magic eye doctor

Chapter 1556 Lost a chance (1 more

Chapter 1556 Lost an Opportunity (2 More)

At the end of the first lunar month, Grandma Zhou was taken to live in Le's house again by a girl. She didn't have to look at her daughter-in-law's face, and didn't worry about her granddaughter's marriage.

She has always been thinking about what the third aunt said about going back to Plum Village to sweep the tomb in Qingming, lest the Song family really come back, see her making excuses at Le's house and go to Le's house to marry her, and bring trouble to her son-in-law and girl, so that it will be convenient for the three days before Qingming. Go back to your own home for a short stay.

Sister-in-law Zhou signed the agreement for Zhou Chunmei to marry in Liu's house, she was in a good mood, secretly waiting for the girl to become an old lady after she got married, but she was afraid that Zhou Xialong would go back on his word and not go to her mother's house, but stayed at Zhou's house and kept a close eye on her. Watching Zhou Xialong's actions.

When her mother-in-law came back to live in Le's house, she became even more nervous. She was afraid that her mother-in-law would instigate Zhou Xialong to tear up the agreement and ask Zhou Chunmei to return to Zhou's house to get married.

Grandma Zhou had just been home for two days, and on the day before the Ching Ming Festival, the Song family came again.

There are four people in the Song family. Zhou Xueli, Song Pengcheng and the old couple brought their two sons. The grandchildren wanted to study, but they didn't bring back Jiudao. The four went back to Meicun to visit the grave.

It was already afternoon when the Song family arrived at Brother Zhou's house. Brother Zhou was not at home. Grandma Zhou and Mrs. Zhou were at home. Mrs. Zhou was a little confused when she saw the Song family and couldn't remember who it was.

When Zhou Xueli saw Zhou Xialong's wife, she enthusiastically took the hands of her nephew and daughter-in-law, the one on the left and the other on the right, and she called her amiably.

Grandma Zhou said lightly: "Xiao Liu, they are Xialong's father's third sister and third brother-in-law's family. They came back once on the fourth day of the first month of this year. It is not convenient to go up the mountain in the first month. They come back to the grave in Qingming. They have a lot of family affairs. They go to the mountain tomorrow. If you want to go back in a hurry, you don't need to tidy up any guest rooms, just let them stay in Chunmei Tianming's room for one night."

"Oh, it's the third aunt and the third uncle. You go to the main room first." The mother-in-law explained who the guests were, and Mrs. Zhou greeted them, and invited the four of them into the main room to the mother-in-law. She looked for melon seeds that could entertain the guests. candy.

It's Qingming in April, the cold spring has not yet gone, and the main room is a bit cold. Grandma Zhou didn't want to wrong herself, so she took the third aunt's family to the kitchen to sit. The Song family came back the day before the Qingming Festival. They made up their minds to stay for one night. Keep ordinary friends to stay at home, not enthusiastic, nor cold-faced, treat them plainly.

Mrs. Zhou brought candy to her relatives, and went to the second floor of the next house to tidy up Chunmei and Tianming's rooms according to her mother-in-law's instructions. The two rooms are complete, and a little tidying will be enough.

The sister-in-law's face was not as cold as that of the first month, Zhou Xueli was secretly happy, and she was not in a hurry to inquire about gossip, and all talked about trivial and trivial things about things like going to the grave on Qingming Festival or the village feeling that there had been a big change.

Grandma Zhou didn't give her relatives a cold face, and the atmosphere was very good.

Sitting and chatting for a long time, the daughter-in-law of the Zhou family was going to look for vegetables in the garden. Seeing the opportunity, Zhou Xueli also went for a walk in the garden. When she arrived in the vegetable garden, she first praised the neatness of the vegetables, and praised that the vegetable grower is a good hand, pretending to be careless Question: "Nephew and daughter-in-law, Tianming is far away and cannot visit the grave. Why hasn't our niece and granddaughter Chunmei come back?"

