magic eye doctor

Chapter 1610

Chapter 1610
Li Xiangzhang and others all know that Meicun Le has turned into a long-haired girl after she returned from closed-door training and research, and they are mentally prepared. However, the old school Yin and the school's leadership team still have the impression of Le from when she won the National Games. Short hair looks sassy.

At first, when the car was parked securely and everyone who got out of the car one after another was wearing sunglasses, the township leaders and the school leadership team didn't have to think about it, they guessed it with their toes and knew that it was undoubtedly Le's bodyguard.

Because a tall young man with sunglasses blocked their view, they couldn't see Le classmate at the first time. When the young man stepped aside, a girl in ancient clothes and with an ancient hairstyle appeared in front of him. The old principal Yin and others were shocked. shocked.

The leadership team of Jiudao Junior High School had one idea—is that really Le Yun? !

The radio reporters were also stunned. They had received "gossip" that Shishi's top science student, Le, had long hair, but they didn't expect her to be so stunning now.

Handsome Yan stepped aside, Le Yun looked in the direction of the building, and saw the old principal Yin at a glance. The old principal who dedicated most of his life to Jiudao Junior High School has all white hair and dense decree lines on his forehead. Like a trickle in the floodplain of the Amazon's estuary.

The old principal has a thin face, but he is in good spirits. His waist is straight, like a green pine. He is also upright and upright, straight and straight, and does not bow down for the ruthless years and the cruel reality.

Seeing the old principal, a flower slowly bloomed in Le Yun's heart, warmth flowed in her heart, and warmth overflowed in her eyes. If she recalled anything warm in her junior high school, it would be the old principal Yin and... like him The same honest and selfless teachers.

Even if the experience in junior high school was dark, their existence was enough to illuminate that gray period and let her understand that most of the teachers in the world are good, and only a very few are black sheep and gentle scum.

Seeing the old principal in junior high school, Le Yun was still excited. She opened her fan to help her younger brother block the sun, and walked slowly towards the group of people walking towards her.

After the old principal Yin was slightly stunned, he suddenly came back to his senses, unable to control himself, and walked quickly to Le, who had returned to his alma mater, and Li Xiangzhang and others also walked quickly.

The two sides walked four or five meters each and successfully joined forces.

"Student Le Yun, welcome back to your alma mater!"

"Welcome the two comrades and Village Chief Zhou to visit the school." The school leaders greeted the pure and beautiful girl with long black hair and expressed their welcome sincerely. They did not forget Village Chief Zhou and the two soldiers in plain clothes. .

Looking up at the old principal who was still a head and a half taller than herself even though she was getting older, Le Yun's eyes were slightly hot, she put away her fan, and bowed respectfully at thirty degrees: "Hello, teacher!"

Seeing her sister bending over, Le Shan also bowed respectfully, and said hello in a childish voice: "Hi, Lao Shi!"

The school leaders did not expect that the student Le, who has become famous now, would bow down respectfully to salute them. Her younger brother also respects the teacher so much. In an instant, my heart was touched and my heart was warmed. surrounded.

The old principal Yin looked at the girl who was bending over, his eye sockets were hot: "Hi, classmate Le! With a student like you in Jiudao, we stinky old nines who have been dealing with chalk all the year round will not be in vain. We are also worthy of the flagpole in front of the gate The red flag is hoisted."

The reporters didn't ask any questions, and recorded the reunion of teachers and students.

"With you and teachers like you, there will be students like me and students like me. Without you, who are impartial, impartial, capable, and dedicated to students, there will be no future pillars of the country."

Le Yun really loves and admires the old principal Yin. This old principal is an educator with a heart and a big heart. He treats all students equally, regardless of rich or poor, regardless of relatives, and only reasoning regardless of affection. He once helped her The bullied and injured matter is actively running, hoping to return her justice, hoping to create a calm and peaceful learning environment for the students.

Even if, due to the meager words of others, he finally returned in vain, his love for students and his efforts are precious.

She never went back to junior high school after graduation, not because she forgot the goodness of the old principal, but also because she had scruples, worrying that if she got closer to the old principal, the Huang family would secretly wear shoes for the old principal.

As long as there is still a little sunshine in this world, then we should not bow to the darkness.

There is the old principal Yin at Jiudao Junior High School, so even if she doesn't want to recall the junior high school days and set foot on the school's land, she is willing to let go of that trace of emotion.

I don't want to recall the junior high school in my heart, but when I saw the old principal, Le Yun's heart was full of sunshine, and she took the gift she was going to give to the old school from Yan's hand sideways, took a step forward, and dedicated it to the old principal: "This is the gift I always wanted to give you. Thank you for having you in my life. Thank you for your boundless love. You have set an example for teachers who have justice in their hearts, and escorted me and many students who needed protection. !"

Old Principal Yin's eye sockets became moist all of a sudden, and crystal water splashed out of the corners of his eyes. Under the sun, the water beads were shining brightly, as moving as crystals.

The reporter's lens clearly captured that scene.

The township leadership team and the school leadership team also guessed what Ms. Le was referring to. Ms. Le was referring to the incident of violence and bullying she had suffered. The students have done justice.

The girl's eyes were clear and bright. The old principal Yin wiped the corners of her eyes, took the gift from the little girl with both hands, and choked up: "I didn't do well enough, and I am ashamed of you."

"You have tried your best, and your hard work and devotion are obvious to all." Le Yun smiled warmly: "Mr. Yin, I heard that your old granddaughter is not in good health. You can trust me. You might as well invite your granddaughter to visit me during the summer vacation." I'll show you when I go to Jiudao, probably after mid-August, I'm going to participate in the Olympic Games in country R on the [-]th of this month, and I can spare time when I come back from the Olympic Games."

