magic eye doctor

Chapter 153 1 Personal

Chapter 153

The old lady was staggering, and Le Yun watched her being supported a few meters away, and she looked away sadly. It is normal for people to live, get old, get sick, and die. No one can escape or escape.

Suppressed, took off the backpack, found the rolled paper in the backpack, and pulled a piece of paper to wipe the residue on the casual shirt. on her clothes.

Yan Xing watched the little loli's every move through the sunglasses. Even if the clothes were soiled, the strange little loli did not dislike it. She calmly wiped the clothes with a tissue, then rolled the paper into a ball, wrapped it in clean paper, and Instead of throwing it away at random, he held it in his hand, turned around calmly, and walked to the left-hand side of the house.

Without investigation, there is no right to speak. He once again experienced the value of the experience of the predecessors. Before he did not investigate Little Loli, he had a heart of revenge, and he wished he could find a chance to relieve his hatred. After investigation, he realized the cause and effect relationship;

Now, once again, I have witnessed Little Loli's attitude towards the elderly, and have a deeper understanding of her character. Little Loli will not show mercy to rogue guys, but is extra tolerant to the elderly and weak. She has the most honest and kindness. .

Little Loli is the kind of person who makes people look more attractive, just like old wine, the more time it goes on, the more fragrant she gets, the more she knows more about her, and the more she wants to dig out more of her secrets.

Little Loli walked to the side, Yan Shao knew that what she was looking for might be nearby, or there was something in the yard that attracted her, so she kept up with her, and she was willing to be a sidekick.

The captain and the little girl walked towards the flowers and trees planted by the owner one after another. Zhuang Xiaoman's surprised mouth opened slightly. When did their captain become someone else's bodyguard?What makes people speechless is that the bodyguard job seems to be taken over by the captain voluntarily.

In the yard, there are stinky chrysanthemum, cockscomb, impatiens, morning glory, and Yizhanghong.

In the yard, there are pomegranates and dates full of fruit, as well as a peach tree, three or four bay laurels, a flowerbed built on the east side against the wall, loofah, wax gourd and pumpkin are planted, and the melon seedlings are all over the shelf.

The high mansion compound is full of vitality, but it cannot escape the impermanence of life, and tragedies will happen.

Others can't smell too many odors. Le Yun can clearly distinguish the odor of each flower, each tree, including each weed. Along the unique body odor of the plant, it slowly moves towards the mixture of [-]-zhang red and cockscomb. of flowers.

The cockscomb is white. This season, the cockscomb is in the flowering season. The head of each flower is like a rooster's comb.

Classmate Le paced to the corner of the flower bush and squatted down, opened the cockscomb stem and a few zhanghong. The two kinds of herbs were too lush and crowded together, blocking the sun, and there were few weeds.

The little loli stretched out her arms and pulled out the branches, and pressed the back of her hand to block the branches. Yan Xing finally saw her palms clearly. The cleaned hands were pink and more eye-catching.

He squatted beside her and stretched out his strong arms to help her block the flowering branches: "Which one is it?"

Several small plants under the flowers, they may recognize him, he doesn't know their names, in his eyes, they are all weeds.

Someone freed the handyman to help him block the flowering branches, and Le Yun's hand was free. She stretched out her small paws and touched the leaves of a small plant: "That's it."

Yan Xing looked at the plant pointed out by Little Loli. It was an inch and a half high—a weed. Forgive him, he really couldn't recognize what medicinal herbs it was. That grass was just a fern. Three leaves grow, small, very ordinary.

" a medicinal herb?" This kind of fern is spread all over the tropical forest. Whoever wants to buy it can guarantee that someone will deliver it by truck.

"Yeah." If it wasn't a medicinal herb, would she be thinking about it?

If she didn't pass by and smell the smell, I'm afraid it will be shoveled and hoeed sooner or later. I can't blame it for looking like a weed. It really doesn't grow anywhere. If the owner cleans up the word as a weed, no one will didn't know it existed.

Le Yun touched her chin: "It's not very easy to dig."

"Why don't you dig, just pull it out?" Little Loli didn't take any action, Yan Xing coolly came up with an idea, isn't it a weed, if you want the leaves to pinch the leaves, if you want to dig the roots, it's effortless will get it done.

"I want to dig out the whole root without hurting it."

"Your palm is injured, don't touch things, go away, and I'll help you dig." Little Loli dawdled, not at all happy, Yan Dashao took the job and took it all down.

