magic eye doctor

Chapter 1603 What if it's not 1

Chapter 1603 What if it's not

Little Lolita arranged the furniture for the two elders carefully, and Yan Xing was so jealous that his eyes were red. He was not jealous of things, but what he was jealous of was Little Lolita's care for the two old people.

No matter how jealous and envious, he could only hold back, Young Master Yan went downstairs silently, and waited with Lan San on the second floor to move the little baby's personal belongings.

After finishing setting up his own room, Mr. Yan and Mr. Yi, with their hands behind their backs, walked to the bedroom where Xiao Leshan would live in the future. They first moved their belongings back to their own room, and then went back to dismantle the bed. , carry it to the first floor and put it in the north-east facing guest room to assemble it, and then go upstairs to work as a porter.

The bed that little Lori prepared for her baby brother was also a mutton fat jade bed, made of red leather seed material, the size of the bed was slightly smaller, with an inner width of 1.6 meters and a length of two meters.

Because the rooms facing west in the south building have north-south windows, and the rooms facing west on the north side of the third floor have windows on the north wall. There is also a door in the southwest corner leading to the rest balcony at the back.

Because the space is limited, and Le Shan is still small, for safety reasons, in order to prevent him from opening the door to the balcony when he gets sleepy one day, Le Shan calmly put the bed against the south wall and blocked the door.

Ant Laoyan also agreed with the little girl's decision. It is said that when the tiger still naps, even if they are in charge, it is impossible to keep an eye on the little doll all the time. It is better to solve the safety hazard first.

Install the bed, then enter the furniture, put the wardrobe on the other side of the bed, put a low cabinet under the window, put the Duobaoge shelf near the east wall and near the north wall, and place it near the north wall A desk with its head facing east and west.

Because the door from the living room to the room opens on the south wall, and the door faces the side of Duobao Pavilion, and a flower table is placed on the side of the cabinet.

There is also a small Duobaoge cabinet with cabinets on the south wall in front of the bed, and its cabinets are generally used as shoe cabinets.

My younger brother is still young, so it is not suitable for the aura that is too mixed. The furniture materials selected by Le Xiaoliu are relatively simple. The furniture here is only made of three materials: jade, red sandalwood and golden nan, with an ancient charm and elegant atmosphere.

After the little apprentice's room was set up, An Lao went to carry the little apprentice who was pressing the bed in the old room of Yan into the room, and asked him to press the bed for his own bed.

Everyone didn't rest, and continued to move the furniture from the second floor to the third floor to decorate the living room on the third floor.

The design of the living room on the second and third floors of the south building of Lejia is different from that of the north building. Its east-facing side was originally set to install a sliding door in the middle, but the housewife of Lejia installed an ordinary door.

The opening position of the door to the living room from the stairs is also opposite to that of the north building. The door of the north building is close to the north wall, and the door of the south building is close to the south wall. After entering the door, you can turn to the kitchen, so the west wall is only One door, the rest is wide.

That wall has become the most satisfying place for little Lolita, and two Baibao Pavilions are placed on it. Several.

On the south side of the living room, two double thrones are placed against the wall. A tea table is placed in the middle of the seats. A long table is placed in front of each seat. A row of official hat chairs are placed opposite the throne. The back of the chair is next to the edge of the table and does not take up space.

The materials of the Duobao Pavilion on the west side and the tables and chairs in the living room are not complicated, they are all made of golden nanmu.

On the north wall facing west is a Duobaoge cabinet with a cabinet underneath, and on the side facing the balcony is an easel-like blackboard with a pea green surface.

A book table is placed in front of the treasure cabinet and the blackboard shelf, one end of the table is close to the edge of the blackboard, and a book table is placed directly in front of the blackboard, and a lamp hanging chair is placed on each of the two tables.

That set of utensils was designed for Mr. Yi to teach his apprentices hand in hand. The Duobao Pavilion, the book table, and the blackboard stand are also made of golden nanmu.

There are not many supplies in the living room on the third floor, and the raw materials are all [-] to [-]-year-old golden nanmu, each piece is golden and bright, making the whole living room magnificent and noble.

Ant Laoyan was accustomed to the little girl's rich and powerful behavior, so he calmly carried the little baby and went downstairs to tidy up the second floor.

The layout of the living room on the second floor has not changed much from before. Arhat couches are placed on the north and south walls and the west wall. What has changed is that a three-seater seat is placed on the west wall near the door, and the right angle to the north wall There is an additional Baibao Pavilion in the area, and long tables are added in front of the thrones placed against the walls in the south and north.

Classmate Le is too lazy to think about matching. The furniture in the living room on the second floor is made of golden nanmu except Duobao Pavilion.
There is not much furniture in the three guest rooms, a canopy bed, a three-door top chest and a small multi-treasure shelf, a clothes screen, a washbasin stand, and a piano table in front of the window.

The foot of the canopy bed is integrated with the bed frame and surround, and the material is Shuhuayu. The bed pillars and top cover are made of the original wood material of Shuhuayu.

The rest of the furniture is all rosewood, a real simplicity.

Two old men and two handsome men: "..." What can they say?