The school leaders all looked at the girl in shock. She wants to see the granddaughter of old principal Yin?

According to the gossip they received, Le classmate does not receive medical treatment in private. If the medical treatment must be terminally ill, the starting price for medical treatment is more than 50 yuan.

"..." The old principal Yin opened his mouth wide in surprise, his hands were shaking with excitement: "Student Le, you... would you like to see my little granddaughter?"

"Under normal circumstances, I don't see patients. You have dedicated your youth and love to the children of Jiudao and guarded generations of students. As a child of Jiudao, I hope to do something for you within my ability. , in order to repay your sacrifice and hard work for Jiudao and education, because I have never met your granddaughter, so I am not sure if I can solve your worries.” I hope I can solve your worries and repay you It was because I hadn't raised my eyebrows for several months.

The girl was neither cadenced nor impassioned. However, with just a few short sentences, the old principal Yin couldn't help but burst into tears.

In the former Jiudao Junior High School, because Jiudao was located in a remote area, few teachers could survive in Jiudao for a long time. There was a shortage of teachers. He couldn't bear to see that situation, so he stayed in Jiudao Junior High School , stay for decades.

He is not actually from E province, because he is in Jiudao, he spends less time with his family and leaves more, his sons and daughters all have to work, and there is no old man at home to take care of the children. His little granddaughter lives alone at home because her parents go to work and work overtime at night. High fever, when the parents came home the next day and found that the child had a high fever and was sent to the hospital, it had become meningitis.

The child was rescued, but he had sequelae, epilepsy, hearing impairment, and his intelligence was worse than normal children.

The old principal Yin is most ashamed of his little granddaughter. Hearing that classmate Le is willing to see a doctor for his little granddaughter, he burst into tears: "Okay, okay, after the holiday, I will ask my family to send my little granddaughter to Jiudao. Please help me see a doctor."

"Ms. Yin, let's go in and talk. The sun is so strong that it makes me dizzy. I seem to see golden stars." After the private reminiscence, Le Yun took the initiative to end the pleasantries and changed the topic to the right track. It was time for her to go back to school. It's not just about visiting the teacher.

"Come in, please-"

Principal Yin and Student Le were talking, but Township Chief Li and others did not bother, they smiled and listened. When Student Le proposed to enter the office building in a considerate manner, they all gave way to each other, and let the students Le and Old Principal Yin go ahead. They are by my side.

A reporter suddenly said: "Please wait a moment, student Le Yun, Principal Yin, can you show me the gift?"

The school leaders and the township leadership group also wanted to know what kind of gift that gift was, because the giver and the recipient didn't take the initiative to show it, and they didn't know how to say it.

Journalists are the best people to propose a gift display, and they lived up to expectations.

"We have to consult the old principal's wishes." Le Yun's eyes flickered. If I remember correctly, the reporter was from the provincial radio station. She came to Meicun Lejia for an interview a few years ago when she was in high school.

"Student Le has a heart of respecting teachers, and I am also willing to show this generous gift." The old principal Yin was hit by surprises one after another, full of joy, and generously agreed to show the gift.

He agreed to display the gift, hugged the item, and waited for the giver to lift the red silk in person.

The old headmaster wanted to unravel the red silk by himself, and classmate Le Xiao would not fulfill his little wish. Putting the fan on his belt, he took a step forward and untied the two knots of the silk wrapping the gift himself, and then assisted the old The principal supported the bottom of the object with both hands, and then uncovered the red silk cloth.

A wooden plaque is wrapped in red silk, with a purplish-red base, calligraphy and ink characters, and the decoration on the plaque is mainly plum, orchid, pine, bamboo, peach, and plum. The carving is exquisite and ingenious.

The plaque reads "Teacher of All Ages" from right to left. On the right side of the plaque there is a line of small characters vertically written "Respect to Mr. Yin's Duanyan of Jiudao Junior High School" and a seal. On the left end of the plaque are the name, date and date stamps.

The old principal Yin’s surname is Yin, and the book’s name is Yin Duanyan. To show respect, he does not call the recipients by their first names directly, but adds the word surname between the first and last names.

Its four characters of "Teacher of All Ages" are dignified and solemn, with awe-inspiring atmosphere, and there is a faint aura of arrogance penetrating the Changhong and thunderous thunder, which makes people awe-inspiring.

The camera was aimed at the reporter from Senior Yin and the others. When he saw the gift that Le Yun gave to the old principal, he was also slightly taken aback, but his hands were not slow, as if the film did not cost money, and he shot wildly. .

The township leaders and school leaders could not see the front of the gift because they were facing the reporter and classmate Le. However, judging from the shape of the gift, they guessed that it might be a framed embroidery or something.

"Good! What a 'Teacher of All Ages'!"

"Good words, good artistic conception, and better metaphors!"

The reporters did not forget to admire while taking crazy shots.

The teacher of all ages, said in "The Analects of Confucius for politics" "Review the old and make new, you can be a teacher." There is also a saying that "teaching with talent and guiding with virtue can be a teacher. You will never tire of learning and teaching others, and you can be an example. Yan.".

Another "Three Kingdoms · Wei Zhi · Wendi Ji" praised Confucius "Xi Zhongni's great sage's talent, with the weapon of an emperor, can be called the great sage of life, and the teacher of hundreds of millions of years."

The original meaning of "Wanshishishibiao" means that Confucius is the teacher and example for all ages, and it also describes the teacher's noble character, he is an example among teachers, and has a profound influence on the younger generations.

Old principal Yin didn't know what was written on the plaque, but when he heard the reporters say "Teacher of All Ages", he lowered his head and looked at the plaque he was holding in front of his chest. The four characters of "teacher of all ages".

The old headmaster was also dumbfounded in shock, that classmate Le Yun... gave him such a high evaluation?
(End of this chapter)

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