magic eye doctor

Chapter 1564 Confused

Chapter 1564 Confused
Surrounded by great joy, Le Yun ran for more than a dozen miles in one breath, far away from the human habitation and cattle and sheep activities, and arrived at a semi-desert area of ​​gravel mounds.

The semi-desert area has sparse vegetation and gravel everywhere.

Far away from the grassland area with herdsmen, Le Yun flashed back to the star core space with joy in her arms, and landed in the Shenshu area. After searching around, she couldn't find the little fox and Xiao Huihui, so she hurried out and searched for the cuties with her spiritual sense. where.

The space of the star core is 10,000+ miles across. Even if she has the strength of a monk in the distraction period in Dongchen Continent, her consciousness cannot cover a range of 50 miles in the space.

A person outside the star core space can clearly find any living body by searching with her spiritual sense. To put it bluntly, as long as she is willing, she can find any beast in the space without any effort.

I searched and found the whereabouts of the little fox. The little fox and the little black monkey were on a plain about [-] miles east of the east coast of the small ocean. I don't know if they were planting trees or picking flowers and fruits.

After finding out where the cuties are, Le Yun entered the space again, precisely appearing not far from the little fox, and then froze, the little fox and Xiao Huihui were sleeping!

The plain is a plain with a temperate climate. Some of the trees planted in the past have grown into tall trees more than ten meters high. The vegetation blooms, bears fruit and reproduces by itself. In some areas, the trees have only been planted for a few years and are still growing vigorously.

On the green lawn under a tall wild pear tree full of pear blossoms, little fox and little Huihui slept on their stomachs, their posture was indescribably comfortable.

Seeing the two cute little ones basking in their stomachs, Le Yun smiled and crooked her mouth, ran over, squatted beside the little guys, and poked the little beasts' bellies with her fingers.

The little black monkey didn't respond when its belly was poked, but the little fox jumped up after being poked several times, stretched out its paws to cover its belly, and squeaked: "Don't touch me, this fox wants to marry a concubine fox!" .”

After yelling, he realized that it was a little human girl. He was stunned for a moment, then blinked his golden eyes again: "Little girl? Have you returned to Earth?"

"It's here, I haven't reached my destination, how can I run back." Le Yun stretched out her claws again, and poked the little cutie's belly with her finger: "Little fox, I was tossed to death in the gate of time and space, and you are lying at home. Falling asleep makes me feel so stuffed."

"Really back to your hometown?" The little fox jumped up in surprise, jumped up and stood on the little girl's palm, and complained bitterly: "Little girl, this fox didn't slack off to sleep, you said you were going to leave After eating, Benhu took the little monkey to pick the flowers of stuffed pear blossoms, and after a while, he fainted out of nowhere.

Little girl, the last time you were struck by lightning when you arrived in Dongchen Continent, we fainted, and this time you returned to your hometown, we also fainted, did you have another adventure?Was he struck by lightning, or did he get some mysterious power? "

What?Le Yun stared, confused: "It's no adventure, I was in dizziness when I entered the gate of time and space. I couldn't wait until I got dizzy, and found myself back in front of the gate of time and space on earth. I was thrown in a mess. Bones are falling apart."

"Impossible, why did the fox and the little monkey suddenly faint?" The little fox twisted his beard in amazement, racking his brains to think about the reason.

"It may be some kind of regular force that exists on the earth." Le Yun also touched his chin as if thinking: "After my experimental observation, the storage and other items I brought back from Dongchen, as long as there is no contract, once If you take it out, you can't use it, and you will really die when you see the light.

My strength was also suppressed, and I could only display the power of the foundation-building period. I speculate that the rules here may not allow strong external forces to appear. My strength was not improved at home, so it was also suppressed. "

"This is understandable, and it is completely in line with the rules of the world. Little girl, are you still in front of the gate of time and space, or are you back home?"

"It's still in the area not far from the gate of time and space. It's almost noon when I come back. It's not convenient during the day. I'll fly home after dark at night."

"Little girl, have you checked your phone? How long have we been there?"

"Little fox, guess what."

"I can't guess." The little human girl smiled so much that her eyes were crescent-shaped, and the little fox was muttering inwardly. The happy expression on the little girl's face showed that she was in a good mood, and she probably hadn't been there for a few years.

"Just guess what you can't guess. We went there for eight months and nine days." Le Yun grinned and happily shared the good news with the little fox.

"Eight months and nine days? Little girl, are you sure you're not mistaken? Isn't it eight years and nine months?" The little fox almost fell to the ground from the palm of the little girl's palm.

