magic eye doctor

Chapter 1578 Your Little Padded Jacket Must Be Hungry

Chapter 1578 Your Little Padded Jacket Must Be Hungry

Wang Ershao ran away first, the beautiful boy smiled helplessly, picked up a box, waited for the little cute sister to take away the two fresh-keeping boxes, closed the car door, and locked the car.

Unaccompanied, the Chao brothers and sisters went upstairs at their own pace.

Wang Ershao rushed up to the second floor in one breath, put down the jar in front of the room where his grandma lived, took out the key to open the door, unlocked the door, plunged into the house, and first yelled anxiously: "Master grandma, your little one!" Here comes the padded jacket."

Professor Wan Teng heard that the primary school students had left customs and would return to Beijing soon. The old couple didn't know when the primary school students would return to Beijing, and they didn't even go home on weekends, so they stayed at school.

They didn't expect that the elementary school students would come back that week. They received a call from the boy from Chao's family in the middle of the afternoon saying that they would come to their house for dinner in the evening. The couple guessed that Xiao Lele might have returned to Beijing or asked the boy to send something. happy.

The couple waited impatiently at home. One was studying medical books, the other was studying piano score books. He didn't take it seriously when he heard the sound of the door lock turning. Bass stood up.

When the little grandson's shout, which was comparable to the roar of a lion in the east of the river, they had already run out, asking anxiously while running:
"Xiao Lele is really here?"

"Where is my little boy?"

A joyful smile appeared on the face of Professor Wan Teng, Mrs. Wang, and walked around the sofa and coffee table, and ran to the place near the door in a few steps. Looking outside, she also saw the Chao family boy coming up the building.

Seeing Brother Chao's family, they also knew that Xiao Lele must be behind, so they stopped running out and stood waiting, their eyes fixed on the door.

Grandpa and grandma couldn't see themselves when they had elementary school students. Wang Ershao silently put down the fresh-keeping box, then quickly stepped back to the door, carried the jar into the house and put it in a relatively open place, and then waited solemnly to see grandpa and grandma. What will be the expression when seeing the little loli.

Holding the fresh-keeping box, the beautiful boy walked unhurriedly to the door of Professor Wanqi's dormitory, and walked in unhurriedly: "Professor Wanqi, Mrs. Wang, I brought my sister to eat."

"Yeah, it's good to be here." Professor Wan Cheng narrowed his eyes happily.

Mrs. Wang stared behind the beautiful young man. When the young man entered the house, she couldn't wait to walk forward. Looking behind the young man, she saw a tender little girl stepping in the door.

The pink and juicy little girl has straight eyebrows and black hair tied on the top of her head. Mrs. Wang was stunned for a moment, and then rushed forward excitedly. She rushed over to catch the little guy who looked like a little fairy, and hugged her Loving her in her arms: "Xiao Lele, my little darling, you gave my teacher a big surprise!"

Because the beauty's elder brother is tall and close, Le Yun could only see the back of her elder brother's head, but she couldn't see the teacher and the professor at the first time. When she walked into the professor's house and saw the teacher who came running, her heart trembled. Master's wife is aging so fast!

When she left, she left her mistress with pills for recuperation, but it couldn't stop her body's muscle energy from aging. After one winter and one spring, her body's muscle strength was equivalent to three springs and autumns.

Just had time to scan the body of the teacher's wife, the teacher's wife has already run towards her, Le Yun quickly put down the box, and just put the box at the feet, she was embraced by the teacher's wife, enjoying the love of the teacher's wife, rubbing her hand: "Mrs. , your little padded jacket misses you very much, and ran back to be a good elementary school student to you after finishing the research."

"My little darling is the most caring, and the little padded jacket is the most heart-warming. Little Lele is getting cuter and cuter, what should I do if Mrs. Wang is reluctant to let go." With a soft and cute pink and juicy cutie in her arms, Mrs. Wang was as happy as standing On the clouds, my heart flutters, flutters, lightly.

Mrs. Wang rushed behind him, and the beautiful boy cleverly put down the box in his hand, and turned around. When Mrs. Wang hugged Xiao Lele, he quickly took away the box that Xiao Lele threw aside, and moved decisively. Step aside as a spectator.

His wife went to catch the primary school students, and Professor Wan Teng also went to join in the fun. When he ran, he saw a head and a large piece of black hair in his wife's arms.

The old professor was a little confused: "Xiao Le, are you wearing a wig?"

"Professor, your primary school student's hair is not a wig, it's your own real hair, really, really, really, say the important thing three times." Being questioned that the hair is a wig, Le Yun put her arms around her waist and acted coquettishly: "Mrs. Does your little padded jacket have beautiful hair, take a look at your elementary school students' clothes, is your beautiful, does your little padded jacket look like a little fairy?"