Feeling good to have a handyman?Le Yun smiled secretly, rolled her eyes, and moved aside to be the audience.

Little Loli gave up her position, Yan Xing took the best position, let go of her arms, took off the keychain from her waist, took a key in her hand, and plucked the branches with her other arm to find the fern. , use the key as a hoe to pry the dirt.

Men are either lazy and do not work, but once they are willing to raise their hands and carry it efficiently, Master Yan will pry open the soil, dig out a semicircle a few centimeters away from the fern, and then pry it on the other side a few times, even with the fern. Dig with small clumps of dirt.

With a sense of accomplishment, Yanxing wiped off the soil on the key, re-hung it on his waist, held the soil and fern in his palm, stood up, turned the direction on purpose, and observed in the sunlight that there was nothing special about it. , gave the plant to the little loli who stared at her.

Le Yun, who was waiting for a piece of paper towel earlier, hurriedly took the plant, wrapped the soil and roots in paper, wrapped it, took out a plastic bag from her backpack and packed it, carried it in her hand, and left happily.

ungrateful!Yan Xing hummed in dissatisfaction and accompanies Little Loli to the door. There are professionals here, so he doesn't need to worry about the details.

The policeman guarding the door saw everything the little girl and Mr. Sunglasses did in the yard. He didn't say anything, opened the door, sent the two out, and closed the door again.

Zhuang Xiaoman also saw the captain and the little girl dig a grass in the yard. Because of this, his heart had already collapsed. Their tall captain actually accompanied a little girl as a grass thief. He was really drunk.

The staff quickly packed up the items, and then invited the old lady to take a last look at the deceased. The medical staff helped the old lady into the room. The old man burst into tears. Finally, he touched the child's cold face and covered his son with a white cloth while shaking.

The medical staff helped the old lady to the main hall. The police officers carried the things that needed to be sent out of the yard and loaded into the car. When the funeral car arrived, the deceased was transported away in the car. Finally, the guard was lifted. Please neighbors. Go in with the old lady and her clan to accompany and talk to the old lady.

Disarm the alert and close the police team.

Le and Yan Shao, who took the first step, went out of the compound and took a trailer first; Yan Da Shao took Little Loli for a while, and stopped far from the scene of the crime: "Little Loli, you Where is the medicinal material you are looking for? Which way should you go?"

"I've found it." Le Yun shook the thing she had brought up with delight: "Hey, this is what I'm looking for."

"...Didn't you say it's a rare medicinal herb? What you dug up is a fern, don't think I don't know a fern." Yan Xing felt fooled. Little Lolita clearly said that she smelled a rare medicinal herb, okay? , but what she dug up just now was a fern as common as dog's tail grass.

Don't tell him that it is a rare medicinal material. If the fern grass that can be found in the fertile and barren mountains and ridges is also a rare plant, whether it is north or south, there is no plant in China that is not a precious medicinal material.

Young Master Yan was in a gloomy mood. Little Lolita used a fern as a treasure to coax him. Did she bully him and didn't know how to do it?Or was she afraid of the good things he stole and didn't want him to accompany him to find them?

"Who said fern grass is not a rare medicinal material? The guy who doesn't know the goods has grown a pair of beautiful longan in vain." When people doubted his vision, Le Yun was unhappy.

"Isn't it a fern?" Is it a grass or a medicinal herb, what does it have to do with his dragon eye?
"It's a fern, yes, but you also need to see what kind of fern it is. Don't make comments if you don't know it. If you don't speak, others won't think you're dumb."

"..." Yan Xing conceded defeat and started the car again. Because there were people on the road, he couldn't drive too fast, so he went around Huajiatun and returned to Yihe Road.

He stopped at the permitted parking place and asked Little Loli for his opinion: "It's almost noon, should we eat outside the school or go back to the school to eat in the cafeteria."

"I'm rushing home to deal with the medicinal materials." Le Yun held a bag and someone's clothes with the other.

Yan Xing broke the casserole for the first time and asked to the end: "Little Loli, what is the origin of your fern?"

"There is a background, but it's not completely certain yet. I need to study it. If I'm not mistaken, the death of the deceased has a certain relationship with the little fern."

"Huh?" Yan Xing turned his head, and the doubt in his heart became infinitely larger: "Do you know that kind of bug?"

"A type of bone-eating worm."

"Bone-eating worms, isn't it legendary that they eat bones?" Those green worms eat internal organs, not bones.

