magic eye doctor

Chapter 163 Warmth

Chapter 163 Warmth
Li Yubo and Chao Yubo drove out of the school by themselves, danced with the long queue of traffic, stopped and walked, and took more than an hour to approach their home. They separated a few minutes before arriving home. The two of them were in different courtyards.

It was around [-]:[-] when Chao Yubo returned to the compound. He was checked by the guards at the gate of the compound before the car was released. After a few detours in the compound, he drove the car along a small road to a single-family house. 's two-story building.

The sensor street lamp in front of the small building was shaken and turned on, illuminating the road. When the teenager stopped the car, the door of the beautiful small building opened, and a few people rushed out. Madam, in fact, she looks about the same age as the aunt who dances on the street. Her hair is tied into a bun, and she has a silver hairpin. She wears spring and autumn clothes and a silk scarf around her neck. She has a noble temperament, even if she is an old lady, She is also an elegant and beautiful old lady.

A little later was an old man with black hair mixed with silver hair and square glasses, full of the wisdom of an old scientist.

Behind them is a couple at noon. The man is calm and graceful, and the woman also has her hair tied in a bun. She wears a black dress that reaches to the knee, and a long knitted gauze coat.

The last woman to fall was a woman in her early fifties with short hair. She was not as petite as a southern woman. She was fit and energetic.

The five people, two men and three women, are members of the Chao family. The old man is the Supreme Emperor of the Chao family, that is, Chao Yubo's grandfather, named Chao Xinghua; the old lady is his old wife, Ye Nianren.

The graceful middle-aged man is Chao Shenghui, the son of Mr. Chao, and the gentle and elegant lady is Chao Shenghui's daughter-in-law, Li Qingwan.

The last is the Chao family's nanny aunt Ge Mei. Aunt Ge is older than Mrs. Chao and has worked diligently in the Chao family for more than [-] years. Even if there is no blood relationship, the Chao family has long regarded her as their own family.

The five people rushed out of the house and eagerly ran to the Chery car that had just returned. Even if they didn't lose their way, they couldn't hide their excitement.

The elegant and beautiful old lady was the most anxious. She stepped on the small high-heeled thick-heeled leather shoes and rushed towards Chery, running and shouting, "My dear grandson, did you bring our little girl back?"

"..." Chao Yubo heard the bright voice of the grandfather of the empress dowager, silently dripped a drop of cold sweat, pushed the door and got out of the car, seeing his family, he called out one by one, facing the grandmother who came running, smiling gentle and affectionate : "Grandma, my grandfather, my grandson is incompetent, and I failed to bring our little princess back to greet you."

"Xiao Bo, is Lele really not here?"

"Brother Bo, the little princess really didn't come back?"

Old Man Chao, Father Chao, Mother Chao and Aunt Ge didn't quite believe it, and they all looked around, hoping that a little girl would emerge from the passenger cab and the back seat to satisfy their eager expectations.

"Good grandson, you really didn't bring your sister back?" The old lady Chao rushed to the side of the car and almost hugged her grandson who jumped out of the car. She immediately turned away and wanted to open the back seat door to verify the truth. Fake.

The young man who was as tall as a bamboo tree helplessly stretched out his hand to open the car door: "Grandma, there really isn't any, how could your good grandson lie to you."

The door was pulled open, and the old lady took a look inside, well, really not!No, it's just so sad.

"Why didn't you bring someone back?" Mrs. Chao was very disappointed. She had been looking forward to Xiao Lele for a long time, and she thought that this time she would finally get her wish to see that pink and tender little meat dumpling. Sun's inability to do anything, let her down again.

The old lady is very sad, and the old man Chao and the Chao family are deeply regretful. Why didn't the little guy come to see them?Could it be that they were afraid that they would look fierce?Or maybe they're the kind of snob who's always talking to each other?
"Ancestor, your little granddaughter who hasn't met is as assertive and wise as you are. Your grandson is not strong enough to bring people back." Closing the car door, Chao Yubo turned around and put away the backpack on the passenger seat. and computer.

