magic eye doctor

Chapter 1362 Where is this

Chapter 1362 Where is this

Le classmate is very interested in how the two big pythons of the python family have the heart of flame and the heart of ice marrow. It is intriguing to swallow the treasures of heaven, material and earth, or treasures with two different attributes, one cold and one hot.

With limited time that day, she did not explore the secrets of the python. The next day, she explored the python territory as planned, collecting water while exploring.

The boa constrictor has a very wide territory, and it took more than ten years of running here and there to find the central area where the boa constrictors are active. There are huge mountains and valleys and plains.

The Yaohuang class of the python family lives among the mountains and mountains all over the primeval forest, and each Yaohuang python has a corresponding activity area.

The leader of the python clan at the level of the demon emperor died gloriously, and the remaining members of the python clan were of low rank. Classmate Le Xiao didn't like to eat python meat, and he didn't bother to kill it.

She swaggered into the area where the python clan monster kings lived, looked down from a high altitude, and then went straight to the site where the leader of the red and black flower python lived.

The area where the leader of the python lived was a mountain with a height of more than [-] feet. There were valleys and plains on both sides of the mountain. There were many branch peaks in the mountain range.

Le Yun first explored the branch peak of the peak, and finally went straight to the main peak, circled up from the foot of the main peak, and found a huge tiankeng about [-] feet away from the foot of the mountain.

The tiankeng is located between the main peak and a branch peak born from the main peak. It is more than ten miles wide. The pit is surrounded by a forest. There are several steps in the tiankeng, which are full of trees and spiritual plants. The age is very long. Many places are also covered with plants, and there is a mountain stream flowing into the sinkhole.

The first leader of the boa constrictor lives in the tiankeng. Even if it does not walk on the ground, the tiankeng still has its own smell.

Observing in the air for a while, Le Yun flew into the tiankeng with a canoe aircraft. The upper part of the tiankeng is oblate, and it is about a thousand feet down, and it is funnel-shaped, with the small mouth facing upwards and the wide end facing downwards.

The tiankeng is very deep. It reaches the bottom about [-] feet deep into the mountainside. The bottom of the pit is about [-] li wide, and there is thick soil and rotten leaves. It can't stop the tenacious vitality of plants, covered with trees, shrubs and moss.

There is a large lake on one side of the tiankeng. The stream flowing into the tiankeng from the mouth of the tiankeng falls into the lake, and there is a cave on the opposite side of the lake.

Le Yun stopped above the woods and looked at the lake at the bottom of the pit from a distance. Her small brows were wrinkled into rivers. Wrinkles can kill flies. There is an invisible eye in that lake!
The lake in the tiankeng is blue and black, and the eyes are in the lake, and the invisible vortex is like an eye looking at the top of the tiankeng.

Le Xiao, who has deep water phobia, scolded ten thousand words of MMP in his heart. Every time he finds some strange secret place, the eyes are always related to water. How much do the sages and great powers of Dongchen Continent like water? !

After finding the eyes of the invisible formation, she also almost found the reason why the two pythons devoured the treasures of heaven and earth. Anyway, either some treasures of heaven and earth accidentally ran out from a certain secret realm and were picked up by the pythons, or the pythons accidentally went to Through the secret realm, we found the treasures of heaven and earth.

Staring faintly at the invisible vortex for a long time, Le Yun turned and flew into the cave at the bottom of the tiankeng. The cave is very dark and illuminated by night pearls.

The cave was excavated by hand, about four meters high. The bottom of the cave has a slope. One side is higher and the other is lower. On the lower side, there is a small ditch on the cave wall. The ditch flows outward.

The cave is the habitat of the boa constrictor, and the smell is very strong.

To tell the truth, Le Yun was very disgusted. In order to pursue the truth, I felt wronged and endured the smell and went into the cave. There were no carved decorative patterns on the wall of the cave, and it was clean. After walking about 2000 meters, I came to the end.

There is a stone door at the end of the cave, which is now open. Behind the door is a cave with a low stone wall, which separates the hall, bedroom, and kitchen. There are two bedrooms, one hall, one kitchen, and one is A study or tea room for leisure.

There are stone tables and benches in each compartment, stone beds and stone cabinets in the bedroom, and kitchen cabinets and stone jars, stone pots and stoves in the kitchen. The stone products have no decorative patterns, which are simple and natural.

Except for the stone cylinder, stone pot and stone hearth, there are no other living items.

It seems that the cave should be a place of seclusion for a certain cultivator a long time ago. After the world changed, it was found by the boa constrictor and took it for himself.

Standing at the door and looking at the cave, the corners of Le Yun's mouth turned up, little stars appeared in his eyes, he put away the aircraft, ran into the cave, slipped to stand in front of a wall in the hall, studied it, formed seals with both hands, and made more than a dozen seals , a door appeared on the wall.

Remove the stone gate, and behind the gate is a warehouse, very wide and wide, with piles of spiritual stones, mineral deposits, some jade, stone and wood products, a grid is dug out on the stone wall opposite the gate, and several bundles of jade slips are stacked .