Osteophagous worms are strange worms discovered by scientists from the bones of dead whales in the deep sea. They have no mouth, no eyes, and no stomach. It is currently unknown what unique way they use to eat whale bones.

"Who said that bone-eating worms don't eat meat and internal organs?" Classmate Le would never tell someone that the bone-eating insects she was talking about were not the kind of bone-eating insects he knew.

The bone-eating worms she mentioned are creatures from a long time ago, which belong to the creatures that have no written records on the current earth. There are some strange creatures in the data left by the former owner of the space, among which there are green bone-eating worms. .

"...How do you know?" Yan Xing was so choked that he forced out a sentence.

"It's okay to read a lot, and you will know a lot of strange things."

"I..." Yan Xing was stunned and speechless. Little Loli meant that he didn't read books and had narrow vision, so he was ignorant?
He feels that getting along with people who study medicine can drive people to a dead end in minutes, especially when talking to the strange little loli, sometimes they can force people to want to beat her in seconds.

Originally thought that he had helped anyway, brought her into Huajiatun, brought her into the residents' house, let her find what she wanted, she would give some face, who knows that the little loli's nature is hard to change, and it's not easy to pour cold water on people. Being merciful can kill life. He doesn't want to be the unlucky person who was killed by the anger of the little loli. He no longer struggles with that problem, drives, and runs away.

Little Loli didn't take the initiative to talk to people in the car, and he couldn't find a topic.

Little Loli had a hand injury, but he was still considerate. He was embarrassed to rub his face with his face. He took the little girl's helmet and put it in the back seat. After two steps, he looked back with a half-smile but not a smile: "Hey, you didn't eat dinner today?"

Yan Xing was slightly startled, and said, "Actually, I really want to eat rice." It's not that I don't want to eat rice, but the little loli can't always touch the water with her hands, so she has no face.

When he said that, the tips of his ears were hot and red, and it was fortunate that the get out of class had not ended at this time, the students had not returned, and no one saw his embarrassment, so he was not afraid of embarrassment.

"If you don't mind eating noodles, you can go upstairs." Classmate Le dropped a sentence, took eight-character steps, and ran to the stairs with a vigor.

Can I have a meal?Why is little loli so reasonable today?

Yan Xing, whose ears were still hot, became more and more suspicious, stared at the straight back of Little Loli and pondered for half a second, quickly put away her helmet, locked the car, stepped on the catwalk, and caught up with Little Loli as if she were flying.

Le Yun didn't look back, she climbed up to the fourth floor and went back to the dormitory. She threw the eunuch down first, put her backpack in the bedroom, and threw the fern she dug back into the space while she was putting the bag. She ran to the balcony to put away the dried pine mushrooms and cloud mushrooms. She did not expect that someone would come to the dormitory for dinner at noon, so she exposed fresh mushrooms that had never been exposed before. Now the eunuch is here. If he sees it, there is no explanation. .

Because the fungus has a fragrance, it can be smelled a little in the small living room. She put away the slightly wilted matsutake mushrooms and Yunzhi mushrooms, and took out some dried ones. In that case, even the eunuch could explain it when they saw it. It was sent by the family, and sometimes I have to take it out to bask in the sun.

After packing up the things on the balcony, Le Xiaoxue was relieved, and happily found clean clothes and took a bath first.

Yan Shao also understands that the old lady wiped her nose and tears on the clothes of Little Loli. Even if it is wiped clean, others will not be able to see it, but as a client, it will still be a little uncomfortable psychologically, not to mention that people who study medicine generally love it very much. clean.

Classmate Le didn't know what Yanren was thinking. If he wanted to know his thoughts, he would only turn to Ken and say: You think too much!She was not in a hurry to take a bath because her clothes were dirty and she felt uncomfortable, but she felt that the smell was on her body. The smell of the green bugs when they were burned was very unpleasant.

Not only herself, but also the eunuchs and the beautiful police uncle who were at the scene of the fire also had a stench on their bodies. The stench was diluted a little in the place where the air was ventilated, but it was still not completely eliminated.

The odor is very light, and people with an underdeveloped sense of smell can't smell it. The cola classmate's nose is too sensitive, and he doesn't like the smell.

I washed myself from head to toe, and took out my clothes to dry on the balcony. I turned around and opened the refrigerator to find something. Senior Chen bought too many things that day. The greens are not finished.

