magic eye doctor

Chapter 1366 Brother is here

Chapter 1366 Brother is here
Luocheng Yuqi wished Yu Mowen four people and the head of Zhuerba a few people to take it easy on the way from Xilu to Yujing Mountain. It took a lot of time to stop and go, so they delayed arriving at Yujing Mountain until early September .

Yuheng Sect's advance troops had arrived, and when headmaster Zhu Erba arrived, he was greeted by his disciples. Yuxia Yuxue Sect heard that Yulan Sect's disciples were coming, and they all came out of the camp to look at each other.

When everyone saw only the four direct disciples of the Yulan Sect, but not the little fairy, they were very shocked, and the Head Master Shang flew to the Yuheng Sect's tent to inquire about the news.

Head Zhuerba invited the four disciples of Yulan Sect to be guests at Yuheng Sect first. When they met Head Shang, they invited them to sit and drink tea.

Head Shang was not polite either, he followed his master into the Yuheng Sect as a guest, exchanged a few polite greetings and then got straight to the point: "Renren Luo, the little fairy didn't go with you guys, but did you go to the Yuxue Sect as a guest?"

The head of Juerba, who knew the inside story, smiled and said nothing, the four senior brothers of the Yulan Sect were sad, and Luo Cheng looked indifferent on the surface: "Little sister went to the restricted area of ​​the West Land, and probably found a secret place to have fun, and forgot the time."

Head Shang couldn't help being dumbfounded: "Little Fairy went to the restricted area?"

"Yes," Luo Cheng couldn't help but feel sad: "Our senior brother and the head of Juerba personally sent the younger junior sister to the restricted area, saw the younger junior sister enter the restricted area with their own eyes, and made an appointment to meet in two years, but the younger junior sister released us again. , we will come to Yujing Mountain first."

"This..." Head Shang wanted to say, "Is this okay? You are not afraid that the little fairy will be in danger", but he didn't say it in the end.

"Sect Leader Shang, don't worry, Junior Sister is carrying a Golden Retriever, and the contract between my Junior Brother and Golden Retriever is always there." Yu Qi guessed that Master Shang was worried about Junior Sister's safety, and explained aloud that if Junior Sister stumbles, Golden Retriever will also There is no doubt that he must die. The contract between Nineteen and Golden Retriever has not been broken, which means that Golden Retriever is fine, and it also means that the little junior sister is fine.

Head Shang was also relieved, and told head Zhuerba and the four direct disciples of the Yulan Sect who had arrived.

Hearing that Mu Er has also come and is still intimate with Xiao Wuya, Luo Cheng secretly murmurs, what kind of conspiracy does Mu Er want to do?
Sect Leader Juerba and others came from the central part of the West Land. Sect Leader Shang didn't stay long, chatting for a while before leaving.

Luo Cheng took his juniors to the camp area reserved by Yuxuezong for Yulanzong. The camp reserved by Yuxuezong for Yulanzong was next to Yuxuezong, so that they could visit each other conveniently.

There are several small tents in the camp of the Yulan Sect. The four brothers took out three large tents and put them up at the front, and then pitched a few medium-sized tents. The four of them rested in the main tent.

Little Wuya and Second Senior Sister went out early and returned late. When they came back in the evening, they saw the Yulan Sect set up a big tent, thinking that the elders of the sect had come, they were extremely happy, and rushed to the camp at a speed like a meteor chasing the moon.

Mu Yuechan also saw the big tent of the sect, and felt very conflicted. She especially wanted to know if the master had come, and was afraid that the master would scold her, so she didn't dare to ask, so she chased the little black duck and flew back to the camp area, standing in the main tent. outside.

The four senior brothers in the tent knew that Little Wuya and several disciples had returned, and Yu Jiujiu sent a message: "Little Wuya, senior brother asked you to come in and answer."

Brothers are here?When Mu Yuechan heard the sound, she looked into the tent in surprise, but she couldn't see anything.

