magic eye doctor

Chapter 1576 Scared (2 more

Chapter 1576 Scared (2 more

What surprise?
Hearing the surprise, Le Yun's eyes were like lighted lamps, shining brighter than a [-]-watt lamp, and stretched his neck excitedly: "Wow, what kind of surprise? Where is it?"

Xiaotuanzi stretched her beautiful neck like a swan, looking around like a groundhog on sentry post. The men and women of the Chao family almost laughed, and the occasionally childish Lele is so cute!

"Surprise is coming soon." The beautiful boy smiled and touched the back of the cute little dumpling's head, leaned forward, bent down, took out a cardboard box from the bottom of the coffee table and put it on his lap, then lifted the lid of the box, and put it An exquisite invitation letter from above was handed over.

Brother Chao took out a box, Le Yun was extremely curious, his eyes widened, eagerly waiting for the so-called "surprise", when the beauty brother handed over an invitation, everyone was dumbfounded, that was a surprise ?

It is undeniable that the invitation card is very beautiful, with exquisite patterns in the old European style, as well as handwritten English letters. On the surface, no matter how you look at it, it is a high-end card.

However, no matter how beautiful and exquisite it is, it is essentially an invitation to a meal or a banquet.

So, the dazed little classmate Le Yun blinked, looked at the post, looked at the head of the Chao family, and then looked at the delicate and beautiful boy brother, with a blank expression on his face: "Is this the surprise brother Chao said? "

The delicate, pink and cute little Lele blinked her watery almond eyes, with a silly expression on her face. The eight parents of the Chao family felt itchy to see her, and just wanted to rush over to pull the little guy to her side to love her.

"Well, this is one of them." The beautiful boy opened the invitation letter with a gentle smile, and showed the owner the pages inside.

Le Yun was not interested in the invitation, but Brother Chao showed it to me as a surprise, so he had no choice but to hold it in his hand and read it. The characters were all recognizable, but the combined content was something she didn't understand. .

So, holding the exquisite invitation card, I was still dazed: "The Clion Celebrity Ball, is this the god Ma Dongdong? Is it just a dance party?"

Xiaotuanzi's reaction stunned Chao Jiasanjun, his wife and the beautiful boy. Is it because Xiaolele opened the invitation in the wrong way, or did they send the surprise in the wrong way?Shouldn't Xiao Lele be surprised?No matter how bad it is, it should be a bit of a surprised expression, right? Why is Xiao Lele's expression of "I don't know it" this kind of uninterested and indifferent face?
"Little Tuanzi, don't you know about Clion's Ladies' Ball? Clion's Ladies' Ball is also called Paris's Ladies' Ball, also known as the World's Ladies' Ball. It is a high-level banquet that celebrities all over the world want to attend."

Chao Erye can't sit still anymore, he is an old man who knows about that ball, and Xiao Lele has traveled to many countries in Europe, so he hasn't even heard of world-class balls, right?
The Ladies Ball in Paris is rated as one of the top ten top dinner parties in the world. It is the world's top ladies ball created by Olifi, the social godmother of country F. It is also a luxurious celebration banquet for grown girls. A charity fundraiser, the ultimate goal of the founder is to take this opportunity to raise money for charity.

There are very few seats in the celebrity ball, and it is scheduled for about 20 people. The girls are between the ages of 16 and 22 and must be unmarried girls. Someone once jokingly called the ball a "blind date banquet for choosing a son-in-law."

Girls who can be invited by the host of the ball not only need to come from excellent families, but also beautiful, noble, hard-working and full of sense of mission. Girls from royal families, noble families and famous families are the main ones invited to the ball, and there are also cultural and artistic celebrities. Women, and girls who rely on their own efforts to achieve good results.

Many people privately judge whether the ladies are the top ladies in the world by whether they can participate in the Clion Ladies Ball. Even the daughters of the presidents of European and American countries want to fight for the ball, which shows its attractiveness and status in the hearts of ladies. how tall.

"And then?" Le Yun opened her big eyes and looked curious: "Second uncle, what is the use of this world-class celebrity ball you are talking about? Is there any threshold requirement? Does it mean that you have gone? The status and status have risen in an instant?"

Xiaotuanzi wandered around Europe for so long, but he really didn't know about the ball of the world's famous ladies, Chao Erye couldn't laugh or cry: "Xiaotuanzi, you are really only suitable for researching medicinal materials."

"Lele, the threshold for this ball is very high. Under normal circumstances, only the rich second generation who come from a famous family or extremely rich, and they are also very good, can be invited. Only in recent years have there been a few in our country. Girls have received invitations, and the parents or elders of the invitees are celebrities.


