magic eye doctor

Chapter 1625 I got it

Chapter 1625 I got it

Classmate Le Xiao made a relatively simple Ge Xianmi sweet soup. The Ge Xianmi was boiled, and then mixed with the iced bean brain soup. Xianmi sweet soup is also ice cold.

Of course, little loli didn't just cook a small stove for the guests at home. She boiled a large pot of Gexian rice and shared a portion to eat, while the others were cooled first.

Prepare Gexianmi sweet soup, and then give a bowl to the old ladies and Chen's elders, and finally distribute a bowl to Yan Chihuo, and a bowl to myself and my cousin.

When Le Yun brought the sweet soup to his cousin, the little devil's claw climbed on top of his cousin's head, gently rubbing his short hair, but his face was serious.

Chen Jie looked at the dazed little son whose head was being touched, and silently held back his smile, while Chen Kang Zhouwei saw his little niece and granddaughter touching his little grandson's head, grinning so hard that they almost thought Xiao Lele was not happy. I like my cousin because they think too much.

Chen Fengnian, who had been rubbed in the head, was stupefied. He was stunned for a moment, stretched out his head and stroked his head, and then looked at his cousin sitting beside him, his eyes rolled and his eyes were full of starry smiles: "Sister, You are my idol!"

Xiaobiao is silly and cute, Le Yun thought of teasing her, turned her face slightly, and asked casually: "Idol, is it the object of vomiting, or the statue you still worship?"

"It's the kind of idol you worship, not the object of vomiting." Fearing that his cousin would be wrong, Chen Fengnian immediately explained: "Sister, you are so amazing. You are a top student in school, and you are also an athlete. You can also cook delicious food, which is great!"

"You have a good eye. Fortunately, you didn't say that you were the object of vomiting, otherwise, your sister and I would have to chat with you and talk about your ideals in life." Le Yun stretched out her little claws and climbed on the top of the young boy's head, kneading and kneading Rubbing his short hair, still maintaining a serious face.

Being patted on the head again, Chen Fengnian wanted to escape but was afraid that his cousin would feel that he disliked her. Being watched by the old ladies, his face turned red and he pitifully begged for mercy: "Sister, my three views are not wrong, you are really my idol."

"Well, I got it. Then you study like a sister, and strive to be a master in terms of learning ability. You can easily win the championship when you put on sports clothes. You are a good hand in the field. You are a good cook in the kitchen. Let's go." Le Yun rubbed her head under her hands, pretending not to see the pitiful eyes of her little cousin.

"Sister, I will try my best. Can you...can you stop touching my head?" My cousin was still rubbing her head, and the old ladies all smiled. Chen Fengnian was forced to do nothing. He secretly begged his cousin for mercy.

"Of course...not." Le Yun had a serious face, but her hands were unambiguous. She rubbed her cousin's hair with one hand and drank the sweet soup of Ge Xianmi with the other.

"Why?" The old ladies looked at themselves and smiled more happily, Chen Fengnian's ears were red with embarrassment.

"The younger brother was born to be bullied by the elder sister, otherwise no matter how many younger brothers there are, it would be meaningless."

"Ah?" Chen Fengnian was dumbfounded, cousin, what is the...reason?
The old ladies watched the little boy interacting with the pink and tender little girl without saying a word, and slowly drank the summer dessert. When they saw the pink and tender little girl touching the little boy's head with a serious face, all of them smiled. Narrowing her eyes, when she heard Xiao Lele's just reason for bullying her younger brother, she couldn't bear it anymore, and burst out laughing.

Xiao Lele patted Fengnian's head solemnly, and Chen Kangzhou was overjoyed. When Fengnian met his cousin, he was completely dizzy.

Chen Jie tried his best not to burst out laughing. How could Xiao Lele be so cute? The reason why the older sister bullied the younger brother was really powerful and reasonable.

Yan Xing looked at the little loli from time to time, feeling extremely depressed. He wanted to be patted by the little loli, but he couldn't look forward to it. The little boy of the Chen family still didn't like being patted on the head.

"Touch your head, are you not convinced?" Le Yun turned around, looked at her little cousin very seriously, and reminded her very seriously: "If you are not satisfied, you can lodge a protest, and you must carefully consider your opinion."

"Sister, I protest!"

"Protest is ineffective."

"Sister, you clearly said that I can protest."

"Well, I said it. I only said that I would consider it. I didn't say that I would definitely respect your opinion."