"Little Guaiguai's hair is so beautiful, the hair quality is really good, and the clothes are also beautiful. The most beautiful thing is my little Guaiguai herself." Mrs. Wang hugged the baby in her arms, stroking the little cute and soft long black hair, and couldn't put it down: " Don't pay attention to your teacher, he is old, his eyes are not good, and he can't recognize that the beautiful long hair of Xiaoguai is real."

"Miss, you don't want to eliminate me like this, I have good eyesight," Professor Wan Qi cried out to himself: "You have occupied Xiao Lele, and I only see some hair. How can I tell whether it is real hair or hair? Wigs, besides, it's only been eight months, and Xiao Le has grown such long hair, which doesn't conform to the law of natural biological growth."

"My little darling is Yuxue cute and extremely smart. It's not unusual to get some medicine to make her hair grow back." Mrs. Wang angrily choked on her wife, daring to say that her darling's hair does not conform to scientific theory, Looking for scolding.

"Young lady is right. When I am happy, I forget that Xiao Le is a genius who is extremely intelligent, unparalleled in the world, and unique in 2000 years. What others can't do, everything is possible here in Xiao Le." The desire to survive is strong, and when he finds something bad, he immediately corrects his small mistakes. His wife's reverse scale is Xiao Lele. If you dare to say that Xiao Le is not good, isn't that stroking his wife's beard?

Mrs. Wang felt comfortable after hearing what Lao Wantong said. She hugged the soft and cute little guy, touched her head, touched her face, looked left and right, the more she looked, the happier she was, the more she looked, the more she loved her, and she couldn't close her smile. mouth.

When Professor Wan Teng had the opportunity to look at the primary school students and admire them, he was also extremely shocked. He said that some people grow backwards, and Xiao Le really grows backwards.

The most incredible thing is her hair, which is straight and shiny, smoother than oiled, and the hair thickness is two to three to four times that of normal people.

The old professor has a very strong interest in the hair of elementary school students. He secretly researched it and wanted to know what magical formula can make hair grow quickly without robbing the body of nutrition.

Mrs. Wang hugged the tender little baby and loved it a lot. After realizing that she was still standing at the door, she quickly took the hand of the little padded jacket to sit down, and happily embraced the little baby to admire it. Not tired, the more she looked at it, the happier she was, wishing she could hold the person in the palm of her hand and take care of it all the time.

Professor Wan Teng sat on the other side, surrounded the pupils with his wife, and placed his big hands on top of the pupils' heads, rubbing his little head, with the corners of his mouth upturned in satisfaction.

The whole person of Wang Ershao was... confused, because Grandma Mao was not shocked at all when she saw the little Lolita who was completely different from the past, and she didn't doubt it at all.

The beautiful boy was very calm, moved a few boxes to one side and put them away, sat down, poured tea gracefully, gave a cup to each of the owner's grandparents, and gave a cup to his lovely sister and himself.

Mrs. Wang hugged the heart-warming little padded jacket lovingly, her heart was full of joy, and her face was full of smiles. The surprise that Xiao Lele gave her was more surprising than any surprise. Xiao Lele turned into a little padded jacket with long hair, so happy up.

Wang Ershao glanced at his grandparents dozens of times, and when his stomach complained, he asked weakly, "Grandma, it's getting dark, when are we going to eat, your little padded jacket must be hungry too."

"Oh, is the little cotton-padded jacket hungry? Mrs. Wang is going to cook something for the little cotton-padded jacket." Mrs. Wang, who was immersed in happiness, suddenly realized that it was getting late.

On weekdays, she would definitely find that the foodie grandson used her little padded jacket as a cover to beg for food. Now, her eyes are full of surprises brought by the little padded jacket, so she doesn't care about other things, lest she will starve her precious little boy, so hurry to go The kitchen is ready for dinner.

Wang Ershao: "..." Grandma no longer feels sorry for her grandson when she has a little lolita, and his heart has been hurt ten thousand points.

The little grandson of the professor's family looks unloved, and the beautiful boy smiles as brightly as before. Whether it is in Chao's house or Professor Wanqi's house, there is Xiao Lele. These young people are all floating clouds, and the elders can't see them. Just be the air obediently.

The teacher's wife was cooking, and Le Yun also went to help, carrying the smoked fish and the prepared camel meat into the dining room, and discussed with the teacher's wife which one to eat first in the evening.

Seeing the bad fish cooked by Xiao Guaiguai, Mrs. Wang's heart softened into water. She knew why she loved Xiao Lele, because Xiao Lele was so caring. The little guy knew that her hometown loved cooking bad fish, so he kept it in his heart , made bad fish and sent it.

The caring little padded jacket is so filial to the elders, of course everything has to be served on the table!
With a little padded jacket to accompany her, Mrs. Wang couldn't help but cook a few special dishes quickly, then steamed the bad fish, smoked fish, and camel animals in a steamer, and took the sauce to adjust and dilute. Once on the table.