"Oh, that's right." Le Yun jumped three feet high, jumped into the treasure room, rushed to the pile of spirit stones, her eyes glowed green with joy, she finally picked up the spirit stone Yes!
There are high-grade, middle-grade and low-grade Lingshi, which are stacked into hills more than ten meters high, with a total of about 10 yuan.

Fly around the spirit stone piles and check the ores. The ores are red gold gold mines and alloy ores containing zinc, iron, aluminum and tin, which are loved by immortal cultivators. There are twelve piles in total, and each pile weighs at least 20 catties.

After checking the items in the warehouse, Le Xiao flew to the stone grid, took out the jade slips and put them on the ground, and sat on the ground to read the jade slips.

There are two kinds of jade slips, one is the record of spiritual consciousness, and the other is hand-lettered.

Le classmate first read the bundle of hand-engraved jade slips. The slips were left by the master who dug the cave. The sage was a casual cultivator. Guessing that there is a secret realm, he opened it at the bottom of the Tiankeng and other secret realms.

He waited for a hundred years for the first time, and then traveled to other places. He returned to the bottom of the Tiankeng to check every hundred years, and returned to the Tiankeng after traveling for 3000 years. As a result, he waited for 5000 years for the secret realm to be opened.

Afterwards, the time has come for him to make an appointment with his friends to go to another continent. He goes to the appointment, and before leaving, he puts some things in the cave to keep with the predestined people.

After reading the hand-carved jade slips, Le Yun: "..."

She thinks that it's a lie for the person who said to leave something for the latecomers to think about it. He dislikes the space that things take up, so he leaves the less valuable things in the temporary cave, so that the latecomers can find someone who remembers him. Well, I am grateful to him, if he cultivates the Golden Immortal, he can gain a piece of faith in vain.

Calculated by time, the owner of the Dongfu lived before the collapse of Dongchen Continent, that is, the era when the continent was still called "Star Continent".

Judging from the items, the sage is still alive, because the items he left behind are clean and clean, without any bad luck. If the owner is dead, then the jade slips carved by his hand must be lacking in vitality.

The universe is so amazing that it is not surprising that some people live forever.

Le Xiao, a native of the earth, is very rational and accepts the reality very plainly. After reading the master's jade slips, he will read another bundle.

After reading the jade slips, tie them up and put them back in their original places, and then collect the items. Mining spirit stones are two out of three. Jade and other products are used by the master to pass the time when he is bored. If other practitioners come, they may not look at them. She likes it and moves them all away.

He took some items away, thought for a while, took out a few pieces of jade slips, carved words with a knife, and recorded that he had been here, what he took away, made a record, and put them in the stone grid where the master of the cave put the jade slips.

Leave a record of "visit here", happily exit the warehouse, reset the stone gate, and then hide the stone gate with fingerprints, making sure there is no flaw, sneak into the kitchen of the cave to remove the stone pot, the stone pot The material of the pot is good, because beasts drink blood without hair and can't cook, so the stone pot was not dirty by pythons.

Bai picked up a bunch of items, Le Xiao was in a good mood, sprinkled a lot of medicinal powder in the cave, closed the stone gate, set up a phantom array to protect the cave, and then floated out of the cave.

There is a smell of pythons everywhere in the tiankeng. The rare spiritual plants were eaten by the pythons, leaving some fruit-bearing spiritual plants, a few of each were dug up, and the bryophytes were not spared.

After sweeping the plants at the bottom of the tiankeng, Le Yun flew to the side of the lake, thought for a while, took out the aircraft, and flew above the invisible vortex of the lake.

As soon as the aircraft carried the people to the vortex area, the vortex rotated, and the golden light flashed. The vortex enveloped the people and the aircraft, and the vortex moved downward and disappeared in the lake.

Classmate Le Xiao has the experience and experience of going to and from secret realms, so he was ready as soon as he entered the battle. When the vortex was spinning and the golden light flashed in front of him, he just closed his eyes. Anyway, he couldn't see any useful pictures with his eyes open. Be quiet and be a beautiful girl.

Closing the eyes also prevented the eyes from being dazzled. Only the dizzy feeling of dizziness and dizziness in the brain, and it took a long time for the feeling of being thrown into the spinning drum of the washing machine to disappear.

When the dizzy feeling stopped, she vaguely heard the high-pitched "Awow" cow cry, and when she opened her eyes, she was dazzled by a burst of white light, and her brain was shaking as if it was half filled with water, which was not very good.

After a while, Le Yun's vision recovered. When she looked closely, there was a big lake under her feet. The lake was blue and blue, and there was white mist on the water. On the shore of the lake about five miles away was a vast grassland. , The grass is green, and the wild flowers on the grass are blooming, colorful.

On the grassland paved with wild flowers and green grass, groups of yaks, antelopes, and deer either graze or walk or stand and look around. , or drinking water by the lake, some of the young yaks followed their mothers, some were running and playing, and the sounds of "ooo moo moo" and "baa baa baa baa" came and went.

Antelopes and deer herds are also in groups, and they do not interfere with yak herds.

"..." Le Yun was dumbfounded, where is this?Was it teleported to the African savannah on Earth?

(End of this chapter)

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