"How can there be such a thing!"

"If you don't agree, you can resist with force."

"Really?" Chen Fengnian's eyes lit up, it's good to allow resistance, he didn't dare to use force against his cousin, but running is always okay.

"Young man, you are so naive." Seeing the little Lolita smiling with crooked eyes, Yan Xing gave a pitiful look: "Your cousin is a little fairy, it's true, in terms of force, with your small body, your cousin is as good as you are!" A slap can slap you back to Shonan."

"This..." Chen Fengnian's spark of hope that had just been ignited was instantly wiped out by a bucket of cold water, and he looked hopeless.

"Hey, don't listen to that foodie's nonsense. Your sister is a little fairy, not a female tyrannosaurus. She won't beat people for no reason. Your sister is best at punishing children. You are not a child, so don't be afraid." Le Yun laughed. His eyes were bent into crescent moons, and he rubbed his little cousin's head again naturally. After being addicted to rubbing people's heads, he retracted his paws solemnly.

Chen Fengnian buried his head in the dessert silently, sister, whoever you say is telling the truth, who dares to bear it!Ma Ma, I'm so scared.

Mrs. Chao, Mrs. Wu and Mrs. Wang laughed so hard that their stomachs were about to cramp, Zhou Wei and Chen Kang tried their best to pretend to be calm, if it wasn't for the smiles on their faces that betrayed their hearts, maybe others really thought they were very calm.

Chen Fengnian worked hard, and a gust of wind swept through the clouds, and he finished a bowl of dessert with endless aftertaste. He looked at his cousin again with bright eyes: "Sister, the dessert you made is so delicious!"

"My sister also makes a lot of desserts. When I have time, I will make you a dessert called Shuangpi Nai."


"Truer than pearls."

"Sister, I'll do the dishes."

"Well, good children should be like this. They love to work since they were young, and they must be self-reliant in what they can do."

Chen Fengnian, who was praised as a good boy who loves to work, happily put away the bowl, moved it into the kitchen, washed it with hot water, and put it in a basket to drain.

He was at his cousin's house in the first month of the month and watched others do housework, so he basically knew where to put the supplies.

Chen Kang and Chen Jie are very gratified. In the past, Chen Fengnian never took the initiative to do housework at home. When he came to his cousin’s house in the first month, he was inspired or touched. After returning home, he took the initiative to help share the housework. After a month, the work is done well.

Chen Fengnian washed the dishes and was a good boy again.

After taking a break, Le Yun arranged for accommodation. Mrs. Wu and her aunt and uncle were invited to live in the west-facing room on the north side of the second floor of the north building. Uncle and uncle lived in the west-facing room on the north side of the first floor. Go to the South Building and let him squeeze with Brother Chao and his friends.

The old and the young of the Chen family had no objection. Mrs. Wu originally wanted to go to Grandma Zhou's house to be with Grandma Zhou and let Lejiafang arrange guests to stay. Zhou Wei and Mrs. Chao, Mrs. Wang, refused to let her go and listened to Xiaolele's arrangement.

Chen Jie and Chen Kang moved their luggage into the guest room on the first floor, saw the newly changed bed, smelled the faint fragrance, went to study it, and was shocked. The material of the bed looked very expensive, and the bed was even inlaid with jade cushions!
After some observation, Chen Jie called his youngest son to discuss, let him live in a guest room with them, he slept on the couch, and let his son sleep on the grandfather's bed.

Chen Fengnian also knew that his cousin's brother-in-law and his friends came to Lejia, and every three people lived in a guest room. He didn't want to trouble others, so he readily followed his father's suggestion.

After discussing it with his son, Chen Jie told Xiao Lele that it would be enough for them to live in one room.

Le Yun thought about it and respected their decision. She went to the study on the second floor to find a spare straw mat and a jade mat from the closet and put them on the wooden sofa for her cousin to use as a floor. The wooden sofa was a bit narrow. It's okay to take a nap, but it's too difficult to be a bed at night.

There are also mats in the guest room, Chen Jie is even more happy, and decides to make a bed on the floor at night.

Mrs. Chao, Mrs. Wang, accompanied Mrs. Wu and Zhou Wei to the guest room on the second floor. The four of them were surprised when they saw the shiny new furniture in the guest room.

