magic eye doctor

Chapter 158 Let him go once

Chapter 158 Let him go

With a cold smile from Shao Yan, Shao Liu understood the meaning of it. He remained silent, secretly lighting a wax for someone, and sacrificing the bright future of someone's early death in advance.

You say, when is it bad to make a mistake, but when someone Yan was in Qingda?
Someone Yan wants to prank people, and even if there is nothing, he can dig out the trivial sesame things that you forgot to leave Jiuxiaoyun, and then add oil and vinegar to you, let it ferment, and finally make a big thing and use it as a handle, not to mention this kind of criminal evidence For a definite event, if someone Yan could be blind, that would be a fantasy.

Liu Shao, a person who knows Yan Shao's temperament well, doesn't sympathize with someone at all, if he doesn't commit suicide, the time for that person's death is wrong, and the person offended is exactly the one they want to rob, someone is doomed to die.

Speaking of which, there was no need to continue asking about the details of the process. The four decided to go to dinner. Liu Dashao was too lazy to go to the hospital in the evening to pick up the car. He climbed out of the car and rode his motorcycle to follow behind the car. run.

Liu Zhenjun and Han Yuntao left the campus without communicating or staying. When they returned to the hostel, Captain Liu asked Instructor Han to have dinner first, and he rushed to the conference room for a meeting.

All the instructors were already on the line, and Captain Liu arrived nearly 10 minutes late for the first time. Seeing that the captain's face was not warm, everyone guessed that something bad might happen, and they were quite disturbed.

Liu Zhenjun walked to the conference room to preside over the podium, looked at more than 100 instructors, and faced the eyes of many explorers. He was silent, silent and then silent, silent for a long time, and his voice was slightly astringent: "I didn't want to announce something at first. After thinking about it, I still want to say it." Once you say it, let everyone take warning..."

Captain Liu was silent for a while when he said that everyone should take warning. The more than [-] instructors below, except for a few instructors from the adjacent team of the second battalion medical department, vaguely guessed the reason. It took so long to think about what the captain wanted to say.

"What I'm talking about is a training accident. There may be some minor accidents during military training these days, and there are also a few students suffering from heat stroke. Those are all within the expected range. Both us and the school can accept it calmly. However, this morning, a student What do you think of the accidental fracture during military training?"

Team Liu spoke very slowly. When they heard that the student suffered an accidental fracture, all the instructors held their breath in unison, and their eyes were full of surprise. Could it be true?

Before the military training, the Youth University repeatedly studied the content of the military training with the coaching instructor team and the person in charge of the National University, and discussed the dangers of the content items from various aspects, so as to ensure that there would be no accidents during the military training. Exclusions, such as throwing forward and throwing backwards, have been removed from the training program of ordinary college students, and only national defense students retain that training.

Another example is weight-bearing and hurdle-crossing exercises. In the past, there was weight-bearing running. Every morning, I ran five to ten kilometers with weight. Because some people suffered internal injuries due to exhaustion in the past few years, that item has also been changed as appropriate. Now it is not a compulsory item, but a penalty item. Anyone who violates the discipline will be fined to run three to 5000 meters with a load.

Items that may cause direct harm to students' bodies are removed, and education classes and drills on earthquakes, fires, air strikes and counter-terrorism, as well as self-rescue and mutual rescue are added.

The ultimate goal of Qingda is only one: to avoid physical injury of students in military training, and to meet the requirements of training students and improving their physical fitness.

Before they came to teach, they also practiced and researched training programs in many ways, studied how severe their requirements in each training were, and how much effort they had to exert to suppress students just right, so that the training could be effective but not right. Students cause physical and mental harm.

They will always train students on the premise of not harming their health. Even if they sometimes train students into dogs, it is within the range of students' physical ability.

