magic eye doctor

Chapter 1549

Chapter 1549
Zhou Wei knew from the time when he and his wife were dating in youth that his relatives only had one elder sister. Both of his parents died when he was less than ten years old, and his siblings depended on each other for many years. It was his elder sister who pulled him up, and his elder sister was still under all the pressure. Support him to study.

She always felt that the eldest sister must be a very kind, upright and tough person, so she was able to teach Chen Kang, which made her father value Chen Kang who had nothing back then.

I used to regret that I never saw my husband's only sister. Even if I didn't see my eldest sister, I was very pleasantly surprised when I knew that my eldest sister had a queen. I also treated my aunt's only flesh and blood as my own nephew.

Now I finally met my nephew, and also my nephew and daughter-in-law. The niece and daughter-in-law are also surnamed Zhou, and Zhou Wei feels closer to the nephew and daughter-in-law: "My surname is also Zhou, and your surname is also Zhou. Let’s chat again, behind me are your two cousins, the tall one is your eldest cousin Chen Xin, the short one is your little old cousin Chen Jie, and the little boy behind me is Chen Jie’s youngest son.”

Zhou Qiufeng hurriedly called: "Hi big cousin, little cousin, good nephew, come in and sit down."

The old father hugged his cousin and cried so much that he couldn't help himself, Chen Xin and Chen Jie didn't try to persuade him, he first said hello to his cousin and daughter-in-law, and entered the house as he said, otherwise it would be really not a problem to block the door of the house.

Chen Fengnian respectfully greeted his cousin and wished him a happy new year.

Seeing that the uncle of the Chen family would not be calm for a while, the beautiful boy accompanied the younger cousin of the Chen family and Aunt He into the main room of the Le family, leading them to put their belongings in the inner room on the north side first.

Chen Xin and Chen Jie entered the main room of Lejia and took the opportunity to observe the guests in the room. When they saw a certain handsome young man who was so handsome and dazzling, he kept muttering in his heart. That is an officer, why did he come to Lejia during the Chinese New Year?
They stored the luggage they had brought, and took out the cigarettes when they returned to the main room, and greeted the guests of the old cousin's house. They called the elders "uncle" and "aunt" first, and their peers called "brothers". "sister in law".

The beautiful boy invited the Chen family to sit down, and sent Young Master Yan to help pour tea. He cleverly went to the refrigerator room to find a clean basin, took a towel into the kitchen, poured some cold water into the basin and put it aside, waiting for Uncle Chen Grandpa put away his sorrow, and he fetched water to wash his face.

Young Master Yan, who was sent to serve tea, was in a good mood, like an attentive bee, poured tea and served it on a tray to distant guests.

Zhou Wei, Chen Xin and Chen Jie were flattered, a military master who was the bodyguard of the girl from the Le family, even served as a tea boy for them, this cup of tea is quite heavy!
Chen Fengnian was even more excited, his cousin's bodyguard is so handsome!Such a handsome man handed him tea, and he thought he could boast for several years.

Zhou Qiufeng helped her aunt into the house first, and waited for the two old cousins ​​and aunt to greet the fellow villagers, and a handsome guy helped to pour tea, so she hurried to her uncle and Yueqing.

Le's father was completely stunned, so he could only passively hug the old uncle and gently help the elder to comfort his back. Seeing that he couldn't stop crying, he became more and more at a loss: "Uncle, my mother and father often Speaking of you, I haven't contacted you for many years, and I haven't blamed you. I just thought you had some difficulties. My dad wanted to find out about you, but something happened later, so I had to give up looking for your whereabouts. Uncle, don't be sad. My mother must be very happy to know that you are still fine..."

Chen Kang also knew that he shouldn't be sad, but he couldn't control it. Seeing his nephew with his own eyes, and thinking about the fact that he thought his sister was gone for decades, but his sister and his nephew were suffering in places where he couldn't see, he felt even more guilty. , I can't control my sadness.

Mosuo scratched the back of his nephew's head, and heard that his sister and brother-in-law had never given up on finding out about his whereabouts. The more he thought about it, the more guilty he felt, the more he couldn't control it, and couldn't stop crying.

Zhou Qiufeng wanted to persuade him, but he couldn't do anything.

Zhou Wei, who had been sitting down, saw that it was not a problem for the uncle and nephew to hug each other and cry, so she had to go out on her own and pull away her wife: "Old Kang, you miss your nephew every day, and finally came to his house, but you keep hugging him like this." Seeing your nephew cry, what's the point of putting your nephew and daughter-in-law aside, there are so many old neighbors in your nephew's house, they don't laugh at you, how dare you?"

Chen Kang was crying so hard, he was pulled away, looked with teary eyes, and saw the nephew and daughter-in-law standing aside and the people standing in the main room of the nephew's house, his face turned red with embarrassment.

The beautiful boy stayed at the kitchen door for a while, when he saw his uncle and grandma going to persuade his uncle, he quickly poured hot water and waited near the gate with a basin.