"My little boy said that he wanted to change the furniture at home. It really is a big change." Mrs. Wang was astonished and then proud. The little guy said that he would go home and reorganize the house. Grade, Xiao Lele is very embarrassing!

"Xiao Lele has a wide range of ways to find so many precious woods." Mrs. Chao and Mrs. Wu were also deeply moved. The little guy is too proud, and he is not afraid of others getting pink eye.

Mrs. Chao and Mrs. Wang visited the guest room, went to the living room to admire the items on the multi-treasure shelf, waited for Mrs. Wu and Mrs. Zhou Wei to pack their luggage, and visited Xiao Lele's study plaque and couplets together, and then went downstairs.

Student Le Xiao solved the problem of accommodation and started to prepare the dishes for lunch. He killed two native chickens to make soup, killed fish to make sweet and sour fish, peeled and sliced ​​preserved eggs, and served them on a plate with soft tofu.

While Miss Lejia was busy preparing lunch, Zhou Tianming, who was studying at Fuda University in Songhai City, finally returned to Meicun.

Zhou Tianming’s school exams were over on the 17th. He didn’t get a high-speed rail ticket. He only bought an ordinary express train ticket in the early morning of the 19th. He arrived at the capital of Province E on the 20th. Car back to Jiudao.

As soon as he entered Plum Village, Zhou Tianming met his clan uncle, Zhou Bapi, who was transporting the rice home to dry, and talked for a while. point.

Zhou Tianming came home with his luggage on his back. He didn't see anyone at home, and was about to go upstairs to put his luggage, when he heard grandma yelling at the chicken behind the house, and shouted, "Grandma, I'm back."

Grandma Zhou was feeding the chickens in the livestock room at the back of the house. When she heard her grandson shouting, she rushed into the dark room behind the main hall, and then went to the main room. Sure enough, she saw the neatly dressed grandson standing in front of the arhat couch in the main room.

"Dawn is back, be thirsty, grandma kills melons and eats." Seeing her grandson, Grandma Zhou was happy, she put down the ladle containing rice, millet, and corn, and returned to the normal dark room to hold the watermelon.

Seeing grandma, Zhou Tianming was also happy. He ran up to hug the watermelon himself, washed it with well water, carried it back to the table in front of Luohan's couch in the upper hall, killed the melon with a knife, gave grandma a piece, and himself a piece.

The grandparent and grandson each ate a piece of melon, smiling happily.

"Grandma, my mother has gone to grandma's house again. How many days have you been there?" Zhou Tianming gave grandma another slice of melon, and shared a slice for himself. Mom went back to grandma's house, and seeing grandma at home today, I guessed that mom must have gone back to grandma's house again, so I asked grandma to come back to feed the chickens and ducks.

"%..." The smile on Grandma Zhou's face faded, she paused, and then sighed: "Tianming, your parents... divorced last month."

"Ah?" Zhou Tianming almost choked on the watermelon, wiped his face, and looked at grandma in surprise: "Grandma, my father and mother... divorced?"

"Yes, we left," Grandma Zhou sighed melancholy: "Your sister got married, and the man's family respected your parents' house, and your mother took the house privately without telling your father, your mother and the Liu family. In total, I let your sister get married in the Liu family, and received a gift of 10 yuan. I also heard that the man used to wrap big red envelopes for each of us family members when he met his parents and talked about marriage, and your mother swallowed them all. It is estimated that there are four to five thousand.

Your mother has money and a house in her hands, and her heart is big. She doesn't want to suffer in Plum Village and goes to the city to become a rich wife.When they divorced... Forget it, let's not talk about it, your father didn't tell you because he was afraid that it would affect your studies and exams. "

Zhou Tianming listened blankly to grandma talking about the reasons for the divorce between his father and mother, and his mind was in a mess. His father called to say about his sister's marriage and his mother's various reactions, saying that they might divorce one day, but he didn't think about it. left.

He also objected to my sister getting married at my grandmother's house, so my sister decided to marry at my grandmother's house, and he simply didn't come back to attend her wedding.

But he really didn't expect his mother to be... so greedy for money, what is the difference between mother doing that and selling her daughter?
Zhou Tianming felt powerless in his heart. Hearing grandma say to keep half and half, he asked: "Grandma, what happened when my father and mother divorced? Did my mother still ask my father to give me money?"

"Well, your mother stole the house and all kinds of gifts, and wants to ask your father for 20 compensation..."

"20? My mother is crazy about money! My father...he won't really give it, will he?"

