Chapter 148
Last night, the stars and the wind last night, and the wind blows as soon as the wind blows. The next day is September 9, which is also Sunday. The freshmen will continue their military training, and the old students can sleep until they wake up naturally.

The two classes of national defense students all got up at [-] o'clock, ran to eat breakfast, and hurried to the west playground. Originally, the class led by Instructor Wang had to arrive at the playground one hour earlier, and had nothing to do with the class led by Instructor Li, while the national defense students hurried to the west playground. They have a group concept, and they ran to the playground in advance to gather together.

The national defense students rushed to the west playground and saw that the two instructors had arrived one step ahead. They were frightened and trembled. They quickly lined up on the runway. I was mentally prepared, I knew that training was indispensable, and I was so clueless that I didn’t know what the training would be like.

Wang Ziqiang and Li Zuo's face was extremely ugly, as if painted with ink. Yesterday's challenge game not only made the national defense students lose face in front of the whole school, but also lost their face outside the school. Even the National University students have made accusations, you said, How can they be seen as instructors?
They haven't laughed since yesterday afternoon. At this moment, the two of them saw that most of the national defense students were lethargic.

Sun Shilin and Wang Xiuwen didn't dare to look directly at the instructor in front of them. Even if they asked to look straight ahead, they didn't dare to really look at the instructor. They knew that the instructor was already in a state of rage. Holding firecrackers.

Wang Ziqiang's gloomy eyes swept across a group of students, he tried his best to restrain Taotian's anger, and called out by name, "Bian Yuan."

"Here." Bian Yuan responded loudly when he was called, ran out of the queue, ran from the back row to the instructor, stood at attention and saluted, waiting to be trained.

Seeing the simple and honest face of classmate Bian, Wang Ziqiang extinguished his anger no matter how big it was.

"...Report to the instructor, my injury is...During the training in the military camp last time, I accidentally fell to the ground when I was with the officers and hit a stone." Bian Yuan did not expect that the instructor would suddenly ask him. Injured, he was stunned before answering.

Other national defense students thought that the instructor was going to scold Bian, but they didn't expect the instructor to scold him, but instead asked Bian about his injuries, and everyone's thinking was a little dull.

"Why didn't you say it at the time?" Wang Ziqiang felt a little irritable, and he couldn't report the injury. If there were any bad consequences from overtraining, no one would want to see the consequences.

"It's just a minor injury, it's fine if you don't get hit."

"You will be exempted from doing push-ups in the future, and the training tasks will be halved like girls. You can return to the team." Wang Ziqiang's expression softened a little, and classmate Bian was injured in the military camp and did not publicize that he was disciplined.

"Yes!" Bian Yuan ran back to the class without asking the reason.

"Sun Shilin, Wang Xiuwen—"

Sen Leng's voice made all the national defenses shudder violently. For a time, everyone was like a big enemy, and their whole body was tense, and they didn't even dare to breathe.

Sun Shilin and Wang Xiuwen trembled in their calves and almost fell. They hurriedly steadied themselves and ran to the instructor to respond. The two stood up straight and pressed their middle fingers lightly on the midline of their trousers. Because they were too nervous, their bodies could not hold back their slight slumps. trembling.

The two suffered a heavy blow. Yesterday, they were locked in the dormitory all afternoon and night, daring not to see anyone, and they couldn't sleep well at night, their eyes were blue and haggard.

The mental state of the two boys was extremely poor, Wang Ziqiang hated that iron would not become steel, and the anger in his eyes became more and more intense: "If you don't have the ability to catch a dragon, don't go into the sea, and if you don't have the ability to fight a tiger, don't climb the mountain. You don't have the slightest ability to challenge a girl who is several years younger than you, and even publish hero posts for fear that others don't know.

Sun Shilin and Wang Xiuwen trembled as if they were electrocuted, and their legs were shaking like noodles.

Not a single one of the dozens of national defense students dared to say a word, and everyone kept their mouths tightly shut, for fear of making a noise and scratching the instructor, causing a thunderous wrath.

"The challenge post was written so imposingly, and the whole class left a message to invite the girls to accept the challenge. They were so brave and fearless. Why is no one talking now, and they are all dumb?"

With an angry shout, the defense students couldn't raise their heads, everyone's heart trembled, and all of them shivered like frightened deer.

