crocodile would probably only be slightly injured.

In an instant, Le Yun felt a sense of crisis again. No matter what, he had to find time to redraw his talisman to upgrade his talisman. The talisman drawn during the foundation period was too weak, and the talisman drawn during the fusion period should be upgraded to a higher level.

With a sense of crisis, I flew out of the big pit, observed carefully in the air, and made sure that my previous judgment was correct. This end of a certain vortex should be the medicine garden of a certain power or a certain sect. Medicinal plants.

The most interesting thing is the herbal medicine plant, the age ranges from newborn to 5000 years old, and there are older medicinal plants in the distance, all of which cannot be eaten directly, and the age of the spiritual plants that can be eaten directly are all about 200 years old .

This kind of phenomenon can be guessed without brain thinking. Those spiritual plants that can be eaten directly are naturally eaten by dragon crocodiles, and the plants that cannot be eaten directly can live for a long time.

After observing for a while, I didn't sense the breath of other animals. If you ask why there are no other living things here?Of course it was eaten up by that dragon crocodile!

Crocodiles are omnivorous carnivores, but they eat everything they can eat, and eat their own kind when they are hungry. In a restricted environment, there is a shortage of food. No matter what animal it is, it will become the food of the dragon crocodile. Who calls the dragon crocodile stand at the top of the food chain? the predator.

There were no other life-threatening things, Le Yun happily turned around and descended, and flew over the corpse of the dragon crocodile in the big pit to study how to deal with it.

The dragon crocodile is huge, with a length of more than 100 meters and a total weight of more than 50 tons. One of its claws is thicker than her head.

It is so huge that when it was injured and tossed, the hole it created was tens of meters deep. It lay on all fours in the hole, with its belly a little higher than the hole.

With such a big Big Mac, Le Yun couldn't move it, and it couldn't put it in the storage container. It could only be dissected and divided. Moreover, it still had a little bit of vital signs and could extract blood.

The blood of the dragon crocodile is a good thing and must not be wasted.

In order to extract the blood of the dragon and crocodile, Le Yun didn't bother. First, she prepared a jade bottle containing the blood, put on her gloves, grabbed a magic sword, and flew over the crocodile's belly to strike at its jaw.

However, the skin of the dragon crocodile is hard and tough, and the dharma sword rebounded with a "dang" when it was cut, leaving only a mark on the surface of the dragon crocodile's scale armor, and the blade was missing several holes the size of rice grains.

The sword bounced back, and Le Yun's tiger's mouth was shaken. Looking at the mark and the mouth of the sword, he jumped and cursed: "I... scolded the neighbor next door."

The crocodile scale armor can't even be cut with a dharma sword, so how can it be dissected?

In an instant, she knew why the sixty or so talismans only exploded half of the dragon crocodile's head. With such a hard bone, her talisman can cause such damage is already very remarkable.

But what to do now?
The dharma sword can't do anything to the leather armor of the dragon and crocodile, and the music is bitter, but there is no way, continue to cut, stab, the sword hits the crocodile's scales and sparks radiate, but it can't hurt it.

After dozens of cuts, the blade of the dharma sword was riddled with holes and lost all its mana, and finally broke into two pieces with a bang.

Holding the half-cut sword, Xiao Le looked up at the sky speechlessly. He managed to kill a crocodile, but he couldn't do anything to it. Could it be that he gave up like this?

To tell the truth, if she really told her not to accept the corpse, it would be tantamount to picking her heart!

Picking up the broken sword and throwing it back into the storage container, he inspected all the sharp weapons he was carrying. There was nothing he could do, so he decided to try the knives and scissors made of emerald. Didn't Dongchen Continent say that soul jade is a treasure, and it might be useful.

Just do what you say, find an emerald scalpel made by Master Ayu Fang, and Le Yun doesn't care about the golden light that bursts out when it appears, and sticks to the most vulnerable part of the dragon crocodile's forelimbs, which is biased towards the stomach.

The small jade scalpel pierced the skin of the dragon crocodile, and broke through the skin with a "pop", as easy as cutting tofu.

"..." Le Yun felt like beeping a good friend of human beings. The dharma sword was ten thousand times harder than the emerald knife, and could not break the skin of the dragon crocodile. But the knife can easily pierce the scale armor of the dragon crocodile, it's just... speechless.

It is so miraculous that one thing falls one thing.

Seeing the power of the soul jade of Dongchen Continent, Le Yun couldn't describe her mood, she drew her sword, blood gushed out, and immediately took out the jade bottle to catch the blood.

There was very little blood, and it only took less than half a tael to fill it all up.