It can only be said that the little loli is so down-to-earth, when she is willing to care about something, of course she will put her mind and energy into it, and strive to achieve the most satisfactory level, and treat things that are not very caring according to the general requirements.

Of course, even if this is the case, the grade of furniture on the second floor is already very high. After all, Shuhua jade is a rare resource. Looking at the whole country, only a very small number of people who really own Shuhua jade are in Tuhao. There are very few people who have been in close contact with them.

The two old men are ancient repairers with great strength, and the two handsome men are not weak, and it took little effort to carry things, so it is not until eleven o'clock at noon when the second and third floors of the south building are arranged.

Slightly before lunch was cooked, Le Xiao let the two elderly people and Handsome Yan take a rest first. She caught Handsome Lan to carry his belongings, and brought tools to install a device for hanging light gauze curtains on the windows of the south building and hang new curtains.

When they were installing the curtains on the third floor, the Lejia couple called it a day and went home.

Happy father Zhou Qiufeng locked up the cow first, and put the grass and sweet potato chips brought back in the utility room outside the cowshed, then washed his hands and face, and then went back to his room to wash his clothes.

The couple were very calm when they entered the bedroom. Seeing that the newly replaced curtains were obviously made of high-grade fabrics, even though they thought it was expensive, they were still calm.

When I saw the crimson carved ancient bed, I was stunned for a while, then ran over to admire it. After studying it for a while, it didn't feel like it was made of wood.

The couple looked at each other a few times, pretended to be calm, opened the closet and took their clothes to take a shower, one went to the dedicated shower room, and the other went to the bathroom on the second floor.

The couple took a shower as quickly as possible, one did the laundry, the other washed the rice and cooked lunch, and then went to the garden to pick fresh vegetables.

The couple of the Le family didn't make any screams after they entered the bedroom, and they didn't react afterward. Yan Xing secretly felt deeply emotional. Presumably, Aunt Le Shule didn't know any gemstones, so she didn't know what material the bed was made of, so she was so calm. Those who do not know are fearless.

Le Yun and Lan Shuai finished installing the curtains in all the rooms in the south building, and then returned to the north building. They saw the two of them smiling and looking at themselves with bewildered faces. What happened?

The two elders didn't talk, and she didn't ask. She picked up the younger brother who was running as a leg pendant and kissed him a few times. He let the younger brother play with the dog by himself, and then went to install the curtains in his room on the first floor.

When his sister was busy, Leshan was very obedient and didn't make trouble, and Heilong was also a little clever. The young lady told him not to get close to him and the little baby boy when she was working, lest something would fall and hit them, he kept in mind Yu Xin, listening to the young lady, took care of the little milk baby.

Le Yun installed the curtains in the bedroom on the first floor effortlessly, and then installed the curtains in the study on the second floor. Because there are many red sandalwood furniture in the study and the color is heavy, the curtains for the study are golden and embroidered with dark patterns , to add a pop of color to a room.

Next, open the box and get items to decorate the study room. There are decorative ornaments, gold, silver, wood, porcelain, pottery, etc., some are carefully carved, and some are natural.

There are brushes, ink, paper and inkstones of the four treasures of the study that are necessary for literati, musical instruments such as qin, flute, etc. for pottery, chess for leisure, and clothing, jewelry, and bedding.

There are more than twenty boxes in total, and there are all kinds of things. Except for the drawer that is planned to hold medicine bottles and other items, the other cabinets and the Duobao Pavilion are about half full.

Putting all kinds of items properly, Le Yun looked at her study room, feeling great, it was almost close to the appearance of her ideal study room.

In order to make the mood more beautiful, I took out two pots of bonsai from the storage container and put them on top of the flower tables on both sides of the bed, one pot of jade fossils of stone cauliflower, and the other pot of jade fossils of sea willows.

The top of the short Duobao Pavilion near the door is empty, put a pot of Podocarpus carved from jade, and take out a pot of seven-foot-high jade coral and place it between the window and the door leading to the balcony.

I always felt that there was something missing. After thinking about it, yes, it was missing—the light!

Finding the missing items, Le Yun quickly found a floor-standing copper crane-shaped lamp. It was an oil lamp, and it was also brought in from a certain country's palace hall;
There are also three candlesticks, one candlestick is a tree-shaped candlestick that can hold a lot of candles, and it is also floor-standing, the other two candlesticks are small candlesticks, hand-held, there is a plate for candle oil, the plate is made of copper, and the base is made of wood .

After placing the lamps, I took out a wooden box, found a piece of ivory white silk from the wooden box and spread it on the surface of the jade bed as a cushion, placed the pillows, and added a thin blanket.

After the decoration is completed, the boxes are stacked in the same way as a large box and a small box. Finally, more than [-] boxes become eight boxes and placed on the top of the chest of drawers. The boxes and the cabinet are almost integrated, as if the cabinet is supporting the ceiling. of.

Going back, wipe the floor of the study as well, and place a carpet in front of the door from the living room into the study.

In a good mood, Le Yun went downstairs with a smile on her face. Just as she went downstairs, before she could sit down and take a breather, she was caught by her father and Aunt Feng who were waiting for a rabbit.

