magic eye doctor

Chapter 1540 An Unlikable Person

Chapter 1540 An Unlikable Person (2 More)

The arrival of the two handsome young men and the beautiful boy made Lejia lively.

Le's father, Zhou Qiufeng, was also very happy. The closer the Chinese New Year was, the more they missed Lele. Leshan didn't say anything, and took the wolf dog to the village office building several times a day, just to see if her sister came back.

Because it was past noon and the three young men hadn't had lunch yet, the Le family and his wife were busy making lunch for the handsome guy.

Le Shan became the leg pendant of the beautiful boy's brother, and the big wolf dog also ignored the former trainer's immediate boss, Captain Yan, and only became Le Shan and the beautiful boy's follower.

Lan San couldn't help laughing, Yan Xing was so stuffed that he didn't want to speak.

Even if it was Chinese New Year, Hua Yan, the elder of Hua's family, did not return to Hua's house. Elder Yan was overjoyed to see Le Shan and the wolf dog clinging to the beautiful boy.

Old Ant's face was a bit stinky, he thought that the little girl was not at home and the apprentice belonged to him, but then another boy from the Chao family came to snatch the apprentice, it made people want to chat with the boy about life.

In the end, Mr. Ant didn't talk to the beautiful young man about his life, so he took the boy from Yan's family to the south building of Le's house, and asked with a stern face, "What's wrong, do you think it's not safe to have Mr. Ben and Mr. Hua in Le's house? Or did you find out again? Is there any young people who are restless?"

Yan Xing, who was caught and bombarded, felt even more congested and couldn't show it yet, with a calm smile on his face: "Nothing, with you and Yan Lao here, we are very relieved, rest assured, rest assured , we still have to show that the superior department attaches great importance to Lejia, and besides..."

"What's the other thing?" The handsome young man in the camouflage jacket paused, and Mr. Ant asked with his old eyes. There must be some not-so-good news if there was a turning point in his words.

Stared at by Mr. Ant as if he were an enemy, Yan Xing had one head and two heads, and he didn't rob Mr. Ant's disciples, so why was he always guarding against him?
Ant always thinks of himself as an imaginary stumbling block, and he can't say something like "I like little loli, you don't have to be on guard against me snatching your apprentice".

Feeling a little bitter, Yan Xing said bluntly: "It's about the little girl's mother's family. A certain scumbag's nephew was hospitalized after his hand was broken. A certain scumbag woman's parents and nephew depended on someone to raise her. A woman I'm old, I can't make money, and I can't satisfy my family's appetite. Sooner or later, I'll make an idea here. I'll send you the information about the relevant people at the little girl's mother's house. You should take a look first, and be mentally prepared. "

"It's such a small matter, you can just have someone deliver it. Also, what do you guys eat, you can't even figure out a few small ants, and let them jump around."

Mr. Ant was unhappy: "To be honest, if the little girl hadn't said that you were in charge of the people over there, I would have asked the boys in the family to practice and get rid of the garbage earlier, so as not to be annoying."

When Mr. Ant suspected that he was not capable enough, Yan Xinggeng... his heart was so stuffed that he wanted to cry, and he didn't know who to turn to to complain about his grievances, so he continued to keep a smile and a graceful face: "Mr. Ant, it's not that I can't take care of those few... Scumbag, I have also negotiated with Xuan Shao. Those few scumbags are kept as bait for now. At present, they are indeed of some use value. Someone has already made a move. For some reason, they gave up halfway. The person behind the scenes has not been found yet. "

"Oh, then keep working hard and give the information to Mr. Ben. Mr. Ben will take a look at the guy who wants to trouble my disciple's family."

"Okay, I will give you the information tomorrow."

An old man and a young man settled the matter, and wandered back to the north building of Lejia.

Le's father Zhou Qiufeng made a meal of egg and lean meat noodles for the handsome guy and the handsome boy, and also peeled some preserved eggs that Xiao Lele had stored at home as side dishes.

The two young wolves and the handsome boy had a good meal, their faces were flushed, they cleaned the dishes by themselves, and when they sat down to talk, they gave the things they had brought to the master, and then prepared to stay.

The beautiful boy naturally snatched the boudoir where his cutie lives. Lan Sanyan seldom went to the second floor of the south building because a disciple of the Ant Lao Sect came to Lejia a few years ago to send some New Year gifts, and he also lived in the south building. The side quilt is fully prepared.

Young Master Yan's failure to snatch Little Lolita's boudoir was not because of his heart, but because he was so stuffed that he couldn't breathe. These days, brother-in-law and brother-in-law are really not good creatures!

The reason why he can't grab the beautiful boy is not only because the beautiful boy is Xiao Loli's brother, but also because of Xiao Leshan. Xiao Leshan used to sleep with his sister, and the sister was not at home. He made a fuss every day to sleep in her room. When he came, he decisively asked the beautiful boy brother to take him to sleep in his sister's bed.