Missing the little meat dumplings, the old lady Chao was quite disappointed, she was about to take the good grandson home, and saw him pick up the things again, she waited for him to unscrew the bag and laptop, and hurriedly went to help share: "My good grandson , something for grandma, don't be tired."

"Grandma, your grandson and I are healthy now. Don't talk about this thing, even if you ask me to carry thirty or forty catties and run 3000 meters, it will not be a problem."

"Ah?!" The faces of all the young and old members of the Chao family turned surprised, right? Their little prince can carry thirty or forty catties and run 3000 meters?
Hearing hallucinations, they think it must be hallucinations, you must know that in the past, the little prince of the Chao family carried three or four pounds and walked a thousand meters without breathing, which was a fantasy.

Old Mrs. Chao didn't believe it either. She grabbed her grandson's laptop to help him carry it, and took his grandson's hand home. Don't doubt, she was really holding his grandson's hand, like a child.

The old man was busy rushing up. Outside, in business affairs, the Chao family's men have a lot of power. At home, in terms of life, the Chao family has always been determined by the wife, and now the number one boss of the Chao family is the old lady. , ordered the whole family, the Chao family, young and old, dared not to obey.

There are three sons in the old man Chao. Chao’s father is the youngest. The old man and his wife live with the youngest son. It is not a preference, but the eldest son and the second son have a career first, and then get married. In the capital, and later, the only male of the third generation of the Chao family was born. He was also weak and needed someone to take care of him, so the old man had been living with his youngest son.

The Chao family now lives in the housing for the family members of cadres assigned by the state. The old man Chao used to be a national geologist and worked hard for the national oil cause all his life. The old lady is an old educator and worked hard for the national education cause. It is the work of the Ministry of Education, while Chao's mother works in the inspection department.

The current housing of the Chao family is not allocated to Mr. Chao or Father Chao, but to Mr. Chao, the father of Mr. Chao by the state. Mr. Chao has always held important positions in the state department.

The building is designed according to the requirements of the old-style family of three to four or five generations. One building has two floors up and down, a total of eight bedrooms, a study, and a private living room. It is very spacious.

The living room is very large, with light on both sides, no fancy decorations, just a simple orange wall, and the furniture is also mainly simple and elegant, simple style, friendly and natural.

In the large living room, there are two large trays of fruit platters and snacks on the huanghuali wood coffee table, fresh flowers and succulent bonsai on the TV counter, and a plush rabbit doll on the large sofa.

Chao Yubo was pulled home, looked around, and sweated three drops of cold sweat again, without asking, he knew that this was the masterpiece of his grandmother and mother Aunt Ge, and thought he might bring Xiao Lele home , so I prepared the fruit and snacks early, and also got a stuffed toy that little girls like.

I have to say that the three great women in his family worked hard to make the little girl happy!

The young man pretended not to notice the special arrangement of his elders, and sat down with his family. He was flipping through his backpack, and Aunt Ge was quick to pour a cup of warm water for his brother.

"Xiao Bo, what are you looking for?" The old Chao family and the four of them looked at the child looking through their bags and looked at it.

"Lele has a gift for me to bring back."

"Lele has a gift?"

The four parents of the two generations of the Chao family were extremely excited, and the old lady was surprised and delighted, she quickly helped her grandson to pull the backpack: "Oh, let me just say, girls are caring little padded jackets."

"Mom, my daughter is a caring little padded jacket, where's my son?" Chao's father was jealous. He had three brothers in his generation, and together with his home family, there were more than a dozen men of the same generation. There were only three girls. The whole family had more males than females. His son's generation, well, it is probably to make up for the regret of the young baby in the old Chao family. There is only one male seedling of his son.

"Daughter is mother's sweet little padded jacket, son, is also mother's sweet little treasure when he was a child. When he grows up, he usually rebels and obeys his father, and becomes his father's sweet little cotton trousers."

Doesn't this mean that when a son grows up, he will be close to his father but not his mother?In fact, they are inseparable. When boys grow up, they basically have a lot of topics in common with their fathers, but they don't communicate much with their mothers.