"You said Chunmei, Chunmei has to go to work, and she is busy preparing for her marriage. She probably won't have time to come back this Qingming Festival." The child's third aunt cared about Chunmei, and Mrs. Zhou was very happy, telling her daughter that she was getting married as if showing off. good news.

"Hey, Chunmei is getting married. This is a great event. When will you get married? You have to make a big deal of it. Do it in the village or go to a hotel to hold a banquet? Who is Chunmei's partner? She must be very promising."

Zhou Xueli was taken aback. They really hadn't heard the news that Zhou Chunmei was planning to get married. When did this happen, and did they just agree recently?

"Chunmei's partner is from a neighboring county. The man's family is a mine owner. His family background is quite good. The two of them have been dating for a long time. They are planning to get married on May Day next month. The man doesn't care about a few pennies, so he will hold a banquet in a hotel. ..."

My girl found a rich family, and Mrs. Zhou was so proud that she wanted to let the whole village know how good the girl was looking for. Naturally, she took the opportunity to brag about the man's family and the girl. God.

Zhou Xueli was stunned when she heard it. She remembered her son once said that Zhou Chunmei was similar to most rural girls, she was petty, and she didn't look like a lucky person. According to her niece and daughter-in-law, Zhou Chunmei was married. The ancestors of the Zhou family opened their eyes, so the girl who blessed the Zhou family stepped on dog shit and got lucky, and was favored by a rich family?

She was surprised in her heart, didn't show anything on the surface, and boasted again, what a blessing, what a smart and generous, rich people have good eyesight, fell in love with a girl from the Zhou family, and so on. The grandniece boasted into a flower.

The ecstasy soup also made Mrs. Zhou dizzy, unable to tell the difference between south, east and north, so she naturally asked and answered, and the relationship between the two became close instantly, like a close uncle and nephew.

Zhou Chunmei's marriage was a good opportunity to get closer. Zhou Xueli was naturally very concerned and asked a lot of questions, focusing on when Zhou Chunmei would get married, what day's banquet, where the hotel would be, and that she and her sons would also come back. Ask for a glass of wedding wine to eat, and get a little happy.

Asked where the hotel where Zhou Chunmei held the wedding wine was, Mrs. Zhou blurted out: "The man's family is in the county town of Zhu County, a neighboring county, and the hotel is also set in Zhu County."

Zhou Xueli paused: "It's normal for the man's family's hotel to be located in their county. It's impossible for the hotel on the Zhou family's side to also be located there. It doesn't make sense for the Zhou family's family to go to the neighboring county to have a drink."

"Chunmei got married at grandma's house, so the hotel will naturally be located in Zhu County." Sister-in-law Zhou answered casually before thinking so much.

"What?" Zhou Xueli suspected that her ears were prematurely deaf, and her voice was raised an octave: "Chunmei married at her grandmother's house? Where did this come from? Zhou Chunmei's surname is Zhou, and Chunmei's grandmother and father live well. What does it mean for the man to get married? What does it mean for the grandma’s family? Could it be that the Zhou family is dead and no one can talk to them, so they did such a shameless thing. "

The aunt's voice was sharp, and Mrs. Zhou's head, which was dizzy with excitement, came to her senses. The skin on her back was tense, and she explained awkwardly: "Third aunt, grandma's house is close to the man's house, so it's convenient to meet relatives. Your nephew Xia Long also agrees." Let Chunmei get married at my grandmother's house."

Zhou Xueli stared suspiciously at her nephew and daughter-in-law for several times, and felt there was a story in it, so she didn't ask any more questions. When she picked the vegetables and went back to Zhou's house, Xia Long's daughter-in-law went to wash the vegetables. She went back to the kitchen and said a few words about the vegetables in the garden. That's really nice, as if he asked casually: "Daughter-in-law Ah Fu, I heard from my nephew and daughter-in-law that Chunmei is getting married, when will I post to inform my relatives and friends?"