"No, the house that your brother-in-law honored is worth more than 30 yuan. Your father and your mother settled a bill. Your father wants to divide the house equally and divide the bride price in half. Your mother wants the house first. 20, and based on the situation of the Zhou family, how much to compensate your mother, the Zhou family can compensate your mother at most around [-].

Therefore, if your mother wants a house in the city, she has to give another 10 yuan to your father. Your mother is reluctant to part with the money in her pocket, so she buys it out with the 10 yuan... You and her mother and child are in love. The birth, old age, sickness and death of her have nothing to do with you, so the [-] yuan is your pension for her. "

Grandma Zhou said that when Liu Tong used 10 yuan to buy out the relationship between mother and child, her heart ached for her grandson. Such a mother at Tianming booth, alas.

Zhou Tianming's face darkened little by little, and he lowered his eyes in despair. For money, his mother shared the bride price of his sister with his grandmother's family, and for money, he abandoned his husband and son.

For the sake of money, my mother even cruelly gave up her blood relationship.

Thinking that he was less than 10 yuan in his mother's heart, Zhou Tianming's heart felt like someone was cutting with a knife, a dull pain.

If it is an aunt, if someone gives money to the aunt to break up with Le Shan, I am afraid that the aunt would rather die than choose money.

There is also Le Yun, in order to save her brother Le Shan, she went to negotiate with the kidnappers alone, and in order to return justice to her brother, she spent millions of dollars to collect clues.

In the eyes of aunt, uncle and Le Shan, his family is more important than everything, why is money more important than family and husband and wife in the eyes of his mother?
In front of money, his mother abandoned him without hesitation!
Being an abandoned child, Zhou Tianming felt sour in his heart, the sour taste filled his chest, and even his eye sockets were sore.

The grandson hooked his head and made no sound. Grandma Zhou felt sad. She took away the watermelon that the grandson was holding, hugged him in her arms, and gently patted him on the back: "Tianming, if you want to cry, just cry!" Cry, don't hold back, even though your mother has broken the relationship between mother and child, you will be promising in the future, and when she is old, you can still honor your mother, and no one will stop you."

Being embraced by his grandma, Zhou Tianming didn't struggle. He smelled his grandma's smell and remembered that he was wronged when he was a child. Grandma always hugged him like this, accompanied him, and gave him the most tender love.

Grandma is the best grandma and loves him as always.

Grandma loves him, but mother doesn't want him. The sadness in Zhou Tianming's heart fades away like a tide, and his mother doesn't want him anymore. Why is he still sad?
With such a good grandma, why are you still sad?
If you are promising, why should you be filial and would rather ask for money than your own mother?To be filial is to be filial to grandma!

"Grandma, I'm fine. I just feel that I'm no more than 10 yuan in my mother's heart. I'm a little sad. I'm fine now. My mother doesn't want me. I still have grandma and dad."

Feeling no longer sour, Zhou Tianming got up from grandma's arms and helped grandma rub her shoulders: "Grandma, don't be sad, it's going to rain and my mother is going to get married, and my mother is going to be a rich wife in the city, just let her go." Go, grandma, you and Grandma Man picked grandma and talked about it, and asked them to secretly pay attention to whether there is a suitable partner for my dad, and if they are suitable, find another partner for my dad."

The grandson was sensible and didn't go into a dead end. Grandma Zhou smiled in relief. She heard that her grandson asked her to find a sister-in-law to help his father keep an eye on someone, but she stuttered in surprise: "Tianming, also agree that your father will find another ?”

"My dad is only in his forties, so young, how can he succeed if he doesn't find a partner? Le Yun used to worry about her dad, but after I went to work in other places, how can I worry about nursing you and my dad? Be more popular.

Grandma, I've thought about it, as long as the father agrees, it doesn't matter whether the woman's family has children or not. If the woman's family has children, just sign a contract before marriage.Of course, I also have requirements, the only requirement is that the woman must treat grandma, you and my father well, be able to respect you, and be able to live a down-to-earth life with my father. "

Zhou Tianming expressed his thoughts and demands, and felt extremely relaxed. A girl like Leshan can think of supporting her father and find a partner. He is a man, how can he be more narrow-minded than a girl?
The grandson has experienced the blow of being abandoned by his mother, and he can still be sober. Grandma Zhou is so relieved that tears well up in her eyes, Tianming has really grown up!
(End of this chapter)

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