Li Zuo stood quietly, not helping the students out of the siege, nor trying to persuade Instructor Wang.

Sun Shilin and Wang Xiuwen's legs and feet were weak, almost turning into soft-footed shrimp, and they barely managed to stabilize their bodies. The heart was like a boat in the waves, bouncing up and down with the waves, unable to control, unable to moor.


Even their souls were surrounded by terror. They could feel the violent anger of the instructor. Under the frontal cover of that air pressure, it was as if dozens of knives were pointing at their hearts.

"No one talks, right?" No one answered himself, and no one dared to take responsibility. Wang Ziqiang smiled angrily: "Sun Shilin and Wang Xiuwen, in addition to the double punishment I mentioned yesterday, in addition, from tomorrow morning to the end of military training every morning Come to the playground ahead of time and run 25 laps and do [-] push-ups."

Boom - The hearts of the defense students jumped, and their hearts slammed into their hearts so hard that people's eyes turned golden flowers. Every morning, they ran a penalty of [-] meters.

"..." Sun Shilin and Wang Xiuwen's eyes were full of flowers, his legs were weak, he fell down and knelt on the playground, his whole body trembled, and he couldn't even get up.

The defense students in the front row saw Student Sun and Student Wang so frightened they sat down, their legs were soft, each pursed their lips tightly, not daring to snort.

The two boys fell spinelessly and turned into soft-footed shrimp. Instructor Wang didn't show any pity, didn't even blink his eyelids, and looked down at the two of them condescendingly.Why didn't you think about the consequences when you posted the challenge behind his back?

He can help with small matters. This time, not only is the commotion known to everyone, but even the NUS has heard rumors. NUS students are not undergraduates who are admitted to NUS by fresh high school students, but are among the national defense students in colleges and universities in Beijing. The top-notch personnel, as well as the outstanding talents with their own strengths who are recommended by the military academies and various units to enter the National University, are at least at the graduate level.

The students of the National University disgraced the national defense students because of a national defense student in Qingda University. They unanimously stated that they accused the two national defense students who challenged for their sinister intentions. They demanded that the reasons be strictly investigated, the two were severely punished, and the reputation of the national defense students was safeguarded. At the same time, they also accused Their instructors are dereliction of duty.

There are so many trouble-making students in his military training class, Wang Ziqiang just wants to kick people back to their hometown and let them recreate.

He was looking down at the two boys who couldn't afford to kneel when he heard the "beep" sound of the motorcycle and turned his head to look. On the road outside the West Playground, a motorcycle was rushing towards the playground. On the motorcycle coming here, Instructor Wang vaguely guessed who was coming, and the already black face was even more ugly.

He didn't look at the students, nor at the two boys who were planted on the ground. He turned around and faced the direction of the car. Li Zuo also walked over to Instructor Wang and waited for the officer from an unknown unit.

Sun Shilin and Wang Xiuwen wanted to stand up, but their legs were so weak that they couldn't exert any strength.

The national defense students standing in a row saw the instructor turn around, and they all looked over. When they saw the motorcycle rushing towards Rufei, they were startled at first, then ecstatic. Was the instructor invited by President Chao here?

The arrogant motorcycle, hunchbacked from far to near, when it is close to the eyes, everyone can see that there are two people in the car, the car whizzes and hurries, stops at the intersection outside the track, and the person in full helmet takes off He put on his protective helmet, revealing a handsome face.

Young Master Liu and Young Master Yan are both dressed in trousers and white shirts, suave and graceful, Young Master Yan is carrying a backpack, Young Master Liu casually put his helmet on the handlebars, and walked towards the two instructors with a sunny face: "Yo, good morning. Ah, you're all waiting for me? To be honest, I've never been in favor of welcoming ceremonies or anything."

Instructor Wang and Instructor Li couldn't answer the conversation. They didn't know what Liu Shao's position was at the moment, and they didn't dare to check it out easily. Some officers were classified as confidential, and whoever touched them would touch the bottom line of secrecy.

Yan Xing glanced at the audience, his eyes were full of coldness.

Whether it was Young Master Yan or Young Master Liu, when he was blind, he didn't seem to see the two boys sitting on the ground. : "This is my certificate, the two comrades will check it out."