When eating the new formula of medicinal dishes for elementary school students, Professor Wan Teng and Mrs. Wang were amazed again. Their elementary school students are like a treasure. Whenever you think that a certain medicinal meal she made is the most perfect, next time, she will make it whole again. Come up with new tricks and surprise you again.

There is no best for primary school students, only better, no perfect, only more perfect.

There is such a talented student, and a child who respects teachers so much, and the old couple are so happy that they can't help but smile during the whole meal, and they are full of praise.

For more than half a year, I haven’t eaten the medicinal food made by little Lolita. When the opportunity came, Wang Ershao buried himself in eating hard, only complaining that he didn’t have enough hands and mouth. The taste of the dishes must be cool and crooked.

He is also quite self-conscious, having a good meal, taking the job of washing the dishes by himself, and making tea for the elders and grandparents' most precious primary school students and Brother Bo for them to sit and chat.

Mrs. Wang hugged her beloved little padded jacket and couldn't bear to let go of it for a moment. When the little guy said that he was going back to the dormitory, her smiling face changed instantly, blaming some students for robbing her little boy, threatening to find someone to settle accounts, even He said angrily that he would wear small shoes for others, and asked some tutors to buckle their graduation certificates.

Looking at her abandoned appearance, Le Yun put her arms around her to comfort her: "Mrs., those handsome guys in school have graduated, and I will rarely meet them in the future. I am your little padded jacket, and I can always See, I still have to be a good student in school for a year, and then the little padded jacket will become the little padded jacket of the teacher and wife alone."

"Okay." Mrs. Wang was overjoyed when she learned that the little guy would stay in school for another year. She reluctantly let go and let the pupil go back to school for boarding.

Wang Ershao was very clever. He transferred the contents of the fresh-keeping box brought by Little Lolita, and brought the box back to her. The jar of sauce had to be returned after eating. He came with the car and returned with the car. Still Be a driver.

As the driver, Wang Ershao drove back to the Xueba Building and returned the car keys to Brother Bo. He thought that Brother Bo would go back to the rented house, but when he saw the boy going upstairs with a backpack, he was so happy that he almost jumped three feet high. Be a happy fanboy behind the beautiful boy.

The three of them climbed to the fourth floor, and waited for the little loli to enter the dormitory, then Wang Ershao opened the door of his own dormitory and asked Bo Ge to move into the dormitory.

Feng Shao, Duan Shao and Ren Shao went to forage by themselves in the evening, and went back to the dormitory to study hard after dinner. When they saw the beautiful boy president and Wang Ershao returning together, they were also very pleasantly surprised. They raised their hands and feet to welcome the boy president.

Wang Ershao gave up his bed, and ran to snatch half of Ren Shao's bed.

This night, the Fourth Young Master slept very soundly. He woke up on time in the morning and didn't go to morning exercises. In his twenties, he followed the beautiful boy to the opposite dormitory as a guest.

In addition to a cute little loli who looked like an elf, they were greeted by a hearty breakfast with one porridge and four dishes.

Le Xiao returned to the school dormitory from his teacher's mother's house, quickly moved the fresh-keeping box into the space, wrote a letter of thanks to the old Mr. Ferrari and his friends for giving him gifts, took pictures, and sent an email Send it to handsome Miro, and then slip back to your own space, find out the raw materials you need, and start making medicine.

Those medicines were specially formulated for those scumbags in Wang Ju's family. She said that giving "warmth" to them is not just as simple as visiting the police station. Going to see scumbags is to collect their bodily functions Data, to facilitate the refining of good things specific to their blood characteristics.

As for my wife's medicine, I will prepare it after the summer vacation. My wife's body is suitable for treatment in autumn and winter.

With abundant resources in his hands, Le Xiao found out a bunch of semi-finished products, remixed them, and then took the things and ran to the space where there are still uncultivated and undeveloped wilderness with no animals and no animals to open a furnace to make medicine. It was over three o'clock in the morning.

It was not far from dawn, so she went back to the dormitory to take a shower, and meditated until 04:30 to cook porridge, and did not steam fish and camel meat in a pot until [-] o'clock, and stir-fried vegetables.

When she finished preparing the sauce, the beautiful boy brother also came to visit with four little fresh meats, and the meal was served immediately.

Feng Shao, Ren Shao, Duan Shao had a beautiful breakfast, rushed to wash the dishes with Wang Ershao, cleaned up the small kitchen, and the three young masters secretly poked Wang Ershao with their eyes. The little loli went to Professor Wancheng yesterday Home, the little grandson of Wanqi's family had a medicated diet yesterday, and today he got another delicious meal, which is so enviable!

Wang Ershao, who has received countless blank stares and scoldings, is at a loss. He hasn't done anything outrageous, right? Why do the friends stare at him?
He didn't dare to ask. After seven o'clock, he and his friends hurriedly went their separate ways. Others graduated, and they were still juniors, busy.

(End of this chapter)

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