Earth time has only passed eight months and nine days. Doesn't that mean that Dongchen's time flow is more than a hundred times faster than Earth's?
But he clearly sensed that Dongchen's time was more than ten times faster than that of the earth. According to the ratio, it should be more than eight years since they came back.

Could it be that when she came back, the time of the space-time gate was reversed for a few years, so only eight months and a few days had passed since the little girl returned to her hometown, Earth.

The little fox was completely confused. As far as he knew, miracles like turning back time rarely happened. Only when someone created a world would there be a chance for the phenomenon of turning back time to appear.

The little girl's star core has not yet been developed into a realm, how could she be lucky enough to encounter time travel?

The little fox was quite confused.

"It was August and nine days. I found a herdsman grazing on the grassland and checked the date online on my mobile phone. I was shocked at the time, but it felt good. If it happens every time, I don't mind running to Playing in another world."

The little fox stared at the little girl with golden eyes, jumped on the top of the little girl's head, stretched out his paws to touch her head, and exhorted old-fashionedly: "Little girl, stop daydreaming, it is impossible for every time-space gate to appear." For such a good thing, be careful where you go for a year, and it will be a hundred years after you come back."

"I know, I know, people are just talking."

"Little girl, it's only been eight months anyway, why don't we go over there again?" The little fox rolled his eyes and made a good suggestion.

"I don't want to do it. I can think about it in a few years. Now I want to go home to see my parents, younger brother, brother Chao, my teacher, mother and elders."

"Yeah, think about it in a few years. I just came back from a trip to another world, so I have to recuperate."

"That's right, if you come up with bad ideas again, I'll chop your tail off."

"Don't stare at this fox's tail, you have a lot of beautiful furs for scarves..." The little fox was afraid that the little girl would hit his own tail again, so he hid the little tail.

Le Yun teased the little fox for a while without pulling his tail. She studied Xiao Huihui and scanned the little guy several times. She was surprised by the data collected.

Xiao Huihui stayed with her in Dongchen Continent for more than [-] years, and when she returned to Earth, her bone age increased by about five years and eight months!
Moreover, the result of her analysis is that Xiao Huihui's bone age has increased, eight months refers to the time on the earth, and the other five years is when she captured Xiao Huihui from the star core space in Dongchen Continent and appeared in Dongchen The sum of time days under the continental sky.

In other words, if Xiao Huihui always stays in the space and does not see the sunlight of Dongchen Continent, then the bone age will increase at the growth rate on the earth.

The new discovery makes Le Yun feel more interesting, and then she studies herself. Her bone age has not changed at all, and it is still equivalent to the bone age of 14 years old. The cut marrow, or the ginseng that was eaten.

Not to mention the little fox, that little cutie's bone age stopped growing long ago. Like her, the bone age stops at a certain moment, which is a type that will not grow old.

After studying the little black monkey over and over again, the little guy still didn't wake up, Le Yun put the little beast in his collar, and took the little fox to plant trees and sow grass seeds.

There is still a large amount of land in the star core space that has not been greened, and the revolution has not yet succeeded, and more efforts are still needed.

Le Yun took the little fox to work for a long time, and left the space when the light in the space was dim, and then put the little fox and Xiao Huihui on the large circular ring of spirit stones surrounding the Shenshu area, and then she returned to herself. One-third of an acre of land.

Returning to his own territory again, flying into his own palace house, putting Xiao Huihui on the chair in the main room to sleep, and eating in the kitchen by himself.

Before returning to Earth, she was worried that her strength would be limited and she would not be able to move her house, so she placed the five-entry rosewood palace-style house she used most often in the area between Podocarpus pine and Jiuzizhu in the east. , facing south.

Because there is no grass within nine miles of the place where Jiuzizhu grows, she chose a piece of ground to pave with Lingshi floor tiles, made a lawn, and then put the wooden house.

The wooden house is about half a mile away from the Jiuzizhu flower garden. From the rear window of the wooden house, you can see the Podocarpus pine in the distance. Looking directly at the Jiuzizhu from the side of the gate, you can see the Podocarpus pine every day when you live in the wooden house. Zizhu is refreshing.

At the same time, a wooden building was also placed on the west side of the Shenshu area, placed on the Lingshi base surrounding the dragon blood tree flower garden, and the house faces north from south.

When the little fox and little Huihui are in the Shenshu area, they usually don't climb the dragon blood tree and squat in the tree hole, but also like to sleep in the wooden house.