Xiao Tuanzi doesn't care about anything other than medicine, and the beautiful boy reluctantly admits that he and Xiao Lele often don't focus on the same channel, so he can help her with science and explain some rules of the dance to her.

Invitees to the World Celebrity Ball are usually accompanied by their fathers. At the dinner, the father and male companion will each dance a waltz, which is why it is nicknamed the "Ball of Choosing a Son-in-Law".

"So, why did I receive the invitation? My family, from my dad up to my great-grandfather's generation, are all serious mud legs. I have nothing to do with the rich second generation. In a few days In ten years, it is possible to become the mother of the rich second generation." She wondered if someone sent the wrong invitation card, or maybe the organizer knew a few people from Country YI, so she gave her an invitation card through the back door. post.

Xiaotuanzi's brain circuit has always been different. Chao Jiasanjun and his wife had long since given up the idea of ​​seeing her surprised expression. When they heard what she said, everyone burst into laughter. Xiao Lele is Xiao Lele, a little girl. pistachio.

The beautiful boy smiled brightly, and couldn't help but hold Xiaotuanzi in his arms, rub his head and poke his face: "We Lele are not the rich second generation, but we are a rich generation, and we are also the most influential person in the future, and we are track and field... An athlete who has broken the world record, Lele is such an excellent example that she does not need to rely on the aura of her ancestors to become a celebrity in the world. It is a smart decision for the organizer to send an invitation letter to Lele."

Le Yun covered her face and hid herself: "Then here comes the question, I'm not interested in the dance, if I refuse, will I be beaten to death?"

"Oh, Xiaotuanzi, don't rush to refuse, Lele, think about it again."

"Lele, this ball is quite special. Because our country's status in the world has been improved in recent years, girls have gradually been invited. Lele is going to show the demeanor of our girls in the Great Heavenly Dynasty, and give our girls in the Great Heavenly Dynasty a long life. long face."

"We, Lele, are so good, we must take a seat at the ladies' ball, we can't let people underestimate the girls of my Great China Kingdom..."

Xiaotuanzi didn't want to go to the banquet, and the three beautiful women immediately expressed their opinions, and they all agreed to participate, and they were not in favor of giving up.

"My dad has never been out of the province before, so it would be embarrassing for him to go abroad. Chao's father is a high-ranking official, so it is not suitable to go to that kind of place. I will learn from Kong Rong. Let others go for this kind of dance." Go to participate She didn't want to suffer from wearing high heels to the dinner.

"Xiao Lele, I have contacted the organizer. The organizer said that my elder brother or younger brother or other elders can accompany me on the trip. The accompanying person is not limited to my father."

"Oh, Brother Beauty means you can accompany me, right?"

"Right, I will study in country Y in the second half of the year, which is very close to country F."

"Okay, my brother Chao is so beautiful, I have to go to the top European and American dinner parties to show off, so that foreigners can appreciate the beauty of my handsome man in the heaven." I readily agreed to go to Lao Mozi's dinner party.

"Stinky little dumpling, you only have your brother in your heart..."

The eight parents are heartbroken.

Fearing that the elders would catch him loving him, Le Yun Lai Meiren's elder brother pretended to be dead in his arms, and quickly changed the subject: "Isn't it a surprise, this doesn't count, what good news is there to be surprised?"

"Yes." The beautiful boy moved the box on the side, and took out a stack of documents to show Xiaotuanzi: "On Lele's new birthday, You Tuhao sent Lele a birthday gift to wish you an adult. You Take a look, are you surprised or not?"

The first document is in Italian, Le Yun gets up and sits down, reads ten lines at a glance, reads a page in an instant, and then flips down page by page, well, the original text has Italian, English, and translated text , a lot of presents.

"Airplanes, yachts, motorcycles, sports cars... Scary, this is not a surprise, it's a shock!" Counting the list of gifts, the whole person is not in a good mood, Mr. Old Farley, Mr. Smith, and Mr. Roberto want to do something. What?
The young and old members of the Chao family held back their laughter, no matter if it was a surprise or something, as long as they could see Xiaotuanzi change his face.

"Our little Lele has four helicopters, a yacht and a sports car. They can fly in the sky, swim in the sea, and run on the ground. They can summon dragons." Xiaofentuanzi's cute little face wrinkled into a ball , the beautiful boy smiled and rubbed her face to make her happy.

Le Yun put down the document, admiring her beautiful hands over and over again: "My hands are too long if they are increased by one point, and they are too short if they are reduced by one point. This shape is just right, and I don't want them to be shortened."

Eat people's mouth is soft, take others' hands short, the eight members of the Chao family all understand the hidden meaning of Xiao Tuanzi, and they are so amused by Xiao Lele's serious and complaining appearance that they lean forward and backward with laughter, knowing why they love to tease Xiao Tuanzi?It is because Xiaotuanzi's reaction is often different, and it is definitely a pistachio.