"Yes." The little black duck cheered up, straightened his waist, walked into the main tent, and when he passed through a layer of light, he saw only four senior brothers in the main tent, and was stunned at that moment, like thunder Standing like a split and unable to move.

"Little Wuya, I haven't seen you for only [-] or [-] years, don't you know your brother?" Little Wuya stood still like an idiot, Yu Qi laughed and joked.

"Oh, no," the little black duck's wandering mind was pulled back, and he hurriedly shook his head, looked at the elder brother sitting on the main seat, then at the seventh and ten 69th brothers, saluted respectfully, and rushed forward, Yi Chong rushed to stop between the senior brother and the seventh senior brother.

Little Wuya is the youngest junior sister. Luo Cheng and his juniors have always loved her junior sister very much, and they have become accustomed to her behavior of squeezing in the middle. Yu Qi turned to one side: "Junior sister is so happy. Got something?"

"There's no big gain, I'm only happy when I see my seniors." Little Wuya sat down on the ground, looked out of the tent, and carefully observed the expression of the elder brother: "Eldest brother, the second senior sister is also outside. "

"I know." Luo Cheng didn't even lift his eyelids: "I don't want to see her, you should also be careful, don't be so stupid as to pour out your heart and soul to everyone."

"Second Senior Sister, is it are using things to subsidize the Cang Yue Imperial Family again, making the Senior Brothers unhappy?" Little Wu Ya shrinks her head. She likes to be close to Senior Senior Brother the most, and is also most afraid of Senior Senior Brother. Senior Senior Brother is like a father and an elder. Brother, you are also meticulous in teaching them how to practice, and never bend the law for personal gain.

Little Wuya can't hide her words, Luo Cheng is afraid that she will leak her words, so she can't directly tell her to guard against Mu Er's tricks, so she just doesn't mention it.

Yu Qi and his junior brother also know what little black duck is like, so they never mention Mu Er, let alone reveal that Elder Mu has dealt with Elder Miao.

The little black duck talked about some serious business before impatiently asking: "Senior Brother Seven, where did that little fairy go? The senior brothers of the Yuxue Sect and the Yuheng Sect said that they accompanied the little fairy on a tour of the continent, why didn't they come with you?" ?”

"The little fairy went to a secret place in the west land and hasn't come out yet. She hasn't come yet." Yu Qi flicked the little black duck's forehead with her nails: "You are so active because you heard that the little fairy can make spiritual food, right? The fairy is very talkative, but don't think that she has a good temper and use her as a master chef, pestering the little fairy to cook you spiritual food."

"I don't have it!" The little black duck's face flushed rapidly, and he firmly denied it.

"You're blushing." Yu Qi exposed Little Wu Ya mercilessly. The little Wu Ya's blushing showed that she was guilty, and it also showed that she really wanted to find the little fairy for spiritual food.

The little black duck slumped in misery, touched his forehead and sighed, thinking that if the little fairy came, he would be able to eat delicious spiritual food every day, his dream was shattered!
The four senior brothers turned a blind eye to the little black duck's pitiful expression and resolutely did not condone it. The little black duck has no city mansion and has soft ears. It's only natural for a little fairy to cook spiritual food for others, and she must be offended to death.

They love the little black duck and don't want the little black duck to be rejected by the little fairy. They must first eliminate all bad signs from the root.

The little black duck didn't make a fuss, knowing that the seniors treated him very well, he didn't dare to cling to the seniors all the time, and reported to the seniors what he had learned from his own investigations, and left in a hurry.

Mu Yuechan didn't know which sect elders came this time, she felt uneasy, no one summoned herself, and she wouldn't let herself back down, she didn't dare to enter the main tent by herself or leave first, she stood outside the main tent and waited.

After waiting for quite a while, the little black duck came out of the main tent and asked in a low voice: "Junior Sister, which elders of the sect will arrive first? I will also greet the elders later."

