magic eye doctor

Chapter 1562 Wang Xingren is mighty

Chapter 1562 Wang Xingren is mighty

The villagers of Meicun were trying to use language to reason with the guys who came to find trouble, and taught them that the people of Meicun were not vegetarians. Those with sharp eyes saw the two soldiers coming with their dogs, and immediately stopped their flags and drums.

The grandparents of the Wang family took two steps back in fright, and found that the barbarians seemed to be mobbing and beating them. Just as they were about to run, they heard a very neat sound of footsteps, and then they saw the barbaric country bumpkins turn their heads to look in one direction, and they also turned their heads. look over.

They turned their heads and saw two people in camouflage uniforms walking out of a road. One was leading a black-haired dog. The dog was wearing clothes with the words "military dog" on it, and the other was hugging A steel gun.

The two men in camouflage uniforms didn't take that kind of goose step, but their steps were neat, and even the dog's steps were in line with the camouflage uniform.

The four members of the Wang family didn't know whether those two were soldiers or some kind of security personnel, and their hearts were still full of anxiety.

Hei Jiu hugged the guy, Lan San led the black dragon, and walked along the village road to the ground in front of the village office building, with an imposing manner that was not angry but majestic.

It was also the first time for Zhou Papi and the others to see the two soldiers on patrol, and they were very surprised. Village chief Zhou was more active, and guessed that the soldiers wanted to deter some people, so that those shameless old men would not come to make trouble for others. trouble.

Seeing the two handsome men approaching, Village Chief Zhou immediately played the role of village chief, trotted forward, and asked people, "Brother, are you... patrolling again?"

"That's right," Lan San said with a serious face, "there is news that someone is coming to Le's house to make trouble. It must be true. Let's walk around the village to check for any suspicious people."

When Wang Ju heard the camouflage uniform say, "Someone came to Lejia to make trouble", his back was tense at that time. Those two people couldn't be... the security guards hired by Dasha Mao's family?

Wang Jinbao and Wang Jinzhi also heard what the camouflage clothes said, and their nerves tensed up, a small compensation... Is there a security guard at home?How did they get into the house of small losers?

As soon as they got a little thoughtful, the wolf dog being led by someone sniffed the air, and with its slightly drooping tail clinging to its legs, it rushed towards the young man carrying a backpack.

While walking, Lan San talked to Village Chief Zhou. When the black dragon ran wildly, he ran along. When he saw the black dragon rushing towards the young man with the backpack, his heart skipped a beat, could it be?

A certain guess flashed in my heart, and while running, I lengthened the rope in my hand, so that the black dragon would not be restrained. After running a few more steps, the black dragon made a charge, broke free from the rope, and rushed towards the young man with the backpack like an arrow off the string.

"Ah-" Wang Jinbao stared at the camouflage clothes, and found that the dog was running forward, and felt timid in his heart. When he found that it was rushing towards him, he turned around and ran away in fright.

The villain wanted to run, but the black dragon rushed faster, jumped up two meters away from the human, rushed behind the young man, threw the young man to the ground, stood firmly on the back of the villain, and issued a Bursts of roaring.

Wang Jinbao only ran a few steps, and was thrown forward by a strong force, lying on the ground with his face, chin and hands rubbing against the ground, making a pig cry in pain, he subconsciously wanted to get up, and then With a ferocious dog barking, his mouth was pressed against his neck, and he was scared to pee at that time.

He was so frightened that he peed his pants, and a puddle of water appeared on the ground.

There was a smell of urine, and the black dragon wrinkled his nose in distaste, raised his head, turned to look at his teammates, and called them to hurry up, those two humans moved so slowly, why didn't they have the demeanor of a young lady.

Village head Zhou and the villagers were shocked when they saw the big wolf dog rushing towards a certain young man. Why did the wolf dog catch that person?

Happy father Zhou Qiufeng and his son had just walked from the village road to the entrance of the ground when they saw the black dragon rushing towards someone, they all stopped, and Mr. Yi Laoyan also stood and watched.

When Wang Ju saw the big dog jumping at his grandson, he was stunned at first. When his grandson was thrown by the dog and howled, he came to his senses and ran to his grandson in fear, "Jin Bao Jin Bao..."

Seeing the black dragon throwing down the young man, Hei Jiu and Lan San rushed over. They rushed to the side of the young man who was thrown down by the black dragon before the old man. : "Black Dragon, what dangers does he have on him?"