When Instructor Wang saw the military ID card, he saluted before taking the small book with both hands. He gently opened it and touched the military rank description on the ID card for the first time. His breath suddenly suffocated, he quickly closed the card, took a step forward, and once again Standing at attention and saluting: "Hello sir, XX Department No. XX Wang Ziqiang asks for your instructions."

Li Zuo also took a step forward and gave a proper salute.

When Instructor Wang looked at Young Jun's certificate, Instructor Li also saw it, and with just one glance, he could also see the officer rank on the certificate - Colonel, that handsome young man turned out to be a Colonel with two bars and four stars.

There are four grades of school-level officers, namely, major, two bars and one star; lieutenant colonel, two bars and two stars; colonel, two bars and three stars; major colonel, two bars and four stars.

The colonel is also the highest school-level officer under the major general level. In peacetime, the promotion of sergeants is slow. Only the special forces who perform special tasks are promoted faster. To be promoted to the colonel at a young age must have experienced bloody storms, life and death tasks.

As soldiers of the major rank, they naturally know the hardships of promotion and the unknown efforts they have to put in. They were promoted to the rank of major not because of their military exploits, but because of their technology. They used to be electronics, self-control He and other professional national defense students participated in the research and development of several major technologies, thus accumulating meritorious service and being able to be promoted to major at the age of less than 30.

Knowing Liu Shao's rank, the two instructors were cold-hearted and did not dare to hesitate any longer. They saluted their superiors. The troops were strictly disciplined. No matter if they were of the same arm or different arm, the lower-ranking officers had to show respect when they saw the higher-ranking officers. , and, in case of special circumstances, according to regulations, senior officers first have command power.

The national defense students were dumbfounded. Previously, senior national defense students were jealous of their current national defense students, saying that they had a bad luck, and they even made the Ministry of Defense look up to them, with the major acting as an officer.

It's better now, President Chao has invited someone to give them temporary guidance. His rank is higher than that of a major, doesn't that mean he is at least a lieutenant colonel?
Are they...are they really walking and stepping on shit?

The national defense student was a little dizzy, and for a while, he forgot the horrified feeling brought by the previous instructor, and looked at the new instructor with green light in his eyes.

Sun Shilin and Wang Xiuwen felt as if they had fallen out of the ice cellar, and their bodies were cold. The officer was higher than the instructor, indicating that they could command their instructors at will. The officer surnamed Liu obviously had a heart for little girls. With him as the instructor, how could they? Can there be good fruit to eat?

Liu Xiangyang returned a military salute, took back his credentials, and smiled at the two instructors: "The military rank next to me is half a level higher than me, you just need to remember that no matter what instructions he has, you will execute them immediately without any consultation. room."

"Yes!" Instructor Wang's heart skipped a beat, his back tightened, and he obeyed the order loudly.

The hearts and minds of all the defense students were ups and downs with excitement, and they were short of breath.

"Don't be intimidating," Yan Xing smiled elegantly: "Don't be nervous, two comrades, I came here to cultivate, secondly, to study, and thirdly, by the way, I will help assess the future newcomers booked by a certain army. Sometimes it's just out of professional habit to go to the freshmen's side, you should do your job well, don't worry about me."

"Yes." The two instructors should have said, and there was a layer of cold sweat on the back of the vest. The two executives are in Qingda University. Since the freshmen have been admitted to the present, how they have trained the defense students must have been seen by the two executives long ago. It's clear, and the two senior officers have also seen and heard about the defense student challenging the little girl. This is... a disaster for the defense student.

The two speculate that the future of this year's national defense students is worrying!And as instructors, they are also worrying about their lack of control over national defense students.

"Instructor Wang, what did these two classmates do wrong? Why did they sit on the ground?" Liu Xiangyang showed a friendly face and cared about his classmates.

Sun Shilin and Wang Xiuwen froze all over, and even their breathing almost froze.

"Sir report, these two are Sun Shilin and Wang Xiuwen who challenged Le Le in the Department of Medicine, because they challenged without authorization and caused adverse effects. The two students knew that they were wrong, and they were afraid that the punishment would be too heavy. They were too timid to stand up. Stop."

Wang Ziqiang insisted that it was the fault of the students he taught, and he had to wipe his ass.