"There is such a thing," the aunt deliberately picked the topic to ask, and Grandma Zhou didn't evade: "Xialong's daughter-in-law and her natal family have discussed that Chunmei will be married at her grandmother's house, but Chunmei is married at her grandmother's house." When the family gets married, it’s the grandma’s business to send out invitations for the banquet, so the Zhou family doesn’t care about that.”

Song Pengcheng originally heard from his wife that Zhou Chunmei was going to get married, and secretly thought that the opportunity to get closer to the Zhou family had come. He was thinking about how many gifts he would prepare to save face for his family. Hearing that his younger brother and daughter-in-law said that Zhou Chunmei was getting married at his grandmother's house, he was completely dumbfounded. , What, what, Zhou Chunmei married at her grandmother's house?
To be honest, if his girl proposed to go back to her grandmother's house to get married while he and the Song family's close relatives were still alive, he would immediately drive her out, as if he had never given birth to such an unfilial daughter.

He can't afford to let the girl marry at his grandmother's house.

However, now that the girl from the Zhou family is going to get married at her grandmother's house, it seems that the Zhou family has agreed with his old bridesmaid's sister-in-law?
Song Pengcheng couldn't believe it and asked: "His aunt, is it inappropriate for a girl from the Zhou family to marry at her grandmother's house? It's not in line with etiquette, and someone will poke her back."

"I can't help the son, and the daughter can't stay. Zhou Chunmei and her mother think it's better to get married at the grandmother's house. Let them do it. The married girl, the water that is thrown out, the girl is married, and she has a home. Live well." Good or bad has nothing to do with her natal family, so Chunmei can marry wherever she wants."

Grandma Zhou was very calm. The girl from the Zhou family got married at her grandmother's house. In the future, she and Xia Long would not be the ones who would be poked in the back. Others would scold the Liu family for their lack of etiquette.

Song Pengcheng also understands the pun of the natal brother and daughter-in-law. The sister-in-law and daughter-in-law don't care where Zhou Chunmei gets married because the married girl is the daughter-in-law of another family. relation.

Similarly, Zhou Xueli is also a girl from the Zhou family, and she is like water poured out. It has nothing to do with the Zhou family whether she is married to the Song family or not.

It has to be said that the older the younger sister-in-law is, the more powerful she is. Song Pengcheng thought of a word "Schools should look at each other with admiration for three days". Today's younger sister-in-law should not be underestimated. generally viewed by people.

Zhou Xueli also heard some clues, and she began to worry about it. It seems that her niece and daughter-in-law are not liked by her sister-in-law, and Zhou Chunmei is also not liked by her grandma and her father because she is going to marry at her grandmother's house, so their family can't do it either. By working hard on Zhou Chunmei and Xia Long's wife, Zhou Chunmei doesn't need to prepare any big gifts for getting married.

Song Deyang and Song Dexu were not stupid either. He figured out some tricks from his aunt's tone and knew how to deal with it. He never mentioned Zhou Chunmei's marriage.

Sister-in-law Zhou was washing vegetables, and when she heard Sangu run to tell her mother-in-law that Chunmei was getting married at her grandmother's house, she was quite nervous at first, for fear that Sangu would instigate trouble to her mother-in-law, and she felt relieved when she didn't care. I also remembered the third aunt in my heart, what does the married aunt do to take care of her mother's housework?
Especially the third aunt who has been married for so many years and has been separated from her girl for two generations. She has such a shameless face that she wants to instigate the mother-in-law to take care of where her granddaughter gets married.

Thinking that the third aunt was troublesome, Mrs. Zhou didn't like the relatives of the Song family very much, so she naturally couldn't raise any enthusiasm, and her attitude was much colder.

The old lady of the Zhou family didn't talk about Zhou Chunmei's marriage, and the Song family was smart enough to pretend that they didn't know about it.

In a village opposite Jiudao Street, someone was building a house. Brother Zhou and a few buddies in the village went to work.