Yan Shao really wanted to help, but Little Loli didn't need him, he was useless as a hero, so he washed his hands and face himself, and sat quietly at the small table, admiring Little Loli cooking in the small kitchen, in his heart Then I prayed that Brother Chao would not come, hoping to let him enjoy a delicious meal alone.

When he was excitedly waiting for lunch, the school also came to the end of the school, and the old students who had been edified by knowledge for a long time were worrying about which cafeteria to go to again and again, and at the same time went their separate ways.

Liu Dashao flew out of the cage in the classroom, and excitedly ran to the parking lot to find someone Yan's car for dinner, but found that Yan's car was parked next to the carport. At that time, the corners of his mouth drooped down. !
Xiaoxingxing changed his car, indicating that he was going to the off-campus office. There was no traffic jam in Qingda University. The traffic pressure in Kyoto was heavy, and it was normal to drive a car and be blocked on the road. Fast, of course, that means close distance, if the distance is very far, it is recommended to take the subway.

Xiao Xingxing was not at school, so he was alone again. Thinking about it, Liu Xiangyang felt so lonely. Being alone was the most boring thing. He felt a little lonely in his heart and drove lazily to find food.

Chao Yubo did not go back to the dormitory after class. He went to the staff cafeteria to have a meal with a few classmates. He wanted to study his own subject, and he also studied other subjects at the same time, as well as the work of the student union and the party branch. He was very busy every day. In the past noon and evening After class, I finished my meal, either in the library or in the student union office, and I didn't go back to the dormitory to rest until the lights went out.

Since Lele came, he occasionally went to eat with her at noon or in the evening, generally following the old routine.

Last night, the freshman was training, and of course he had to make up for sleep when he came back. He didn't want to disturb Xiao Lele's rest, so he didn't make an appointment for dinner and went to the restaurant by himself.

He eats in the staff cafeteria a lot, because most of the school leaders and faculty members also eat in the staff cafeteria, and sometimes they can talk to the leaders about work in the cafeteria.

President Chao and his classmates parked the car outside the restaurant, and met Vice President Le and several members of the student union. All sentient beings walked together.

Le Shiyun naturally walked on the right hand side of President Chao and took the initiative to talk to him about work.

A group of people were walking and talking, just as they were about to enter the restaurant, a few people came rushing in behind, one of them roared and rushed to the side of the young president, grabbed the young man's shoulders, and squeezed into the young man and the young man. Between the Vice President Le.

Le Shiyun frowned slightly, and was extremely annoyed. What did the surnamed Li always mean?
"Little Chao, you really came here again, and you told me to catch up with you." Li Yubo snatched the man away without any guilt. He embraced the handsome young man and pushed him towards the boy Go a little over there.

"Is something wrong? Don't move your feet, you don't think it's too hot, I'm too hot." Chao Yubo slapped Li Shao's claws lightly.

"I have something to do, of course I have something to do. Let me ask you, what time does our cute little loli primary school girl usually make up for her sleep, and when is she free?"

Humph, it's that calamity again!Le Shiyun was in a very bad mood. She finally had the opportunity to eat at the same seat with President Chao today, but the surnamed Li came to disrupt the situation again because of the little girl, which was unbearable.

"Xiao Lele didn't send me a message at noon today, she's probably still sleeping."

"Xiao Lele hasn't woken up yet?" Li Yubo touched his nose sullenly. He still wanted to find Xiao Loli at noon.

"I probably haven't woken up. Lele has to choose a class in the afternoon. I don't have time. If you need something, remember to make an appointment around 04:30."

"Okay." Li Dashao had no choice but to follow the words of the young man, and turned his face to the brow: "Xiao Chao, I also made an appointment with you in advance. I will find Xiao Lele in the evening. You are not allowed to abduct people in advance."

"I won't kidnap Lele, but I can't guarantee whether Lele will be taken by Professor Wan Cheng to talk about his ideals after choosing a course."

"I'll go, Professor Wan Cheng is really a ticking time bomb, Xiao Chao, good buddy, can you make an appointment for us in advance? You know, Professor Wan Cheng is very familiar with the instructor of the Wushu Association, I'm afraid that the instructor will run away. Professor Wan Cheng went through the back door and used the name of Professor Wan Cheng to cut off Lele."

"Well, well, for your sincerity's sake, I'll let you know Lele before three o'clock in advance, just help this time, and find me through the back door in the future, this way will not work."

"Ha, this is a good buddy, let's go, everyone go upstairs, I'll take care of this."