After collecting a little dragon crocodile blood, Le Xiao continued to dissect with the emerald scalpel. The dragon crocodile skin armor is not thick, only about two fingers thick. Draw a straight line from the lower jaw to the tail end, and pull the crocodile skin to both sides Open, use it as a meat pad.

After dissecting the crocodile's belly, we also collected nearly half a catty of dragon crocodile blood. The crocodile blood was cut open. The first step was to remove the fish's heart. The crocodile's heart blood was collected without leaking, and then the other parts of the fish's stomach were removed separately. parts.

The dragon crocodile is huge. Le Yun dissected the crocodile head after dissecting the internal organs of the fish, divided the meat, divided the half-damaged head of the dragon crocodile into several pieces, and carefully dissected the sarcoma on the fish head to find several A crystal block the size of a fist.

The shiny things are the aura beads accumulated by the dragon crocodile. They are as transparent as crystals, and also like ice-species white jadeites. The surface is crystal clear and shiny.

Le Yun washed the spiritual energy crystal beads like treasures and put them in a spiritual stone box. At the same time, she felt distressed. She remembered that there were several warts on the head of the dragon crocodile, but they were blown away.

Unwilling to give up, she flew around the pit to look for any broken spirit energy crystal beads. After searching around, she only found a few pieces of meat, but no spirit energy crystals.

Disappointed, he went back to continue the dissection.

Classmate Le held an emerald knife and worked tirelessly until it was dark before finally dividing the Big Mac clearly, and finally leaving a piece of skin spread out in the big pit.

She moved the crocodile leather armor out of the pit, cleaned it with water, and put it in a storage container separately. The skin of the dragon crocodile is very hard, and it is most suitable for self-defense armor. She is going to deal with it and make it into a bulletproof vest. The protective armor brought back to Earth.

After finishing a Big Mac, I was so tired that my waist was sore and my hands were weak, not to mention that the sky was getting dark, so Le Yun fetched water to take a bath for herself, and crawled back to the space.

Just slipped back, ran out again, and returned again.

Returning to his secret place for the second time, he went straight to the place where the little fox stayed. The little fox took Xiao Huihui to watch the swallowing snail and spit water beside the water storage lake, helping to take care of the saplings beside the lake.

Classmate Le stayed in Yulanzong for so long, but she didn't play wildly in the mountains, filling the lake with water, and watering the land around the lake. Plow it again, plant a batch of trees and sow some spiritual seeds.

On the way to the secret land of Wolf Mountain with Yu Lanzong, it is not convenient for her to return to the space, but there is a little fox, who helps water the saplings, and she is only responsible for fetching water from the outside and transporting it back to the space.

The little fox is small in size and not weak in mental strength, so he can use the storage device. Classmate Le fills the big snail or the water-filled magic weapon with water, puts it into the storage device and throws it back into the space. The little fox brings the storage device to the Next to the lake, just take out the things and pour the water into the lake.

One person and one fox cooperate with each other tacitly.

During the several months from Yulanzong to the secret place of Langshan, Lexiao did not return to the space. After several months, he stood by the lake for the first time, looking at the green red sandalwood saplings and the yellow tenderness on the ground. Bud, my heart is surging, it's a success!
The planted saplings survived, the sowed seeds germinated, and the first step to revitalize the space has achieved results.

"Oh, it's a success!" Le Yun, full of joy, let go of her feet and flew wildly, rushing towards the little fox and Xiao Huihui.

The little fox spread out a piece of cloth more than ten feet away from the big lake, and there were some mushrooms piled on it. He and Xiao Huihui were helping to clean up the mud on the mushroom roots, while guarding the Tuntian snail and spitting water into the lake.

The swallowing snails are placed on the shore of the lake, with their mouths facing down, and the water they spit out falls into the lake like a waterfall. Because the lake is full and constantly replenished with water, it cannot hold it. The lake water flows from the low gap ditches to the big river.

Due to the continuous replenishment of water, the ditch from the lake to the big river has already been soaked with water, and the lake water has flowed into the Dagan River to nourish the dry river.

The river is too wide, and the current amount of water has only wetted a section of the river about [-] meters wide.

From the perspective of the overall situation, the political achievements are very small, but it is extremely difficult to achieve such achievements under the conditions of having no foundation, relying on hands for everything, and having to transport water back from abroad.

The little fox was busy cleaning up the mushroom mud, saw the little human girl rushing over in a hurry, threw away the mushrooms, and waited for her with a smile.

Le Yun flew over, grabbed the two cuties, kissed this side, kissed the other side, and kissed the two cuties with drool all over their faces.

Xiao Huihui, who was dazzled by the kiss, opened her eyes wide and grinned.