The two teammates rushed over, and the black dragon jumped off the bad guy's back, sniffed the young man with his mouth, and bit the young man's backpack. There was a certain smell on the bad guy, and it was also in the backpack.

Blue Three Black Nine Seconds understood, Wang Xiaozha must have become a fan not long ago, and he also has contraband in his backpack!
After understanding what Heilong meant, Lan San raised his head and looked at Village Chief Zhou: "Village Chief Zhou, we suspect that this person is involved in drugs, please call the police station and take him to the police station for investigation."

"No, I didn't take drugs, I didn't take drugs, go away, you guys go away, I didn't take drugs..." Wang Jinbao was so frightened that his liver was about to burst, and he struggled with fear.

Before Wang Ju ran to his grandson, he heard the camouflage clothes say that Jin Bao was involved in drugs, and immediately bumped into the camouflage clothes, screaming: "You let go of my grandson, and you beat my grandson wantonly, I want to sue you!"

Wang Ma also ran to her grandson, yelling, "Beat me, someone beat me up..."

Confused by a series of events, Wang Jinzhi stood motionless.

The black dragon, who was biting the backpack, raised his head to take a look. With a roar of "Wang", he jumped up again, and rushed towards the old villain who was rushing over.

Wang Ju, who was about to knock away the camouflage clothes, saw a black shadow rushing towards him. He stretched out his hand to block it, but he touched his hair. The next moment, he was knocked backward by a strong force, and fell to the ground with a bang. Into the posture of a tortoise turning its belly on all fours.

He fell to the ground and hit the back of his head, his eyes were dizzy for a while, and he couldn't see anything for a while.

The black dragon threw the bad guy down, lowered his head and brought his mouth close to the bad guy's neck, bared his teeth, and gave a warning, if he dared to run away, he would bite him to death!

Wang Ma, who ran forward, saw the big dog throwing his wife down, her face turned pale with fright, and she never dared to approach her and grandson again.

The big wolfdog threw another one down, Zhou Bapi and the others were dumbfounded, this, could it be that they are also involved in drugs?

Hei Jiulansan wanted to laugh, but he didn't have the nerve to laugh, the little scumbag Wang must have been a fan, there may be evidence in his backpack, that old scumbag also has a fan, the grandfather and grandson are really brave enough.

Wang Ju, whose eyes were blackened by the fall, woke up after a while, and saw a dog stepping on his chest, staring at him with sharp teeth. The dog looked fierce and terrifying.

The dog might bite him at any time, Wang Ju was afraid and didn't dare to move: "I... am not a bad person, I didn't do anything, get the dog away, take the dog away quickly."

Wang Jinbao was also struggling, claiming that he hadn't taken drugs.

The howls of the scumbags were too ear-piercing, and Lan San explained kindly: "Old man, the wolf dog that caught you is a military dog. The best elite, because of the special contribution of little student Le Yun, the superior department sent this dog to Meizijing Lejia to protect the safety of little student Le Yun's family.

We received an order from our superiors last night. According to reliable sources, someone intends to come to Le Yun’s home to make trouble. We ordered Xingye to come to Meizijing from the capital to investigate. The military dogs will arrest you. We suspect that you are one of the suspicious people who came to Le Yun’s home to make trouble. One, please cooperate with the investigation. Whoever resists or escapes, we have the right to define you as terrorists and kill them on the spot. "

Camouflage clothes are soldiers?Wang Ju was so frightened that he almost lost his soul, and defended with a trembling voice: "I am not a bad person, I did not sell drugs, I did not cause trouble, I am Le Yun's grandfather, please call Yueqing Leyun, I am Yueqing's ex-girlfriend Dad..."

Heilong thought the villain was too wordy, so he let out a cry, and lowered his head to bite the villain's neck.

"I'm not a bad guy, I'm really Le Yun's grandfather..." The dog's mouth was pressed against his neck, and Wang Ju almost peed out of fright.

"Whether you have taken drugs or not, you can go to the police station to draw blood and urine and do a test. Boy, be honest, if you don't cooperate with the investigation, you will stay in the police longer." Lan San pressed the little slag who was still struggling , looked at Village Chief Zhou again, and found that he was already on the phone, so he didn't rush.

In his hometown, Wang Jinbao was not afraid of getting into trouble, but now he is not in his own home, he is full of fear of squatting in the game, and he is honest, and he dare not struggle indiscriminately.