Father Le washed the clothes and dried them. Zhou Qiufeng picked up the green vegetables and cleaned them. He waited for his girl, left and right, and waited for more than half an hour before he finally let him down. He held the girl's hand. Father Le looked nervous. : "Lele, the bed in the room between me and your Aunt Feng is made of jade, right?"

Yan Xing: "..." I thought the Le family and his wife didn't recognize the preciousness of that bed.

Ant Laoyan was very calm, the reaction of the Le family and his wife was normal.

"Oh, my father and Aunt Feng have good eyesight, and they know what to buy." Le Yun smiled and tilted her mouth. It seems that such a trivial matter has made her father and Aunt Feng so nervous.

"Lele, that bed, move it to your room upstairs. You can just change us to a wooden bed." Zhou Qiufeng was terrified for a while, and he deserved to sleep on such a precious jade bed.

"There's no need to change it, just this one. Sleeping on that bed every day is beneficial to their body and spirit. My brother and I's bed is also made of jade, and its value is not lower than yours."

"But this is a jade bed, it's too precious." The couple were almost in a cold sweat, the little padded jacket is really bold, dare to use the jade bed, isn't it afraid that others will find out and have bad intentions?

"It's just a jade bed. It's a trivial matter. Our family deserves all the best things in the world. We don't have to be afraid of others knowing. We can't be afraid that tigers will not raise pigs, and poisonous snakes will not enter the mountains, right? The idea is to call our house and see how your little padded jacket can kill the world, and let them come one by one to destroy one, and come two to make a pair."

"You are such a small person, you are only a little bit bigger than soybeans, and you are blowing up the world, and you are blowing up again." Father Le was amused, and his little cotton-padded jacket did not make drafts when boasting.
"What's wrong with me being small? People say that even though I'm small, it weighs a thousand catties." Le Yun was unhappy, and immediately sued: "Aunt Feng, your husband also dislikes your girl's small stature. Your girl is so sad, please coax her." You girl."

"Don't worry, your father can't tell you what to do." Zhou Qiufeng smiled and patted the girl's head.

"Oh, Dad doesn't love me anymore, and Aunt Feng doesn't help me, and you don't love me anymore..."

Xiao Lele threw herself into her arms and acted like a baby. Zhou Qiufeng was holding the soft and fragrant child, smiling brightly. Every time Xiao Lele wanted to make them feel at ease, she would make a fuss and make a fuss.

Just as she was about to comfort her, Xiao Leshan ran to her sister and hugged her legs: "Sister, you still have me. Dad doesn't love you, but brother loves you the most!"

"If you don't bring one like this, the small jacket is really unreliable. Come on, I can't beat yours. I'd better be honest and cook." Father Le was speechless, and turned around and ran to the kitchen.

The younger brother came running, Le Yun abandoned Aunt Feng, picked up the younger brother and held it high, and flew out of the house happily: "My sister loves my younger brother the most, let's fly, fly, fly..."

Xiao Lele went to play with her younger brother, Zhou Qiufeng couldn't close her mouth from laughing, and turned around quickly to see which medicinal meal was warming up in the refrigerator at noon.

The young lady is running, and the black dragon is also galloping to keep up with the young lady's footsteps.

Being held high by her sister, Le Shan giggled, but was happy.

Hearing the laughter, he went to the south building, Yan Xing slowly left the main room in the north building of Lejia, went for a walk outside, saw the little Lolita holding the little doll, walked around to the south building, ran out again, and walked along the Before reaching the building, he ran to the laneway between the two floors, and followed to bask in the sun.

Le Yun ran with her younger brother for a while, then put her down and hugged her, and went to look at the nearest rice field. When she reached the head of the field, her own rice seedlings were a bit taller than those in other fields, and the ears of rice on her head were heavy and heavy. The rice seedlings bend their noble waists, and they can be harvested after the summer heat.

After inspecting the rice fields, he turned back and saw handsome Yan following him, and looked at the sun in the sky speechlessly: "This is at my house, so I don't have to be a bodyguard all the time, okay?"

"Follow your heart to rest assured." Yan Xing's little loli approached, stretched out a big slap, one slap helped the little doll block the sun, and the other slap helped the little loli block her eyes.

After taking two steps, he asked softly, "You changed the furniture this time. Sooner or later, others will know about it, and it may be used by those with ulterior motives to guide people to trace the source."

"It's okay, now I'm not afraid that others will know the preciousness of things, but I'm afraid that others will not know its rarity. I'm thinking, if I keep throwing out strange and rare treasures, if people from the ancient cultivation world hid my house The ancestral thing, maybe they will take the initiative to contact me."

"What if it's not?"

"No, it doesn't matter. The more rare treasures I have, the more attention I get. Others may not be in a hurry, but Huang must be."

"Just be happy." Yan Xing smiled, and the little loli must be planning how to dig a hole for someone Huang.

It is Xuan's job to see if there is any change in the ancient Xiujie family's sect, so he doesn't think about who Huang will try to collude with, he only needs to pay attention to the whereabouts of certain people.

(End of this chapter)

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