"Second Senior Sister, the elders of the Zongmen haven't come yet, it's Senior Senior Brother Seventh Senior Brother and they have arrived, Senior Senior Brother said that there is no need to report if there is no special event, be careful when you go out." Little Wuya saw Second Senior Sister and a few insiders waiting outside. The disciples of the sect also conveyed the words of the senior brothers to the audience.

Several inner disciples respectfully responded, "I would like to abide by the order of the elder brother", and immediately went back to their tents to practice.

Mu Yuechan heard that the elder brother and Yu Qi had come first, and knew that Luo Yiyi had a prejudice against herself, and would never let herself into the main tent to make her look good, so she respectfully responded to the salute and retreated like inner disciples , and then go to the small tent behind the main tent with the little black duck.

When she got to her small tent at the back of the main tent and was about to leave, Mu Yuechan asked tentatively: "Junior Sister, have you seen the little fairy? Is the little fairy in a good mood?"

"No, the little fairy hasn't come yet." Thinking of not being able to eat the delicious spiritual food, the little black duck felt very disappointed, and crawled back to his tent to nest up and practice.

Senior brothers are either Yuanying or Jindan, and she is still in the bigu stage alone, even if she is the youngest among the direct disciples, Xiao Wuya feels ashamed and hurry up to practice.

A certain girl did not go with Luo Yiyu and the others, and Mu Yuechan was not surprised, and she couldn't inquire about someone's whereabouts, so she went back to her tent silently, and went to Yujing Mountain again the next day. By the way, inquire about various news.

The second senior sister took the initiative to take her to practice, but the little black duck was embarrassed to refuse, and followed the senior sister to go out early and return late, going back and forth, and forgetting the little sadness of not being able to eat spiritual food.

Luo Cheng and his juniors stayed in the camp for two days to rest and meet with some visitors, and then ran all over the mountains with the disciples of Yuheng Yuxia Yuxue Sect, searching for various mushrooms, honey, grouse and so on.

When the treasure hunt groups from all over the mainland arrived at Yujing Mountain one after another, on the first day after the Double Ninth Festival in September, the Cangyue Empire in the north made a large-scale attack on the neighboring Mingyue Empire. transport!

Cangyue Kingdom has secretly prepared for more than three years. It has sufficient preparations and gathers 3000 million elite soldiers to attack Mingyue Kingdom. Mingyue Empire secretly prepares for Cang Yue.

The war between the empires is what the two countries and neighboring countries are most concerned about, and it will not affect other regions. Countries and tribes that have not had major wars are busy collecting supplies and storing what they need for the winter.

The treasure hunters in Yujing Mountain were far away from the northern border, so naturally they didn't know that the Cangyue Empire was using troops against the Mingyue Empire.

At the beginning of late September, the Jade Snow Sect's troops also arrived at the secret realm, followed by another group of expedition members from the Yuheng Sect, and at the end of the second ten days, the Jade Qing Sect's Yulan Sect's expedition team arrived.

All the sects of the five great immortal sects are still led by the head of the sect to visit in person, and it is inevitable to exchange feelings after the meeting.

Mu Yuechan catches the little black duck and runs all over the mountain every day, and returns to the camp at dusk. Seeing the disciples of the same clan, she knows that the elders of the sect are here, so she packs up and goes to the main tent with the little black duck to pay respects to the elders of the sect.

Sect Leader Li and the elders summoned Mu Er and Xiao Wu Ya. In fact, they were doing it to save face for Xiao Wu Ya. If Mu Er asked to see him alone, they would not bother to meet him.

Mu Yuechan entered the main tent and found that the master was there, the left protector was replaced by the right protector, and Elder Lan didn't come. The bad feeling is getting stronger and stronger.

Feeling uneasy, Mu Yuechan kept a low profile, tried not to run to the front of the main tent, and stayed with Xiao Wuya quietly every day, so as to listen to the news easily.

(End of this chapter)

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