Li Shao was overjoyed. Little Loli felt sorry for Xiao Chao the most. With Brother Chao helping you make an appointment, Little Loli would give some thin noodles no matter what.

"Okay, Minister Li, we're welcome." What are you still doing when someone is in charge?
A group of boys rushed to the second floor in an overwhelming manner, as if pushing their sleeves into a fight.

Everyone in the company was happy, and Le Shiyun had to follow the local customs, pretending to be happy and going upstairs with everyone.

Yan Xing sat and waited. He heard the commotion outside the building and the occasional sound of stepping on the stairs outside. He couldn't help but kept guessing if Brother Chao and his classmates were coming again. He didn't want to see those guys. , Every time I sit at the same table with those fresh young handsome guys, Little Lolita's attention is always robbed, which is really embarrassing.

The handsome and noble young man's mood fluctuated with the footsteps outside the door, until the little girl brought out a plate of vegetables, his restless heart was properly settled, and he hurried into the kitchen to help.

Classmate Le also eliminated the meat that was not cooked the day before yesterday, so only one lettuce and one radish were burned. The raw materials of the two dishes were also half purchased and half space products.

She said what she said, she said she would eat noodles at noon, and actually cook noodles, and she packed a big bowl for Yan, and she used the big bowl for soup, and she only kept a small half bowl for herself.

Yan people took the chopsticks and took away the vegetables and noodles. Le classmate took a bowl and put two bowls of porridge. The porridge was left over in the morning. No need to cook at noon, ready-made can be eaten with a little heat.

Yan Xing's eyes burned like torches when he saw the noodles. The plain noodles cooked by Little Loli only had some mushrooms and green vegetables. .

So, putting the noodles on the table, the handsome young man's eyes were shining brightly, and he waited eagerly for the owner. When he saw the little loli brought out two more bowls, he smelled another fragrance, and his heart almost floated.

After Le Yun sat down, she saw the green eyes of the eunuch and asked indifferently, "Yan, do you have enough face?"

"Uh, maybe... that's enough." Yan Xing turned his eyes away in embarrassment, but couldn't help himself, his eyes floated towards the porridge bowl.

He wants to drink porridge!

Rice porridge is rice and ingredients. It looks ordinary, but the smell is very unusual. He smells that smell, and he feels that every cell in his body is eager to taste it.

He knew that it was medicated porridge, and more importantly, he sensed the magical effect of porridge, which was very much needed by his supernatural powers, and it could allow him to restore the spiritual power he had lost today in a short period of time.

"Oh, that's enough. I originally wanted to say that if you don't feel full after eating the noodles, and you have another bowl of porridge, you probably don't need it." Le Yun calmly copied the chopsticks and prepared to eat.

"Actually, if I eat noodles, I won't be able to... drink two bowls of porridge." The glamorous young man hesitated, hesitating, and a suspicious blush appeared on his fair and handsome face.

? !
Le Yun almost wanted to throw the chopsticks as a hidden weapon and nail the guy to the wall. Is it too greedy?If he wanted to share a bowl with him, he actually wanted to eat it all by himself. He was insatiable!

He glared angrily, and found that the handsome man who was Fengshen Yulang, who was more handsome than the star Xiao Xianrou, with a handsome face like jade flew out crimson, and his eyes were dodging, he was so cute.

My God, is this really the guy who can burn people to the ground with the flick of a finger?

Seeing the handsome guy's blushing cheeks and shyness, Le Yun opened her mouth in surprise, and saw that his eyes flickered and his ears were red from the tip to the base. Here's a bowl for you, I'll eat a bowl myself."

"One bowl is enough." Yan Xingxi was born from his heart, for fear that Little Lolita would regret it, she reached out her hand smartly, and brought a bowl of porridge to her at the speed of grabbing, and took it for herself.

In the blink of an eye, a bowl of porridge was moved, and Le Yun's eyes couldn't move: "How long has it been since you drank rice porridge?"

"Breakfast is rice porridge."

"Then you're still greedy?" He grabbed it so fast, as if he hadn't seen rice porridge in three lifetimes.

"Because it was you who cooked it." Yan Xing persevered, he couldn't blame him for being unpromising, it was the porridge cooked by Little Loli that had magical effects, of course he was jealous.

Le Yun has no words to answer. She is not afraid to compare goods, but she is afraid of not knowing goods. Eunuchs know goods. The porridge she cooks is all space products except rice. She uses space well water, adds yam, sweet potato, and Matsutake mushrooms are extremely precious.