After receiving more than a dozen kisses, the little fox held her face shyly: "Little girl, don't say thank you, show it with practical actions."

"What counts as practical action?" Le Yun, who was full of enthusiasm, opened her beautiful almond eyes and gleamed cutely at the little fox.

The little girl's smile is so bright and sweet, her cute dimples are all exposed, the little fox doesn't cover her face anymore, she stretches out her paws to poke the little girl's dimples: "Little girl, make spiritual food for us to eat, there should be a lot of it clatter."

"What counts as a sufficient portion?" Every time she cooks spiritual food, she leaves enough portion for the little fox and Xiao Huihui, which weighs more than ten catties, is the portion not enough?
"The golden-haired lion you mentioned eats five thousand catties of meat at a meal. Benhu is not so greedy, and one thousand catties is enough. Xiao Hui Hui has a small stomach, and one or two taels of meat is enough."

"A thousand catties? You are so small, can you eat a thousand catties?" Le Yun was dumbfounded.

"There's nothing wrong with it. If Benhu hadn't been sealed in strength, he wouldn't be able to survive on a meal of [-] jin of meat. Now that it's like this, it's a trivial matter to eat a thousand jin of meat."

The little fox was afraid that the little girl would not be able to afford it, so he quickly added: "It's not that I eat a thousand catties every once in a while, but occasionally, I eat it once in a month or two to enjoy it, and a hundred catties or a few dozen catties is enough on weekdays."

Xiao Huihui has stars in her eyes, she doesn't eat much, a little is fine!
"Okay, I'll make spiritual food for you next time." Le Yun looked at the cute little cutie, and readily agreed: "Little fox, I found another very secret secret place, which should be some people's medicine garden in the past. A monster crocodile at the Nascent Soul level has eaten the precious spiritual plants, and there are still many spiritual plants, I will take a break and start to sweep the plants, and you and Xiao Huihui will also help."



The two cute animals nodded frequently in agreement.

Nodding his head, the little fox asked: "Little girl, didn't you say that there is a monster beast at the Nascent Soul level, you dig the spiritual plant, and the monster agrees?"

"You talk about monsters. I just entered the secret realm. That guy wanted to eat me. I killed him. If I don't kill him, I don't dare to dig spiritual plants."

"You killed the Nascent Soul-level monster?"

"Yeah, that crocodile is so vicious. I wasted dozens of Thunder Talismans and three Lightning Talismans before I managed to headshot that guy. I was busy harvesting crocodiles, and I didn't come back until now. When will I not be busy? Use the Nascent Soul grade crocodile meat I hunted as spiritual food for you and Xiao Huihui."

"You are really a genius. You actually leapfrogged and killed a Nascent Soul-level monster. This record is enough to brag about for a lifetime."

"Zhizhi—" Xiao Huihui also danced with her hands and feet, the young lady is so amazing, the young lady is the most beautiful!

Le Yun, who was praised, laughed so hard that she didn't even know who she was. She wagged her little tail in embarrassment, and shared her "great achievements" with the little fox and Xiao Huihui, explaining how to kill the crocodile.

She wanted to go back to the space to take a good rest, but ended up bragging with the two cuties. She was so happy that she was resurrected with blood, ate something, rolled up her sleeves, and ran to cultivate the land again.

Naturally, land reclamation is not slash-and-burn farming, nor is it using the dump truck she asked He Xiaoliu to make, but using the earth-shaking technique of the earth system.

Le classmate has secretly learned the earth-type spells for nearly a month. Throwing down a single spell can turn over the land with a radius of 20 meters. The depth is about three feet, which is the most basic "digging" in the soil system. "Three feet on the ground" is a trick.

Satisfied with learning the most basic soil-based exercises, she sneaks back to the space to practice when she has time. The land around the water storage lake is dug out by herself.

The soil that has been overturned is also more permeable for watering.

Le plowed the land about three acres wide, dug a few pits, put the fertilizer he made into the pits, planted red sandalwood saplings, poured water from the spiritual spring, and then sowed plant seeds on the plowed land.

She planted trees at a wide distance, with a minimum distance of 150 meters. In this way, no matter how big the tree grows in the future, the branches will have enough room to stretch.

Some saplings were cultivated by themselves, and some were collected by the disciples of the Yulan Sect. The saplings over three feet were all planted at the foot of big lakes and small hills. The fertilizer was made of spirit animal ashes, leaf decay, and Loamy mix.

Plant a batch of saplings, tidy up, leave the space with Little Fox and Xiao Huihui, return to the natural world, and also take out mechanism beasts to sweep away the plants.

(End of this chapter)

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