magic eye doctor

Chapter 1364 Eccentricity

Chapter 1364 Eccentricity
In nature, you eat and you eat you, one thing falls and one thing falls, there is no natural disaster or external interference, and the ecological balance can be maintained under normal circumstances.

Student Le is not worried that killing the lion king will destroy the local ecological balance. She has scouted and found that besides lions and beasts, there are leopards, wolves and crocodiles nearby, as well as large eagles among birds and beasts, all of which are carnivores. Lions and beasts are just one of the natural enemies of yaks.

Even if there is no lion king, with the development speed of the lions, there will be a new king soon, and other carnivorous beasts will also have the opportunity to rise. The biological ecological chain is out of balance.

With no pressure in her heart, Le catches up with the lions, easily hunts down the lion king, returns to the space to collect blood, and then goes out to pick up the prey thrown away by the lions she caught.

The blue lion is muscular, and it is not difficult for a lion to drag a yak, but all lions that are not seriously injured always carry prey when they retreat.

The lion group that lost the leader of the demon king has retreated to the jungle like a tide. When the demon king beast disappeared, several nearby lions threw away their prey to prepare for the battle. They led the herd back because they could not find the leader.

Le picked up the yaks thrown by the lions and beasts, and went back to the place where the yaks and the lions fought in the meadow. After the battle with the lions, the yaks retreated.

Both the lions and the yaks did not take away the corpses of their companions after the battle. Twenty of the lions died on the battlefield, and only five of those lions actually died on the spot. The rest were killed by the sudden appearance of humanoid beasts. The demon king, the lions could not run in time when retreating, and he was trampled and hit by yaks and died.

The loss of yaks is several times greater than that of lions and beasts. In addition to the yaks dragged away by lions, there are more than [-] cattle corpses lying on the battlefield. Knocked down while dizzy and lost his life.

Returning to the battlefield where the orcs used to be, Xiao Le picked up the corpses silently. There were a few yaks that were still breathing. Judging from the injuries, the injured yaks could not survive, so they simply made up the knife, collected blood, and collected the corpses as their own. .

Some corpses were trampled to pieces, and no useful material was available, so they were discarded.

After sweeping the battlefield, Le Xiao returned to her secret place to dissect lions and monsters. After dissecting several lions and beasts, it would be dawn soon. The snail fetches water.

At dawn, all things are revived, and the animals wake up to start a day's life course.

Last night, a large-scale battle took place in the meadow in the middle of the mountain, and the smell of blood filled the air. In the early morning, carnivorous birds flew to the meadow to pick up ready-made corpses, and those trampled out of shape beast carcasses also became their breakfast.

Spend a dangerous yak, or gnaw grass, or go to a nearby stream pond to drink water.

Le, who returned to Caodianzi refreshedly, saw dark birds circling in the sky, and carrion hawks and vultures snatching corpses on the ground.

She silently sneaked into the herd of yaks, found the cow that had lost its calf, and sneaked up to milk the cow. The cow had lost its calf and had enough milk. If there were no other calves to suckle, the milk would soon run out.

The cow that had lost its calf did not repel when the humanoid approached, and stood quietly to be milked.

The yak has a large body and a large milk production. One squeeze is enough to produce seven or eight taels of milk.

After milking the cow, Le classmate helps shear it. Winter is still far away, and the short hair of the yak will grow back in a few months. Moreover, the yak sheds its hair naturally every year. If it is not sheared, it will be a waste.

Relying on her high affinity, she can pretend to be a plant by smearing some medicinal juice. The little loli is like a fish in water, shuttles freely among the yaks, milks the cows that have lost their cubs, shears, and helps feed the calves. Cows for milk are milked.

Collected about [-] catties of fresh milk in one morning; walked around the semi-alpine meadow, and then went to the alpine meadow to milk and shear the cows.

After milking the cows, I hurriedly picked up cow dung, and sometimes I sheared the yaks that came together. At noon, I went to milk the cows again, and then picked up the cow dung, and then milked the cows again near the evening.

In order to collect yak milk, Le Xiao also worked very hard. During the day, he milked the cows three times a day and picked up cow dung. At night, half of the time the cats spent their time cultivating land and planting trees in the hanging space, and half of the time they spent meditating and resting in nature.

Qingshi lost two demon kings, lost its most powerful combat power, and did not attack yaks again, changed targets, hunted other animals, and only occasionally hunted yaks that were left alone.

For eight days in a row, there were no powerful herds of beasts attacking the yaks. On the tenth night, a group of leopards went to the alpine meadow to attack the antelopes and killed a few yaks by the way.

After that, there were often herds of beasts carrying out sneak attacks every now and then, all of which were small-scale operations.

In the blink of an eye, three months have passed, and the grass in the alpine meadow has withered, the temperature has turned cold, and the snow line of the glacier on the snow peak has moved downward.

In a fine weather, the yaks, sheep, horses, elephants and other animal tribes in the alpine meadow sub-area migrate down the mountain. Thousands of herds move mightily, which is very spectacular.

Le Xiaoluoli stood in the air and enjoyed the grand animal migration scene. When they left the meadow, she sucked up the lake water with swallowing snails, and took out the animal gang to pick up cow dung.

The lake was drained, and after a day and a night the water level was restored.