She can eat this kind of porridge, and Yan Rogue can also eat it. He is carrying poison, and eating her space products can remove the toxins. If you let Brother Chao eat it, the amount of tonic is too heavy, and his stomach can't bear it. Brother Chao needs to eat medicated food. For porridge, the amount of medicinal materials should be reduced by at least one third, or only a single medicinal material should be used for cooking.

Classmate Le didn't fight against Yan, he took a chopstick of green vegetables and ate the rice; Yan Shao took the hard-earned rice porridge and greedily took a sip. It was delicious, so delicious. Better than it smells.

There are several ingredients mixed in the rice. He doesn't know it, but he only eats one - mushrooms!
After taking a mouthful of porridge, the heart scorched hot, and the blood in the cold lower abdomen and legs also warmed up.

Yan Xing's eyes were as bright as a torch, and he cherished the porridge in his hand very much. He sipped the porridge in small sips until the bottom of the bowl was bottomed out. For fear of wasting the soup, he mixed the bowl with green vegetables, filtered it through the noodle soup, and then ate the noodles.

After eating most of the bowl of noodles, he slowed down and kept it warm. When Little Loli finished eating half of her bowl of noodles, she put down her chopsticks and wiped her mouth with a paper towel. After eating all the dishes, I diligently put away the dishes and took them to the kitchen for cleaning.

Looking at the tall and majestic handsome guy cleaning up the kitchen swiftly, Le Yun blinked strangely, Yanren is really good, he actually understands the rules and regulations for those who cook not to wash dishes, and the rules for those who do not cook. .

When the handsome guy with elegant temperament sat down, her eyes curved into crescents: "Yanren, can you tell me, is your strange fire innate or cultivated?"

"You change your name, don't call me eunuch, I'll consider telling you."

"I'm obviously called Yanren, and I said it's your surname Yan. Forget it, just pretend I didn't ask." Le Yun curled her lips: "Yanren, you take me into the yard to find something, and I'll treat you to eat. After the meal, I don't owe you any favor, and you can't blackmail me about helping me find medicine in the future."

"?" Yan Xing was stunned, Xiao Luoli took the initiative to let him eat food today, just because he brought her into the family's yard to look for medicinal herbs?
Little Loli asked him to rub her for a meal, the purpose is to return the favor, and then to clear the relationship, lest he beg for retribution, is he really so unbearable in her mind?
Little Loli understood everything clearly, and did not want to have anything to do with him, which made Yan Shao's good mood suddenly clouded.

"I..." He wanted to say, "I can tell you the secret of Yihuo", but was snatched by the lazy voice of the little girl: "Yanren, I have eaten, and I have to make up for sleep, too. Time to go back for lunch."

Little Loli ordered the eviction, Yan Xing silently swallowed back what she wanted to explain, and walked to the dormitory door with a "hmm" sound. The freshman trained last night. Little Loli probably didn't sleep in the morning, and it was time to make up for her sleep.

The handsome guy is very talkative, and he doesn't stay away. Le Yun is also very happy, watching him open the door and going out, and helping him close the door thoughtfully, she runs over to lock it, and flashes back to the space.

Crawled back to his private secret garden, excitedly ran to the debris piled up on the spiritual stone base of the medicine field, found a large flower pot, filled it with soil, carefully picked up the fern we dug today, and placed it in the flower pot. in the basin.

The root of the fern is about half a finger long, and the three leaves have distinct stems and leaves, and the top of the central main stem is like a new flower bone, hugging tightly together, and it is unknown how long it will take for new leaves to form.

Le Yun is careful and careful, planting the fern and the soil dug back in the middle of the flowerpot with great care, cultivating the soil, and then watering it with well water.

After finishing the work, I sat on the abutment and looked at the fern, smiling like a fool. This is a baby, fern, not an ordinary creature. From the information left by the space seniors, its name is: Bone Fern.

Compared with the geobiology, the bone fern is the oldest higher plant, that is, the ancient fern that scientists speculated based on fossil materials was born in the Upper Silurian to the Middle Devonian, and then became extinct before the Permian.

Le Yun didn't know why the higher plants that were extinct hundreds of millions of years ago reappeared on the earth, she only knew that the ancient fern is now alone, alone, alone!
No one wants to snatch it from her, whoever will snatch it, kill him!

(End of this chapter)

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