He only stood there for a while, and his uncle and grandma successfully persuaded his uncle, quickly twisted the towel, and waited for Chen's grandpa to wipe his face, and then brought a basin for the old man to wash his face again.

The beautiful young man is not only beautiful, but also meticulous and considerate. Zhou Wei, Chen Xin and Chen Jie are also special... Shocked, isn't this a girl disguised as a man?
Chen Kang washed his face with water, and with a clear mind, he took out a small red envelope from his pocket, took the hands of his nephew and his wife, and put the paper envelope into the couple's hands: "This is my mother and grandma's gift." The only thing left in the dowry for my sister was the Republic of China silver dollars. There were originally 26. My mother was not in good health after my father left. think.

When I went out to work, my sister gave me four, and I kept them close to me. I originally wanted to give them to my nephews when my sister had children in the future. Later, when I got married, I took two yuan as a bride price for your aunt. Your aunt passed on a piece of silver to your old cousins. These two pieces are passed on to you today. My sister had no other dowry back then. This is the only thing left by your mother. It will be passed on to Lele and Leshan in the future. "

Hearing that it was her mother's dowry, Le's father, Zhou Qiufeng, felt that the red envelope was very hot, and he didn't accept it. Siblings love each other deeply. Today uncle and grandpa passing two dollars to uncles and aunts is still a continuation of the love between brothers and sisters. There is also the love and affection of elders for nephews. Keep it for uncles and aunts, and give it to Lele and Lele. Good deeds and thoughts, passed on from generation to generation, can also let the descendants remember the love of the ancestors for the younger generation."

"Okay, let's keep it for Lele and Leshan first." Le's father, Zhou Qiufeng, didn't refuse anymore, and Le's father gave the red envelope to his wife for safekeeping.

After accepting the meeting gift from his uncle, Zhou Qiufeng, Le’s father, helped his uncle and aunt to sit down, and he was relieved. The beautiful boy taught them to receive red envelopes, which showed that it was true that his uncle had been cheated for decades so that he dared not go back to his hometown. It is a family visit.

The beautiful boy wrung out the towel, poured water into the ditch at the door, and then put the basin and towel in the room opposite the refrigerator room, which was like an exclusive product for the uncle and grandpa of the Chen family.

Chen Kang went to the seat, looked at several elderly people, and recognized Cheng Wu: "Are you the fifth child of the Cheng family?"

When Cheng Wu was recognized, he was a little excited: "Brother Kang, do you still remember me? I am Cheng Wu!"

Chen Kang strode forward, and put his hand on Cheng Wu's shoulder: "I haven't seen you in decades, we are all old, but I remember that you kid often competed with me to grab fish, and the youngest kid in the Zhang family was the oldest!" It's not kind, and they even snatched pigweed from me, as did the Zhou family and the Liu family boys, a group of mud boys would snatch everything from me, go upstream to take a bath in the river, and even piss in the water , let me take a piss bath, and now thinking about it, I still want to beat you up."

"My son, you still want to beat me?" Zhang Laosan stared bullyingly: "Brother Kang, don't think that you are the boss just because you are a little bit older than us, why don't you go out and beat me on the road now?" One fight? If we can’t beat you, count us as losers.”

The embarrassing things of his youth were exposed, and Liu Lu's father, one of the parties involved, also jumped up: "That is, today we have three, and I still don't believe that we can't beat you three-on-one."

Someone appeared to answer the call, Chen Kang looked over and pointed at Zhang Laosan: "I can tell you are Zhang Laosan from the tone of this speech, and the other is Liu Jiashunzi who looks like a girl when she was young? You three are here, still thinking about it?" Bullying the few with more? If you have a good fight outside in the afternoon, I will teach you that even after decades, your brother Kang is still your brother Kang!"

The old ones pinched each other as soon as they met, and Grandma Zhang San laughed and scolded angrily: "You old boys don't even look at how old you are, you think you are still seven or eight-year-old mud children? The old guys in their seventies and eighties are so old that they are leaving quickly. If you don’t move anymore, you’ll be yelling and fighting with your fists at every turn, it’s not ashamed to lose face.”

After being told by his mother-in-law, Zhang Laosan smiled and Mimi changed his words: "You heard it wrong, we didn't talk about fighting, I mean Brother Kang hasn't come back for decades, the village has changed a lot, and I have time to spend time with Brother Kang Go outside and see how much has changed."

"Yes, Brother Kang hasn't been back to his hometown for decades. I may not remember the roads in some places clearly. I have time to take a look in the afternoon."

Cheng Wu and Liu Lu's father also pretended not to remember what he said before, and smiled and invited Chen Kang and his wife to sit down.

Chen Kang also nodded cooperatively, introduced his wife to his fellow village partners when he was young, sat at a table with his wife, Mr. Cheng and others, chatting with them.

Cheng Wu is only a few months younger than Chen Kang, Zhang Laosan and Liu Laishun are less than one or two years younger than Chen Kang, and Chen Kang didn't go to Hanshi until he was nearly 20 years old. They are from the same village that they have known since childhood. There is a lot to say.