Yan Shao didn't even have a chance to snatch the room, but he was turned into scum in seconds. With a stomach full of sour bubbles, he and Lan San carried their luggage to a guest room on the second floor of Lejia South Building.

They had just settled down, Brother Zhou Zhou Tianming and Grandma Zhou knew that Brother Chao and Handsome Yan were coming, so they went to Le's house to say hello.

Grandma Zhou stayed at Le's house until the new year, and came home when her son came to pick her up. She didn't say anything, and went home happily to celebrate the New Year. Anyway, she wouldn't stay at home for long, and the son-in-law and the girl would pick him up again after the first lunar month at the latest. She lives in Le's house.

An old man with a good mentality treats himself as a guest when he returns to his own home, and doesn't care about anything, no matter what his daughter-in-law does, he doesn't point fingers or ask questions.

The winter vacation was too short, and because he was a freshman, Zhou Tianming didn't consider doing a holiday job. He went home to celebrate the New Year after the holiday. His school officially closed on the 13th, and he returned to Plum Village on the 14th.

Zhou Tianming really likes his little cousin. Every day, he would go to Le's house to take him for a walk. He only went to his aunt's house to play in the morning. Hearing that Chao Jiamei's boy was coming, he followed his grandma to his uncle's house for a visit.

Village head Zhou heard that the two old couple also came to visit the house in the middle of the afternoon.

Zhou's family came to Le's house for a walk, and naturally they all ate at Le's house at night before returning home. Because Brother Zhou and the others were at Le's house, and Mrs. Zhou was eating at home alone, Le's family didn't ask her to eat together, so she was so angry , I have to hold back myself.

Miss Lejia was not at home, handsome Yan and handsome Lan still came to Lejia to celebrate the New Year, which also made the village more convinced that the future of Miss Lejia was immeasurable.

The 24th of January is New Year's Eve. The beautiful boy and the two handsome guys arrived at Lejia on the 22nd. There are only two days left before the Chinese New Year. The next day is the 28th of the lunar calendar. Zhou Qiufeng and Le's father are busy killing chickens, ducks and fish.

Young Master Yan stroked his arms by himself, soaked seafood, scrubbed it, served it with condiments, and cooked the seafood meal by himself in order to get good impressions.

His cooking skills are not as good as that of Little Lolita, nor that of five-star hotel chefs. His dishes are better than ordinary people's, and he finally won unanimous praise from everyone.

Successfully gained a wave of goodwill, Young Master Yan continued to work hard, and continued to cook the next day, making dried vegetables and pork, steamed pork, crispy chicken...

The handsome guy Lan San is very kind, helping to dig konjac and grind konjac tofu.

Young Master Yan cooks delicious food behind Lejia House. Leshan finishes his class in the morning and takes his big dog for a walk. The beautiful young man accompanies him to play. The two of them take a walk with the dog to the village office building and sit at Zhou Bapi's house. Return to Lejia after a while.

Other people’s homes were busy preparing for the New Year, and Wang Jinbao was still lying in the hospital. On the day before the year before, after observation, there was nothing wrong with Wang Jinbao’s hands, and the family members signed the guarantee letter before the hospital allowed Wang Jinbao to be released from the hospital and go home for the New Year.

Wang Ju and Wang Ma hurried back to their hometown with their grandson. It was already a long time when they returned to their hometown. After eating the simple meals made by their granddaughter, the old couple went to buy new year's goods such as meat and fish.

Of course, because during the hospitalization period, the third child no longer had any filial money, so Wang Ju called and cried poor again.

Wang Cuifeng was powerless to honor her parents, and she had no money. She wandered around various districts trying to catch a friend to earn a sum of money for the New Year. Wan also lost very little left.

Zhou Chunmei is still working in a private clinic, and she doesn't have a holiday until the 28th of the lunar calendar. She went back to her grandmother's house first, and didn't return home until the 29th of the lunar year.

She called a car and took it to the village office building. There were no helicopters or famous cars parked in front of the village office building, and she didn't know if Le Yun had returned home.

Zhou Chunmei only carried a change of clothes, a backpack and a handbag, and walked to a place not far from Lejia with the luggage, and found that the scent that could be smelled on the street came from Lejia.

Hearing someone talking in the Le family, she didn't dare to eavesdrop. She hurried home and searched around, only to see her mother making steamed buns in the kitchen, and asked: "Mom, didn't you say that Tianming came back, why didn't you see her?" Son?"

"I'm going to Le's house." Sister-in-law Zhou was furious, Le's house had guests, up to Zhou Xialong's mother, down to her son all ran over there, and Zhou Xialong also went over there.

"Did Le Yun come back? Dad and grandma went there too." Zhou Chunmei's first thought was that Le Yun was back, so grandma and dad went to Le's house.

"That little..." Mrs. Zhou almost scolded "little short-lived ghost", because Zhou Xialong once heard and warned Le Yun when she accidentally scolded Le Yun. Ashamed of himself, he immediately swallowed the curse words.