The dumbfounded villagers, stunned for a long time, finally returned to their senses, and their eyes rolled around the other two women standing and the two men who were subdued.

Wang Ma, Wang Jinzhi, was afraid of being attacked by dogs, so she didn't dare to move at all, and stood obediently.

Village head Zhou was just stunned for a while, then reacted, and decisively called the township police station to call the police, saying that a suspicious person had come to Meizijing Village and was caught by Lejia's bodyguards.

Because the senior high school entrance examination was just over and the summer vacation was approaching, the first and second officers of the Jiudao Police Station went to the county to hold a safety meeting.

Two policemen rode motorcycles to the police, and rushed to the village office building in Meicun as fast as possible. As soon as they entered the floor area, they saw a black guy in camouflage clothes, another holding a person, and a dog. Also grabbed a person.

One of the two police officers had met Lan San face to face and recognized him. After parking the car, he trotted up to the two youths in camouflage clothes, stood at attention, and saluted: "Comrade, is there anything we can cooperate with?"

Seeing the local policemen coming, Lan San took off the backpack of little scumbag Wang and put it aside, stood up, waited for someone to come over, and pointed to the young man on the ground: "Thank you for your hard work, we said that someone came to Lejia to make trouble, we just received it last night." The superior ordered to come over temporarily to investigate the suspicious persons. Military dogs arrested two people. We suspect that these two people were suspected of smoking powder. There may even be contraband in this young man's backpack. He needs to be taken to the institute to take blood and urine samples , We got the samples, and we sent them to the city by helicopter for testing."

"No problem, we'll take him away in a moment." The police officers cooperated without hesitation, one took over Xiao Kainian who fell to the ground, the other quickly went to take over the guy who was being grabbed by the military dogs, and handcuffed them neatly.

Wang Ju cried out for injustice, and fell to the ground and rolled over.

He acted violently, and the police officers really couldn't help him for a while.

The big wolfhound originally wanted to go back to find suspicious things for his teammates, but the old villain made another noise, rushed over, howled, and locked the old villain's throat.

He didn't bite, just held the man's neck.

"Ah-" Wang Ju screamed in fright, not daring to move again.

The old villain was honest, Heilong let go of his mouth, put his head above the villain's face, bared his teeth and threatened, then turned around and ran to his teammates, helping to find the backpack.

The suspect was honest, and the police brought him together, and checked the young man's backpack with the two camouflage brothers on the spot.

Hei Jiu didn't speak, hugged the guy, and stared at the two scumbags.

Wang Ju and Wang Jinbao stared at him in the camouflage uniform with the guy in his arms, both frightened and frightened. He wanted to grab the backpack but didn't dare. He was frightened for a moment.

Lan San and the two police officers put out the items in the young man's backpack one by one, including mobile phone chargers, earplugs, and clothes. With the cooperation of the big wolf dog, they found a paper bag from the clothes.

The thing was not camouflaged, it was just wrapped in the middle of the clothes.

The black dragon yelled at the paper bag, he could smell it, it was something harmful!
"It should be white powder." Lan San knew it from the performance of the black dragon, and he was quite speechless. Those guys just sucked the powder and ran around with them. Are they going to take a few more mouthfuls when they lose energy?

"This, aren't they too bold?" The policeman was also shocked.

"That's not my grandson's, it's..." Seeing the officers in camouflage uniforms and police uniforms find the paper bag from his grandson's backpack, Wang Ju eagerly defended his grandson, and couldn't find anyone else to be a scapegoat for a while, thinking of his granddaughter: "Those It belongs to my granddaughter, the one with the cake..."

Village Chief Zhou and the others were dumbfounded again, so who is really... out of conscience, to sacrifice his granddaughter in order to protect his grandson.

The policeman looked into the crowd and found a young woman standing alone, holding a medium-sized cake in her hand. Her face shape was roughly similar to that of the young man.

"'s not me, I didn't..." Wang Jinzhi, who treated himself like air, had no idea that his grandfather would push him out to give his younger brother a bag. His mind was in a mess, and he subconsciously refused.

How dare you not admit to losing money?Wang Ju went mad with anger. He had been raising money-losing goods for more than ten years, but he didn't help his younger brother to bear the burden when something happened.

In order to prevent his grandson from suffering in the police station, he didn't care about it, and directly shouted: "Comrade policeman, what I said is true, the things belong to my granddaughter, and they were brought into the station in her shoes..."