Of course, there were still many people from the same village who fought and mischievous with Chen Kang since he was a child, such as Brother Zhou, Village Chief Zhou and so on.

The old man of the Chen family took his seat, Young Master Yan served tea cleverly, and took the opportunity to brush his face.

The uncle and nephew met each other, but Dad Le had not met the old cousin yet, so he went to meet the two old cousins ​​by himself, because before the uncle hugged him and cried, he didn't pay attention to the introduction of the two old cousins ​​by the aunt, thinking that the short face was older My old cousin is the big cousin, but the one with fairer skin is the big cousin instead, embarrassing.

Chen Xin and Chen Jie are also very helpless, because the younger brother has dark skin and is also a teacher. He is worried about the students and looks older. The elder brother is born with fair skin and looks younger.

The adults recognized their relatives, Chen Fengnian recognized his cousin, and Le's father gave his cousin a red envelope as a gift.

Cheng Wu, Zhang Lao San Liu Laishun and Chen Kang are recalling their youth, Grandma Zhang San and Grandma Liu Qi talked with Chen Kang's wife, Liu Lu naturally talked to the brothers of the Chen family, and Sister-in-law He and Sister-in-law Zhao also talked. with.

Yanshao Lansan, a beautiful young man, sat with Chen Fengnian, and the handsome guys asked the Chen family's young boy about his study and life with concern.

Happy father Zhou Qiufeng, as the master, has no time to talk to his uncles and cousins ​​for the time being. He went to the south building to wash the steamer, steamed rice in the kitchen on the first floor of the south building, and then immediately started preparing the lunch dishes.

Cheng Wu and the others chatted about the past for nearly 10 minutes. Ant Lao Huayan took Xiao Leshan downstairs and returned to the north building.

Mr. Yi has to supervise the little apprentice's Zamabu every day. Because of the snow, it is too cold in the early morning, and Xiao Leshan is still too young. Mr. Ant feels sorry for the little student, so he temporarily changes the time of Zamabu to mid-morning.

The two elders were on the third floor of the south building of Le's house to supervise Xiao Leshan's Zamabu. They heard clearly the whole process from Chen's big face to Le's house and then to Chen's uncle coming to Le's house to recognize relatives, so it was not surprising.

When Chen Kang saw his nephew and grandson and his master coming, he stood up and stared at the little baby with excitement.

Chen Xin has seen Xiao Leshan from afar, and Chen Jie is the first time seeing his cousin's son, and he is very surprised, Xiao Leshan is so cute!
The child was wearing a red woolen coat, sea-blue trousers, and shoes with red patterns. He was not fat, but his face was fleshy, his skin was white and tender, as smooth as white jade, and his eyes were bright.

The little guy hugged the beautiful boy's legs, and hugged the dog with one arm, his cute little appearance made people bleed all over his face.

Chen Jie: "..." My cousin's little doll is so cute, can I give him another hug?With such a cute doll by his side, he felt that whenever he was so angry with the students that he was about to have a heart attack, he could be resurrected with full blood in seconds.

Le Shan returned to the south building, and immediately clinged to the beautiful young brother. The beautiful young man took the soft and cute little Le Shan's hand and brought him to the uncle of the Chen family. The Chen family introduced Xiao Leshan's master and Mr. Hua.

Introducing the two elders, he only briefly introduced the surnames and didn't say much.

Chen Kang took his sons to say hello to the two mysterious martial arts masters.

The beautiful boy introduced the adults, and then introduced the elders of the Chen family to Xiao Leshan. Leshan is very good, and the beautiful brother said that he should be called "uncle grandpa", and immediately called "uncle grandpa" sweetly.

Children are the most painful, not to mention Le Shan is cute, Chen Kang Zhou Wei is reluctant to let go of the child, and each of them gives a big red envelope.

Le Shan was stunned, looked at his brother, and got permission to accept gifts, so he accepted the red envelopes from the two grandparents.

Xiao Leshan's well-behaved appearance made Chen Kang and Zhou Wei very fond of him, and he was reluctant to let go.

The beautiful boy took little Leshan from the hands of the two elders, led him to meet the Chen family brothers, and taught the little guy to recognize his cousin.

The two cousins ​​gave the little nephew a big red envelope, happily playing with the doll, and couldn't put it down.

Little Leshan didn't cry in fright, but pursed her mouth. The beautiful boy hurriedly hugged him and took him to see his little cousin. The guy made me cry.

Chen Kang's family, old and young, wanted to snatch the little guy, but they were caught by the old and young in the same village, and they quietly told them the "secret". He had to break his tears into laughter, his sister was not at home, no one could coax him to cry, not even his parents wanted to make him cry.

The little guy is only clinging to beautiful boys now, if anyone provokes him, it will be a headache when he cries.

Chen Kang, Zhou Wei and his sons were afraid of making the little doll cry, so they refrained from snatching it. It was an advantage to Chen Fengnian, he was next to the beautiful boy and could often tease little Leshan.

(End of this chapter)

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