Mama Fang and Uncle Hu, who were making tea for the husband and wife and preparing fruit snacks, couldn't help laughing.

The elders burst into laughter, Le Yun looked up to the sky and was speechless, the gifts from the group of Tuhao were too expensive, what should she do?She is suffering!
It is very happy to receive gifts, but there is no free dinner in the world. After receiving gifts from others, if they have health problems in the future, she must take care of them to make sense.

Heart congestion.

Le Yun sighed secretly, alas, forget it, the boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge, I will think about the gift later, looking at the elders who are smiling happily, she wrinkled her nose: "Brother Chao, is there anything else?" Frightened, throw out everything you have.”

"Yes." The beautiful boy smiled and slipped out the two magazines for Xiaotuanzi to read.

?A black question mark flashed in her mind, Le Yun held the magazine in her hand, and she was no longer shocked when she saw her own photo on the magazine report, she scanned the text at a glance, read it, then turned the page, and after reading it Sub-report, look at the cover of the magazine.

Well, Time magazine, she remembered it.

Read another one, saw a detailed report on what disease was cured, calmed down, read it, and then looked at the title of the magazine cover, um, science, right, she remembered it too.

After reading the magazine, with a calm face: "People are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong. Fortunately, I am not strong."

"Puff—" The elders who sat admiring the expression of Xiaofentuanzi let out bursts of laughter.

"Our little Lele is not strong, so don't be afraid. There are many people who are more famous than our little Lele. Besides, it's good to be famous as soon as possible. From now on, little Lele will wait to collect money and try to explode Bill Gate in minutes. Ci." The beautiful boy embraced the cute girl's shoulders, his smile was brighter than the sun, he dared to bet that Lele must have recorded the editors of a certain magazine in his little black notebook.

"..." Le Yun resisted the urge to scold someone, so what do you think, why did you throw her in a magazine?Are you bored?

Anyway, before I knew it, people were also featured in magazines, those who wanted to remember her must have already remembered her, and those who didn't remember her didn't need to worry about it.

Having stayed in Dongchen for 80 years, it was not for nothing. Le Yun became very Buddhist, with super receptive ability and super good self-regulation ability, and she accepted the fact in an instant.

The only thing that bothered her was that there were no good surprises, all of them were frightening or frustrating things.

There were no surprises, and I felt a little bit depressed. I threw the documents aside, and the climbing beauty brother hung it on his back like a sloth, and asked him to go downstairs to pack his luggage.

Xiaotuanzi turned into a clingy spirit. In order to appease her frightened little heart, the beautiful boy walked downstairs slowly with his back on his back, walked around the yard twice, basked in the summer sun for a few minutes, and went to the first floor to check things.

Xiaotuanzi will go back to school after tidying up his belongings. The eight parents of the Chao family helped tidy up Xiaotuanzi's documents and invitations before going downstairs.

Uncle Hu's mother also went to the first floor with the gentlemen and wives, and Uncle Hu drove Bo Ge'er's car to the door of the living room on the first floor, backed up the car, and facilitated loading of luggage.

Uncle Hu and Mother Fang put all the little princess’s luggage in the lobby on the first floor, and they were neatly arranged. There are wooden boxes, fresh-keeping boxes, suitcases, and backpacks, each with its own person, with a clear stomach.

The air conditioner is turned on in the living room, so I am not afraid that the contents in the box will deteriorate due to high temperature.

Le Yun climbed down from the beauty's brother's back and divided the presents among herself. Most of the fresh-keeping boxes contained toast, smoked fish, and bad fish. There were only three boxes of camel meat and stewed meat. The wooden box contained clothes and three jars of sauce.

A portion of the food was given to Chao’s elders, and one portion was to be taken to school. The items for Chao’s elders were picked out, and the rest was to be taken to school.

When the pink and tender Xiaotuanzi said that a certain portion was for the elders, Mr. Chao happily opened a fresh-keeping box, grabbed a smoked fish, and each tore a piece of fish with his wife to taste.

The smell of smoked fish dissipated, Sanjun swallowed silently, saying nothing, went to catch a fish to share with his wife, Chao Sanye did not forget to give one to Uncle Hu when he caught the fish, so that Uncle Hu and Fang Mom tastes the fish first.

My parents are unreliable occasionally, and the beautiful boy does not disturb their good mood of eating fish, and carries luggage and loads the car with Xiao Lele.

The brothers and sisters transported all the luggage to the car and put them in the car. The fish eaters also killed the fish. They wanted to have another fish. Seeing that Xiaotuanzi was going back to school, he hurriedly brought fruit to the children. It was eaten at school, and a basket of fresh vegetables was stuffed.

(End of this chapter)

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