Le picked up cow dung for a day and a night in the meadow, and then chased the migrating herds. The cattle on the alpine meadow moved to the half-alpine meadow to join their peers, forming a larger migratory team and moving down the mountain.

Herbivores migrate, and carnivores follow suit.

It took eight days for the yaks to migrate from the semi-alpine meadows to the lowland plains. On the third day after moving to the plains, a group of wolves hunted the yaks, and also attracted the blue lions, leopards, rock leopards and clouded leopards. Assists, and scattered civets and birds took the opportunity to pick up the leak.

It was a brutal battle for survival, involving nearly 30 beasts.

The sheep and donkey beast tribes are not strong in fighting, and they all rely on yaks to support them. There are shadows of animals on the plain, the sound of hoofs is dense like raindrops, the roar is like drums, and the smell of blood permeates the whole field.

Originally, Le Yun was not planning to intervene in the ecological war of the orcs. After seeing that all carnivores regarded yaks as prey, and watched many young yaks being hunted and shredded, and the yaks fell one after another, they suddenly became angry. Hold the sword, rush into the pack of wolves and find the leader of the wolf clan to fight.

Among the many hunting beasts, the wolf clan has the largest number, with a total of more than 200. There is also a monster king beast, with more than [-] monster king-level monsters. Such a powerful wolf clan is enough to destroy the yak clan.

There are about [-] yak herds, and they are hunted as soon as they reach the plains. In winter, the number of hunts will only increase. After a winter, how many yaks will be left?
It is difficult for yaks to survive, and there are so many enemy animals, how can they overbreed.

Because of being with yaks for several months, Le Yun collected three to four thousand catties of fresh milk, and has a higher affection for yaks than other beasts. She can't see carnivorous beasts bullying the weak and helping the weak.

The leader of the demon king of the wolf tribe saw a humanoid two-legged beast rushing into the wolf tribe to find trouble, and dismissed it. It didn't pay attention until the humanoid beast rushed into the wolf tribe and killed more than a thousand of its own tribe. , fighting with humanoid beasts.

Classmate Le held the magic weapon and fought with the leader of the wolf clan in the air.

The wolf family is a gray wolf family, with gray-black back and gray-white belly. The leader is as big as a yak, with a tail like an iron broom and hair like a steel needle.

The wolf demon emperor has reached the peak of the demon emperor and is very difficult to deal with, especially the wolf tribe's unique skill "Xiaoyue".

One man and one beast fought in the air for half an hour. Classmate Le used a potion to make the wolf demon king unable to use his true energy, so that he was unable to continue.

Successfully killing the wolf demon king, her head was aching from being attacked by mental power several times. At that time, she didn't care about rest, and rushed into the pack of wolves with her painful head and killed more than 100 demon king beasts. Go to the most numerous group of rock leopards and kill ten rock leopards from the twelfth level to the demon king level. Seeing that the crisis of the yak group is lifted, go back to the space to adjust your breath.

The wolf demon emperor died in battle. Hundreds of demon kings and thousands of wolf cubs were killed. The rock leopard also suffered huge losses.

The battle lasted for another quarter of an hour, and the predators were unable to turn the tide of the battle. All the orcs sent out signals to withdraw their teams and retreated with their prey.

The herd of predators retreated in all directions, and the herd of yaks only chased for a few hundred meters. Reluctantly, they withdrew their troops, called their companions, and gathered together to rest.

The plains and grasslands were in a mess, with beast carcasses everywhere, and the cheap birds immediately landed and scrambled for food.

Adjusting breath in the space for a while, taking a lot of elixir, Le Yun also recovered a lot of vitality, and when the chaotic sounds outside became quieter, he went out of the space to watch.

Looking down from the air, the grass on the plain grassland is lying down in pieces, and the carcasses of animals are scattered. In some places, the grass and the ground are stained red with blood. Groups of eagles, vultures, and crows are robbing for food, and the herd of yaks is in the distance. Rest, many yaks are injured and bloody.

After patrolling for a while, Le Yun threw out the aircraft, and at the same time released the organ beast gang to pick up the corpses. He also quickly snatched the corpses of the monsters, and snatched back the bodies of two monster king-level monsters from the mouth of the birds.

She brought the mechanical beast across the border like a hurricane, and swept away a large number of animal carcasses. It took about two hours to clean up the animal carcasses on the grass. Of course, she didn't snatch the food that the birds were eating.

After cleaning the battlefield, little Loli sprinkled some medicinal powder to get rid of the bloody smell, then went to the river to fetch water to wash off the bloody smell, and climbed back to her private land to practice in peace of mind.

In the battle with the predators, the yak herd lost about [-] members, and the team shrank a lot. After rectification, it slowly moved south.

Le primary schoolmate adjusted his breath for a whole day and night before recovering his damaged mental strength. He revived with full blood, followed the herd of yaks, milked cows, picked up cow dung, fed birthmarks on his arms to eat stones, and dug spiritual plants. He was extremely busy.

For the future of the yaks, she secretly went to the large number of beasts such as the wolf clan and the leopard clan, and wiped out the large monster beasts within a radius of [-] miles. One month later, she bid farewell to the yaks, Single-handedly embarked on the expedition to find the teleportation array.

(End of this chapter)

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