It makes sense to think about what the old mother said. Dad stopped talking, and Mr. Chao didn't interrupt. Who told his son to listen to him more in other aspects besides life.

Chao's mother and Aunt Ge pursed their lips and laughed, and Chao Yubo seemed to have a feeling: "In this way, after my mother and grandma have Lele's little padded jacket, I can only be my father and grandpa's little padded jacket."

"Well, this is very good." The old man nodded happily, and Chao's father also felt very good. There was a girl who was favored by the queen mother and the queen at home. He and the old father must spend more time with Xiao Bo than before.

"Xiao Bo is different. Xiao Bo is also her mother's caring little padded jacket." Chao's mother even smiled softly and lovingly.

"Old lady, ma'am, have you noticed that Brother Bo looks like a different person?" Aunt Ge poured warm water for Brother Bo, removed the fruits and snacks from the table, and sat and observed Brother Bo, the more she looked at him. The more surprised.


"Let me see."

"Xiao Bo, let me take a look."

The old man and the old lady, Chao's father and Chao's mother seemed to have a spring under their buttocks, jumped up, surrounded the child, turned the child's face, stared at it, looked left and right, looked at me, the four of them stared at each other. Eyes, eyes are getting rounder and rounder.

"Well, it's really different, the whole person has a spirit."

"Well, Xiao Bo's eyes are dark and bright, and he is in good spirits."

"The skin is bright and elastic, the complexion is rosy, and the spirit is better than mine."

"The lips are no longer pale and dry, and the lips are plump, moist and tender."

The four elders commented on their brother. Even if their brother was relatively healthy in recent years, his lips always looked like they were dehydrated, slightly pale and bloodless, and his face did not look like anemia. He always had a weak air. The complexion is bright and clean, the complexion is ruddy, the eyes are clear and bright, and the radiance is dazzling.

This way, he is as healthy and energetic as a normal teenager, how can he look like their weak Bo brother?

In just a short period of time, my brother has undergone earth-shaking changes, a miracle, a miracle!
The four parents looked at the young boy, their breathing was short of excitement. For the child's body, the elders of the old Chao's parents did not know how much they were worried. They were afraid that this single seedling would not live to be 30 years old as some people diagnosed, and that he would never be able to live. He has to take a step and breathe three times, lest he can't marry a wife and have children normally.

For so many years, they have never really felt relieved, and now, the child finally has an air!Aura, that is spiritual, they watch their children grow up, and they can see at a glance whether the children are in good spirits or not.

With spirit, there is vitality.

The old lady's eyes filled with tears of excitement, Chao's mother silently reached out and wiped the rolling water droplets from her eyes, the old man and Chao's father also quietly turned their faces and rubbed their eyes, and then turned their faces and remained calm as usual, however, then The eyes do not deceive people, they are full of joy.

The four parents looked at each other, as if it was not enough.

The fourth master of the Chao family stared intently at Brother Bo, and Aunt Ge was also very emotional. Brother Bo is getting healthier, it's great!When Brother Bo is better, the old man, the old lady and the husband and wife will be better. If Brother Bo is better, the Chao family will be better.

Chao Yubo, who was watched as a monkey, completely ignored the eyes of his parents. Anyway, he had seen too many eyes like that. Every time something happened, the family would just look around and look at him. He was watched a lot. He was immune. .

"You have Lele, don't worry about your health." The pretty boy raised the food bag in his backpack, and smiled gently with a low eyebrow: "Don't look at me, I won't run again, you hurry up and look at the good things I brought back. "


The four parents responded in unison, then realized that they had lost their way, and sat down embarrassedly. After adjusting their state, the four of them watched as the brother opened the food bag and displayed the contents inside, with round eyes.

Aunt Ge was the most witty, and ran to the storage cabinet to get a bamboo basket with fruit to distribute gifts to Bo Geer.

"This is the pollution-free health ingredients that Lele gave us, yam and lily, as well as rare pine mushrooms and yunzhi, don't think they are ordinary goods, Lele's products are definitely the best things you have never seen before, I I'll talk about how to eat later.