"Oh, that's it, Instructor Wang, you continue to train students, my brother and I are watching and observing." Liu Xiangyang's mouth was flat, and he snickered in his heart, alas, Instructor Wang still knows himself and knows that he will punish the defense students. Fine, the more severe the punishment, the happier the little beauty will be. If the little beauty is happy, he will have the hope of getting a meal.

Wang Ziqiang obeyed the order, turned around, did not train the defense students again, and shouted with a stern face: "Run now!"

"Yes!" The entire national defense shouted angrily, and a group of people rushed out like runaway horses, rushing to run in circles.

Not only the class led by Instructor Wang, but also the class led by Instructor Li did not stand by and took the initiative to run and exercise.

Can you be excited?
There are two very powerful officers watching, if you perform well, you will be in the eyes of the two officers, you will have a bright future.

A group of people took out the strength of milking and started running.

Stimulated by the roars of the defense students, Sun Shilin and Wang Xiuwen didn't know where the strength came from.

Dozens of people rushed out, like a marathon, and the scene was quite spectacular.

Liu Shao and Yan Shao walked slowly towards the circle of the track. Instructor Wang and Instructor Li trotted to keep up, and accompanied the two officers to observe the national defense students running in the circle.

"Instructor Wang, the skills of national defense students are very important, but the quality of people is more important. I hope Instructor Wang will pay more attention to the cultivation of morality." Liu Shao took a serious military step, and his speech was also serious, and his official tone was also good. Especially in place.

"Yes." Instructor Wang Instructor Li Instructor Mo Ming felt like a cold wind was blowing across his back, and his back was cold.

"Two comrades, take the time to make a comprehensive score sheet for national defense students, and show it to me tomorrow night. What I want is the most fair and objective comments, and don't mix personal feelings."

"Yes!" The two instructors did not dare to answer with slightest scorn.

"I'm very disappointed with the events of the first two days. This year's national defense students' military training scores cannot be given full marks, and the highest score is [-] points at most. You can give the scores of students Sun and Wang as you see fit. I want to focus on the two instructors. The few freshmen we have cultivated have been observed by Team Yan and I, and we can't agree."

"...Yes!" The coldness on the backs of Wang Ziqiang and Li Zuo was deeper and heavier.

"Most of the national defense students this year have bad conduct, but fortunately there are a few who are upright and keep their original aspirations. The classmate Bian in Instructor Wang's class, and the two in Instructor Li's class from De City and Victoria in Province Q have a good temperament. The two comrades should pay more attention to guidance.”

Liu Shao's voice was slow and slow. Instructor Wang's hair was cold, and his forehead was hot. He felt that a heart was taken out and first roasted on the fire, and then immersed in ice water. Pull out cool pull out cool.

"Well, in addition, supervise the students you manage not to cause trouble anymore. Le Xiao is not something that ordinary people can afford, and even we don't dare to touch her tiger whiskers. If the trouble gets bigger, the little beauty won't suffer any loss, and it's hard to say whether others have such a good life."

Liu Xiangyang felt that he was really great, but he kindly reminded the two instructors to take good care of the national defense.

He would kindly remind him, but he didn't want the behavior of the national defense students to embarrass the soldiers. After all, the national defense students were the reserve personnel of the army.

The two instructors: "..." I feel that the little girl looks even scarier than a tigress.

"Why, you don't agree?" Liu Xiangyang saw the two instructors' faces sinking like water, and showed a clear smile: "Whoever disagrees can die, just don't embarrass the soldiers."

Wang Ziqiang and Li Zuo took a deep breath and promised to strictly supervise the national defense students and try their best to keep them from causing trouble. means, or she has some special character to back her up.

What should have been said, Liu Shao and Yan Shao calmly watched the national defense students run. They even took out their binoculars. They were fully set up. Occasionally, they discussed which students had potential and who coordinated well.

Most of the time, Yan Shao is cold, with a smile on his face and a gentle and elegant appearance. If you stand not far from him, you can feel his indifference and alienation, rejecting people thousands of miles away.

The two young masters came to the general military training class, and ran to find the first class of medical students in the second battalion, the second row, the second row, and the first class. They found the little loli in the crowd, pulled them aside, and whispered in a whisper: "Little beauty, you are training tonight. , you remember to prepare some snacks in advance."

(End of this chapter)

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