When Zhou Ge returned home and saw the Song family, he was neither surprised nor surprised. He treated him like an ordinary guest, and he would never take the initiative to talk about his brother-in-law's family when chatting with the old cousins ​​of the third aunt's family.

The two brothers of the Song family whispered for a while while sleeping, exchanged opinions for a while, and had the same point of view. They felt that the old cousin and aunt did not value Zhou Chunmei very much, and that Zhou Chunmei didn't have much say in the Zhou family. No need at all.

Zhou Chunmei didn't get married at the Zhou family, and the Zhou family didn't hold a banquet, so they didn't have to come back for a wedding banquet, which also cost them a chance to get close to the Zhou family. Now that everyone knows that Zhou Chunmei is going to get married, do you want to give me a red envelope?

The two brothers pondered over and over again, and finally reached a consensus that the red envelopes should be saved. The old cousin was not willing to marry them, and if they gave the red envelopes again, it would not be a face to the grandmother's parents. The old cousin might think they I have no eyesight, and I don't like it in my heart.

The next day is Ching Ming Festival, the day of sweeping tombs and offering sacrifices to ancestors.

Brother Zhou and his companions also had a three-day holiday to visit their ancestors’ graves or manage the crops in the fields. Therefore, he did not go to work that day, and went up the mountain to visit the graves with Zhou’s family members.

The four members of the Song family came back to sweep the tomb, and they also brought all the papyrus for the tomb sweeping, and brought back the meat cut from the street. They had dinner on the morning of Qingming Festival, and cooked the meat with the mother and son of the Zhou family. Such supplies are packed in the back basket.

Tomb-sweeping Day is a shame, it didn't rain, it was a cloudy day.

At eight o'clock in the morning, Zhou Bapi, the head of Zhou village, and others packed up and set off. They went to Zhou Xialong's house and called Zhou's grandma's family to go with them.

This time, Brother Zhou agreed in advance with his younger sister and brother-in-law that they would not do the tomb-sweeping, so as not to let the Song family take advantage of the loopholes. Therefore, Brother Zhou set off immediately when his cousins ​​arrived.

A team of dozens of people from the Zhou family was heading towards the mountain. Song Pengcheng wondered, why didn't Zhou Qiufeng and the Le family go together?

The Song family brothers were also puzzled. The news they found said that the Le family and the Zhou family usually went to sweep the grave together. Why didn't they go together this year?
They wanted to find out the reason, but they were afraid that others would notice their thoughts, so they resisted asking, walked all the way to the foot of the mountain, and climbed the mountain.

Le father Zhou Qiufeng waited for about half an hour for the people from the Zhou family to set off before taking the incense and paper for ancestor worship, Le Shan and the wolf dog, and Elder Hua accompanied him.

The youngest ant, he naturally abides by the "family customs", and avoided the day before the Qingming Festival. He stayed in the south building of Lejia to eat cold food, and naturally did not show up on the Qingming Festival.

The old man just didn't come out to wander around, didn't avoid Huayan and Leshan, and was still supervising Leshan's reading and walking every day, and didn't relax his teaching to the young disciples.

Le father Zhou Qiufeng took Le Shan to climb the mountain accompanied by Mr. Hua's heavyweight bodyguard. He visited the graves of the first two generations of the Le family, and then went to visit the graves of the ancestors of the Chen family, and then went to worship Le Shan. Grandpa went down the mountain and went home.

They didn't know when the Zhou family would return, and they didn't want to meet the Song family in the Zhou family. They didn't make any other delays during the tomb-sweeping process, and they didn't dig bamboo shoots or wild vegetables.

Brother Zhou and others paid homage to the ancestors of the Zhou family, and did not return home until mid-afternoon. It was late after dinner, so the Song family naturally did not leave and stayed overnight.

The next day, because the Song brothers had their own affairs, they naturally had to go back to Changshi. Song Pengcheng and Zhou Xueli wanted to stay for a few more days, but Zhou's mother and son didn't stay with them, so they had no choice but to go home with their son.

(End of this chapter)

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