This is for grandpa, this is for dad, this is for grandma, this is for mom, this is for Aunt Ge, everyone has a share, and everyone is polite. Auntie's tea is scented tea, mainly dendrobium flowers, and also equipped with precious medicinal flowers and leaves. The health tea detoxifies the beauty and nourishes the body.

Lele told me to not be greedy, only soak a little at a time, soak ginseng slices and Tiepi Fengdou one piece or one bucket at a time, and soak two Fengdou at most. When you have nosebleeds, you will be at your own risk. More importantly, Lele said that whoever does not obey the instructions to eat and drink indiscriminately, will not honor you if you have good things in the future. When the day comes when Lele ignores you, don’t cry to me, Xiaolele Angry, I can't take it anymore. "

The teenager distributed the gifts to the parents one by one, and even Zhengdaguangguang threatened the elders with confidence and neatness.

In addition to the study of knowledge, the old science loves tea. It is the most wonderful life to make a cup of tea on the way to work, to refresh and relax.

The old man Chao was no exception. He heard that he had a member of his own, so he immediately grabbed it, opened it and smelled it. The fragrance was so fragrant that he was so happy that he was about to run to find his own private cup to make tea and drink, but his butt sank. He sat down again: "Brother Bo, the rest are also for my old man, right?"

"Grandpa, you can't be too greedy, this is what Lele gave to grandfather and grandmother, as well as to uncle and aunt, I will keep it in person, you don't want to cut off the beard, grandpa dares to be greedy, ask our great empress dowager to come forward and confiscate it. your part."

I heard that even her own family has a share. Chao's mother's face is full of smiles. Xiao Lele is really a caring and good child.

Old Man Chao rolled his eyes and discussed with his grandson seriously: "Brother Bo, you can keep your grandfather's, and your uncle's to grandfather, and grandfather will take care of them, so that your father doesn't worry about it."

"Grandpa, you asked me to help you collect the tea from the uncle and the second uncle. You want to pay the tax quietly, right?" Chao Yubo looked at his grandfather with a funny look, don't think he didn't know what his grandfather was thinking.

The old lady Chao glanced at the old guy who was thinking about her son: "Promising!"

"Oh, I'll just say it, I don't mean to quietly transfer members, and besides, this is Lele's filial piety to the elders. If you steal it, it will hide Lele's respect for the elderly. My moral character is not that bad, hum, I The grandson treats me like that, I... Forget it, I'll go make tea and taste the good tea our little girl gave me."

The old man was very shameless when he was stared at by the old wife, and he defended himself seriously, trying to pretend to be pitiful and deceive his grandson to sympathize. Go for a cup of tea.

Father Chao was afraid that the old man would rob him of his share, so he didn't say a word, he quickly sent something upstairs to put in his briefcase and decided to take it to the office tomorrow, so as not to be fooled by the old man.

Old Mrs. Chao, Mother Chao, and Aunt Ge were beaming with joy, holding a package of hermetically sealed scented tea. The scented tea was mixed with several kinds of flowers.

Aunt Ge watched for a while, then went to get a cup, brought a hot water bottle, and found two chopsticks, and asked Brother Bo how much tea is the most suitable for brewing water at a time.

The young man explained in a soft and gentle manner, took a bit of scented tea with chopsticks, and told the elders that it was about that amount.

While making tea, he said how to eat the ingredients and how much to eat at a time.

The three old ladies listened very carefully and shouted to make a memo. In the end, she really found a notepad, made a memo on purpose, and put away the ingredients like precious treasures and put them in a special place to avoid messing with other things. mix.

Mr. Chao soaked a tin-skinned maple bucket in his personal water glass, and waited. The more he waited, the more itchy he got. After waiting for 15 minutes, he couldn't take it anymore, so he poured a small glass to drink first.

When you open the cup, a scent escaping, attracting everyone to call it "Good Fragrance". Pour the tea soup into the cup.

The old man eagerly picked up the cup, blew it, and took a sip. The taste of glycol and the elegant aroma entered his throat, and his mouth was fragrant.

Mr. Chao immediately took the second sip, the third sip, um, gone!