"What my grandfather said is the truth. It's really not mine. It's my sister who put it in my backpack..." Wang Jinbao was afraid of getting caught, so he pushed all the responsibility to his sister.

The things belonged to her younger brother, and she asked her to carry them for inspection, but in the end they pushed them all on her body. Wang Jinzhi stood there blankly, like a wooden stake. She knew that his younger brother was the only boy in the family, and he was the treasure of his grandparents. However, they never thought that they would not have the slightest affection for her.

The two police officers were dumbfounded, this... they didn't even ask this question, did they mess up by themselves first?
"You are a family, everyone is suspicious." Lan San put Wang Xiaozhazha's belongings back into his backpack, and calmly stated a fact.

Wang Ju and Wang Jinbao, who originally thought that pushing away the responsibility would keep him safe, seemed to be choked by the throat, and could no longer speak out.

Taking advantage of no one paying attention to her, Wang Ma wanted to sneak into the crowd. She had just moved two steps when the wolf dog that was helping to find the evidence turned around and rushed towards her. A vicious tiger rushed at the sheep and grabbed her to the ground.

Wang Ma was also thrown into the mud by the dog like her grandson, and howled like a pig. When a dog's mouth came close to her face, she was so frightened that she put her head that had just been raised on the ground again.

The black dragon caught the suspect and guarded the bad guy not to move.

"This dog has become a spirit."

"Military dogs are different. When they catch bad guys, they catch every one."


The villagers whose brains can finally think normally are extremely amazed, the big wolf dog is really worthy of being a military dog, so powerful!

Wang Jinzhi also wanted to run away quickly, but when he saw his grandma being thrown down by the dog, how could he dare to run away, and stood obediently on the spot, not daring to move a bit.

Jiudao's police officers admired the military dogs' ability to act. No wonder a wolf dog was sent to Lejia as a bodyguard. It was indeed a top-notch scout.

The suspect has been subdued, and suspicious objects were found on the spot. Detention is necessary. The police sent the young man and the old man back to the station first, and then took the two female suspects to the police station.

When the four bad guys were taken away, the black dragon happily ran to the little baby of Lejia to have fun, happily asking for credit, bark, he caught all the bad guys, when the young lady comes back, you must tell the young lady, he is very happy Reliable bodyguards.

Happy father Zhou Qiufeng went through a cutscene without saying a word, and before he even saw the scumbags, the scumbags were dealt with, and they were the most idle people.

Zhou Bapi and others, who became melon-eating people, saw the four people being taken away, and were immediately amused by the big wolf dog's reaction of benevolence and fawning, laughing and joking.

The scumbags were taken away, the world was at peace, Lan San ran to Hei Long, helped him take off the little vest on his back, and reprimanded angrily: "Hei Long, you forgot that you were still at work, leaving work without authorization, you Do you want to be returned?"

"Wow, woof", Heilong stood still, and licked the hand of the handsome blue guy in a fawning manner. Seeing that he is actively catching bad guys and helping them solve their troubles, don't care about small things. The young lady said that big things don't care about small things. .

Lan San couldn't understand Wang Xing's language, and guessed that the black dragon was showing his favor, so he didn't blame him anymore, and helped him take off his vest, letting him go free.

"With this military dog, we old guys are useless as heroes." An old man looked at the wolf dog clinging to his young apprentice, annoyed and funny.

"Those people are extremely shameless. Detention for a few days is useless to them. They will definitely come to embarrass others in the future. You will have a chance to take action." Lan San smiled and nodded to the two elders, and went to demolish the village. Cameras installed in front of the office building.

The people who came to find trouble were thrown into the bureau by the big wolf dog to eat free food without finding any splashes. The nearby villagers said a few words to Zhou Qiufeng and Yueqing, and those who hadn’t eaten hurried home to eat. They sat and chatted outside Zhou Bapi's house.

Grandma Zhou Man was in a particularly good mood because she had successfully slapped some scumbags in the ear, and she caught Xiao Leshan to Zhou Bapi's house to sit and tease the children.

Ant Laohua is fine, and he and his wife went to Zhou Bapi's house to have a small sit down. Grandma Zhou Man, the head of Zhou village, also had lunch at Zhou Bapi's house at noon.

Hei Jiu carried the black guy on his shoulders, and there were many restrictions. He first sent the guy back to Le's house and locked it up without saying a word, then took the computer to the village office building, and Lan San saved the images captured by the camera, and then returned the camera to Zhao's release. back to the original place.

(End of this chapter)

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