Now, when they suddenly heard that a student had broken bones, everyone felt incredible. They had to hold meetings every noon every day. The captain told them every day that they must grasp the strength and grasp the proportions. They were careful and careful, they knew the proportions, and did not dare to train them strictly, which basically meant what they meant. Even if the student barely meets the eligibility requirements, how could the girl still have a broken bone under such circumstances?
"Captain, did the female student fall by herself?"

"Captain, are female students with osteoporosis and increased bone fragility?"

After a short silence, the young instructors asked questions one after another. They felt that the girl's bones must be more brittle than the average person, which is why they fractured.

Liu Zhenjun's face was gloomy: "I also hope that it is the girl herself, but in fact, the female student's examination and the physical examination report at the beginning of the school year show that she is healthier than anyone else, and the data is in perfect condition, which means that she Better than the healthiest and strongest military men of yours."

How can it be?

The first thought of the young people was that it was impossible. Each of them had undergone severe experience, did not have any adverse diseases, and practiced all the year round. Their physique was the best among the Chinese, but the captain told them that there was a female student whose physique was better than theirs. Isn't this a joke?
"Do you know who that girl is? That girl is the one who was challenged by three national defense students a few days ago. She ran [-] meters with ease, and did [-] push-ups in one breath without pressure. Do you still think her physique is bad when a tall boy falls?"

Captain Liu's words made the young instructors unanimously silent. Of course, they knew that the national defense students challenged girls, and some of them did not go to the sidelines with Captain Liu during the challenge. They changed their civilian clothes in private and went to watch the whole process of the challenge.

If they were replaced by other girls, they could also deceive themselves and say that the girl may have a bad physique and her bones are too fragile, so she could bear a little bit of gravity, and she would be broken if she fell a little. Let them say it's a girl's physique, and they'll have to doubt their own personality.

"I'll tell you what happened..." Liu Zhenjun repeated the process of Instructor Han's assessment of military boxing, and then talked about the little girl's reaction to waking up after being sent to the hospital and the performance of the military training students, and said earnestly:
"I announced the incident of the girl's fracture to warn you that in the last few days, you must be careful, and even the safest training program should not be taken lightly, so as not to repeat the old mistakes, of course, you should not be psychologically Pressure, normal training is enough, only in the assessment of military boxing, grappling, bayonet and firearms practice, we must be cautious and cautious, everything is based on the safety of students, to ensure that nothing goes wrong. I will talk about this today, everyone rest. "

Captain Liu also didn't want to put too much pressure on the instructors, causing them to have a psychological shadow, so that everything would be constrained. The results of the military training were not ideal, and the school also questioned their abilities.

After listening to the incident, the young instructor did not directly ask any questions in his heart, and everyone left.

Liu Zhenjun didn't leave, he sat in the conference room and waited. After a while, Instructor Han, who had returned from dinner, entered the meeting and sat opposite the captain.

Facing Instructor Han's young face, Liu Zhenjun said straight to the point: "Xiao Han, are you using all your strength?"

The handprints on the little girl's wrist are so clear, even the thumb and the knuckles of the four fingers that are close together can be seen at a glance. If you say that Instructor Han only used one or two points of force, he can't believe it.

"No," Han Yuntao shook his head: "It may be six or seven points of strength. The female students are very sensitive, their strength is similar to that of the boys, and they are very skilled in grappling and martial arts. When I was impatient, I forgot my scruples, failed to restrain my strength, and left a deep imprint on the wrist of the female classmate."

"Sixty-seven points of strength, it's too ferocious, enough to break someone's wrist." Liu Zhenjun's eyebrows jumped violently, and a soldier's strength of sixty-seven points is enough to break the wrist of an ordinary female adult who doesn't practice often, not to mention the small The girl is still a minor, and her hand bones are so small that she is very lucky to have only a broken bone.

Han Yuntao lowered his eyebrows and closed his eyes, his thumbs consciously twitching his hands on his legs.

"Although the female classmates and the male students agreed that it was an accident, even if Qingda University may not pursue it, there is still a senior officer who went to the school hospital. We can't be sloppy, you write a process report, in case Qingda University, higher-level departments or Chief Liu come. Inquiries can be submitted at any time for review.”