"Old man, how are you?"

"Dad, how does it taste?"

"Master, is it delicious?"

The old lady and Chao's father and Chao's mother, Aunt Ge, asked eagerly, they also wanted to try it!

"You can't say it, you can't say it!" The old man closed his eyes and shook his head, looking drunk.

The four people whose appetites were raised: "..."

The old lady's eyebrows stood upright, and she was about to express her power when she heard a warm and heart-warming voice: "I want to ask about the aftermath of tea, I know, let me tell you in detail, the first sip of the tea prepared by Xiaolele is full of rawness. Fragrant, take the second sip, it is sweet and full of throat, drink the third sip, like the sun in three springs, and continue to drink a few more sips, the body and mind are warm, and the body is full of fragrance, drink about [-] ml at a time, and the body feels like Mount Tai has the power to split Mount Hua, and the majesty that dares to cross the East China Sea with Mount Tai, so you will be sure to be refreshed and radiant all day long."

The young man's voice was moving, like the sound of nature, which instantly calmed the old lady's slight anger, and the old man Chao was still intoxicated with the endless aftertaste, shaking his head and answering: "Like! , good tea, I want to drink another [-] cups!"

The last sentence of the old man was full of pride, but it broke everyone's joy, and everyone laughed out loud, and the old lady was too amused to laugh: "Drink another [-] glasses, and you will sleep in the toilet tonight. Bar."

Old Man Chao's eyelids twitched fiercely. In order not to be driven to the toilet by his wife, he kept his mouth shut. The toilet was clean, and it was no big deal to sleep for one night. However, sleeping in the toilet would damage his face.

The old man was fascinated by the two mouthfuls of tea. The old lady, mother Chao, and Aunt Ge couldn't help holding her scented tea with both hands. When the lid was lifted, the silk petals washed away in the water, and the tea soup was a little golden, like the rays of the early sun. golden, elegant and warm.

The ladies sipped and tasted elegantly, sip after sip, their smiles rippling with the tea soup, as light as clouds and as soft as moonlight.

"Madam, how's it going?" Chao's father couldn't stand the temptation either, looking forward to his beloved wife.

Chao's mother was busy comprehending the wonderful experience brought by the scented tea, so she had no time to ignore him and directly ignored his existence.

He didn't get an answer. Chao's father was about to ask his mother for advice, and he smelled a fragrance. He found that it was his only Miao Bo, who unscrewed the thermos cup he was carrying with him, and was about to drink tea. Leaning over, he grabbed his son's teacup and leaned over to take a sip.

With that sip of the cow drink, he sucked the tea and filled his mouth. Under the surprised eyes of the three ladies, he calmly turned around and sat down. Then he swallowed the tea he grabbed, swallowed it, and felt a burst of sweetness in his throat, like a fire. Yue took a sip of ice water and felt relieved.

The old lady waited for her son to swallow the tea, and frowned, "The upper beam is not right and the lower beam is crooked. Your father wants to steal his son's part, and you are not ashamed to steal your son."

Chao's father smirked with a smile on his face. He was neither ashamed nor ashamed. It was only right and proper for Lao Tzu to steal his son.

"Dad, my tea is tailor-made for me by Lele. It's not suitable for you. Don't keep thinking about grabbing it." The young man glanced at his father's eyes again, and cut him off with a single word.

Father Chao originally wanted to grab a few sips of drinks, but after hearing what his son said, his old face flushed: "I'll just take a sip to see if it's bitter or sweet, Brother Bo is so stingy, so I can prevent you from such a thing, Lao Tzu, Alright, alright, I'm going to bed, you can do whatever you want."

He was afraid that his mother and wife would spit fire at him for stealing his son's tea, Chao's father shouted a haha, stood up smartly, and fled the scene with a pretence of calm.

"I'm going to bed too." The old man also decided to hide in the study to taste it slowly, hugged his water glass and walked away.

The old lady had a lot of things she wanted to ask her grandson and how he was doing. Considering that it was getting late, she was afraid that she would be tired of her precious grandson and asked everyone to rest.

(End of this chapter)

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