Thinking about that debt collector from Le family always made me feel bad, and said badly: "Le Yun didn't come back, her brother who is more beautiful than a woman and her bodyguard came the day before yesterday."

"Oh, Le Yun didn't come back for Chinese New Year." Zhou Chunmei rolled her eyes, Le Yun was not at home, and no one would target her when she went to Le's house, so she could eat expensive seafood feasts and various snacks and candies.

Thinking of Lejia's delicious dishes, she felt hungry, and she also went to the county and restaurants to eat famous dishes. She had to admit that the dishes in those places were really not as good as Le Yun's. Medicinal meal.

Thinking of having a chance to have a big meal, Zhou Chunmei was delighted. She ran down the house, dropped her backpack and handbag, slipped out of the house, and ran to Le's house. She had just come back, so she could go to Le's house for lunch under the pretext of looking for grandma and father.

As soon as she walked to the middle of the village road between Hengtan and the two houses, she saw a young man in a red windbreaker leading Le Shan out of the eaves of Le's house with a big wolf dog. Seeing the wolf dog, Zhou Chunmei felt heartbroken. Timid, did not dare to go fast.

Leshan wanted to go for a "walk" again, and the beautiful young man accompanied him, holding little Leshan in one hand, and holding the hand warmer that Lele gave her baby brother in the other hand. Just as he stepped out of the corridor, he saw the Zhou family girl walking towards Le's house. He wanted to ignore it at first, but stopped again, turned his head and shouted at Le's family: "Grandma Zhou, Uncle Zhou's girl is back, and she just wanted to come over to see you."

The young man shouted very artistically. Grandma Zhou, who was sitting in the main room of Lejia and adding stone powder water to handsome blue guy, understood the meaning, answered, stood up and walked out of the main room of Lejia to return to Zhou's house.

The beautiful boy yelled and stood still. Le Shan saw the cousin of the Zhou family, and politely called "cousin", then said nothing, and wrapped his other hand around the dog's neck.

Grandma Zhou passed by her grandson and walked home. She was neither surprised nor displeased when she saw her granddaughter: "What do you want me for? It's so close, if you have something to do, just stand at the door and shout, I can hear you."

The young man who was leading Leshan yelled and then stood still. Zhou Chunmei slowed down. Before he had reached two meters away, grandma came out from Lejia. Seeing that it was impossible to go to Lejia, she yelled, "Grandma ", was asked what's the matter, and replied in a low voice: "No... nothing, I just didn't see the milk, and Dad and Tianming were not at home, so I came to see you."

"It's not that I won't go home. I can see it when I want to. Your father and Tianming went to the field to catch fish, and they should be back soon." Grandma Zhou didn't believe that Chunmei really missed herself and would be considerate. Running to Lejia must be playing some tricks.

Being refuted by her grandma, Zhou Chunmei was furious in her heart, but she didn't dare to choke her, so she walked home angrily.

Grandma Zhou didn't care about her granddaughter's attitude of turning around and leaving. Chunmei's appearance also showed that she had no good intentions in running to Le's house. It's no wonder that the young people in Chao's family didn't want Chunmei to visit Le's house.

She decided to keep an eye on Chunmei and talk to Xia Long when she got home, so that Chunmei's father would also take a good look at Chunmei, and let her go to Le's house to fix something, so as not to ruin Xialong and Qiufeng's siblings. relatives.

Grandma Zhou wandered back to Zhou's house and saw that Chunmei, who had returned to the kitchen first, had a bad face, so she pretended not to see her.

Sister-in-law Zhou didn't hear everything her mother-in-law and Chunmei said, and the girl came back with an unhappy face, thinking that her mother-in-law would be home soon, she didn't ask what was wrong.

The beautiful young man held Leshan's little hand, and he took little Leshan for a walk after the grandparents of the Zhou family entered the Zhou family. The girl from the Zhou family is the kind of person who doesn't know how to be grateful and has no sense of shame. Cheeky and shy, he leaned forward, he didn't want to see the Zhou family girl every day, and when he could stop it, he had to keep unpleasant people or things out of the door.

Brother Zhou took his son to the fields to catch some fish that were raised in the rice fields in the morning and evening. When he got home, he saw his daughter came back. It was very ordinary. His girl, like her mother, was devoted to grandma's house and listened to grandma in everything. Over there, he didn't force it, she chose the path herself, and she was responsible for the good or bad.

Le Shan followed her most beautiful brother to the village office building to look around, but she was disappointed when she didn't see her sister, and was reluctant to go home.

Aunt Pa saw Xiao Leshan walking back and forth in front of the village office building with her wolf dog in one arm, and while the young man came from home to bring charcoal to fuel the hand warmer, she quietly asked the beautiful boy: "Xiao Chao, what's wrong with Le Shan?" , the little face looked like he was about to cry, did his parents beat him?"

(End of this chapter)

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