"Okay, I'll go back to write the report and review right away." Han Yuntao did not defend himself, accepted the captain's instructions in an attitude of absolute obedience, and ran back to write the report.

Liu Zhenjun sat for a few minutes and walked to the dormitory. Instructor Han needed to write a report, and he also had to write a report to report today's events to the leaders of the Youth University and the National University.

Yan Shao took Xiao Luoli and the Chao family boy to the restaurant where they could order food. When they arrived, it was past the busiest time of day at noon. The restaurant was relatively quiet and they could order food as they wished.

The dishes came up one by one, Liu Dashao looked at the dishes, his face was tangled, he hadn't eaten the food made by the little beauty for a few days, and he missed it so much!

Originally it was the Mid-Autumn Festival tomorrow and the school was off. He still wanted to stay at school to eat, but now, looking at the little beauty, her palms were injured and her wrist was broken. I feel pity for her appearance. Even if someone asked him to eat, he would be ashamed. Go, let a wounded caller cook food for a person with healthy limbs. If no one tells him, he himself feels that he is too bad.

Hate, Liu Xiangyang hates someone to death, that bastard hurt the little beauty and made him likely to eat the Mid-Autumn Festival dinner.

When the dishes were ready, Chao Yubo originally wanted to feed Xiao Lele, but he also hid his pet girl madly. As a result, it was not surprising that he was disgusted by Yan Shao and Liu Shao.

Le Yun did not dare to accept the careful care of the beautiful young brother. She was afraid. She really wanted to let Brother Chao feed her. She felt that within three days, she might be sacked, or her other hand would be broken, and then form symmetry.

In order to protect his own personal safety from being attacked, Le Xiaoxiao properly refused the kind care of the beautiful and beautiful young man, and used his left hand to eat with a spoon and fork.

Yan Shao was very quiet. He ate generously, ate his fill neatly, and swiftly sent people back to the dormitory and sent them to the Zhuangyuan Building. Yan Shao and Liu Shao did not follow upstairs and left first.

The golden and precious young man carried his own backpack, helped the little girl to carry the backpack, and escorted the person upstairs.

There are few people returning to the dormitory building at noon, because the teaching school is a bit far from the dormitory area, especially the old students. Generally speaking, at noon, it is either in the library or in the laboratory or classroom. The freshmen of Dongcao and Zicao military training are closer to the apartment area. , You can go back to the dormitory for more than an hour at noon.

There are not many people in the dormitory, and it is very quiet.

Chao Yubo climbed up to the fourth floor, his face was not blushing or breathing, he was full of energy, just like a healthy person, he took the key to open the door and entered Xiaolele's dormitory.

The living room windows are open, the air is circulated, the light is abundant and bright.

Back at her private place, Le Yun cried out and sat beside the stack of books, and then lay down in a big character, rejoicing: "La la la, I don't need military training in the afternoon."

"So happy?" Chao Yubo dropped his backpack, turned his head, and found Xiao Lele lying on the ground, his eyebrows jumped: "Lele, be careful with your hands, don't move."

"It's okay, Brother Chao, I'm fine, as long as I don't lift heavy objects." Le Yun sat up on her back, raised her right arm and lowered it to try to move.

Bone cracks are not an overall fracture, so a small injury, as long as there is no severe impact or strain, light activities will have no effect on the injury.

"It doesn't hurt anymore?" Chao Yubo was startled, he walked quickly to the little girl who was waving his arms and sat down, holding her arm to watch.

"It doesn't hurt anymore," Le Yun said with a smile showing her neat teeth: "The reason why it hurt so much in the hospital was because the blood was not circulating. Now that the meridians are accessible, it doesn't hurt as long as you don't hit the cracked bone."