Finally back home, classmate Le Xiao was in a good mood, and cooked a pot of sea snail soup to share with the little fox. As for Xiao Huihui, it was estimated that she would sleep until tomorrow evening at least, so there was no need to leave her spiritual food.

After drinking a bowl of sea snail soup, the little fox was very satisfied. He rubbed his belly and happily ran to the main room, occupied a chair, fell down, and fell asleep soundly.

No one talked to him anymore, Xiao Le counted some commonly used items he brought back from Dongchen by himself, packed up some things he brought home directly, packed his backpack and suitcase, packed his luggage, and slowly climbed out space.

The night sky in the Gobi Desert is very beautiful, the sky is densely covered with stars, the night wind brings the fragrance of plants and trees, and also the sounds of animals from the distant Kunlun Mountains.

After observing for a long time, there were no human beings in a radius of tens of miles. Le Yun flew into the air tens of meters high, took out a clump of nine bamboos from the storage container and carried it on his shoulders, so as to test whether there were any abnormalities when new creatures appeared on the earth. .

Jiuzizhu appeared under the starlight of the earth. Except for the crystal-like body of Jiuzizhu printed with faint starlight and the light shining on the surface of the crystal, there was no abnormal phenomenon, no starlight, and nothing It shines brightly.

After floating in the air for a while, Le Yun sighed silently: "Hey, the world is different, and the treatment is different. The world of modern technology cannot be compared with the world of immortals."

There is no miracle that Jiuzizhu appeared on the earth, so what are you waiting for?
She didn't say anything, and sent the Nine Bamboos back to the storage container for storage, then flew to the ground, took out the aircraft, and threw spirit stones into the formation area of ​​the aircraft.

Throwing and throwing, throwing a full 10 yuan of spirit stones, the power stored in the aircraft reached saturation, and it could no longer absorb the spirit power of the spirit stones.

According to the memorized time, it was about nine o'clock in the evening. Le Yun happily entered the canoe-shaped aircraft, turned on the aircraft, flew to the sky several hundred meters high, and flew towards his hometown.

The aircraft gathers enough power and flies extremely fast, just like a meteor across the sky, it travels far, far away in a flash. If someone sees it, they will really think it is a shooting star.

Anyway, as the pilot of the aircraft, Le Xiao himself couldn't see the scenery clearly. He didn't know which city he was flying over. He just stared silently ahead to see if there were planes or mountains in the distance.

The aircraft flew across the sky like a meteor, flew for about an hour and a half, and paused.

Student Le Xiao drove the flight down, and it was not far from the ground before he realized that he had arrived at a field, seven or eight miles away from the place with lights. He put away the aircraft, flew at low altitude, found a road, and ran along the road to the where the lights are.

Flying a few miles away, I saw a road sign at a fork road. Looking at the road sign, it shows that the Dajiu Lake is ahead, that is, the Shennong Mountain Dajiu Lake Scenic Area, which also means flying over the head!

The location of Dajiuhu Scenic Area is adjacent to Jiudao, and it is very close to my hometown.

After flying over the head, Le Yun immediately turned around, ran to the wilderness, took out the compass to determine the direction, tested the angle of her home, took back the Sinan tool, and took out the aircraft again, but also bleeding from distress.

In Dongchen Continent, the flying machine only consumes a few hundred low-grade spirit stones after flying thousands of miles, and nearly 1000 yuan of spirit stones are consumed by flying more than 10 kilometers on the earth.

Using an aircraft on Earth is like burning spirit stones.

The flesh hurts and the liver hurts, no matter how distressed it is, it still needs to be used. Stepping on the flying sword is too slow, and it is easy to be found. The flying machine is fast, and it is not easy to be found.

Throwing 3 yuan of spiritual stones into the aircraft, he set off again with his magic weapon, fearing that it would fly over the ground, and the speed was slower, and it took only a few minutes to reach Jiudao.

Finally returning to the place where she was born and raised, Le Yun happily landed in a wilderness, collected the magic weapon, and drove in the dark to the field area two miles away from the township administrative center, and ran from Changshi to Jiudao. urban and rural roads, and then climb back to the space to rest.

The mood is uplifted, there is no sleepiness at all, and I don't want to sleep.

Le Xiaoliu meditated for an hour, went to the medicine field area to pick plants, and when it was almost dawn, he changed into a beautiful half-arm ancient clothes, tied up his hair, wore a beautiful hair crown, and climbed out with his luggage. Space, walk along the road towards the township government.

(End of this chapter)

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