"Little Lele, see for yourself what you have done to yourself?" Chao Yubo held up a tender white hoof and let her see it for herself: "Look at your paw, it hurts like this, how can you still laugh? "

"Brother Chao, don't be frightened by the superficial phenomenon. It's not serious. The reason it looks scary is because I want to keep the evidence, so I sealed all the meridians and acupoints in my right hand. The blood was blocked, so my hand was swollen. The handprints left behind are also very clear, look at my left hand, the blood circulation in the left hand is normal, and the traces are not very obvious."

"You already know how to seal meridians and acupoints?" Chao Yubo looked at the little girl in shock. Xiaolele said long ago that people who practice martial arts and medicine can seal acupoints when their skill reaches a certain level. How big is it?
"Yes, it's only temporary, it can't last for too long." Le Yun only told half the truth, so as not to scare the beautiful young brother.

The boy's astonished expression changed to surprise, and he smiled brightly: "Lele is amazing, when I can finish a game, remember to teach me kung fu."

"Well, don't wait until the day you can finish a game, I'll teach you the basics when you have time."

"Speaking counts?"

"It doesn't count when I talk."

"Yes, Lele promised me that she would take care of herself, but you are still injured."

"...Brother Chao, this is an accident, an accident." Being grabbed by her little tail, Le Yun covered her face embarrassedly, not tearing it apart.

"I know it's not your fault, but I'm very unhappy. I'd rather you crippled him directly than toss yourself." Injuring that person is a big deal, saying that he is young and ignorant, strong and untamed, and Coke. Injured and suffering is Lele.

"Brother Chao, he is a soldier."

"I know, people say that the nine sons of the dragon are different, and the soldiers are not all pure and good. There are also different generations of rats among the soldiers, and that is the generation of rats. To the weak, we should be generous, benevolent and friendly, and deal with cruelty and cruelty. We should give a tooth for a tooth and an eye for an eye.”

Chao Yubo let go of Xiao Lele's arm and gently stroked her head. He knew that Lele had a military complex, and the specific reason could be traced back to Grandpa Le's generation.

Before arriving at Meizijing Village, Grandpa Le Tai was wandering around. He used to seek a living in a war-torn city. His life was hanging on the line several times. He refused to obey and suffered the most brutal torture. Later, the Eighth Route Army and the patriotic people who were lurking in the crowd learned that they secretly robbed the prison and rescued the dying grandpa Le Tai.

The Eighth Route Army back then was the People’s Liberation Army after the founding of the People’s Republic of China. Grandpa Le Tai, who saved his life, never forgot the people who saved him. In the age of peace, he taught his children and grandchildren strictly, never forget those soldiers who sacrificed for national independence and freedom, no matter what. Do not harm soldiers and their families at any time.

Grandpa Le Tai passed on the family motto of respecting soldiers, caring for soldiers, and safeguarding soldiers to his sons and grandsons. Grandpa Le passed on his father's family motto to his sons and granddaughters. It can be said that Le Yun has engraved the word soldier in her heart since she was a child. He has deep, deep feelings for the military.

In the hearts of the Lejia people, the soldiers represent justice and selflessness, and they represent the great cause of the nation who will work hard, give up their lives, forget their own lives, kill themselves, and be heroic and unyielding.

In the eyes of the Lejia people, the soldier is a lofty monument that illuminates the earth like the sun.

Chao Yubo never thought of changing the image of a soldier in Lele's eyes, let alone removing the word soldier from Lele's heart. He just didn't want to see Lele make a fearless sacrifice for an unworthy soldier.

"Brother Chao, I also know that he has bad thoughts in his heart. I just want to give him another chance. In the future, if he kills me again, I will fight back." Le Yun lowered her head slightly, in a very bad mood. The image of a soldier in my mind was tarnished.

From her grandparents to her father, two generations of education have created a military altar in her mind. She had a dream when she was very young. She wanted to marry a soldier when she grew up, so that someone would protect her and protect her family bullied.

She thought about marrying a soldier, but never thought of joining the army. Being a soldier may go far, far away. She is reluctant to leave her grandparents and father at home for a long time.

As she grew up, she knew that relying on others was better than relying on herself. Her heart for marrying a soldier had faded, but in her heart, a soldier was always a mountain she looked up to.

She doesn't believe in Buddhism, she doesn't believe, if she doesn't say she has belief, then the soldier is her belief.

However, in just a few short months, there was a vulgar girl from Yan, which greatly reduced the image of the soldier in her mind, and then a certain instructor appeared, which directly caused the image of the supreme soldier in her mind to fall from the altar. .

"That's good, repaying grievance with virtue is a virtue of tolerance, but when others want to harm you everywhere, you can't keep virtue and give in uncontrollably. Whenever you have to protect yourself and protect yourself, you will have the opportunity to consider it. Do you forgive others?"

"I know," Le Yun nodded earnestly, and hugged the beautiful boy's arm to please: "Brother Chao, I forgave him this time, and you forgive him, too, okay?"

"Okay, I can forgive him this time, it's just..." Xiao Lele's eyes were bright and clear, Chao Yubo couldn't refuse her plea, his tone paused, and then he continued his words earnestly: "It's just that this time I don't care. Treating it as an accident, Liu Shao and Yan Shao will not let it go, if they do anything, they can only blame that person for being unlucky."

Le Yun was taken aback for a moment: "Brother Chao means that handsome Liu and handsome Yan will settle accounts with that person?" She and those two are not friends yet, so why don't they go to help her out?
"Lele, don't look at Liu Shao, that person is not serious on weekdays, Yan Shao is elegant and handsome, and the two are like scholar sons. Once they get involved in official affairs, they are just and selfless soldiers who can't rub the sand in their eyes. They hate soldiers fighting the most. They are absolutely intolerable and will not condone it when they do things that harm innocent people under the banner of public office, especially in the work of educating young people like military training."

"That is to say, they will definitely collect evidence and investigate. Once the evidence is conclusive, will the instructor be fired?"

"Even if he is not fired, he will never be meticulously nurtured by the army again. Generally, he will retire after completing his service time as scheduled. Lele does not need to feel guilty, that is what he deserves. Everyone who does something wrong must bear the consequences."

"Brother Chao, can you be accommodating with Liu Shuai? It's good to investigate secretly. Even if the investigation reveals anything, don't make it public. He's not good. , I... I still don't want other instructors to be embarrassed because of me, and I don't want the students to have psychological shadows and fear of the instructors."

"Little Benben, you are still thinking about those people now, which really convinced you. Fortunately, you are my sister, and I know you are not the Virgin Mary, otherwise I would have to worry about you, for fear that you will not distinguish between right and wrong, good and evil. Dirty, one day I will be deceived to the point of being deceived," Chao Yubo pressed Xiao Lele's head helplessly, angrily but weakly: "Don't worry, those two climbed out of the hail of bullets anyway, and know the killing of people's words. Force, they will be measured."

"People respect me one foot, I pay back three feet, people bully me ten feet, I will pay back two feet, I want to give him a chance because he was very good to me at first, after the national defense challenge There is a contrast, and maybe it is because I am too popular that I am in trouble."

"Okay, you don't want to embarrass the school or embarrass the NUS instructor team, we understand, I will communicate with the school leaders, and fulfill the sacrifices that you would rather be wronged yourself and want to save everyone's face, the school will do it. Accidents, laugh it off, and don't investigate the cause. Lele needs to recuperate obediently, send moon cakes in the afternoon, and eat them together in the evening."

"Well, I'll wait for Brother Chao to come back for dinner."

"With your hand hurt like this, do you still want to cook?"

"I still have a left hand. I'm a wounded member and I can't run around, so I don't buy food. I eat yam porridge at night."

"That's pretty much it."

Xiao Lele was rarely willing to stay calm and recover from his injury, Chao Yubo felt more at ease, he carried his backpack and left first. He had to go and make a confession with several school leaders and he couldn't stay for too long.

(End of this chapter)

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